#ifndef AMALGAM_HASH_MAP_H #define AMALGAM_HASH_MAP_H #include "defs.h" #include "misc.h" #include "types.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "buffer_view.h" typedef struct HashMap HashMap; typedef int(*HashMapCompare)(const void *a, const void *b); typedef usize(*HashMapHash)(const u8 *data, usize size); struct HashMap { ArenaAllocator *allocator; /* borrowed */ Buffer/*HashMapBucket*/ buckets; usize value_type_size; usize num_elements; HashMapCompare compare_func; HashMapHash hash_func; }; CHECK_RESULT int hash_map_init(HashMap *self, ArenaAllocator *allocator, usize value_type_size, HashMapCompare compare_func, HashMapHash hash_func); /* Not thread-safe. Expected @value size to be @self->value_type_size. */ CHECK_RESULT int hash_map_insert(HashMap *self, BufferView key, void *value); /* Thread-safe unless @hash_map_insert is used in another thread at the same time. Expected @value size to be @self->value_type_size. */ CHECK_RESULT bool hash_map_get(HashMap *self, BufferView key, void *value); int hash_map_compare_string(const void *a, const void *b); #endif