#ifndef AMALGAM_BYTECODE_H #define AMALGAM_BYTECODE_H #include "../std/defs.h" #include "../std/misc.h" #include "../std/buffer.h" #include "../defs.h" #include /*doc(Opcode) Variable length opcodes. Sizes range from 1 to 5 bytes. # Instruction formats Instructions can be in 7 different formats: 1. 1 byte: Opcode(u8) 2. 2 bytes: Opcode(u8) + register(i8) 3. 3 bytes: Opcode(u8) + register(i8) + register(i8) 4. 3 bytes:\ 4.1 Opcode(u8) + intermediate(u16)\ 4.2 Opcode(u8) + data(u16)\ 4.3 Opcode(u8) + label(i16)\ 4.4 Opcode(u8) + register(i8) + num_args(u8) 5. 4 bytes: Opcode(u8) + register(i8) + register(i8) + register(i8) 6. 4 bytes:\ 6.1 Opcode(u8) + register(i8) + label(i16)\ 6.2 Opcode(u8) + register(i8) + intermediate(u16)\ 6.3 Opcode(u8) + register(i8) + data(u16)\ 6.4 Opcode(u8) + flags(u8) + num_local_var_reg(u16) 7. 5 bytes: Opcode(u8) + index(u16) + num_args(u8) + register(i8) # Registers Registers have a range of 128. Local variables start from register 0 and increment while parameters start from -1 and decrement. Registers have the scope of functions and reset after instructions reach a new function (AMAL_OP_FUNC_START). */ typedef enum { AMAL_OP_NOP, /* No operation (do nothing). This can be used for patching code */ AMAL_OP_SETZ, /* setz reg - Set register value to 0 */ AMAL_OP_MOV, /* mov dst, src - Move src register to dst register */ AMAL_OP_MOVI, /* movi dst, src - Move src intermediate to dst register */ AMAL_OP_MOVD, /* movd dst, src - Move src data to dst register */ AMAL_OP_ADD, /* add dst, reg1, reg2 - Add reg1 and reg2 and put the result in dst */ AMAL_OP_SUB, /* sub dst, reg1, reg2 - Substract reg2 from reg1 and put the result in dst */ AMAL_OP_IMUL, /* imul dst, reg1, reg2 - Signed multiplication */ AMAL_OP_MUL, /* mul dst, reg1, reg2 - Unsigned multiplication */ AMAL_OP_IDIV, /* idiv dst, reg1, reg2 - Signed division */ AMAL_OP_DIV, /* div dst, reg1, reg2 - Unsigned division */ AMAL_OP_PUSH, /* push reg - Push register onto stack */ AMAL_OP_PUSHI, /* pushi int - Push intermediate onto stack */ AMAL_OP_PUSHD, /* pushd data - Push data onto stack */ AMAL_OP_CALL, /* call fi, num_args, dst - Call a function using function index (fi) and num_args arguments. The result is stored in register dst. fi is u16 and num_args is u8 */ AMAL_OP_CALLR, /* callr reg, num_args - Call a function using a register. Used for function pointers. num_args is u8 */ AMAL_OP_CALLE, /* calle efi, num_args, dst - Call an extern function using extern function index (efi) and num_args arguments. The result is stored in register dst. efi is u16 and num_args is u8 */ AMAL_OP_CMP, /* cmp dst, reg1, reg2 - Set dst to 1 if reg1 equals reg2, otherwise set it to 0 */ AMAL_OP_JZ, /* jz reg, label - Jump to label in the current function if reg is zero. label is u16 */ AMAL_OP_JMP, /* jmp label - Unconditional jump to label in the current function. label is u16 */ AMAL_OP_RET, /* ret reg - Return from the function with reg result */ AMAL_OP_FUNC_START, /* func_start flags, num_local_var_reg - Start of a function which has @num_local_var_reg local variable registers allocated and has the flag @flag. @flag is u8 and @num_local_var_reg is u16 */ AMAL_OP_FUNC_END, /* func_end - End of a function. Implementation should do a ret here */ AMAL_OP_LABEL, /* label - Label. This is the target of a jump instruction. Jump instructions only jump to labels in the same function scope */ } AmalOpcode; #define AMAL_BYTECODE_MAGIC_NUMBER (u32)0xdec05eba #define AMAL_BYTECODE_MAJOR_VERSION 1 #define AMAL_BYTECODE_MINOR_VERSION 0 #define AMAL_BYTECODE_PATCH_VERSION 0 #define AMAL_BYTECODE_NUM_REGISTERS 256 typedef enum { FUNC_FLAG_NONE = 0, FUNC_FLAG_EXPORTED = 1 << 0 } amal_func_flag; typedef u8 AmalOpcodeType; typedef struct { Buffer/**/ data; } Bytecode; typedef struct { jmp_buf env; Bytecode bytecode; Parser *parser; /* borrowed */ } BytecodeCompilerContext; CHECK_RESULT int bytecode_init(Bytecode *self, ArenaAllocator *allocator); CHECK_RESULT int buffer_append_header(Buffer *program_data); /* longjump to self->env on failure */ void generate_bytecode_from_ssa(BytecodeCompilerContext *self); #endif