#include "../include/Body.hpp" #include "../include/QuickMedia.hpp" #include "../plugins/Plugin.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include const sf::Color front_color(43, 45, 47); const sf::Color back_color(33, 35, 37); namespace QuickMedia { Body::Body(Program *program, sf::Font *font, sf::Font *bold_font) : program(program), font(font), bold_font(bold_font), progress_text("", *font, 14), author_text("", *bold_font, 14), replies_text("", *font, 14), selected_item(0), draw_thumbnails(false), loading_thumbnail(false) { progress_text.setFillColor(sf::Color::White); author_text.setFillColor(sf::Color::White); replies_text.setFillColor(sf::Color(129, 162, 190)); } void Body::select_previous_item() { if(items.empty()) return; int num_items = (int)items.size(); for(int i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) { --selected_item; if(selected_item < 0) selected_item = num_items - 1; if(items[selected_item]->visible) return; } } void Body::select_next_item() { if(items.empty()) return; int num_items = (int)items.size(); for(int i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) { ++selected_item; if(selected_item == num_items) selected_item = 0; if(items[selected_item]->visible) return; } } void Body::select_first_item() { selected_item = 0; clamp_selection(); } void Body::reset_selected() { for(size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) { if(items[i]->visible) { selected_item = i; return; } } selected_item = 0; } void Body::clear_items() { items.clear(); selected_item = 0; } void Body::clear_thumbnails() { item_thumbnail_textures.clear(); } BodyItem* Body::get_selected() const { if(items.empty() || !items[selected_item]->visible) return nullptr; return items[selected_item].get(); } void Body::clamp_selection() { int num_items = (int)items.size(); if(items.empty()) return; if(selected_item < 0) selected_item = 0; else if(selected_item >= num_items) selected_item = num_items - 1; for(int i = selected_item; i >= 0; --i) { if(items[i]->visible) { selected_item = i; return; } } for(int i = selected_item; i < num_items; ++i) { if(items[i]->visible) { selected_item = i; return; } } } std::shared_ptr Body::load_thumbnail_from_url(const std::string &url) { auto result = std::make_shared(); result->setSmooth(true); assert(!loading_thumbnail); loading_thumbnail = true; thumbnail_load_thread = std::thread([this, result, url]() { std::string texture_data; if(download_to_string_cache(url, texture_data, {}, program->get_current_plugin()->use_tor, true) == DownloadResult::OK) { if(result->loadFromMemory(texture_data.data(), texture_data.size())) { //result->generateMipmap(); } } loading_thumbnail = false; }); thumbnail_load_thread.detach(); return result; } void Body::draw(sf::RenderWindow &window, sf::Vector2f pos, sf::Vector2f size) { Json::Value empty_object(Json::objectValue); draw(window, pos, size, empty_object); } // TODO: Use a render target for the whole body so all images can be put into one. // TODO: Load thumbnails with more than one thread. // TODO: Show chapters (rows) that have been read differently to make it easier to see what hasn't been read yet. void Body::draw(sf::RenderWindow &window, sf::Vector2f pos, sf::Vector2f size, const Json::Value &content_progress) { sf::Vector2f scissor_pos = pos; sf::Vector2f scissor_size = size; size.x = std::max(0.0f, size.x - 5); const float image_max_height = 100.0f; const float spacing_y = 15.0f; const float padding_x = 10.0f; const float image_padding_x = 5.0f; const float padding_y = 5.0f; const float start_y = pos.y; sf::RectangleShape image_fallback(sf::Vector2f(50, image_max_height)); image_fallback.setFillColor(sf::Color::White); sf::Sprite image; sf::RectangleShape item_background; item_background.setFillColor(front_color); //item_background.setOutlineThickness(1.0f); //item_background.setOutlineColor(sf::Color(13, 15, 17)); sf::RectangleShape item_background_shadow; item_background_shadow.setFillColor(sf::Color(23, 25, 27)); sf::RectangleShape selected_border; selected_border.