// gomuks - A terminal Matrix client written in Go. // Copyright (C) 2020 Tulir Asokan // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . package ui import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "math" "os" "regexp" "runtime" dbg "runtime/debug" "runtime/pprof" "runtime/trace" "strconv" "strings" "time" "unicode" "github.com/lucasb-eyer/go-colorful" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/russross/blackfriday/v2" "maunium.net/go/mautrix" "maunium.net/go/mautrix/crypto" "maunium.net/go/mautrix/event" "maunium.net/go/mautrix/format" "maunium.net/go/mautrix/id" "maunium.net/go/gomuks/debug" ) func cmdMe(cmd *Command) { text := strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ") go cmd.Room.SendMessage(event.MsgEmote, text) } // GradientTable from https://github.com/lucasb-eyer/go-colorful/blob/master/doc/gradientgen/gradientgen.go type GradientTable []struct { Col colorful.Color Pos float64 } func (gt GradientTable) GetInterpolatedColorFor(t float64) colorful.Color { for i := 0; i < len(gt)-1; i++ { c1 := gt[i] c2 := gt[i+1] if c1.Pos <= t && t <= c2.Pos { t := (t - c1.Pos) / (c2.Pos - c1.Pos) return c1.Col.BlendHcl(c2.Col, t).Clamped() } } return gt[len(gt)-1].Col } var rainbow = GradientTable{ {colorful.LinearRgb(1, 0, 0), 0 / 11.0}, {colorful.LinearRgb(1, 0.5, 0), 1 / 11.0}, {colorful.LinearRgb(1, 1, 0), 2 / 11.0}, {colorful.LinearRgb(0.5, 1, 0), 3 / 11.0}, {colorful.LinearRgb(0, 1, 0), 4 / 11.0}, {colorful.LinearRgb(0, 1, 0.5), 5 / 11.0}, {colorful.LinearRgb(0, 1, 1), 6 / 11.0}, {colorful.LinearRgb(0, 0.5, 1), 7 / 11.0}, {colorful.LinearRgb(0, 0, 1), 8 / 11.0}, {colorful.LinearRgb(0.5, 0, 1), 9 / 11.0}, {colorful.LinearRgb(1, 0, 1), 10 / 11.0}, {colorful.LinearRgb(1, 0, 0.5), 11 / 11.0}, } // TODO this command definitely belongs in a plugin once we have a plugin system. func makeRainbow(cmd *Command, msgtype event.MessageType) { text := strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ") render := NewRainbowRenderer(blackfriday.NewHTMLRenderer(blackfriday.HTMLRendererParameters{ Flags: blackfriday.UseXHTML, })) htmlBodyBytes := blackfriday.Run([]byte(text), format.Extensions, blackfriday.WithRenderer(render)) htmlBody := strings.TrimRight(string(htmlBodyBytes), "\n") htmlBody = format.AntiParagraphRegex.ReplaceAllString(htmlBody, "$1") text = format.HTMLToText(htmlBody) count := strings.Count(htmlBody, render.ColorID) i := -1 htmlBody = regexp.MustCompile(render.ColorID).ReplaceAllStringFunc(htmlBody, func(match string) string { i++ return rainbow.GetInterpolatedColorFor(float64(i) / float64(count)).Hex() }) go cmd.Room.SendMessageHTML(msgtype, text, htmlBody) } func cmdRainbow(cmd *Command) { makeRainbow(cmd, event.MsgText) } func cmdRainbowMe(cmd *Command) { makeRainbow(cmd, event.MsgEmote) } func cmdNotice(cmd *Command) { go cmd.Room.SendMessage(event.MsgNotice, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ")) } func cmdAccept(cmd *Command) { room := cmd.Room.MxRoom() if room.SessionMember.Membership != "invite" { cmd.Reply("/accept can only be used in rooms you're invited to") return } _, server, _ := room.SessionMember.Sender.Parse() _, err := cmd.Matrix.JoinRoom(room.ID, server) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to accept invite: %v", err) } else { cmd.Reply("Successfully accepted invite") } cmd.MainView.UpdateTags(room) go cmd.MainView.LoadHistory(room.ID) } func cmdReject(cmd *Command) { room := cmd.Room.MxRoom() if room.SessionMember.Membership != "invite" { cmd.Reply("/reject can only be used in rooms you're invited to") return } err := cmd.Matrix.LeaveRoom(room.ID) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to reject invite: %v", err) } else { cmd.Reply("Successfully rejected invite") } cmd.MainView.RemoveRoom(room) } func cmdID(cmd *Command) { cmd.Reply("The internal ID of this room is %s", cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID) } type SelectReason string const ( SelectReply SelectReason = "reply to" SelectReact = "react to" SelectRedact = "redact" SelectDownload = "download" SelectOpen = "open" SelectCopy = "copy" ) func cmdReply(cmd *Command) { cmd.Room.StartSelecting(SelectReply, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ")) } func cmdRedact(cmd *Command) { cmd.Room.StartSelecting(SelectRedact, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ")) } func cmdDownload(cmd *Command) { cmd.Room.StartSelecting(SelectDownload, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ")) } func