path: root/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/README.adoc
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+= tcell
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+|_Tcell_ is a _Go_ package that provides a cell based view for text terminals, like _xterm_.
+It was inspired by _termbox_, but includes many additional improvements.
+## Examples
+* https://github.com/gdamore/proxima5[proxima5] - space shooter (https://youtu.be/jNxKTCmY_bQ[video])
+* https://github.com/gdamore/govisor[govisor] - service management UI (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--OsvnfzSNow/Vf7aqMw3zXI/AAAAAAAAARo/uOMtOvw4Sbg/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2015-09-20%2Bat%2B9.08.41%2BAM.png[screenshot])
+* mouse demo - included mouse test (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fWvW5opT0es/VhIdItdKqJI/AAAAAAAAATE/7Ojc0L1SpB0/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2015-10-04%2Bat%2B11.47.13%2BPM.png[screenshot])
+* https://github.com/gdamore/gomatrix[gomatrix] - converted from Termbox
+* https://github.com/zyedidia/micro/[micro] - lightweight text editor with syntax-highlighting and themes
+* https://github.com/viktomas/godu[godu] - simple golang utility helping to discover large files/folders.
+* https://github.com/rivo/tview[tview] - rich interactive widgets for terminal UIs
+* https://github.com/marcusolsson/tui-go[tui-go] - UI library for terminal apps
+* https://github.com/rgm3/gomandelbrot[gomandelbrot] - Mandelbrot!
+* https://github.com/senorprogrammer/wtf[WTF]- Personal information dashboard for your terminal
+* https://github.com/browsh-org/browsh[browsh] - A fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZq86XfBoRo[video])
+* https://github.com/sachaos/go-life[go-life] - Conway's Game of Life.
+## Pure Go Terminfo Database
+_Tcell_ includes a full parser and expander for terminfo capability strings,
+so that it can avoid hard coding escape strings for formatting. It also favors
+portability, and includes support for all POSIX systems.
+The database is also flexible & extensible, and can modified by either running
+a program to build the entire database, or an entry for just a single terminal.
+## More Portable
+_Tcell_ is portable to a wide variety of systems.
+_Tcell_ is believed
+to work with all of the systems officially supported by golang with
+the exception of nacl (which lacks any kind of a terminal interface).
+(Plan9 is not supported by _Tcell_, but it is experimental status only
+in golang.) For all of these systems *except Solaris/illumos*, _Tcell_
+is pure Go, with no need for CGO.
+## No Async IO
+_Tcell_ is able to operate without requiring `SIGIO` signals (unlike _termbox_),
+or asynchronous I/O, and can instead use standard Go file
+objects and Go routines.
+This means it should be safe, especially for
+use with programs that use exec, or otherwise need to manipulate the
+tty streams.
+This model is also much closer to idiomatic Go, leading
+to fewer surprises.
+## Rich Unicode & non-Unicode support
+_Tcell_ includes enhanced support for Unicode, including wide characters and
+combining characters, provided your terminal can support them.
+Note that
+Windows terminals generally don't support the full Unicode repertoire.
+It will also convert to and from Unicode locales, so that the program
+can work with UTF-8 internally, and get reasonable output in other locales.
+_Tcell_ tries hard to convert to native characters on both input and output, and
+on output _Tcell_ even makes use of the alternate character set to facilitate
+drawing certain characters.
+## More Function Keys
+_Tcell_ also has richer support for a larger number of special keys that some terminals can send.
+## Better Color Handling
+_Tcell_ will respect your terminal's color space as specified within your terminfo
+entries, so that for example attempts to emit color sequences on VT100 terminals
+won't result in unintended consequences.
+In Windows mode, _Tcell_ supports 16 colors, bold, dim, and reverse,
+instead of just termbox's 8 colors with reverse. (Note that there is some
+conflation with bold/dim and colors.)
+_Tcell_ maps 16 colors down to 8, for terminals that need it.
+(The upper 8 colors are just brighter versions of the lower 8.)
+## Better Mouse Support
+_Tcell_ supports enhanced mouse tracking mode, so your application can receive
+regular mouse motion events, and wheel events, if your terminal supports it.
+## _Termbox_ Compatibility
+A compatibility layer for _termbox_ is provided in the `compat` directory.
+To use it, try importing `github.com/gdamore/tcell/termbox`
+instead. Most _termbox-go_ programs will probably work without further
+## Working With Unicode
+Internally Tcell uses UTF-8, just like Go.
+However, Tcell understands how to
+convert to and from other character sets, using the capabilities of
+the `golang.org/x/text/encoding packages`.
+Your application must supply
+them, as the full set of the most common ones bloats the program by about 2MB.
+If you're lazy, and want them all anyway, see the `encoding` sub-directory.
+## Wide & Combining Characters
+The `SetContent()` API takes a primary rune, and an optional list of combining runes.
+If any of the runes is a wide (East Asian) rune occupying two cells,
+then the library will skip output from the following cell, but care must be
+taken in the application to avoid explicitly attempting to set content in the
+next cell, otherwise the results are undefined. (Normally wide character
+is displayed, and the other character is not; do not depend on that behavior.)
+Experience has shown that the vanilla Windows 8 console application does not
+support any of these characters properly, but at least some options like
+_ConEmu_ do support Wide characters.
