#!/usr/bin/env python3 import feedparser import subprocess import os import sys import time import json import uuid import transmissionrpc from domain import url_extract_domain from lxml import etree from datetime import datetime script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) config_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/automedia") rss_config_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, "rss") html_config_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, "html") only_show_finished_notification = True class TrackedRss: title = None latest = None link = None json_data = None def __init__(self, title, latest, link, json_data): self.title = title self.latest = latest self.link = link self.json_data = json_data class TrackedHtml: title = None latest = None link = None plugin = None json_data = None def __init__(self, title, latest, link, plugin, json_data): self.title = title self.latest = latest self.link = link self.plugin = plugin self.json_data = json_data class TorrentProgress: id = None name = None progress = None def __init__(self, id, name, progress): self.id = id self.name = name self.progress = progress class HtmlItemProgress: name = None finished = None def __init__(self, name, finished): self.name = name self.finished = finished def get_file_content_or_none(path): try: with open(path, "r") as file: return file.read() except FileNotFoundError: return None def get_tracked_rss_by_title(tracked_rss, title): for t in tracked_rss: if t.title == title: return t return None def get_tracked_rss(rss_tracked_dir, existing_tracked_rss): try: tracked_rss = [] for title in os.listdir(rss_tracked_dir): # Check if we already have the data for the title #if get_tracked_rss_by_title(existing_tracked_rss, title): # continue in_progress = get_file_content_or_none(os.path.join(rss_tracked_dir, title, ".in_progress")) if in_progress: print("Skipping in-progress rss %s" % title) continue latest = get_file_content_or_none(os.path.join(rss_tracked_dir, title, "latest")) link = get_file_content_or_none(os.path.join(rss_tracked_dir, title, "link")) json_data = get_file_content_or_none(os.path.join(rss_tracked_dir, title, "data")) if json_data: json_data = json.loads(json_data) else: updated = str(time.time()) json_data = { "link": link, "updated": updated, "downloaded": [] } if latest: json_data["downloaded"].append({ "title": latest, "time": updated }) if not link or not json_data: print("Rss corrupt, link or data missing for rss %s" % title) continue tracked_rss.append(TrackedRss(title, latest, link, json_data)) return tracked_rss except FileNotFoundError: return [] def rss_update_latest(rss_tracked_dir, rss, latest): with open(os.path.join(rss_tracked_dir, rss.title, "latest"), "w") as file: file.write(latest) updated = str(time.time()) with open(os.path.join(rss_tracked_dir, rss.title, "updated"), "w") as file: file.write(updated) rss.json_data["updated"] = updated rss.json_data["downloaded"].append({ "title": latest, "time": updated }) with open(os.path.join(rss_tracked_dir, rss.title, "data"), "w") as file: json.dump(rss.json_data, file, indent=4) def html_update_latest(html_tracked_dir, html, latest): with open(os.path.join(html_tracked_dir, html.title, "latest"), "w") as file: file.write(latest) updated = str(time.time()) with open(os.path.join(html_tracked_dir, html.title, "updated"), "w") as file: file.write(updated) html.json_data["updated"] = updated html.json_data["downloaded"].append({ "title": latest, "time": updated }) with open(os.path.join(html_tracked_dir, html.title, "data"), "w") as file: json.dump(html.json_data, file, indent=4) def get_tracked_html(html_tracked_dir): try: tracked_html = [] for title in os.listdir(html_tracked_dir): in_progress = get_file_content_or_none(os.path.join(html_tracked_dir, title, ".in_progress")) if in_progress: print("Skipping in-progress html %s" % title) continue latest = get_file_content_or_none(os.path.join(html_tracked_dir, title, "latest")) link = get_file_content_or_none(os.path.join(html_tracked_dir, title, "link")) if not link: print("html corrupt, link missing for html %s" % title) continue plugin = get_file_content_or_none(os.path.join(html_tracked_dir, title, "plugin")) json_data = get_file_content_or_none(os.path.join(html_tracked_dir, title, "data")) if json_data: json_data = json.loads(json_data) else: updated = str(time.time()) json_data = { "plugin": plugin, "link": link, "updated": updated, "downloaded": [] } if latest: json_data["downloaded"].append({ "title": latest, "time": updated }) if not plugin or not json_data: print("html corrupt, plugin or data missing for html %s" % title) continue tracked_html.append(TrackedHtml(title, latest, link, plugin, json_data)) return tracked_html except FileNotFoundError: return [] # @urgency should either be "low", "normal" or "critical" def show_notification(title, body, urgency="normal"): subprocess.Popen(["notify-send", "-u", urgency, "--", title, body]) def