#include "../include/QuickMedia.hpp" #include "../plugins/Manganelo.hpp" #include "../plugins/Youtube.hpp" #include "../plugins/Pornhub.hpp" #include "../plugins/Fourchan.hpp" #include "../include/Scale.hpp" #include "../include/Program.h" #include "../include/VideoPlayer.hpp" #include "../include/StringUtils.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const sf::Color back_color(30, 32, 34); const int DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME = 500; // Prevent writing to broken pipe from exiting the program static void sigpipe_handler(int unused) { } static int x_error_handler(Display *display, XErrorEvent *event) { return 0; } static int x_io_error_handler(Display *display) { return 0; } namespace QuickMedia { Program::Program() : window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "QuickMedia"), window_size(800, 600), body(nullptr), current_plugin(nullptr), current_page(Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION), image_index(0) { window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); if(!font.loadFromFile("../../../fonts/Lato-Regular.ttf")) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load font: Lato-Regular.ttf\n"); abort(); } if(!bold_font.loadFromFile("../../../fonts/Lato-Bold.ttf")) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load font: Lato-Bold.ttf\n"); abort(); } body = new Body(this, font, bold_font); struct sigaction action; action.sa_handler = sigpipe_handler; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); action.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); XSetErrorHandler(x_error_handler); XSetIOErrorHandler(x_io_error_handler); } Program::~Program() { delete body; delete current_plugin; } static SearchResult search_selected_suggestion(Body *input_body, Body *output_body, Plugin *plugin, std::string &selected_title, std::string &selected_url) { BodyItem *selected_item = input_body->get_selected(); if(!selected_item) return SearchResult::ERR; selected_title = selected_item->title; selected_url = selected_item->url; output_body->clear_items(); SearchResult search_result = plugin->search(!selected_url.empty() ? selected_url : selected_title, output_body->items); output_body->reset_selected(); return search_result; } static void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "usage: QuickMedia [--tor]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "OPTIONS:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "plugin The plugin to use. Should be either 4chan, manganelo, pornhub or youtube\n"); fprintf(stderr, "--tor Use tor. Disabled by default\n"); fprintf(stderr, "EXAMPLES:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "QuickMedia manganelo\n"); fprintf(stderr, "QuickMedia youtube --tor\n"); } static bool is_program_executable_by_name(const char *name) { // TODO: Implement for Windows. Windows also uses semicolon instead of colon as a separator char *env = getenv("PATH"); std::unordered_set paths; string_split(env, ':', [&paths](const char *str, size_t size) { paths.insert(std::string(str, size)); return true; }); for(const std::string &path_str : paths) { Path path(path_str); path.join(name); if(get_file_type(path) == FileType::REGULAR) return true; } return false; } int Program::run(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 2) { usage(); return -1; } current_plugin = nullptr; std::string plugin_logo_path; bool use_tor = false; for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if(!current_plugin) { if(strcmp(argv[i], "manganelo") == 0) { current_plugin = new Manganelo(); plugin_logo_path = "../../../images/manganelo_logo.png"; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "youtube") == 0) { current_plugin = new Youtube(); plugin_logo_path = "../../../images/yt_logo_rgb_dark_small.png"; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "pornhub") == 0) { current_plugin = new Pornhub(); plugin_logo_path = "../../../images/pornhub_logo.png"; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "4chan") == 0) { current_plugin = new Fourchan(); plugin_logo_path = "../../../images/4chan_logo.png"; } } if(strcmp(argv[i], "--tor") == 0) { use_tor = true; } } if(!current_plugin) { usage(); return -1; } if(use_tor && !is_program_executable_by_name("torsocks")) { fprintf(stderr, "torsocks needs to be installed (and accessible from PATH environment variable) when using the --tor option\n"); return -2; } current_plugin->use_tor = use_tor; if(!plugin_logo_path.empty()) { if(!plugin_logo.loadFromFile(plugin_logo_path)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load plugin logo, path: %s\n", plugin_logo_path.c_str()); return -2; } plugin_logo.generateMipmap(); plugin_logo.setSmooth(true); } search_bar = std::make_unique(font, plugin_logo); search_bar->text_autosearch_delay = current_plugin->get_search_delay(); while(window.isOpen()) { switch(current_page) { case Page::EXIT: window.close(); break; case Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION: body->draw_thumbnails = current_plugin->search_suggestions_has_thumbnails(); search_suggestion_page(); break; #if 0 case Page::SEARCH_RESULT: body->draw_thumbnails = current_plugin->search_results_has_thumbnails(); search_result_page(); break; #endif case Page::VIDEO_CONTENT: body->draw_thumbnails = false; video_content_page(); break; case Page::EPISODE_LIST: body->draw_thumbnails = false; episode_list_page(); break; case Page::IMAGES: { body->draw_thumbnails = false; window.setKeyRepeatEnabled(false); window.setFramerateLimit(4); image_page(); window.setFramerateLimit(0); window.setKeyRepeatEnabled(true); break; } case Page::CONTENT_LIST: { body->draw_thumbnails = true; content_list_page(); break; } case Page::CONTENT_DETAILS: { body->draw_thumbnails = true; content_details_page(); break; } case Page::IMAGE_BOARD_THREAD_LIST: { body->draw_thumbnails = true; image_board_thread_list_page(); break; } case Page::IMAGE_BOARD_THREAD: { body->draw_thumbnails = true; image_board_thread_page(); break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "Page not implemented: %d\n", current_page); window.close(); break; } } return 0; } void