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 85, 119)); int num_items = items.size(); if(num_items == 0) return; for(auto &thumbnail_it : item_thumbnail_textures) { thumbnail_it.second.referenced = false; } for(auto &body_item : items) { if(body_item->dirty) { body_item->dirty = false; if(body_item->title_text) body_item->title_text->setString(body_item->get_title()); else body_item->title_text = std::make_unique(body_item->get_title(), font, 14, size.x - 50 - image_padding_x * 2.0f); //body_item->title_text->updateGeometry(); // TODO: Call this to make getHeight work on first frame (called below) } if(!body_item->get_description().empty() && !body_item->description_text) { body_item->description_text = std::make_unique(body_item->get_description(), font, 14, size.x - 50 - image_padding_x * 2.0f); body_item->description_text->updateGeometry(); } } // Find the starting row that can be drawn to make selected row visible as well int first_visible_item = selected_item; assert(first_visible_item >= 0 && first_visible_item < (int)items.size()); float visible_height = 0.0f; for(; first_visible_item >= 0; --first_visible_item) { auto &item = items[first_visible_item]; if(item->visible) { float item_height = item->title_text->getHeight(); if(!item->author.empty()) { item_height += author_text.getCharacterSize() + 2.0f; } if(item->description_text) { item_height += item->description_text->getHeight(); } if(draw_thumbnails && !item->thumbnail_url.empty()) { auto &item_thumbnail = item_thumbnail_textures[item->thumbnail_url]; item_thumbnail.referenced = false; float image_height = image_max_height; if(item_thumbnail.texture && item_thumbnail.texture->getNativeHandle() != 0) { auto image_size = item_thumbnail.texture->getSize(); image_height = std::min(image_max_height, (float)image_size.y); } item_height = std::max(item_height, image_height); } item_height += spacing_y + padding_y * 2.0f; visible_height += item_height; if(visible_height >= size.y) { --first_visible_item; //pos.y += (size.y - (visible_height - item_height)); pos.y -= (visible_height - size.y); break; } } } sf::Vector2u window_size = window.getSize(); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glScissor(scissor_pos.x, (int)window_size.y - (int)scissor_pos.y - (int)scissor_size.y, scissor_size.x, scissor_size.y); for(int i = first_visible_item + 1; i < num_items; ++i) { const auto &item = items[i]; if(pos.y >= start_y + size.y) break; if(!item->visible) continue; // TODO: Instead of generating a new hash everytime to access textures, cache the hash of the thumbnail url // Intentionally create the item with the key item->thumbnail_url if it doesn't exist item_thumbnail_textures[item->thumbnail_url].referenced = true; auto &item_thumbnail = item_thumbnail_textures[item->thumbnail_url]; float item_height = item->title_text->getHeight(); if(!item->author.empty()) { item_height += author_text.getCharacterSize() + 2.0f; } if(item->description_text) { item_height += item->description_text->getHeight(); } if(draw_thumbnails && !item->thumbnail_url.empty()) { float image_height = image_max_height; if(item_thumbnail.texture && item_thumbnail.texture->getNativeHandle() != 0) { auto image_size = item_thumbnail.texture->getSize(); image_height = std::min(image_max_height, (float)image_size.y); } item_height = std::max(item_height, image_height); } item_height += (padding_y * 2.0f); if(draw_thumbnails) { if(!item->thumbnail_url.empty() && !loading_thumbnail && !item_thumbnail.texture) { item_thumbnail.texture = load_thumbnail_from_url(item->thumbnail_url); } } sf::Vector2f item_pos = pos; if(i == selected_item) { //selected_border.setPosition(pos); //selected_border.setSize(sf::Vector2f(selected_border_width, item_height)); //window.draw(selected_border); //item_pos.x += selected_border_width; item_background.