#include "../../include/asm/x86_64.h" #include "../../include/std/mem.h" #include "../../include/std/log.h" #include #include #include #include #define REX_W 0x48 void asm_ptr_init(AsmPtr *self, Reg64 base) { self->base = base; self->index = -1; self->disp = 0; self->scale = 0; } void asm_ptr_init_index(AsmPtr *self, Reg64 base, Reg64 index) { self->base = base; self->index = index; self->disp = 0; self->scale = 0; } void asm_ptr_init_disp(AsmPtr *self, Reg64 base, i32 disp) { self->base = base; self->index = -1; self->disp = disp; self->scale = 0; } void asm_ptr_init_index_disp(AsmPtr *self, Reg64 base, Reg64 index, i32 disp) { self->base = base; self->index = index; self->disp = disp; self->scale = 0; } int asm_init(Asm *self) { self->size = am_pagesize(); amal_log_debug("asm: page size: %u", self->size); self->code = mmap(NULL, self->size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); if(self->code == MAP_FAILED) return -errno; self->code_it = self->code; return 0; } void asm_deinit(Asm *self) { if(self->code) munmap(self->code, self->size); self->code = NULL; self->code_it = NULL; self->size = 0; } static void asm_print_code_hex(Asm *self) { u8 *ptr; int off; ptr = self->code; off = 0; while(ptr != self->code_it) { printf("%02x", *ptr); ++ptr; ++off; if(off == 8) { putc('\n', stdout); off = 0; } else { putc(' ', stdout); } } if(off != 0) putc('\n', stdout); } int asm_execute(Asm *self) { void (*func)(); if(mprotect(self->code, self->size, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC) != 0) return -errno; asm_print_code_hex(self); /* TODO: Verify if this is valid on all platforms. According to ISO C standard it isn't? */ *(void**)(&func) = self->code; func(); return 0; } /* TODO: See how this can be optimized */ static CHECK_RESULT int asm_ensure_capacity(Asm *self, usize size) { usize current_offset; current_offset = (u8*)self->code_it - (u8*)self->code; if(current_offset + size > self->size) { void *new_mem; usize new_size; new_size = self->size + am_pagesize(); new_mem = mmap(NULL, new_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); if(self->code == MAP_FAILED) return -errno; am_memcpy(new_mem, self->code, self->size); self->code = new_mem; self->size = new_size; self->code_it = (u8*)self->code + current_offset; } return 0; } static isize asm_get_capacity_left(Asm *self) { return (isize)self->size - (isize)((u8*)self->code_it - (u8*)self->code); } int asm_nop(Asm *self) { return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 1)); *self->code_it++ = 0x90; return 0; } static i32 abs_i32(i32 value) { return value >= 0 ? value : -value; } /* TODO: Implement 1 and 2 byte displacement? There has to be at least 6 bytes left in the asm buffer before calling this function. */ static void asm_rm(Asm *self, AsmPtr *mem, Reg64 reg) { u8 rm_byte; u8 disp_bytes; assert(asm_get_capacity_left(self) >= 6); if((int)mem->index != -1) { u8 sib_offset; if(mem->disp == 0) { rm_byte = 0x04; disp_bytes = 0; } else if(abs_i32(mem->disp) <= INT8_MAX) { rm_byte = 0x44; disp_bytes = 1; } else { rm_byte = 0x84; disp_bytes = 4; } #ifdef DEBUG if(mem->scale != 0 && mem->scale != 2 && mem->scale != 4 && mem->scale != 8) { amal_log_error("Invalid scale %d, expected 0, 2, 4, or 8", mem->scale); assert(bool_false); } #endif assert(mem->base != RBP && "TODO: Implement RBP base for sib byte. RBP is special and requires different logic"); sib_offset = (mem->scale << 5) + 8*mem->index + mem->base; *self->code_it++ = rm_byte; *self->code_it++ = sib_offset; } else { if(mem->disp == 0) { if(mem->base == RBP) { rm_byte = 0x45; disp_bytes = 1; } else { rm_byte = mem->base; disp_bytes = 0; } } else if(abs_i32(mem->disp) <= INT8_MAX) { rm_byte = 0x40 + mem->base; disp_bytes = 1; } else { rm_byte = 0x80 + mem->base; disp_bytes = 4; } *self->code_it++ = (reg << 3) | rm_byte; } am_memcpy(self->code_it, &mem->disp, disp_bytes); self->code_it += disp_bytes; } /* There has to be at least 1 byte left in the asm buffer before calling this function. */ static void asm_rr(Asm *self, Reg64 dst, Reg64 src) { assert(asm_get_capacity_left(self) >= 1); *self->code_it++ = 0xC0 + dst + 8*src; } /* TODO: Implement 1 and 2 byte immediate? */ int asm_mov_mi(Asm *self, AsmPtr *dst, i32 immediate) { /* 12 bytes is the maximum size of the instruction. We don't how how large it will be so we prepare for the largest size */ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 12)); *self->code_it++ = REX_W; *self->code_it++ = 0xC7; asm_rm(self, dst, 0); am_memcpy(self->code_it, &immediate, sizeof(immediate)); self->code_it += sizeof(immediate); return 0; } int asm_mov_mr(Asm *self, AsmPtr *dst, Reg64 src) { /* 8 bytes is the maximum size of the instruction. We don't how how large it will be so we prepare for the largest size */ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 8)); *self->code_it++ = REX_W; *self->code_it++ = 0x89; asm_rm(self, dst, src); return 0; } int asm_mov_rm(Asm *self, Reg64 dst, AsmPtr *src) { /* 8 bytes is the maximum size of the instruction. We don't how how large it will be so we prepare for the largest size */ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 8)); *self->code_it++ = REX_W; *self->code_it++ = 0x8B; asm_rm(self, src, dst); return 0; } int asm_mov_ri(Asm *self, Reg64 dst, i64 immediate) { /* 10 bytes is the maximum size of the instruction. We don't how how large it will be so we prepare for the largest size */ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 10)); *self->code_it++ = REX_W; *self->code_it++ = 0xB8 + dst; am_memcpy(self->code_it, &immediate, sizeof(immediate)); self->code_it += sizeof(immediate); return 0; } int asm_mov_rr(Asm *self, Reg64 dst, Reg64 src) { /* 3 bytes is the maximum size of the instruction. We don't how how large it will be so we prepare for the largest size */ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 3)); *self->code_it++ = REX_W; *self->code_it++ = 0x89; asm_rr(self, dst, src); return 0; } int asm_add_rr(Asm *self, Reg64 dst, Reg64 src) { /* 3 bytes is the maximum size of the instruction. We don't how how large it will be so we prepare for the largest size */ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 3)); *self->code_it++ = REX_W; *self->code_it++ = 0x01; asm_rr(self, dst, src); return 0; } int asm_sub_rr(Asm *self, Reg64 dst, Reg64 src) { /* 3 bytes is the maximum size of the instruction. We don't how how large it will be so we prepare for the largest size */ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 3)); *self->code_it++ = REX_W; *self->code_it++ = 0x29; asm_rr(self, dst, src); return 0; } int asm_imul_rr(Asm *self, Reg64 dst, Reg64 src) { /* 3 bytes is the maximum size of the instruction. We don't how how large it will be so we prepare for the largest size */ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 4)); *self->code_it++ = REX_W; *self->code_it++ = 0x0F; *self->code_it++ = 0xAF; asm_rr(self, dst, src); return 0; } int asm_pushr(Asm *self, Reg64 reg) { return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 