Program::base_event_handler(sf::Event &event, Page previous_page, bool handle_keypress) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) { current_page = Page::EXIT; } else if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized) { window_size.x = event.size.width; window_size.y = event.size.height; sf::FloatRect visible_area(0, 0, window_size.x, window_size.y); window.setView(sf::View(visible_area)); } else if(handle_keypress && event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) { if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Up) { body->select_previous_item(); } else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Down) { body->select_next_item(); } else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) { current_page = previous_page; body->clear_items(); body->reset_selected(); search_bar->clear(); } } else if(event.type == sf::Event::TextEntered) { search_bar->onTextEntered(event.text.unicode); } } enum class Urgency { LOW, NORMAL, CRITICAL }; const char* urgency_string(Urgency urgency) { switch(urgency) { case Urgency::LOW: return "low"; case Urgency::NORMAL: return "normal"; case Urgency::CRITICAL: return "critical"; } assert(false); return nullptr; } static void show_notification(const std::string &title, const std::string &description, Urgency urgency = Urgency::NORMAL) { const char *args[] = { "notify-send", "-u", urgency_string(urgency), "--", title.c_str(), description.c_str(), nullptr }; exec_program(args, nullptr, nullptr); printf("Notification: title: %s, description: %s\n", title.c_str(), description.c_str()); } static std::string base64_encode(const std::string &data) { return cppcodec::base64_rfc4648::encode(data); } static std::string base64_decode(const std::string &data) { return cppcodec::base64_rfc4648::decode(data); } static bool read_file_as_json(const Path &storage_path, Json::Value &result) { std::string file_content; if(file_get_content(storage_path, file_content) != 0) return false; Json::CharReaderBuilder json_builder; std::unique_ptr json_reader(json_builder.newCharReader()); std::string json_errors; if(!json_reader->parse(file_content.data(), file_content.data() + file_content.size(), &result, &json_errors)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read json, error: %s\n", json_errors.c_str()); return false; } return true; } static bool save_manga_progress_json(const Path &path, const Json::Value &json) { Json::StreamWriterBuilder json_builder; return file_overwrite(path, Json::writeString(json_builder, json)) == 0; } static bool manga_extract_id_from_url(const std::string &url, std::string &manga_id) { bool manganelo_website = false; if(url.find("mangakakalot") != std::string::npos || url.find("manganelo") != std::string::npos) manganelo_website = true; if(manganelo_website) { size_t index = url.find("manga/"); if(index == std::string::npos) { std::string err_msg = "Url "; err_msg += url; err_msg += " doesn't contain manga id"; show_notification("Manga", err_msg, Urgency::CRITICAL); return false; } manga_id = url.substr(index + 6); if(manga_id.size() <= 2) { std::string err_msg = "Url "; err_msg += url; err_msg += " doesn't contain manga id"; show_notification("Manga", err_msg, Urgency::CRITICAL); return false; } return true; } else { std::string err_msg = "Unexpected url "; err_msg += url; err_msg += " is not manganelo or mangakakalot"; show_notification("Manga", err_msg, Urgency::CRITICAL); return false; } } enum class SearchSuggestionTab { ALL, HISTORY }; void Program::search_suggestion_page() { std::string update_search_text; bool search_running = false; Body history_body(this, font, bold_font); const float tab_text_size = 18.0f; const float tab_height = tab_text_size + 10.0f; sf::Text all_tab_text("All", font, tab_text_size); sf::Text history_tab_text("History", font, tab_text_size); struct Tab { Body *body; SearchSuggestionTab tab; sf::Text *text; }; std::array tabs = { Tab{body, SearchSuggestionTab::ALL, &all_tab_text}, Tab{&history_body, SearchSuggestionTab::HISTORY, &history_tab_text} }; int selected_tab = 0; // TOOD: Make generic, instead of checking for plugin if(current_plugin->name == "manganelo") { // TODO: Make asynchronous for_files_in_dir(get_storage_dir().join("manga"), [&history_body](const std::filesystem::path &filepath) { Path fullpath(filepath.c_str()); Json::Value body; if(!read_file_as_json(fullpath, body)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read json file: %s\n", fullpath.data.c_str()); return true; } auto filename = filepath.filename(); const Json::Value &manga_name = body["name"]; if(!filename.empty() && manga_name.isString()) { // TODO: Add thumbnail auto body_item = std::make_unique(manga_name.asString()); body_item->url = "https://manganelo.com/manga/" + base64_decode(filename.string()); history_body.items.push_back(std::move(body_item)); } return true; }); } search_bar->onTextUpdateCallback = [&update_search_text, this, &tabs, &selected_tab](const std::string &text) { if(tabs[selected_tab].body == body) update_search_text = text; else { tabs[selected_tab].body->filter_search_fuzzy(text); tabs[selected_tab].body->clamp_selection(); } }; search_bar->onTextSubmitCallback = [this, &tabs, &selected_tab](const std::string &text) -> bool { Page next_page = current_plugin->get_page_after_search(); // TODO: This shouldn't be done if search_selected_suggestion fails if(search_selected_suggestion(tabs[selected_tab].body, body, current_plugin, content_title, content_url) != SearchResult::OK) return false; if(next_page == Page::EPISODE_LIST) { if(content_url.empty()) { show_notification("Manga", "Url is missing for manga!", Urgency::CRITICAL); return false; } Path content_storage_dir = get_storage_dir().join("manga"); if(create_directory_recursive(content_storage_dir) != 0) { show_notification("Storage", "Failed to create directory: " + content_storage_dir.data, Urgency::CRITICAL); return false; } std::string manga_id; if(!manga_extract_id_from_url(content_url, manga_id)) return false; manga_id_base64 = base64_encode(manga_id); content_storage_file = content_storage_dir.join(manga_id_base64); content_storage_json.clear(); content_storage_json["name"] = content_title; FileType