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 85, 119)); } else { item_background.setFillColor(front_color); } item_pos.x = std::floor(item_pos.x); item_pos.y = std::floor(item_pos.y); item_background_shadow.setPosition(item_pos + sf::Vector2f(size.x, 0.0f) + sf::Vector2f(0.0, 5.0f)); item_background_shadow.setSize(sf::Vector2f(5.0f, item_height)); window.draw(item_background_shadow); item_background_shadow.setPosition(item_pos + sf::Vector2f(0.0f, item_height) + sf::Vector2f(5.0, 0.0f)); item_background_shadow.setSize(sf::Vector2f(size.x - 5.0f, 5.0f)); window.draw(item_background_shadow); item_background.setPosition(item_pos); item_background.setSize(sf::Vector2f(size.x, item_height)); window.draw(item_background); float text_offset_x = padding_x; if(draw_thumbnails) { // TODO: Verify if this is safe. The thumbnail is being modified in another thread // and it might not be fully finished before the native handle is set? if(item_thumbnail.texture && item_thumbnail.texture->getNativeHandle() != 0) { image.setTexture(*item_thumbnail.texture, true); auto image_size = image.getTexture()->getSize(); auto height_ratio = std::min(image_max_height, (float)image_size.y) / image_size.y; auto scale = image.getScale(); auto image_scale_ratio = scale.x / scale.y; const float width_ratio = height_ratio * image_scale_ratio; image.setScale(width_ratio, height_ratio); image.setPosition(item_pos + sf::Vector2f(image_padding_x, padding_y)); window.draw(image); text_offset_x += image_padding_x + width_ratio * image_size.x; } else if(!item->thumbnail_url.empty()) { image_fallback.setPosition(item_pos + sf::Vector2f(image_padding_x, padding_y)); window.draw(image_fallback); text_offset_x += image_padding_x + image_fallback.getSize().x; } } if(!item->author.empty()) { author_text.setString(item->author); author_text.setPosition(std::floor(item_pos.x + text_offset_x), std::floor(item_pos.y + padding_y)); window.draw(author_text); sf::Vector2f replies_text_pos = author_text.getPosition(); replies_text_pos.x += author_text.getLocalBounds().width + 5.0f; for(size_t reply_index : item->replies) { BodyItem *reply_item = items[reply_index].get(); replies_text.setString(">>" + reply_item->post_number); replies_text.setPosition(replies_text_pos); window.draw(replies_text); replies_text_pos.x += replies_text.getLocalBounds().width + 5.0f; } item_pos.y += author_text.getCharacterSize() + 2.0f; } //title_text.setString(item->title); //title_text.setPosition(std::floor(item_pos.x + text_offset_x), std::floor(item_pos.y + padding_y)); //window.draw(title_text); item->title_text->setPosition(std::floor(item_pos.x + text_offset_x), std::floor(item_pos.y + padding_y - 4.0f)); item->title_text->setMaxWidth(size.x - text_offset_x - image_padding_x * 2.0f); item->title_text->draw(window); if(item->description_text) { item->description_text->setPosition(std::floor(item_pos.x + text_offset_x), std::floor(item_pos.y + padding_y - 4.0f + item->title_text->getHeight())); item->description_text->setMaxWidth(size.x - text_offset_x - image_padding_x * 2.0f); item->description_text->draw(window); } // TODO: Do the same for non-manga content. // TODO: Cache this instead of hash access every item every frame. const Json::Value &item_progress = content_progress[item->get_title()]; if(item_progress.isObject()) { const Json::Value ¤t_json = item_progress["current"]; const Json::Value &total_json = item_progress["total"]; if(current_json.isNumeric() && total_json.isNumeric()) { progress_text.setString(std::string("Page: ") + std::to_string(current_json.asInt()) + "/" + std::to_string(total_json.asInt())); auto bounds = progress_text.getLocalBounds(); progress_text.setPosition(std::floor(item_pos.x + size.x - bounds.width - padding_x), std::floor(item_pos.y + padding_y)); window.draw(progress_text); } } pos.y += item_height + spacing_y; } glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); for(auto it = item_thumbnail_textures.begin(); it != item_thumbnail_textures.end();) { if(!it->second.referenced) it = item_thumbnail_textures.erase(it); else ++it; } } //static bool Body::string_find_case_insensitive(const std::string &str, const std::string &substr) { auto it = std::search(str.begin(), str.end(), substr.begin(), substr.end(), [](char c1, char c2) { return std::toupper(c1) == std::toupper(c2); }); return it != str.end(); } void Body::filter_search_fuzzy(const std::string &text) { if(text.empty()) { for(auto &item : items) { item->visible = true; } return; } for(auto &item : items) { item->visible = string_find_case_insensitive(item->get_title(), text); if(!item->visible && !item->get_description().empty()) item->visible = string_find_case_insensitive(item->get_description(), text); } } bool Body::no_items_visible() const { for(auto &item : items) { if(item->visible) return false; } return true; } }