1)); *self->code_it++ = 0x50 + reg; return 0; } int asm_popr(Asm *self, Reg64 reg) { return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 1)); *self->code_it++ = 0x58 + reg; return 0; } /* /r */ #define DEFINE_INS_RM(mnemonic, opcode) \ int asm_##mnemonic##_rm32(Asm *self, Reg32 dst, Reg32 src) { \ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 2)); \ *self->code_it++ = opcode; \ *self->code_it++ = 0xC0 + 8*dst + src; \ return 0; \ } \ \ int asm_##mnemonic##_rm64(Asm *self, Reg64 dst, Reg64 src) { \ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 1)); \ *self->code_it++ = REX_W; \ return asm_##mnemonic##_rm32(self, (Reg32)dst, (Reg32)src); \ } DEFINE_INS_RM(mov, 0x8B) DEFINE_INS_RM(add, 0x03) DEFINE_INS_RM(sub, 0x2B) DEFINE_INS_RM(and, 0x23) DEFINE_INS_RM(or, 0x0B) DEFINE_INS_RM(xor, 0x33) DEFINE_INS_RM(cmp, 0x3B) /* /number The number is called the extension, a number from 0 to 7; It's a number used to extend the opcode type, since the instruction only uses one register the other register can be encoded for that. */ #define DEFINE_INS_EXT_IMM(mnemonic, extension) \ int asm_##mnemonic##_rm32_imm(Asm *self, Reg32 reg, i32 immediate) { \ if(abs_i32(immediate) <= INT8_MAX) { \ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 3)); \ *self->code_it++ = 0x83; \ *self->code_it++ = 0xC0 + 8*extension + reg; \ *self->code_it++ = (u8)immediate; \ } else { \ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 6)); \ *self->code_it++ = 0x81; \ *self->code_it++ = 0xC0 + 8*extension + reg; \ am_memcpy(self->code_it, &immediate, sizeof(immediate)); \ self->code_it += sizeof(immediate); \ } \ return 0; \ } \ \ int asm_##mnemonic##_rm64_imm(Asm *self, Reg64 reg, i32 immediate) { \ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 1)); \ *self->code_it++ = REX_W; \ return asm_##mnemonic##_rm32_imm(self, (Reg32)reg, immediate); \ } DEFINE_INS_EXT_IMM(add, 0) DEFINE_INS_EXT_IMM(or, 1) DEFINE_INS_EXT_IMM(adc, 2) DEFINE_INS_EXT_IMM(sbb, 3) DEFINE_INS_EXT_IMM(and, 4) DEFINE_INS_EXT_IMM(sub, 5) DEFINE_INS_EXT_IMM(xor, 6) DEFINE_INS_EXT_IMM(cmp, 7) /* /number The number is called the extension, a number from 0 to 7; It's a number used to extend the opcode type, since the instruction only uses one register the other register can be encoded for that. */ #define DEFINE_INS_SHIFT_IMM8(mnemonic, extension) \ int asm_##mnemonic##_rm32_imm(Asm *self, Reg32 reg, i8 immediate) { \ if(immediate == 1) { \ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 2)); \ *self->code_it++ = 0xC1; \ *self->code_it++ = 0xC0 + 8*reg + extension; \ } else { \ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 3)); \ *self->code_it++ = 0xD1; \ *self->code_it++ = 0xC0 + 8*reg + extension; \ *self->code_it++ = immediate; \ } \ return 0; \ } \ \ int asm_##mnemonic##_rm64_imm(Asm *self, Reg64 reg, i8 immediate) { \ return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 1)); \ *self->code_it++ = REX_W; \ return asm_##mnemonic##_rm32_imm(self, (Reg32)reg, immediate); \ } DEFINE_INS_SHIFT_IMM8(rol, 0) DEFINE_INS_SHIFT_IMM8(ror, 1) DEFINE_INS_SHIFT_IMM8(rcl, 2) DEFINE_INS_SHIFT_IMM8(rcr, 3) DEFINE_INS_SHIFT_IMM8(shl, 4) DEFINE_INS_SHIFT_IMM8(shr, 5) /*DEFINE_INS_SHIFT_IMM8(shl, 6)*/ DEFINE_INS_SHIFT_IMM8(sar, 7) int asm_ret(Asm *self, u16 bytes) { if(bytes == 0) { return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 1)); *self->code_it++ = 0xC3; } else { return_if_error(asm_ensure_capacity(self, 3)); *self->code_it++ = 0xC2; am_memcpy(self->code_it, &bytes, sizeof(bytes)); } return 0; }