fetch_page(url): process = subprocess.Popen(["curl", "-s", "-L", "--output", "-", url], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: # TODO: Add file to list of failed files, so the user knows which they should manually download if not only_show_finished_notification: show_notification("Download failed", "Failed to fetch page: {}, error: {}".format(url, stderr.decode('utf-8')), urgency="critical") return None return stdout.decode('utf-8') def is_torrent_daemon_running(): process = subprocess.Popen(["transmission-remote", "-si"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) process.communicate() return process.returncode == 0 def start_torrent_daemon(download_dir): # TODO: Make seed ratio configurable process = subprocess.Popen(["transmission-daemon", "--global-seedratio", "2.0", "--download-dir", download_dir]) process.communicate() while not is_torrent_daemon_running(): time.sleep(0.1) return process.returncode == 0 def add_torrent(torrent_link): process = subprocess.Popen(["transmission-remote", "--add", torrent_link], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) _, stderr = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: if not only_show_finished_notification: show_notification("Download failed", "Failed to download torrent: {}, error: {}".format(torrent_link, stderr.decode('utf-8')), urgency="critical") return process.returncode == 0 def get_torrent_progress(tc): torrent_progress = [] for torrent in tc.get_torrents(): torrent_progress.append(TorrentProgress(torrent.id, torrent.name, torrent.progress)) return torrent_progress def get_finished_torrents(torrents): filtered_torrents = [] for torrent in torrents: if abs(100.0 - torrent.progress) <= 0.001: filtered_torrents.append(torrent) return filtered_torrents def get_unfinished_torrents(torrents): filtered_torrents = [] for torrent in torrents: if abs(100.0 - torrent.progress) > 0.001: filtered_torrents.append(torrent) return filtered_torrents def get_matching_torrents_by_name(torrents1, torrents2): matching_torrents = [] for torrent1 in torrents1: for torrent2 in torrents2: if torrent1.id == torrent2.id: matching_torrents.append(torrent1.name) return matching_torrents def get_html_items_progress(download_dir, tracked_html): items = [] for html in tracked_html: item_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, html.title) try: for item in os.listdir(item_dir): finished = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(item_dir, item, ".finished")) items.append(HtmlItemProgress(html.title + "/" + item, finished)) except FileNotFoundError: pass return items def get_matching_html_items_by_name(html_items1, html_items2): matching_items = [] for html_item1 in html_items1: for html_item2 in html_items2: if html_item1.name == html_item2.name: matching_items.append(html_item1.name) return matching_items def add_rss(name, url, rss_config_dir, start_after): feed = feedparser.parse(url) if feed.bozo == 1: print("Failed to add rss, error: {}".format(str(feed.bozo_exception))) return False if not name: name = feed["channel"]["title"].replace("/", "_").strip() if not name or len(name) == 0: print("Name not provided and name in rss is empty") return False found_start_after = False for item in feed["items"]: title = item["title"].replace("/", "_").strip() if start_after and title == start_after: found_start_after = True break if start_after and not found_start_after: print("Failed to find %s in rss %s" % (start_after, url)) return False name = name.replace("/", "_") rss_dir = os.path.join(rss_config_dir, "tracked", name) os.makedirs(rss_dir) # Create an ".in_progress" file to prevent periodic sync from reading rss data # before we have finished adding all the data. # Timestamp is added to it to make it possible to automatically cleanup rss that is corrupted # (for example if the computer crashes before the in_progress file is removed). in_progress_filepath = os.path.join(rss_dir, ".in_progress") with open(in_progress_filepath, "w") as file: file.write(str(time.time())) with open(os.path.join(rss_dir, "link"), "w") as file: file.write(url) if start_after: with open(os.path.join(rss_dir, "latest"), "w") as file: file.write(start_after) updated = str(time.time()) with open(os.path.join(rss_dir, "updated"), "w") as file: file.write(updated) data = { "link": url, "updated": updated, "downloaded": [] } if start_after: data["downloaded"].append({ "title": start_after, "time": updated }) with open(os.path.join(rss_dir, "data"), "w") as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=4) os.remove(in_progress_filepath) return True def add_html(name, url, html_config_dir, start_after): domain = url_extract_domain(url) if len(domain) == 0: print("Invalid url: {}".format(url)) return False domain_plugin_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "plugins", domain) domain_plugin_py_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "plugins", domain + ".py") plugin_path = None if