file_type = get_file_type(content_storage_file); if(file_type == FileType::REGULAR) read_file_as_json(content_storage_file, content_storage_json); } else if(next_page == Page::VIDEO_CONTENT) { watched_videos.clear(); if(content_url.empty()) next_page = Page::SEARCH_RESULT; } else if(next_page == Page::CONTENT_LIST) { content_list_url = content_url; } else if(next_page == Page::IMAGE_BOARD_THREAD_LIST) { image_board_thread_list_url = content_url; } current_page = next_page; return true; }; PluginResult front_page_result = current_plugin->get_front_page(body->items); body->clamp_selection(); sf::Vector2f body_pos; sf::Vector2f body_size; bool redraw = true; sf::Event event; const sf::Color tab_selected_color(0, 85, 119); const sf::Color tab_unselected_color(43, 45, 47); sf::RectangleShape tab_spacing_rect(sf::Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f)); tab_spacing_rect.setFillColor(tab_unselected_color); const float tab_spacer_height = 0.0f; sf::RectangleShape tab_drop_shadow; tab_drop_shadow.setFillColor(sf::Color(23, 25, 27)); while (current_page == Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION) { while (window.pollEvent(event)) { base_event_handler(event, Page::EXIT, false); if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized || event.type == sf::Event::GainedFocus) redraw = true; else if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) { if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Up) { tabs[selected_tab].body->select_previous_item(); } else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Down) { tabs[selected_tab].body->select_next_item(); } else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) { current_page = Page::EXIT; } else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Left) { selected_tab = std::max(0, selected_tab - 1); search_bar->clear(); } else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Right) { selected_tab = std::min((int)tabs.size() - 1, selected_tab + 1); search_bar->clear(); } } } if(redraw) { redraw = false; search_bar->onWindowResize(window_size); float body_padding_horizontal = 50.0f; float body_padding_vertical = tab_spacer_height + tab_height + 50.0f; float body_width = window_size.x - body_padding_horizontal * 2.0f; if(body_width < 400) { body_width = window_size.x; body_padding_horizontal = 0.0f; } float search_bottom = search_bar->getBottomWithoutShadow(); body_pos = sf::Vector2f(body_padding_horizontal, search_bottom + body_padding_vertical); body_size = sf::Vector2f(body_width, window_size.y - search_bottom - body_padding_vertical); } search_bar->update(); if(!update_search_text.empty() && !search_running) { search_suggestion_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [this, update_search_text]() { BodyItems result; SuggestionResult suggestion_result = current_plugin->update_search_suggestions(update_search_text, result); return result; }); update_search_text.clear(); search_running = true; } if(search_running && search_suggestion_future.valid() && search_suggestion_future.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(0)) == std::future_status::ready) { if(update_search_text.empty()) { body->items = search_suggestion_future.get(); body->clamp_selection(); } else { search_suggestion_future.get(); } search_running = false; } window.clear(back_color); { tab_spacing_rect.setPosition(0.0f, search_bar->getBottomWithoutShadow()); tab_spacing_rect.setSize(sf::Vector2f(window_size.x, tab_spacer_height)); window.draw(tab_spacing_rect); tab_drop_shadow.setSize(sf::Vector2f(window_size.x, 5.0f)); tab_drop_shadow.setPosition(0.0f, std::floor(search_bar->getBottomWithoutShadow() + tab_height)); window.draw(tab_drop_shadow); const float width_per_tab = window_size.x / tabs.size(); const float tab_y = tab_spacer_height + std::floor(search_bar->getBottomWithoutShadow() + tab_height * 0.5f - (tab_text_size + 5.0f) * 0.5f); sf::RectangleShape tab_background(sf::Vector2f(std::floor(width_per_tab), tab_height)); int i = 0; for(Tab &tab : tabs) { if(i == selected_tab) tab_background.setFillColor(tab_selected_color); else tab_background.setFillColor(tab_unselected_color); tab_background.setPosition(std::floor(i * width_per_tab), tab_spacer_height + std::floor(search_bar->getBottomWithoutShadow())); window.draw(tab_background); const float center = (i * width_per_tab) + (width_per_tab * 0.5f); tab.text->setPosition(std::floor(center - tab.text->getLocalBounds().width * 0.5f), tab_y); window.draw(*tab.text); if(i == selected_tab) tab.body->draw(window, body_pos, body_size); ++i; } } search_bar->draw(window, false); window.display(); } } void Program::search_result_page() { assert(false); #if 0 search_bar->onTextUpdateCallback = [this](const std::string &text) { body->filter_search_fuzzy(text); body->clamp_selection(); }; search_bar->onTextSubmitCallback = [this](const std::string &text) { BodyItem *selected_item = body->get_selected(); if(!selected_item) return; video_url = selected_item->url; current_page = Page::VIDEO_CONTENT; }; sf::Vector2f body_pos; sf::Vector2f body_size; bool redraw = true; sf::Event event; while (current_page == Page::SEARCH_RESULT) { while (window.pollEvent(event)) { base_event_handler(event, Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION); if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized || event.type == sf::Event::GainedFocus) redraw = true; } if(redraw) { redraw = false; search_bar->onWindowResize(window_size); float body_padding_horizontal = 50.0f; float body_padding_vertical = 50.0f; float body_width = window_size.x - body_padding_horizontal * 2.0f; if(body_width < 400) { body_width = window_size.x; body_padding_horizontal = 0.0f; } float search_bottom = search_bar->getBottom(); body_pos = sf::Vector2f(body_padding_horizontal, search_bottom + body_padding_vertical); body_size = sf::Vector2f(body_width, window_size.y - search_bottom - body_padding_vertical); } search_bar->update(); window.clear(back_color); body->draw(window, body_pos, body_size); search_bar->draw(window); window.display(); } #endif } struct XDisplayScope { XDisplayScope(Display *_display) : display(_display) { } ~XDisplayScope() { if(display) XCloseDisplay(display); } Display *display; }; enum class WindowFullscreenState { UNSET, SET, TOGGLE }; static bool window_set_fullscreen(Display *display, Window window, WindowFullscreenState state) { Atom wm_state_atom = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_STATE", False); Atom wm_state_fullscreen_atom = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", False); if(wm_state_atom == False || wm_state_fullscreen_atom == False) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fullscreen window. The window manager doesn't support fullscreening windows.