#include "buffer.h" #include "fileutils.h" #include "transmission.h" #include "fileutils.h" #include "stringutils.h" #include "rss.h" #include "json.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define NAME_MAX_LEN 250 static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: automedia COMMAND\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "COMMANDS\n"); fprintf(stderr, " add Add media to track\n"); fprintf(stderr, " sync Start syncing tracked media\n"); fprintf(stderr, " downloaded List downloaded media\n"); exit(1); } static void usage_add(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: automedia add [--name name] [--start-after start_after]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "OPTIONS\n"); fprintf(stderr, " type The type should be either rss or html\n"); fprintf(stderr, " url The url to the rss or html\n"); fprintf(stderr, " filename The filename of an episode of an existing serie to start track. Currently only works with rss on https://nyaa.si\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --name The display name to be used for the media. Optional for rss, in which case the name will be the rss TITLE, required for html. The name can't be longer than 250 characters\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --start-after The sync should start downloading media after this item. This --start-after value should be the title of the episode/chapter (Optional, default is to start from the first item)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "EXAMPLES\n"); fprintf(stderr, " automedia add rss 'https://nyaa.si/?page=rss&q=Tejina-senpai+1080p&c=0_0&f=0&u=HorribleSubs'\n"); fprintf(stderr, " automedia add html 'https://manganelo.com/manga/read_naruto_manga_online_free3' --name Naruto\n"); fprintf(stderr, " automedia add rss '[Erai-raws] Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan - Kanketsu-hen - 01 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv'\n"); exit(1); } static void usage_sync(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: automedia sync \n"); fprintf(stderr, "OPTIONS\n"); fprintf(stderr, " download_dir The path where media should be downloaded to\n"); fprintf(stderr, "EXAMPLES\n"); fprintf(stderr, " automedia sync /home/adam/Downloads/automedia\n"); exit(1); } static struct json_value_s* json_object_get_field_by_name(struct json_object_s *json_obj, const char *name) { struct json_object_element_s *obj_element = json_obj->start; while(obj_element) { if(strcmp(obj_element->name->string, name) == 0) return obj_element->value; obj_element = obj_element->next; } return NULL; } typedef void (*DownloadedListCallback)(const char *title, double timestamp, void *userdata); static void data_file_get_downloaded(const char *dir_name, const char *data_filepath, int is_html, DownloadedListCallback callback, void *userdata) { char *file_data; long file_size; if(file_get_content(data_filepath, &file_data, &file_size) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read the content of file %s\n", data_filepath); return; } struct json_value_s *json_root = json_parse(file_data, file_size); if(!json_root) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse file %s as json\n", data_filepath); goto cleanup; } struct json_object_s *json_root_obj = json_value_as_object(json_root); if(!json_root_obj) { fprintf(stderr, "File %s contains malformed json. Expected json root element to be an object\n", data_filepath); goto cleanup; } struct json_value_s *downloaded_json = json_object_get_field_by_name(json_root_obj, "downloaded"); if(!downloaded_json) { fprintf(stderr, "File %s contains malformed json. Expected json to contain \"downloaded\"\n", data_filepath); goto cleanup; } struct json_array_s *downloaded_json_arr = json_value_as_array(downloaded_json); if(!downloaded_json_arr) { fprintf(stderr, "File %s contains malformed json. Expected \"downloaded\" to be an array\n", data_filepath); goto cleanup; } size_t dir_name_len = strlen(dir_name); struct json_array_element_s *downloaded_item = downloaded_json_arr->start; for(; downloaded_item; downloaded_item = downloaded_item->next) { struct json_object_s *downloaded_item_obj = json_value_as_object(downloaded_item->value); if(!downloaded_item_obj) continue; struct json_value_s *time_json = json_object_get_field_by_name(downloaded_item_obj, "time"); if(!time_json || time_json->type != json_type_string) continue; struct json_string_s *time_json_str = json_value_as_string(time_json); struct json_value_s *title_json = json_object_get_field_by_name(downloaded_item_obj, "title"); struct json_string_s *title_str = NULL; if(title_json && title_json->type == json_type_string) title_str = json_value_as_string(title_json); struct json_value_s *filename_json = json_object_get_field_by_name(downloaded_item_obj, "filename"); struct json_string_s *filename_str = NULL; if(filename_json && filename_json->type == json_type_string) filename_str = json_value_as_string(filename_json); /* Filename limit is 256, so this should be safe... */ char title[256]; if(filename_str) { strcpy(title, filename_str->string); } else if(title_str) { if(is_html) { strcpy(title, dir_name); title[dir_name_len] = '/'; strcpy(title + dir_name_len + 1, title_str->string); } else { strcpy(title, title_str->string); } } else { continue; } callback(title, atof(time_json_str->string), userdata); } cleanup: if(json_root) free(json_root); free(file_data); } typedef struct { char *title; double timestamp; } DownloadedListData; static void downloaded_list_callback(const char *title, double timestamp, void *userdata) { DownloadedListData list_data; list_data.title = strdup(title); list_data.timestamp = timestamp; Buffer *buffer = userdata; buffer_append(buffer, &list_data, sizeof(list_data)); } static void get_downloaded_items(const char *tracked_dir, int is_html, void *userdata) { struct dirent *dir; DIR *d = opendir(tracked_dir); if(!d) return; char data_filepath[PATH_MAX] = {0}; strcat(data_filepath, tracked_dir); strcat(data_filepath, "/"); int data_filepath_length = strlen(data_filepath); while((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL) { /* We dont want hidden files (and . ..) */ if(dir->d_name[0] == '.') continue; strcpy(data_filepath + data_filepath_length, dir->d_name); strcpy(data_filepath + data_filepath_length + strlen(dir->d_name), "/data"); data_file_get_downloaded(dir->d_name, data_filepath, is_html, downloaded_list_callback, userdata); } closedir(d); } static int compare_downloaded_item(const void *a, const void *b) { const DownloadedListData *list_data_a = a; const DownloadedListData *list_data_b = b; return list_data_a->timestamp - list_data_b->timestamp; } static void command_add(int argc, char **argv, char *rss_config_dir, char *html_config_dir) { if(argc < 2) usage_add(); char *media_type = argv[0]; char *media_url = argv[1]; char *media_name = NULL; char *start_after = NULL; const char *option = NULL; for(int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) { char *arg = argv[i]; if(strcmp(arg, "--name") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--start-after") == 0) { if(option) usage_add(); option = arg; } else { if(!option) usage_add(); if(strcmp(option, "--name") == 0) media_name = arg; else if(strcmp(option, "--start-after") == 0) start_after = arg; else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option %s\n", option); usage_add(); } option = NULL; } } if(media_name) { string_replace(media_name, '/', '_'); media_name = strip(media_name); int media_name_len = strlen(media_name); if(media_name_len > NAME_MAX_LEN) { fprintf(stderr, "--name value can't be longer than %d characters\n", NAME_MAX_LEN); exit(1); } } if(start_after) { string_replace(start_after, '/', '_'); start_after = strip(start_after); } media_url = strip(media_url); if(strcmp(media_type, "rss") == 0) { int res = create_directory_recursive(rss_config_dir); if(res != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create %s, error: %s\n", rss_config_dir, strerror(res)); exit(1); } if(add_rss(media_name, media_url, rss_config_dir, start_after) != 0) exit(1); } else if(strcmp(media_type, "html") == 0) { (void)html_config_dir; } else { fprintf(stderr, "type should be either rss or html\n"); usage_add(); } } static void command_sync(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 2) usage_sync(); (void)argv; } static void command_downloaded(const char *rss_config_dir, const char *html_config_dir) { char rss_tracked_dir[PATH_MAX]; strcpy(rss_tracked_dir, rss_config_dir); strcat(rss_tracked_dir, "/tracked"); char html_tracked_dir[PATH_MAX]; strcpy(html_tracked_dir, html_config_dir); strcat(html_tracked_dir, "/tracked"); Buffer downloaded_items; buffer_init(&downloaded_items); get_downloaded_items(rss_tracked_dir, 0, &downloaded_items); get_downloaded_items(html_tracked_dir, 1, &downloaded_items); qsort(downloaded_items.data, buffer_get_size(&downloaded_items, sizeof(DownloadedListData)), sizeof(DownloadedListData), compare_downloaded_item); DownloadedListData *list_it = buffer_begin(&downloaded_items); DownloadedListData *list_end = buffer_end(&downloaded_items); for(; list_it != list_end; ++list_it) { puts(list_it->title); free(list_it->title); } buffer_deinit(&downloaded_items); } /* static void torrent_list_callback(int id, float percentage_finished, const char *name, void *userdata) { (void)userdata; fprintf(stderr, "id: |%d|, done: |%g|, name: |%s|\n", id, percentage_finished, name); } */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 2) usage(); const char *home_dir = get_home_dir(); char rss_config_dir[PATH_MAX]; strcpy(rss_config_dir, home_dir); strcat(rss_config_dir, "/.config/automedia/rss"); char html_config_dir[PATH_MAX]; strcpy(html_config_dir, home_dir); strcat(html_config_dir, "/.config/automedia/html"); const char *command = argv[1]; if(strcmp(command, "add") == 0) { command_add(argc - 2, argv + 2, rss_config_dir, html_config_dir); } else if(strcmp(command, "sync") == 0) { command_sync(argc - 2, argv + 2); } else if(strcmp(command, "downloaded") == 0) { command_downloaded(rss_config_dir, html_config_dir); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid command %s\n", command); usage(); } /*transmission_get_all_torrents(torrent_list_callback, NULL); printf("is transmission daemon running? %s\n", transmission_is_daemon_running() == 0 ? "yes" : "no");*/ return 0; }