os.path.isfile(domain_plugin_path): plugin_path = domain_plugin_path elif os.path.isfile(domain_plugin_py_path): plugin_path = domain_plugin_py_path else: print("Plugin doesn't exist: {}".format(domain)) return False if not name or len(name) == 0: print("Name not provided or empty") return False if start_after: items = plugin_list(plugin_path, url, None) if items: found_start_after = False for item in reversed(items): title = item["name"].replace("/", "_").strip() if start_after and title == start_after: found_start_after = True break if not found_start_after: print("Failed to find %s in html %s" % (start_after, url)) return False name = name.replace("/", "_") html_dir = os.path.join(html_config_dir, "tracked", name) os.makedirs(html_dir) # Create an ".in_progress" file to prevent periodic sync from reading rss data # before we have finished adding all the data. # Timestamp is added to it to make it possible to automatically cleanup rss that is corrupted # (for example if the computer crashes before the in_progress file is removed). in_progress_filepath = os.path.join(html_dir, ".in_progress") with open(in_progress_filepath, "w") as file: file.write(str(int(time.time()))) with open(os.path.join(html_dir, "link"), "w") as file: file.write(url) with open(os.path.join(html_dir, "plugin"), "w") as file: file.write(os.path.basename(plugin_path)) if start_after: with open(os.path.join(html_dir, "latest"), "w") as file: file.write(start_after) updated = str(time.time()) with open(os.path.join(html_dir, "updated"), "w") as file: file.write(updated) data = { "plugin": os.path.basename(plugin_path), "link": url, "updated": updated, "downloaded": [] } if start_after: data["downloaded"].append({ "title": start_after, "time": updated }) with open(os.path.join(html_dir, "data"), "w") as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=4) os.remove(in_progress_filepath) return True def get_downloaded_item_by_title(tracked_rss, title): for item in tracked_rss.json_data["downloaded"]: if item.title == title: return item return None # Return the title of the newest item def sync_rss(tracked_rss): rss_tracked_dir = os.path.join(rss_config_dir, "tracked") feed = feedparser.parse(tracked_rss.link) if feed.bozo == 1: print("{}: Failed to sync rss for url {}, error: {}".format(str(datetime.today().isoformat()), tracked_rss.link, str(feed.bozo_exception))) if not only_show_finished_notification: show_notification("RSS Sync failed", "Failed to parse rss for url {}, error: {}".format(tracked_rss.link, str(feed.bozo_exception)), urgency="critical") return None items = [] for item in feed["items"]: title = item["title"].replace("/", "_").strip() # TODO: Goto next page in rss if supported, if we cant find our item on the first page #if not get_downloaded_item_by_title(tracked_rss, title): if tracked_rss.latest and title == tracked_rss.latest: break items.append(item) # Add torrents from the oldest to the newest, and stop when failing to add torrent. # If it fails, there will be an attempt to add them again after next sync cycle. latest = None for item in reversed(items): title = item["title"].replace("/", "_").strip() rss_update_latest(rss_tracked_dir, tracked_rss, title) link = item["link"] if not add_torrent(link): return latest latest = title if not only_show_finished_notification: show_notification("Download started", latest) return latest def plugin_list(plugin_path, url, latest): if not latest: latest = "" process = subprocess.Popen([plugin_path, "list", url, latest], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: plugin_name = os.path.basename(plugin_path) print("{}: Plugin failed: Failed to launch plugin list for plugin {} and url {}, error: stdout: {}, stderr: {}".format(str(datetime.today().isoformat()), plugin_name, url, stdout.decode('utf-8'), stderr.decode('utf-8'))) if not only_show_finished_notification: show_notification("Plugin failed", "Failed to launch plugin list for plugin {} and url {}, error: stdout: {}, stderr: {}".format(plugin_name, url, stdout.decode('utf-8'), stderr.decode('utf-8')), urgency="critical") return None try: return json.loads(stdout.decode('utf-8')) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: plugin_name = os.path.basename(plugin_path) if not only_show_finished_notification: show_notification("Plugin failed", "Failed to json decode response of plugin {}, error: {}".format(plugin_name, str(e)), urgency="critical") return None def plugin_download(plugin_path, url, download_dir): process = subprocess.Popen([plugin_path, "download", url, download_dir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) process.communicate() return process.returncode == 0 def resume_tracked_html(plugin_entry, download_dir, tracked_html, session_id): # TODO: Instead of redownloading, add resuming. This could be done by adding the files that have been downloaded to a file. # Redownload items we can detect have stopped. This can happen if the computer crashes or loses connection while