\n"); return false; } XEvent xev; xev.type = ClientMessage; xev.xclient.window = window; xev.xclient.message_type = wm_state_atom; xev.xclient.format = 32; xev.xclient.data.l[0] = (int)state; xev.xclient.data.l[1] = wm_state_fullscreen_atom; xev.xclient.data.l[2] = 0; xev.xclient.data.l[3] = 1; xev.xclient.data.l[4] = 0; if(!XSendEvent(display, XDefaultRootWindow(display), 0, SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &xev)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fullscreen window\n"); return false; } XFlush(display); return true; } void Program::video_content_page() { search_bar->onTextUpdateCallback = nullptr; search_bar->onTextSubmitCallback = nullptr; Display* disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (!disp) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open display to X11 server"); XDisplayScope display_scope(disp); std::unique_ptr video_player_ui_window; auto on_window_create = [disp, &video_player_ui_window](sf::WindowHandle video_player_window) { int screen = DefaultScreen(disp); Window ui_window = XCreateWindow(disp, RootWindow(disp, screen), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, DefaultDepth(disp, screen), InputOutput, DefaultVisual(disp, screen), 0, NULL); XReparentWindow(disp, ui_window, video_player_window, 0, 0); XMapWindow(disp, ui_window); XFlush(disp); video_player_ui_window = std::make_unique(ui_window); video_player_ui_window->setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); }; bool ui_resize = true; bool seekable = false; std::unique_ptr video_player; auto load_video_error_check = [this, &video_player]() { watched_videos.insert(content_url); VideoPlayer::Error err = video_player->load_video(content_url.c_str(), window.getSystemHandle()); if(err != VideoPlayer::Error::OK) { std::string err_msg = "Failed to play url: "; err_msg += content_url; show_notification("Video player", err_msg.c_str(), Urgency::CRITICAL); current_page = Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION; } }; video_player = std::make_unique(current_plugin->use_tor, [this, &video_player, &seekable, &load_video_error_check](const char *event_name) { bool end_of_file = false; if(strcmp(event_name, "pause") == 0) { double time_remaining = 0.0; if(video_player->get_time_remaining(&time_remaining) == VideoPlayer::Error::OK && time_remaining <= 1.0) end_of_file = true; } else if(strcmp(event_name, "playback-restart") == 0) { video_player->set_paused(false); video_player->is_seekable(&seekable); } if(end_of_file) { std::string new_video_url; BodyItems related_media = current_plugin->get_related_media(content_url); // Find video that hasn't been played before in this video session for(auto it = related_media.begin(), end = related_media.end(); it != end; ++it) { if(watched_videos.find((*it)->url) == watched_videos.end()) { new_video_url = (*it)->url; break; } } // If there are no videos to play, then dont play any... if(new_video_url.empty()) { show_notification("Video player", "No more related videos to play"); current_page = Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION; return; } content_url = std::move(new_video_url); load_video_error_check(); } }, on_window_create); load_video_error_check(); auto on_doubleclick = [this, disp]() { window_set_fullscreen(disp, window.getSystemHandle(), WindowFullscreenState::TOGGLE); }; sf::Clock ui_hide_timer; bool ui_visible = true; const int UI_HIDE_TIMEOUT = 4500; sf::Clock time_since_last_left_click; int left_click_counter; sf::Event event; sf::RectangleShape rect; rect.setFillColor(sf::Color::Red); sf::Clock get_progress_timer; double progress = 0.0; // Clear screen before playing video, to show a black screen instead of being frozen // at the previous UI for a moment window.clear(); window.display(); while (current_page == Page::VIDEO_CONTENT) { while (window.pollEvent(event)) { base_event_handler(event, Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION); if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized) { if(video_player_ui_window) ui_resize = true; } else if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Space) { if(video_player->toggle_pause() != VideoPlayer::Error::OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to toggle pause!\n"); } } else if(event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed && event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left) { if(time_since_last_left_click.restart().asMilliseconds() <= DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME) { if(++left_click_counter == 2) { on_doubleclick(); left_click_counter = 0; } } else { left_click_counter = 1; } } else if(event.type == sf::Event::MouseMoved) { ui_hide_timer.restart(); if(!ui_visible) { ui_visible = true; video_player_ui_window->setVisible(true); window.setMouseCursorVisible(true); } } } if(video_player_ui_window) { while(video_player_ui_window->pollEvent(event)) { if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized) { sf::FloatRect visible_area(0, 0, event.size.width, event.size.height); video_player_ui_window->setView(sf::View(visible_area)); } } } VideoPlayer::Error update_err = video_player->update(); if(update_err == VideoPlayer::Error::FAIL_TO_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) { show_notification("Video player", "Failed to connect to mpv ipc after 5 seconds", Urgency::CRITICAL); current_page = Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION; return; } else if(update_err != VideoPlayer::Error::OK) { show_notification("Video player", "Unexpected error while updating", Urgency::CRITICAL); current_page = Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION; return; } // TODO: Show loading video animation //window.clear(); //window.display(); if(video_player->is_connected() && get_progress_timer.