+## Colors
+_Tcell_ assumes the ANSI/XTerm color model, including the 256 color map that
+XTerm uses when it supports 256 colors. The terminfo guidance will be
+honored, with respect to the number of colors supported. Also, only
+terminals which expose ANSI style `setaf` and `setab` will support color;
+if you have a color terminal that only has `setf` and `setb`, please let me
+know; it wouldn't be hard to add that if there is need.
+## 24-bit Color
+_Tcell_ _supports true color_! (That is, if your terminal can support it,
+_Tcell_ can accurately display 24-bit color.)
+To use 24-bit color, you need to use a terminal that supports it. Modern
+xterm and similar teminal emulators can support this. As terminfo lacks any
+way to describe this capability, we fabricate the capability for
+terminals with names ending in `*-truecolor`. The stock distribution ships
+with a database that defines `xterm-truecolor`.
+To try it out, set your
+`TERM` variable to `xterm-truecolor`.
+When using TrueColor, programs will display the colors that the programmer
+intended, overriding any "`themes`" you may have set in your terminal
+emulator. (For some cases, accurate color fidelity is more important
+than respecting themes. For other cases, such as typical text apps that
+only use a few colors, its more desirable to respect the themes that
+the user has established.)
+If you find this undesirable, you can either use a `TERM` variable
+that lacks the `TRUECOLOR` setting, or set `TCELL_TRUECOLOR=disable` in your
+## Performance
+Reasonable attempts have been made to minimize sending data to terminals,
+avoiding repeated sequences or drawing the same cell on refresh updates.
+## Terminfo
+(Not relevent for Windows users.)
+The Terminfo implementation operates with two forms of database. The first
+is the built-in go database, which contains a number of real database entries
+that are compiled into the program directly. This should minimize calling
+out to database file searches.
+The second is in the form of JSON files, that contain the same information,
+which can be located either by the `$TCELLDB` environment file, `$HOME/.tcelldb`,
+or is located in the Go source directory as `database.json`.
+These files (both the Go and the JSON files) can be generated using the
+mkinfo.go program. If you need to regnerate the entire set for some reason,
+run the mkdatabase.sh file. The generation uses the infocmp(1) program on
+the system to collect the necessary information.
+The `mkinfo.go` program can also be used to generate specific database entries
+for named terminals, in case your favorite terminal is missing. (If you
+find that this is the case, please let me know and I'll try to add it!)
+_Tcell_ requires that the terminal support the `cup` mode of cursor addressing.
+Terminals without absolute cursor addressability are not supported.
+This is unlikely to be a problem; such terminals have not been mass produced
+since the early 1970s.
+## Mouse Support
+Mouse support is detected via the `kmous` terminfo variable, however,
+enablement/disablement and decoding mouse events is done using hard coded
+sequences based on the XTerm X11 model. As of this writing all popular
+terminals with mouse tracking support this model. (Full terminfo support
+is not possible as terminfo sequences are not defined.)
+On Windows, the mouse works normally.
+Mouse wheel buttons on various terminals are known to work, but the support
+in terminal emulators, as well as support for various buttons and
+live mouse tracking, varies widely. Modern _xterm_, macOS _Terminal_, and _iTerm_ all work well.
+## Testablity
+There is a `SimulationScreen`, that can be used to simulate a real screen
+for automated testing. The supplied tests do this. The simulation contains
+event delivery, screen resizing support, and capabilities to inject events
+and examine "`physical`" screen contents.
+## Platforms
+### POSIX (Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, Solaris, etc.)
+For mainstream systems with a suitably well defined system call interface
+to tty settings, everything works using pure Go.
+For the remainder (right now means only Solaris/illumos) we use POSIX function
+calls to manage termios, which implies that CGO is required on those platforms.
+### Windows
+Windows console mode applications are supported. Unfortunately _mintty_
+and other _cygwin_ style applications are not supported.
+Modern console applications like ConEmu, as well as the Windows 10
+console itself, support all the good features (resize, mouse tracking, etc.)
+I haven't figured out how to cleanly resolve the dichotomy between cygwin
+style termios and the Windows Console API; it seems that perhaps nobody else
+has either. If anyone has suggestions, let me know! Really, if you're
+using a Windows application, you should use the native Windows console or a
+fully compatible console implementation.
+### Plan9 and Native Client (Nacl)
+The nacl and plan9 platforms won't work, but compilation stubs are supplied
+for folks that want to include parts of this in software targetting those
+platforms. The Simulation screen works, but as Tcell doesn't know how to
+allocate a real screen object on those platforms, `NewScreen()` will fail.
+If anyone has wisdom about how to improve support for either of these,
+please let me know. PRs are especially welcome.
+### Commercial Support
+_Tcell_ is absolutely free, but if you want to obtain commercial, professional support, there are options.
+[cols="2",align="center",frame="none", grid="none"]
+https://tidelift.com/[Tidelift] subscriptions include support for _Tcell_, as well as many other open source packages.
+mailto:info@staysail.tech[Staysail Systems, Inc.] offers direct support, and custom development around _Tcell_ on an hourly basis.
+a|I also welcome donations at https://www.patron.com/gedamore/[Patreon], if you just want to make a contribution.