downloading. title_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, tracked_html.title) try: for item in os.listdir(title_dir): item_dir = os.path.join(title_dir, item) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(item_dir, ".finished")): continue in_progress_path = os.path.join(item_dir, ".in_progress") url = get_file_content_or_none(in_progress_path) # Item has finished downloading if not url: continue invalid_session = False try: with open(os.path.join(item_dir, ".session_id"), "r") as file: item_session_id = file.read() if item_session_id != session_id: invalid_session = True except FileNotFoundError as e: invalid_session = True if invalid_session: if not only_show_finished_notification: show_notification("Resuming", "Resuming download for item {} with plugin {}".format(item, tracked_html.plugin)) with open(os.path.join(item_dir, ".session_id"), "w") as file: file.write(session_id) plugin_download(plugin_entry, url, item_dir) except FileNotFoundError as e: pass # Return the title of the newest item def sync_html(tracked_html, download_dir, session_id): plugin_entry = os.path.join(script_dir, "plugins", tracked_html.plugin) resume_tracked_html(plugin_entry, download_dir, tracked_html, session_id) html_tracked_dir = os.path.join(html_config_dir, "tracked") # TODO: Instead of using item name to track which ones to download newer item than, # use a number which should be the number of items that have already been downloaded. # The reason being that some sites may rename items that we are tracking, for example # when tracking chapter names and the chapter doesn't have a name yet. # Program should print the names of each item (chapter for manga) after "latest", sorted by newest to oldest # along with the urls to them. # Only get the items before the one called @latest. The printed data should be in this json format: # [ # { # "name": "Example name", # "url": "https://example.com" # }, # { # "name": "Another item", # "url": "https://another.url.com" # } # ] # ./program list url latest # Note: @latest argument here is optional items = plugin_list(plugin_entry, tracked_html.link, tracked_html.latest) if not items: return None # Start downloading asynchronously using url. # A file called ".in_progress" should be added to the download directory when the download is in progress. # The ".in_progress" file should contain the url that was used to download the item. # A file called ".finished" should be added to the download directory when the download has finished. # ./program download url download_dir latest = None for item in reversed(items): url = item["url"] name = item["name"].replace("/", "_").strip() item_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, tracked_html.title, name) os.makedirs(item_dir, exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(item_dir, ".session_id"), "w") as file: file.write(session_id) html_update_latest(html_tracked_dir, tracked_html, name) if not plugin_download(plugin_entry, url, item_dir): return latest latest = name if not only_show_finished_notification: show_notification("Download started", "{}/{}".format(tracked_html.title, name)) return latest def sync(rss_config_dir, html_config_dir, download_dir, sync_rate_sec): os.makedirs(download_dir, exist_ok=True) if not is_torrent_daemon_running(): if not start_torrent_daemon(download_dir): print("Failed to start torrent daemon") exit(2) print("Started torrent daemon with download directory {}".format(download_dir)) rss_tracked_dir = os.path.join(rss_config_dir, "tracked") html_tracked_dir = os.path.join(html_config_dir, "tracked") # This is also check rate for html items check_torrent_status_rate_sec = 15 unfinished_torrents = [] unfinished_html_items = [] # TODO: Remove this and keep a list of "in progress" html items in memory instead. session_id = uuid.uuid4().hex tc = transmissionrpc.Client("") running = True tracked_rss = [] while running: tracked_rss = get_tracked_rss(rss_tracked_dir, tracked_rss) for rss in tracked_rss: print("{}: rss: Syncing {}".format(str(datetime.today().isoformat()), rss.title)) sync_rss(rss) # Add last synced timestamp. This together with "updated" file is used to remove series # that haven't updated in a long time (either finished series or axes series) with open(os.path.join(rss_tracked_dir, rss.title, "synced"), "w") as file: file.write(str(time.time())) #else: # print("No 'latest' item found for rss (maybe we already have the latest item?) %s" % rss.title) #time.sleep(0.5) # Sleep between fetching rss so we don't get banned for spamming tracked_html = get_tracked_html(html_tracked_dir) for html in tracked_html: print("{}: html({}): Syncing {}".format(str(datetime.today().isoformat()), html.plugin, html.title)) sync_html(html, download_dir, session_id) # Add last synced timestamp. This together with "updated" file is used to remove series # that haven't updated in a long time (either finished series or axes series) with open(os.path.join(html_tracked_dir, html.title, "synced"), "w") as