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds() >= 500) { get_progress_timer.restart(); video_player->get_progress(&progress); } if(video_player_ui_window) { if(!ui_visible) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(50)); continue; } if(ui_hide_timer.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds() > UI_HIDE_TIMEOUT) { ui_visible = false; video_player_ui_window->setVisible(false); window.setMouseCursorVisible(false); } const float ui_height = window_size.y * 0.025f; if(ui_resize) { ui_resize = false; video_player_ui_window->setSize(sf::Vector2u(window_size.x, ui_height)); video_player_ui_window->setPosition(sf::Vector2i(0, window_size.y - ui_height)); } // TODO: Make window transparent, so the ui overlay for the video has transparency video_player_ui_window->clear(sf::Color(33, 33, 33)); rect.setSize(sf::Vector2f(window_size.x * progress, ui_height)); video_player_ui_window->draw(rect); video_player_ui_window->display(); if(sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left)) { auto mouse_pos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(window); if(mouse_pos.y >= window_size.y - ui_height && mouse_pos.y <= window_size.y) { if(seekable) video_player->set_progress((double)mouse_pos.x / (double)window_size.x); else fprintf(stderr, "Video is not seekable!\n"); // TODO: Show this to the user } } } else { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(50)); } } video_player_ui_window.reset(); window_set_fullscreen(disp, window.getSystemHandle(), WindowFullscreenState::UNSET); window.setMouseCursorVisible(true); } enum class TrackMediaType { RSS, HTML }; const char* track_media_type_string(TrackMediaType media_type) { switch(media_type) { case TrackMediaType::RSS: return "rss"; case TrackMediaType::HTML: return "html"; } assert(false); return ""; } static int track_media(TrackMediaType media_type, const std::string &manga_title, const std::string &chapter_title, const std::string &url) { const char *args[] = { "automedia.py", "add", track_media_type_string(media_type), url.data(), "--start-after", chapter_title.data(), "--name", manga_title.data(), nullptr }; return exec_program(args, nullptr, nullptr); } void Program::select_episode(BodyItem *item, bool start_from_beginning) { images_url = item->url; chapter_title = item->title; image_index = 0; current_page = Page::IMAGES; if(start_from_beginning) return; const Json::Value &json_chapters = content_storage_json["chapters"]; if(json_chapters.isObject()) { const Json::Value &json_chapter = json_chapters[chapter_title]; if(json_chapter.isObject()) { const Json::Value ¤t = json_chapter["current"]; if(current.isNumeric()) image_index = current.asInt() - 1; } } } void Program::episode_list_page() { search_bar->onTextUpdateCallback = [this](const std::string &text) { body->filter_search_fuzzy(text); body->select_first_item(); }; search_bar->onTextSubmitCallback = [this](const std::string &text) -> bool { BodyItem *selected_item = body->get_selected(); if(!selected_item) return false; select_episode(selected_item, false); return true; }; const Json::Value &json_chapters = content_storage_json["chapters"]; sf::Vector2f body_pos; sf::Vector2f body_size; bool redraw = true; sf::Event event; while (current_page == Page::EPISODE_LIST) { while (window.pollEvent(event)) { base_event_handler(event, Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION); if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized || event.type == sf::Event::GainedFocus) redraw = true; else if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::T && sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::LControl)) { BodyItem *selected_item = body->get_selected(); if(selected_item) { if(track_media(TrackMediaType::HTML, content_title, selected_item->title, content_url) == 0) { show_notification("Media tracker", "You are now tracking \"" + content_title + "\" after \"" + selected_item->title + "\""); } else { show_notification("Media tracker", "Failed to track media \"" + content_title + "\", chapter: \"" + selected_item->title + "\"", Urgency::CRITICAL); } } } } // TODO: This code is duplicated in many places. Handle it in one place. if(redraw) { redraw = false; search_bar->onWindowResize(window_size); float body_padding_horizontal = 50.0f; float body_padding_vertical = 50.0f; float body_width = window_size.x - body_padding_horizontal * 2.0f; if(body_width < 400) { body_width = window_size.x; body_padding_horizontal = 0.0f; } float search_bottom = search_bar->getBottom(); body_pos = sf::Vector2f(body_padding_horizontal, search_bottom + body_padding_vertical); body_size = sf::Vector2f(body_width, window_size.y - search_bottom - body_padding_vertical); } search_bar->update(); window.clear(back_color); body->draw(window, body_pos, body_size, json_chapters); search_bar->draw(window); window.display(); } } // TODO: Optimize this somehow. One image alone uses more than 20mb ram! Total ram usage for viewing one image // becomes 40mb (private memory, almost 100mb in total!) Unacceptable! Program::LoadImageResult Program::load_image_by_index(int image_index, sf::Texture &image_texture, sf::String &error_message) { Path image_path = content_cache_dir; image_path.join(std::to_string(image_index + 1)); Path image_finished_path(image_path.data + ".finished"); if(get_file_type(image_finished_path) != FileType::FILE_NOT_FOUND && get_file_type(image_path) == FileType::REGULAR) { std::string image_data; if(file_get_content(image_path, image_data) == 0) { if(image_texture.loadFromMemory(image_data.data(), image_data.size())) { image_texture.setSmooth(true); //image_texture.generateMipmap(); return LoadImageResult::OK; } else { error_message = std::string("Failed to load image for page ") + std::to_string(image_index + 1); return LoadImageResult::FAILED; } } else { show_notification("Manganelo", "Failed