cmdOpen(cmd *Command) { cmd.Room.StartSelecting(SelectOpen, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ")) } func cmdCopy(cmd *Command) { register := strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ") if len(register) == 0 { register = "clipboard" } if register == "clipboard" || register == "primary" { cmd.Room.StartSelecting(SelectCopy, register) } else { cmd.Reply("Usage: /copy [register], where register is either \"clipboard\" or \"primary\". Defaults to \"clipboard\".") } } func cmdReact(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) == 0 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /react ") return } cmd.Room.StartSelecting(SelectReact, strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ")) } func readRoomAlias(cmd *Command) (alias id.RoomAlias, err error) { param := strings.Join(cmd.Args[1:], " ") if strings.ContainsRune(param, ':') { if param[0] != '#' { return "", errors.New("Full aliases must start with #") } alias = id.RoomAlias(param) } else { _, homeserver, _ := cmd.Matrix.Client().UserID.Parse() alias = id.NewRoomAlias(param, homeserver) } return } func cmdAlias(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) < 2 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /alias ") return } alias, err := readRoomAlias(cmd) if err != nil { cmd.Reply(err.Error()) return } subcmd := strings.ToLower(cmd.Args[0]) switch subcmd { case "add", "create": cmdAddAlias(cmd, alias) case "remove", "delete", "del", "rm": cmdRemoveAlias(cmd, alias) case "resolve", "get": cmdResolveAlias(cmd, alias) default: cmd.Reply("Usage: /alias ") } } func niceError(err error) string { httpErr, ok := err.(mautrix.HTTPError) if ok && httpErr.RespError != nil { return httpErr.RespError.Error() } return err.Error() } func cmdAddAlias(cmd *Command, alias id.RoomAlias) { _, err := cmd.Matrix.Client().CreateAlias(alias, cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to create alias: %v", niceError(err)) } else { cmd.Reply("Created alias %s", alias) } } func cmdRemoveAlias(cmd *Command, alias id.RoomAlias) { _, err := cmd.Matrix.Client().DeleteAlias(alias) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to delete alias: %v", niceError(err)) } else { cmd.Reply("Deleted alias %s", alias) } } func cmdResolveAlias(cmd *Command, alias id.RoomAlias) { resp, err := cmd.Matrix.Client().ResolveAlias(alias) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to resolve alias: %v", niceError(err)) } else { roomIDText := string(resp.RoomID) if resp.RoomID == cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID { roomIDText += " (this room)" } cmd.Reply("Alias %s points to room %s\nThere are %d servers in the room.", alias, roomIDText, len(resp.Servers)) } } func cmdTags(cmd *Command) { tags := cmd.Room.MxRoom().RawTags if len(cmd.Args) > 0 && cmd.Args[0] == "--internal" { tags = cmd.Room.MxRoom().Tags() } if len(tags) == 0 { if cmd.Room.MxRoom().IsDirect { cmd.Reply("This room has no tags, but it's marked as a direct chat.") } else { cmd.Reply("This room has no tags.") } return } var resp strings.Builder resp.WriteString("Tags in this room:\n") for _, tag := range tags { if tag.Order != "" { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&resp, "%s (order: %s)\n", tag.Tag, tag.Order) } else { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&resp, "%s (no order)\n", tag.Tag) } } cmd.Reply(strings.TrimSpace(resp.String())) } func cmdTag(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) == 0 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /tag [order]") return } order := math.NaN() if len(cmd.Args) > 1 { var err error order, err = strconv.ParseFloat(cmd.Args[1], 64) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("%s is not a valid order: %v", cmd.Args[1], err) return } } var err error if len(cmd.Args) > 2 && cmd.Args[2] == "--reset" { tags := event.Tags{ cmd.Args[0]: {Order: json.Number(fmt.Sprintf("%f", order))}, } for _, tag := range cmd.Room.MxRoom().RawTags { tags[tag.Tag] = event.Tag{Order: tag.Order} } err = cmd.Matrix.Client().SetTags(cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID, tags) } else { err = cmd.Matrix.Client().AddTag(cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID, cmd.Args[0], order) } if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to add tag: %v", err) } } func cmdUntag(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) == 0 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /untag ") return } err := cmd.Matrix.Client().RemoveTag(cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID, cmd.Args[0]) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to remove tag: %v", err) } } func cmdRoomNick(cmd *Command) { room := cmd.Room.MxRoom() member := room.GetMember(room.SessionUserID) member.Displayname = strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ") _, err := cmd.Matrix.Client().SendStateEvent(room.ID, event.StateMember, string(room.SessionUserID), member) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to set room nick: %v", err) } } func cmdFingerprint(cmd *Command) { c := cmd.Matrix.Crypto() if c == nil { cmd.Reply("Encryption support is not enabled") } else { cmd.Reply("Device ID: %s\nFingerprint: %s", cmd.Matrix.Client().DeviceID, c.Fingerprint()) } } // region TODO these four functions currently use the crypto internals directly. switch to interfaces before releasing func autocompleteDeviceUserID(cmd *CommandAutocomplete) (completions []string, newText string) { userCompletions := cmd.Room.AutocompleteUser(cmd.Args[0]) if len(userCompletions) == 1 { newText = fmt.Sprintf("/%s %s ", cmd.OrigCommand, userCompletions[0].id) } else { completions = make([]string, len(userCompletions)) for i, completion := range userCompletions { completions[i] = completion.id } } return } func autocompleteDeviceDeviceID(cmd *CommandAutocomplete) (completions []string, newText string) { mach := cmd.Matrix.Crypto().(*crypto.OlmMachine) devices, err := mach.CryptoStore.GetDevices(id.UserID(cmd.Args[0])) if len(devices) == 0 || err != nil { return } var completedDeviceID id.DeviceID if len(cmd.Args) > 1 { existingID := strings.ToUpper(cmd.Args[1]) for _, device := range devices { deviceIDStr := string(device.DeviceID) if deviceIDStr == existingID { // We don't want to do any autocompletion if there's already a full device ID there. return []string{}, "" } else if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToUpper(device.Name), existingID) || strings.HasPrefix(deviceIDStr, existingID) { completedDeviceID = device.DeviceID completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", device.DeviceID, device.Name)) } } } else { completions = make([]string, len(devices)) i := 0 for _, device := range devices { completedDeviceID = device.DeviceID completions[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", device.DeviceID, device.Name) i++ } } if len(completions) == 1 { newText = fmt.Sprintf("/%s %s %s ", cmd.OrigCommand, cmd.Args[0], completedDeviceID) } return } func autocompleteDevice(cmd *CommandAutocomplete) ([]string, string) { if len(cmd.Args) == 0 { return []string{}, "" } else if len(cmd.Args) == 1 && !unicode.IsSpace(rune(cmd.RawArgs[len(cmd.RawArgs)-1])) { return autocompleteDeviceUserID(cmd) } else if cmd.Command != "devices" { return autocompleteDeviceDeviceID(cmd) } return []string{}, "" } func getDevice(cmd *Command) *crypto.DeviceIdentity { if len(cmd.Args) < 2 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /%s [fingerprint]", cmd.Command) return nil } mach := cmd.Matrix.Crypto().(*crypto.OlmMachine) device, err := mach.GetOrFetchDevice(id.UserID(cmd.Args[0]), id.DeviceID(cmd.Args[1])) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to get device: %v", err) return nil } return device } func putDevice(cmd *Command, device *crypto.DeviceIdentity, action string) { mach := cmd.Matrix.Crypto().(*crypto.OlmMachine) err := mach.CryptoStore.PutDevice(device.UserID, device) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to save device: %v", err) } else { cmd.Reply("Successfully %s %s/%s (%s)", action, device.UserID, device.DeviceID, device.Name) } mach.OnDevicesChanged(device.UserID) } func cmdDevices(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) == 0 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /devices ") return } userID := id.UserID(cmd.Args[0]) mach := cmd.Matrix.Crypto().