file: file.write(str(time.time())) #else: # print("No 'latest' item found for html (maybe we already have the latest item?) %s" % html.title) #time.sleep(0.5) # Sleep between fetching html so we don't get banned for spamming # Check torrent status with sleeping until it's time to sync rss count = 0 while count < sync_rate_sec/check_torrent_status_rate_sec: html_items = get_html_items_progress(download_dir, tracked_html) finished_html_items = [html_item for html_item in html_items if html_item.finished] newly_finished_html_items = get_matching_html_items_by_name(finished_html_items, unfinished_html_items) for newly_finished_html_item in newly_finished_html_items: show_notification("Download finished", newly_finished_html_item) unfinished_html_items = [html_item for html_item in html_items if not html_item.finished] torrents = get_torrent_progress(tc) finished_torrents = get_finished_torrents(torrents) newly_finished_torrents = get_matching_torrents_by_name(finished_torrents, unfinished_torrents) for newly_finished_torrent in newly_finished_torrents: show_notification("Download finished", newly_finished_torrent) unfinished_torrents = get_unfinished_torrents(torrents) time.sleep(check_torrent_status_rate_sec) count += 1 def usage(): print("usage: automedia.py COMMAND") print("") print("COMMANDS") print(" add\tAdd media to track") print(" sync\tStart syncing tracked media") exit(1) def usage_add(): print("usage: automedia.py add [--name name] [--start-after start_after]") print("OPTIONS") print(" type\t\tThe type should be either rss or html") print(" url\t\tThe url to the rss or html") print(" --name\t\tThe display name to be used for the media. Optional for rss, in which case the name will be retries from rss TITLE, required for html") print(" --start-after\t\tThe sync should start downloading media after this item (Optional, default is to start from the first item)") print("EXAMPLES") print(" automedia.py add rss 'https://nyaa.si/?page=rss&q=Tejina-senpai+1080p&c=0_0&f=0&u=HorribleSubs'") print(" automedia.py add html 'https://manganelo.com/manga/read_naruto_manga_online_free3' --name Naruto") exit(1) def usage_sync(): print("usage: automedia.py sync ") print("OPTIONS") print(" download_dir\tThe path where media should be downloaded to") print("EXAMPLES") print(" automedia.py sync /home/adam/Downloads/automedia") exit(1) def command_add(args): if len(args) < 2: usage_add() media_type = args[0] media_url = args[1] media_name = None start_after = None option = None for arg in args[2:]: if arg in [ "--name", "--start-after"]: if option: usage_add() option = arg else: if not option: usage_add() if option == "--name": media_name = arg elif option == "--start-after": start_after = arg else: print("Invalid option %s" % option) usage_add() option = None if start_after: start_after = start_after.replace("/", "_").strip() if media_type == "rss": os.makedirs(rss_config_dir, exist_ok=True) result = add_rss(media_name, media_url, rss_config_dir, start_after) if not result: exit(2) elif media_type == "html": if not media_name: print("missing --name for media of type 'html'") usage_add() os.makedirs(html_config_dir, exist_ok=True) result = add_html(media_name, media_url, html_config_dir, start_after) if not result: exit(2) else: print("type should be either rss or html") usage_add() def command_sync(args): if len(args) < 1: usage_sync() download_dir = args[0] if not download_dir: usage_sync() os.makedirs(rss_config_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(html_config_dir, exist_ok=True) sync_rate_sec = 15 * 60 # every 15 min sync(rss_config_dir, html_config_dir, download_dir, sync_rate_sec) def data_file_get_downloaded(data_filepath): downloaded = [] try: with open(data_filepath, "r") as file: for item in json.loads(file.read())["downloaded"]: downloaded.append(item) except OSError: pass return downloaded def get_downloaded_items(tracked_dir, is_html): downloaded_items = [] try: downloaded_items = [] for name in os.listdir(tracked_dir): data_filepath = os.path.join(tracked_dir, name, "data") downloaded = data_file_get_downloaded(data_filepath) for item in downloaded: if item.get("time"): if is_html: item["title"] = os.path.join(name, item["title"]) downloaded_items.append(item) except OSError: pass return downloaded_items def command_downloaded(): downloaded_items = [] downloaded_items.extend(get_downloaded_items(os.path.join(rss_config_dir, "tracked"), False)) downloaded_items.extend(get_downloaded_items(os.path.join(html_config_dir, "tracked"), True)) downloaded_items = sorted(downloaded_items, key=lambda item: float(item["time"])) for item in downloaded_items: print(item["title"]) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage() command = sys.argv[1] if command == "add": command_add(sys.argv[2:]) elif command == "sync": command_sync(sys.argv[2:]) elif command == "downloaded": command_downloaded() else: usage() if __name__ == "__main__": main()