to load image for page " + std::to_string(image_index + 1) + ". Image filepath: " + image_path.data, Urgency::CRITICAL); error_message = std::string("Failed to load image for page ") + std::to_string(image_index + 1); return LoadImageResult::FAILED; } } else { error_message = "Downloading page " + std::to_string(image_index + 1) + "..."; return LoadImageResult::DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS; } } void Program::download_chapter_images_if_needed(Manganelo *image_plugin) { if(downloading_chapter_url == images_url) return; downloading_chapter_url = images_url; if(image_download_future.valid()) { image_download_cancel = true; image_download_future.get(); image_download_cancel = false; } std::string chapter_url = images_url; Path content_cache_dir_ = content_cache_dir; image_download_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [chapter_url, image_plugin, content_cache_dir_, this]() { // TODO: Download images in parallel int page = 1; image_plugin->for_each_page_in_chapter(chapter_url, [content_cache_dir_, &page, this](const std::string &url) { if(image_download_cancel) return false; #if 0 size_t last_index = url.find_last_of('/'); if(last_index == std::string::npos || (int)url.size() - (int)last_index + 1 <= 0) { show_notification("Manganelo", "Image url is in incorrect format, missing '/': " + url, Urgency::CRITICAL); return false; } std::string image_filename = url.substr(last_index + 1); Path image_filepath = content_cache_dir_; image_filepath.join(image_filename); #endif Path image_filepath = content_cache_dir_; image_filepath.join(std::to_string(page++)); Path lockfile_path(image_filepath.data + ".finished"); if(get_file_type(lockfile_path) != FileType::FILE_NOT_FOUND) return true; std::string image_content; if(current_plugin->download_to_string(url, image_content) != DownloadResult::OK) { show_notification("Manganelo", "Failed to download image: " + url, Urgency::CRITICAL); return false; } if(file_overwrite(image_filepath, image_content) != 0) { show_notification("Storage", "Failed to save image to file: " + image_filepath.data, Urgency::CRITICAL); return false; } if(create_lock_file(lockfile_path) != 0) { show_notification("Storage", "Failed to save image finished state to file: " + lockfile_path.data, Urgency::CRITICAL); return false; } return true; }); }); } void Program::image_page() { search_bar->onTextUpdateCallback = nullptr; search_bar->onTextSubmitCallback = nullptr; sf::Texture image_texture; sf::Sprite image; sf::Text error_message("", font, 30); error_message.setFillColor(sf::Color::White); assert(current_plugin->name == "manganelo"); Manganelo *image_plugin = static_cast(current_plugin); std::string image_data; bool download_in_progress = false; content_cache_dir = get_cache_dir().join("manga").join(manga_id_base64).join(base64_encode(chapter_title)); if(create_directory_recursive(content_cache_dir) != 0) { show_notification("Storage", "Failed to create directory: " + content_cache_dir.data, Urgency::CRITICAL); current_page = Page::EPISODE_LIST; return; } download_chapter_images_if_needed(image_plugin); int num_images = 0; image_plugin->get_number_of_images(images_url, num_images); image_index = std::min(image_index, num_images); if(image_index < num_images) { sf::String error_msg; LoadImageResult load_image_result = load_image_by_index(image_index, image_texture, error_msg); if(load_image_result == LoadImageResult::OK) image.setTexture(image_texture, true); else if(load_image_result == LoadImageResult::DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS) download_in_progress = true; error_message.setString(error_msg); } else if(image_index == num_images) { error_message.setString("End of " + chapter_title); } Json::Value &json_chapters = content_storage_json["chapters"]; Json::Value json_chapter; int latest_read = image_index + 1; if(json_chapters.isObject()) { json_chapter = json_chapters[chapter_title]; if(json_chapter.isObject()) { const Json::Value ¤t = json_chapter["current"]; if(current.isNumeric()) latest_read = std::max(latest_read, current.asInt()); } else { json_chapter = Json::Value(Json::objectValue); } } else { json_chapters = Json::Value(Json::objectValue); json_chapter = Json::Value(Json::objectValue); } json_chapter["current"] = std::min(latest_read, num_images); json_chapter["total"] = num_images; json_chapters[chapter_title] = json_chapter; if(!save_manga_progress_json(content_storage_file, content_storage_json)) { show_notification("Manga progress", "Failed to save manga progress", Urgency::CRITICAL); } bool error = !error_message.getString().isEmpty(); bool redraw = true; sf::Event event; sf::Text chapter_text(chapter_title + " | Page " + std::to_string(image_index + 1) + "/" + std::to_string(num_images), font, 14); if(image_index == num_images) chapter_text.setString(chapter_title + " | End"); chapter_text.setFillColor(sf::Color::White); sf::RectangleShape chapter_text_background; chapter_text_background.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 150)); sf::Vector2u texture_size; sf::Vector2f texture_size_f; if(!error) { texture_size = image.getTexture()->getSize(); texture_size_f = sf::Vector2f(texture_size.x, texture_size.y); } sf::Clock check_downloaded_timer; const sf::Int32 check_downloaded_timeout_ms = 500; // TODO: Show to user if a certain page is missing (by checking page name (number) and checking if some are skipped) while (current_page == Page::IMAGES) { while(window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) { current_page = Page::EXIT; } else if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized) { window_size.x = event.size.width; window_size.y = event.size.height; sf::FloatRect visible_area(0, 0, window_size.x, window_size.y); window.setView(sf::View(visible_area)); redraw = true; } else if(event.type == sf::Event::GainedFocus) { redraw = true; } else if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) { if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Up) { if(image_index > 0) { --image_index; return; } else if(image_index == 0 && body->selected_item < (int)body->items.size() - 1) { // TODO: Make this work if the list is sorted differently than from newest to oldest. body->selected_item++; select_episode(body->items[body->selected_item].get(), true); image_index = 99999; // Start at the page that shows we are at the end of the chapter return; } } else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Down) { if(image_index < num_images) { ++image_index; return; } else if(image_index == num_images && body->selected_item > 0) { // TODO: Make this work if the list is sorted differently than from newest to oldest. body->selected_item--; select_episode(body->items[body->selected_item].get(), true); return; } } else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) { current_page = Page::EPISODE_LIST; } } } if(download_in_progress && check_downloaded_timer.