(*crypto.OlmMachine) devices, err := mach.CryptoStore.GetDevices(userID) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to get device list: %v", err) } if len(devices) == 0 { cmd.Reply("Fetching device list from server...") devices = mach.LoadDevices(userID) } if len(devices) == 0 { cmd.Reply("No devices found for %s", userID) return } var buf strings.Builder for _, device := range devices { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s (%s) - %s\n Fingerprint: %s\n", device.DeviceID, device.Name, device.Trust.String(), device.Fingerprint()) } resp := buf.String() cmd.Reply(resp[:len(resp)-1]) } func cmdDevice(cmd *Command) { device := getDevice(cmd) if device == nil { return } deviceType := "Device" if device.Deleted { deviceType = "Deleted device" } cmd.Reply("%s %s of %s\nFingerprint: %s\nIdentity key: %s\nDevice name: %s\nTrust state: %s", deviceType, device.DeviceID, device.UserID, device.Fingerprint(), device.IdentityKey, device.Name, device.Trust.String()) } func cmdVerify(cmd *Command) { device := getDevice(cmd) if device == nil { return } if device.Trust == crypto.TrustStateVerified { cmd.Reply("That device is already verified") return } if len(cmd.Args) == 2 { mach := cmd.Matrix.Crypto().(*crypto.OlmMachine) mach.DefaultSASTimeout = 120 * time.Second modal := NewVerificationModal(cmd.MainView, device, mach.DefaultSASTimeout) cmd.MainView.ShowModal(modal) err := mach.NewSimpleSASVerificationWith(device, modal) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to start interactive verification: %v", err) return } } else { fingerprint := strings.Join(cmd.Args[2:], "") if string(device.SigningKey) != fingerprint { cmd.Reply("Mismatching fingerprint") return } action := "verified" if device.Trust == crypto.TrustStateBlacklisted { action = "unblacklisted and verified" } device.Trust = crypto.TrustStateVerified putDevice(cmd, device, action) } } func cmdUnverify(cmd *Command) { device := getDevice(cmd) if device == nil { return } if device.Trust == crypto.TrustStateUnset { cmd.Reply("That device is already not verified") return } action := "unverified" if device.Trust == crypto.TrustStateBlacklisted { action = "unblacklisted" } device.Trust = crypto.TrustStateUnset putDevice(cmd, device, action) } func cmdBlacklist(cmd *Command) { device := getDevice(cmd) if device == nil { return } if device.Trust == crypto.TrustStateBlacklisted { cmd.Reply("That device is already blacklisted") return } action := "blacklisted" if device.Trust == crypto.TrustStateVerified { action = "unverified and blacklisted" } device.Trust = crypto.TrustStateBlacklisted putDevice(cmd, device, action) } // endregion func cmdHeapProfile(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) == 0 || cmd.Args[0] != "nogc" { runtime.GC() dbg.FreeOSMemory() } memProfile, err := os.Create("gomuks.heap.prof") if err != nil { debug.Print("Failed to open gomuks.heap.prof:", err) return } defer func() { err := memProfile.Close() if err != nil { debug.Print("Failed to close gomuks.heap.prof:", err) } }() if err := pprof.WriteHeapProfile(memProfile); err != nil { debug.Print("Heap profile error:", err) } } func runTimedProfile(cmd *Command, start func(writer io.Writer) error, stop func(), task, file string) { if len(cmd.Args) == 0 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /%s ", cmd.Command) } else if dur, err := strconv.Atoi(cmd.Args[0]); err != nil || dur < 0 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /%s ", cmd.Command) } else if cpuProfile, err := os.Create(file); err != nil { debug.Printf("Failed to open %s: %v", file, err) } else if err = start(cpuProfile); err != nil { _ = cpuProfile.Close() debug.Print(task, "error:", err) } else { cmd.Reply("Started %s for %d seconds", task, dur) go func() { time.Sleep(time.Duration(dur) * time.Second) stop() cmd.Reply("%s finished.", task) err := cpuProfile.Close() if err != nil { debug.Print("Failed to close gomuks.cpu.prof:", err) } }() } } func cmdCPUProfile(cmd *Command) { runTimedProfile(cmd, pprof.StartCPUProfile, pprof.StopCPUProfile, "CPU profiling", "gomuks.cpu.prof") } func cmdTrace(cmd *Command) { runTimedProfile(cmd, trace.Start, trace.Stop, "Call tracing", "gomuks.trace") } func cmdQuit(cmd *Command) { cmd.Gomuks.Stop(true) } func cmdClearCache(cmd *Command) { cmd.Config.Clear() cmd.Gomuks.Stop(false) } func cmdUnknownCommand(cmd *Command) { cmd.Reply("Unknown command \"%s\". Try \"/help\" for help.", cmd.Command) } func cmdHelp(cmd *Command) { cmd.Reply(`# General /help - Show this "temporary" help message. /quit - Quit gomuks. /clearcache - Clear cache and quit gomuks. /logout - Log out of Matrix. /toggle - Temporary command to toggle various UI features. Things: rooms, users, baremessages, images, typingnotif # Sending special messages /me - Send an emote message. /notice - Send a notice (generally used for bot messages). /rainbow - Send rainbow text (markdown not supported). /rainbowme - Send rainbow text in an emote. /reply [text] - Reply to the selected message. /react - React to the selected message. /redact [reason] - Redact the selected message. # Encryption /fingerprint - View the fingerprint of your device. /devices - View the device list of a user. /device - Show info about a specific device. /unverify - Un-verify a device. /blacklist - Blacklist a device. /verify [fingerprint] - Verify a device. If the fingerprint is not provided, interactive emoji verification will be started. # Rooms /pm <...