#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import json import re import requests class Chapter: id = "" title = "" time = "" class Manga: id = "" updated = "" chapters = None directory = "" def __init__(self): self.chapters = [] # Returns None if the manga is not tracked using mangadex or if it has already been migrated def manga_data_file_read(filepath): with open(filepath, "rb") as file: data = json.load(file) if data["plugin"] != "mangadex.py": return None manga_link = data["link"] title_search = re.search(r"/title/([0-9]+)", manga_link) if not title_search or len(title_search.groups()) == 0: print("Mangadex manga already migrated: %s" % manga_link) return None manga_data = Manga() manga_data.id = int(title_search.group(1)) manga_data.updated = data["updated"] downloaded = data.get("downloaded") if type(downloaded) is list: for downloaded_item in downloaded: chapter_url = downloaded_item["url"] chapter_title_search = re.search(r"chapter/([0-9]+)", chapter_url) if not chapter_title_search: print("Failed to extract title from manga %s, chapter %s" % (manga_link, chapter_url)) exit(1) chapter_data = Chapter() chapter_data.id = int(chapter_title_search.group(1)) chapter_data.title = downloaded_item["title"] chapter_data.time = downloaded_item["time"] manga_data.chapters.append(chapter_data) return manga_data # Returns a list with tuple where the first element is the legacy id and the second element is the new id def legacy_id_to_new_id(ids, type): mapping = [] id_start = 0 while id_start < len(ids): id_end = min(id_start + 1000, len(ids)) if id_end - id_start == 0: break response = requests.post("https://api.mangadex.org/legacy/mapping", json={"type": type, "ids": ids[id_start:id_end]}) response.raise_for_status() response_json = response.json() for response_item in response_json: if response_item["result"] != "ok": print("legacy mapping returned an error") exit(1) attributes = response_item["data"]["attributes"] mapping.append((attributes["legacyId"], attributes["newId"])) id_start = id_end if len(mapping) != len(ids): print("Failed to get the legacy to new id mapping for all ids. Got %d mappings, expected %d" % (len(mapping), len(ids))) exit(1) return mapping def get_manga_by_id(manga_list, manga_id): for manga_data in manga_list: if manga_data.id == manga_id: return manga_data def get_chapter_by_id_in_legacy_mapping(legacy_chapter_ids_to_new_ids, id): for chapter_id_mapping in legacy_chapter_ids_to_new_ids: if chapter_id_mapping[0] == id: return chapter_id_mapping def file_overwrite_atomic(filepath, content): tmp_filepath = filepath + ".tmp" with open(tmp_filepath, "wb") as file: file.write(content.encode()) file.flush() os.fsync(file.fileno()) os.rename(tmp_filepath, filepath) if __name__ == "__main__": migrate_finished_filepath = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/automedia/mangadex-upgraded") if os.path.isfile(migrate_finished_filepath): print("Mangadex tracked manga have already migrated, nothing to do") exit(0) tracked_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/automedia/html/tracked") manga_list = [] for manga_name in os.listdir(tracked_dir): manga_tracked_dir = os.path.join(tracked_dir, manga_name) manga_data_file = os.path.join(manga_tracked_dir, "data") manga_data = manga_data_file_read(manga_data_file) if manga_data: manga_data.directory = os.path.join(tracked_dir, manga_name) manga_list.append(manga_data) manga_ids = [] chapter_ids = [] cc = {} for manga_data in manga_list: manga_ids.append(manga_data.id) for chapter_data in manga_data.chapters: chapter_ids.append(chapter_data.id) legancy_manga_ids_to_new_ids = legacy_id_to_new_id(manga_ids, "manga") legacy_chapter_ids_to_new_ids = legacy_id_to_new_id(chapter_ids, "chapter") for manga_id in legancy_manga_ids_to_new_ids: manga_data = get_manga_by_id(manga_list, manga_id[0]) if not manga_data: print("Failed to get manga by id: %s" % manga_id[0]) exit(1) new_manga_link = str(manga_id[1]) new_manga_data = {} new_manga_data["plugin"] = "mangadex.py" new_manga_data["link"] = new_manga_link new_manga_data["updated"] = manga_data.updated downloaded = [] for chapter_data in manga_data.chapters: chapter_id_mapping = get_chapter_by_id_in_legacy_mapping(legacy_chapter_ids_to_new_ids, chapter_data.id) if not chapter_id_mapping: print("Failed to get new id from manga %d, chapter %d" % (manga_data.id, chapter_data.id)) exit(1) downloaded_item = {} downloaded_item["title"] = chapter_data.title downloaded_item["time"] = chapter_data.time downloaded_item["url"] = chapter_id_mapping[1] downloaded.append(downloaded_item) new_manga_data["downloaded"] = downloaded file_overwrite_atomic(os.path.join(manga_data.directory, "link"), new_manga_link) new_manga_data_str = json.dumps(new_manga_data, indent=4) file_overwrite_atomic(os.path.join(manga_data.directory, "data"), new_manga_data_str) file_overwrite_atomic(migrate_finished_filepath, "1") print("Successfully migrated %d manga with a total of %d chapters" % (len(manga_ids), len(chapter_ids)))