Automatically remove torrents that have finished seeding, to reduce memory usage and startup time of transmission. Cache string lengths (too many strcat). Convert python plugins to C. Use torrent add response to track finished torrents. A torrent can finish before it is first checked! Add rate limiting for downloading manga. Verify path lengths. Currently there is limit to 255 characters for remote names, but not local + remote names. Deal with replacing of / with _. Handle strdup failure. Make downloading manga asynchronous, just like torrents. And have timeout for download. Detect if a website is very slow (timeout?) and ignore sync for that website for the current sync. This is to prevent a slow website from preventing all syncs.. Cleanup command should remove torrents from transmission. Remove dirname because it breaks because it modified /proc/.../cmdline. Should also do readlink on the first arg of cmdline (which doesn't work if automedia is in /usr/bin???). Use socket! look at quickmedia. Some mangadex chapters redirect to mangaplus. Those should redirect to the mangaplus plugin. Right now they are simply skipped. Remove torrents when running automedia cleanup. This can be done by removing torrents by anime config data "filename" (in the json file). Use fallbacks for manga download too. Put anime and manga downloads into separate subdirectories in the download directory. Automatically cleanup downloaded (and seeded) torrents in transmission. Add command to migrate from manganelo/mangakakalot to mangakatana/mangadex.