#include "../include/RoundedRectangle.hpp" #include #include #include namespace QuickMedia { static const float shadow_radius = 20.0f; // Has to match the shadow offset in rounded_rectangle.glsl static float cached_radius = 0.0f; static float cached_resolution_x = 0.0f; static float cached_resolution_y = 0.0f; static float abs(float value) { return value >= 0.0f ? value : -value; } RoundedRectangle::RoundedRectangle(mgl::vec2f size, float radius, mgl::Color color, mgl::Shader *rounded_rectangle_shader) : radius(radius), pos(0.0f, 0.0f), size(size), rounded_rectangle_shader(rounded_rectangle_shader) { assert(rounded_rectangle_shader); set_color(color); vertices[0].texcoords = mgl::vec2f(0.0f, 0.0f); vertices[1].texcoords = mgl::vec2f(1.0f, 0.0f); vertices[2].texcoords = mgl::vec2f(1.0f, 1.0f); vertices[3].texcoords = mgl::vec2f(0.0f, 1.0f); } void RoundedRectangle::set_position(mgl::vec2f pos) { this->pos = pos; const float shadow_radius_ins = rounded_rectangle_shader->is_valid() ? shadow_radius : 0.0f; vertices[0].position = pos + mgl::vec2f(-shadow_radius_ins, -shadow_radius_ins); vertices[1].position = pos + mgl::vec2f(shadow_radius_ins, -shadow_radius_ins) + mgl::vec2f(size.x, 0.0f); vertices[2].position = pos + mgl::vec2f(shadow_radius_ins, shadow_radius_ins) + mgl::vec2f(size.x, size.y); vertices[3].position = pos + mgl::vec2f(-shadow_radius_ins, shadow_radius_ins) + mgl::vec2f(0.0f, size.y); } void RoundedRectangle::set_size(mgl::vec2f size) { this->size = size; set_position(pos); } void RoundedRectangle::set_color(mgl::Color color) { for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) vertices[i].color = color; } mgl::vec2f RoundedRectangle::get_position() const { return pos; } mgl::vec2f RoundedRectangle::get_size() const { return size; } void RoundedRectangle::draw(mgl::Window &target) { const mgl::vec2f resolution = size + mgl::vec2f(shadow_radius*2.0f, shadow_radius*2.0f); if(rounded_rectangle_shader && rounded_rectangle_shader->is_valid()) { if(abs(cached_radius - radius) > 0.01f) { // TODO: Remove these for optimizations. Also do the same in other places where set_uniform is called rounded_rectangle_shader->set_uniform("radius", radius); cached_radius = radius; } if(abs(cached_resolution_x - resolution.x) > 0.01f || abs(cached_resolution_y - resolution.y) > 0.01f) { rounded_rectangle_shader->set_uniform("resolution", size + mgl::vec2f(shadow_radius*2.0f, shadow_radius*2.0f)); cached_resolution_x = resolution.x; cached_resolution_y = resolution.y; } } target.draw(vertices, 4, mgl::PrimitiveType::Quads, {0, 0}, rounded_rectangle_shader); } }