> - Create a private chat with the given user(s). /create [room name] - Create a room. /join [server] - Join a room. /accept - Accept the invite. /reject - Reject the invite. /invite - Invite the given user to the room. /roomnick - Change your per-room displayname. /tag - Add the room to . /untag - Remove the room from . /tags - List the tags the room is in. /alias - Add or remove local addresses. /leave - Leave the current room. /kick [reason] - Kick a user. /ban [reason] - Ban a user. /unban - Unban a user.`) } func cmdLeave(cmd *Command) { err := cmd.Matrix.LeaveRoom(cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID) debug.Print("Leave room error:", err) if err == nil { cmd.MainView.RemoveRoom(cmd.Room.MxRoom()) } } func cmdInvite(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) != 1 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /invite ") return } _, err := cmd.Matrix.Client().InviteUser(cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID, &mautrix.ReqInviteUser{UserID: id.UserID(cmd.Args[0])}) if err != nil { debug.Print("Error in invite call:", err) cmd.Reply("Failed to invite user: %v", err) } } func cmdBan(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) < 1 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /ban [reason]") return } reason := "you are the weakest link, goodbye!" if len(cmd.Args) >= 2 { reason = strings.Join(cmd.Args[1:], " ") } _, err := cmd.Matrix.Client().BanUser(cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID, &mautrix.ReqBanUser{Reason: reason, UserID: id.UserID(cmd.Args[0])}) if err != nil { debug.Print("Error in ban call:", err) cmd.Reply("Failed to ban user: %v", err) } } func cmdUnban(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) != 1 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /unban ") return } _, err := cmd.Matrix.Client().UnbanUser(cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID, &mautrix.ReqUnbanUser{UserID: id.UserID(cmd.Args[0])}) if err != nil { debug.Print("Error in unban call:", err) cmd.Reply("Failed to unban user: %v", err) } } func cmdKick(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) < 1 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /kick [reason]") return } reason := "you are the weakest link, goodbye!" if len(cmd.Args) >= 2 { reason = strings.Join(cmd.Args[1:], " ") } _, err := cmd.Matrix.Client().KickUser(cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID, &mautrix.ReqKickUser{Reason: reason, UserID: id.UserID(cmd.Args[0])}) if err != nil { debug.Print("Error in kick call:", err) debug.Print("Failed to kick user:", err) } } func cmdCreateRoom(cmd *Command) { req := &mautrix.ReqCreateRoom{} if len(cmd.Args) > 0 { req.Name = strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ") } room, err := cmd.Matrix.CreateRoom(req) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to create room: %v", err) return } cmd.MainView.SwitchRoom("", room) } func cmdPrivateMessage(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) == 0 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /pm [more user ids...]") } invites := make([]id.UserID, len(cmd.Args)) for i, userID := range cmd.Args { invites[i] = id.UserID(userID) _, _, err := invites[i].Parse() if err != nil { cmd.Reply("%s isn't a valid user ID", userID) return } } req := &mautrix.ReqCreateRoom{ Preset: "trusted_private_chat", Invite: invites, } room, err := cmd.Matrix.CreateRoom(req) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to create room: %v", err) return } cmd.MainView.SwitchRoom("", room) } func cmdJoin(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) == 0 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /join ") return } identifer := id.RoomID(cmd.Args[0]) server := "" if len(cmd.Args) > 1 { server = cmd.Args[1] } room, err := cmd.Matrix.JoinRoom(identifer, server) debug.Print("Join room error:", err) if err == nil { cmd.MainView.AddRoom(room) } } func cmdMSendEvent(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) < 2 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /msend ") return } cmd.Args = append([]string{string(cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID)}, cmd.Args...) cmdSendEvent(cmd) } func cmdSendEvent(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) < 3 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /send ") return } roomID := id.RoomID(cmd.Args[0]) eventType := event.NewEventType(cmd.Args[1]) rawContent := strings.Join(cmd.Args[2:], " ") var content interface{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(rawContent), &content) debug.Print(err) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to parse content: %v", err) return } debug.Print("Sending event to", roomID, eventType, content) resp, err := cmd.Matrix.Client().SendMessageEvent(roomID, eventType, content) debug.Print(resp, err) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Error from server: %v", err) } else { cmd.Reply("Event sent, ID: %s", resp.EventID) } } func cmdMSetState(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) < 2 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /msetstate ") return } cmd.Args = append([]string{string(cmd.Room.MxRoom().ID)}, cmd.Args...) cmdSetState(cmd) } func cmdSetState(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) < 4 { cmd.Reply("Usage: /setstate ") return } roomID := id.RoomID(cmd.Args[0]) eventType := event.NewEventType(cmd.Args[1]) stateKey := cmd.Args[2] if stateKey == "-" { stateKey = "" } rawContent := strings.Join(cmd.Args[3:], " ") var content interface{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(rawContent), &content) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Failed to parse content: %v", err) return } debug.Print("Sending state event to", roomID, eventType, stateKey, content) resp, err := cmd.Matrix.Client().SendStateEvent(roomID, eventType, stateKey, content) if err != nil { cmd.Reply("Error from server: %v", err) } else { cmd.Reply("State event sent, ID: %s", resp.EventID) } } type ToggleMessage interface { Name() string Format(state bool) string } type HideMessage string func (hm HideMessage) Format(state bool) string { if state { return string(hm) + " is now hidden" } else { return string(hm) + " is now visible" } } func (hm HideMessage) Name() string { return string(hm) } type SimpleToggleMessage string func (stm SimpleToggleMessage) Format(state bool) string { if state { return "Disabled " + string(stm) } else { return "Enabled " + string(stm) } } func (stm SimpleToggleMessage) Name() string { return string(unicode.ToUpper(rune(stm[0]))) + string(stm[1:]) } var toggleMsg = map[string]ToggleMessage{ "rooms": HideMessage("Room list sidebar"), "users": HideMessage("User list sidebar"), "baremessages": SimpleToggleMessage("bare message view"), "images": SimpleToggleMessage("image rendering"), "typingnotif": SimpleToggleMessage("typing notifications"), "emojis": SimpleToggleMessage("emoji shortcode conversion"), "html": SimpleToggleMessage("HTML input"), "markdown": SimpleToggleMessage("markdown input"), "downloads": SimpleToggleMessage("automatic downloads"), "notifications": SimpleToggleMessage("desktop notifications"), } func makeUsage() string { var buf strings.Builder buf.WriteString("Usage: /toggle \n\n") buf.WriteString("List of Things:\n") for key, value := range toggleMsg { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "* %s - %s\n", key, value.Name()) } return buf.String()[:buf.Len()-1] } func cmdToggle(cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Args) == 0 { cmd.Reply(makeUsage()) return } for _, thing := range cmd.Args { var val *bool switch thing { case "rooms": val = &cmd.Config.Preferences.HideRoomList case "users": val = &cmd.Config.Preferences.HideUserList case "baremessages": val = &cmd.Config.Preferences.BareMessageView case "images": val = &cmd.Config.Preferences.DisableImages case "typingnotif": val = &cmd.Config.Preferences.DisableTypingNotifs case "emojis": val = &cmd.Config.Preferences.DisableEmojis case "html": val = &cmd.Config.Preferences.DisableHTML case "markdown": val = &cmd.Config.Preferences.DisableMarkdown case "downloads": val = &cmd.Config.Preferences.DisableDownloads case "notifications": val = &cmd.Config.Preferences.DisableNotifications default: cmd.Reply("Unknown toggle %s. Use /toggle without arguments for a list of togglable things.", thing) return } *val = !(*val) debug.Print(thing, *val) cmd.Reply(toggleMsg[thing].Format(*val)) } cmd.UI.Render() go cmd.Matrix.SendPreferencesToMatrix() } func cmdLogout(cmd *Command) { cmd.Matrix.Logout() }