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds() >= check_downloaded_timeout_ms) { sf::String error_msg; LoadImageResult load_image_result = load_image_by_index(image_index, image_texture, error_msg); if(load_image_result == LoadImageResult::OK) { image.setTexture(image_texture, true); download_in_progress = false; error = false; texture_size = image.getTexture()->getSize(); texture_size_f = sf::Vector2f(texture_size.x, texture_size.y); } else if(load_image_result == LoadImageResult::FAILED) { download_in_progress = false; } error_message.setString(error_msg); redraw = true; check_downloaded_timer.restart(); } const float font_height = chapter_text.getCharacterSize() + 8.0f; const float background_height = font_height + 6.0f; sf::Vector2f content_size; content_size.x = window_size.x; content_size.y = window_size.y - background_height; if(redraw) { redraw = false; if(error) { auto bounds = error_message.getLocalBounds(); error_message.setPosition(std::floor(content_size.x * 0.5f - bounds.width * 0.5f), std::floor(content_size.y * 0.5f - bounds.height)); } else { auto image_scale = get_ratio(texture_size_f, clamp_to_size(texture_size_f, content_size)); image.setScale(image_scale); auto image_size = texture_size_f; image_size.x *= image_scale.x; image_size.y *= image_scale.y; image.setPosition(std::floor(content_size.x * 0.5f - image_size.x * 0.5f), std::floor(content_size.y * 0.5f - image_size.y * 0.5f)); } window.clear(back_color); if(error) { window.draw(error_message); } else { window.draw(image); } chapter_text_background.setSize(sf::Vector2f(window_size.x, background_height)); chapter_text_background.setPosition(0.0f, std::floor(window_size.y - background_height)); window.draw(chapter_text_background); auto text_bounds = chapter_text.getLocalBounds(); chapter_text.setPosition(std::floor(window_size.x * 0.5f - text_bounds.width * 0.5f), std::floor(window_size.y - background_height * 0.5f - font_height * 0.5f)); window.draw(chapter_text); } window.display(); } } void Program::content_list_page() { if(current_plugin->get_content_list(content_list_url, body->items) != PluginResult::OK) { show_notification("Content list", "Failed to get content list for url: " + content_list_url, Urgency::CRITICAL); current_page = Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION; return; } search_bar->onTextUpdateCallback = [this](const std::string &text) { body->filter_search_fuzzy(text); body->select_first_item(); }; search_bar->onTextSubmitCallback = [this](const std::string &text) -> bool { BodyItem *selected_item = body->get_selected(); if(!selected_item) return false; content_episode = selected_item->title; content_url = selected_item->url; current_page = Page::CONTENT_DETAILS; body->clear_items(); return true; }; sf::Vector2f body_pos; sf::Vector2f body_size; bool redraw = true; sf::Event event; while (current_page == Page::CONTENT_LIST) { while (window.pollEvent(event)) { base_event_handler(event, Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION); if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized || event.type == sf::Event::GainedFocus) redraw = true; } // TODO: This code is duplicated in many places. Handle it in one place. if(redraw) { redraw = false; search_bar->onWindowResize(window_size); float body_padding_horizontal = 50.0f; float body_padding_vertical = 50.0f; float body_width = window_size.x - body_padding_horizontal * 2.0f; if(body_width < 400) { body_width = window_size.x; body_padding_horizontal = 0.0f; } float search_bottom = search_bar->getBottom(); body_pos = sf::Vector2f(body_padding_horizontal, search_bottom + body_padding_vertical); body_size = sf::Vector2f(body_width, window_size.y - search_bottom - body_padding_vertical); } search_bar->update(); window.clear(back_color); body->draw(window, body_pos, body_size); search_bar->draw(window); window.display(); } } void Program::content_details_page() { if(current_plugin->get_content_details(content_list_url, content_url, body->items) != PluginResult::OK) { show_notification("Content details", "Failed to get content details for url: " + content_url, Urgency::CRITICAL); // TODO: This will return to an empty content list. // Each page should have its own @Body so we can return to the last page and still have the data loaded // however the cached images should be cleared. current_page = Page::CONTENT_LIST; return; } // Instead of using search bar to searching, use it for commenting. // TODO: Have an option for the search bar to be multi-line. search_bar->onTextUpdateCallback = nullptr; search_bar->onTextSubmitCallback = [this](const std::string &text) -> bool { if(text.empty()) return false; return true; }; sf::Vector2f body_pos; sf::Vector2f body_size; bool redraw = true; sf::Event event; while (current_page == Page::CONTENT_DETAILS) { while (window.pollEvent(event)) { base_event_handler(event, Page::CONTENT_LIST); if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized || event.type == sf::Event::GainedFocus) redraw = true; } // TODO: This code is duplicated in many places. Handle it in one place. if(redraw) { redraw = false; search_bar->onWindowResize(window_size); float body_padding_horizontal = 50.0f; float body_padding_vertical = 50.0f; float body_width = window_size.x - body_padding_horizontal * 2.0f; if(body_width < 400) { body_width = window_size.x; body_padding_horizontal = 0.0f; } float search_bottom = search_bar->getBottom(); body_pos = sf::Vector2f(body_padding_horizontal, search_bottom + body_padding_vertical); body_size = sf::Vector2f(body_width, window_size.y - search_bottom - body_padding_vertical); } search_bar->update(); window.clear(back_color); body->draw(window, body_pos, body_size); search_bar->draw(window); window.display(); } } void Program::image_board_thread_list_page() { assert(current_plugin->is_image_board()); ImageBoard *image_board = static_cast(current_plugin); if(image_board->get_threads(image_board_thread_list_url, body->items) != PluginResult::OK) { show_notification("Content list", "Failed to get threads for url: " + image_board_thread_list_url, Urgency::CRITICAL); current_page = Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION; return; } search_bar->onTextUpdateCallback = [this](const std::string &text) { body->filter_search_fuzzy(text); body->select_first_item(); }; search_bar->onTextSubmitCallback = [this](const std::string &text) -> bool { BodyItem *selected_item = body->get_selected(); if(!selected_item) return false; content_episode = selected_item->title; content_url = selected_item->url; current_page = Page::IMAGE_BOARD_THREAD; body->clear_items(); return true; }; sf::Vector2f body_pos; sf::Vector2f body_size; bool redraw = true; sf::Event event; while (current_page == Page::IMAGE_BOARD_THREAD_LIST) { while (window.pollEvent(event)) { base_event_handler(event, Page::SEARCH_SUGGESTION); if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized || event.type == sf::Event::GainedFocus) redraw = true; } // TODO: This code is duplicated in many places. Handle it in one place. if(redraw) { redraw = false; search_bar->onWindowResize(window_size); float body_padding_horizontal = 50.0f; float body_padding_vertical = 50.0f; float body_width = window_size.x - body_padding_horizontal * 2.0f; if(body_width < 400) { body_width = window_size.x; body_padding_horizontal = 0.0f; } float search_bottom = search_bar->getBottom(); body_pos = sf::Vector2f(body_padding_horizontal, search_bottom + body_padding_vertical); body_size = sf::Vector2f(body_width, window_size.y - search_bottom - body_padding_vertical); } search_bar->update(); window.clear(back_color); body->draw(window, body_pos, body_size); search_bar->draw(window); window.display(); } } void Program::image_board_thread_page() { assert(current_plugin->is_image_board()); ImageBoard *image_board = static_cast(current_plugin); if(image_board->get_thread_comments(image_board_thread_list_url, content_url, body->items) != PluginResult::OK) { show_notification("Content details", "Failed to get content details for url: " + content_url, Urgency::CRITICAL); // TODO: This will return to an empty content list. // Each page should have its own @Body so we can return to the last page and still have the data loaded // however the cached images should be cleared. current_page = Page::IMAGE_BOARD_THREAD_LIST; return; } // Instead of using search bar to searching, use it for commenting. // TODO: Have an option for the search bar to be multi-line. search_bar->onTextUpdateCallback = nullptr; search_bar->onTextSubmitCallback = [this](const std::string &text) -> bool { if(text.empty()) return false; return true; }; sf::Vector2f body_pos; sf::Vector2f body_size; bool redraw = true; sf::Event event; std::stack comment_navigation_stack; while (current_page == Page::IMAGE_BOARD_THREAD) { while (window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) { current_page = Page::EXIT; } else if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized) { window_size.x = event.size.width; window_size.y = event.size.height; sf::FloatRect visible_area(0, 0, window_size.x, window_size.y); window.setView(sf::View(visible_area)); } if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized || event.type == sf::Event::GainedFocus) redraw = true; else if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) { if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Up) { body->select_previous_item(); } else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Down) { body->select_next_item(); } else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) { current_page = Page::IMAGE_BOARD_THREAD_LIST; body->clear_items(); body->reset_selected(); search_bar->clear(); } BodyItem *selected_item = body->get_selected(); if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Enter && selected_item && (comment_navigation_stack.empty() || body->selected_item != comment_navigation_stack.top()) && !selected_item->replies.empty()) { for(auto &body_item : body->items) { body_item->visible = false; } selected_item->visible = true; for(size_t reply_index : selected_item->replies) { body->items[reply_index]->visible = true; } comment_navigation_stack.push(body->selected_item); } else if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::BackSpace && !comment_navigation_stack.empty()) { comment_navigation_stack.pop(); if(comment_navigation_stack.empty()) { for(auto &body_item : body->items) { body_item->visible = true; } } else { for(auto &body_item : body->items) { body_item->visible = false; } body->selected_item = comment_navigation_stack.top(); selected_item = body->items[body->selected_item].get(); selected_item->visible = true; for(size_t reply_index : selected_item->replies) { body->items[reply_index]->visible = true; } } } } } // TODO: This code is duplicated in many places. Handle it in one place. if(redraw) { redraw = false; search_bar->onWindowResize(window_size); float body_padding_horizontal = 50.0f; float body_padding_vertical = 50.0f; float body_width = window_size.x - body_padding_horizontal * 2.0f; if(body_width < 400) { body_width = window_size.x; body_padding_horizontal = 0.0f; } float search_bottom = search_bar->getBottom(); body_pos = sf::Vector2f(body_padding_horizontal, search_bottom + body_padding_vertical); body_size = sf::Vector2f(body_width, window_size.y - search_bottom - body_padding_vertical); } //search_bar->update(); window.clear(back_color); body->draw(window, body_pos, body_size); search_bar->draw(window); window.display(); } } }