// The colorful package provides all kinds of functions for working with colors. package colorful import ( "fmt" "image/color" "math" ) // A color is stored internally using sRGB (standard RGB) values in the range 0-1 type Color struct { R, G, B float64 } // Implement the Go color.Color interface. func (col Color) RGBA() (r, g, b, a uint32) { r = uint32(col.R*65535.0 + 0.5) g = uint32(col.G*65535.0 + 0.5) b = uint32(col.B*65535.0 + 0.5) a = 0xFFFF return } // Constructs a colorful.Color from something implementing color.Color func MakeColor(col color.Color) Color { r, g, b, a := col.RGBA() // Since color.Color is alpha pre-multiplied, we need to divide the // RGB values by alpha again in order to get back the original RGB. r *= 0xffff r /= a g *= 0xffff g /= a b *= 0xffff b /= a return Color{float64(r) / 65535.0, float64(g) / 65535.0, float64(b) / 65535.0} } // Might come in handy sometimes to reduce boilerplate code. func (col Color) RGB255() (r, g, b uint8) { r = uint8(col.R*255.0 + 0.5) g = uint8(col.G*255.0 + 0.5) b = uint8(col.B*255.0 + 0.5) return } // This is the tolerance used when comparing colors using AlmostEqualRgb. const Delta = 1.0 / 255.0 // This is the default reference white point. var D65 = [3]float64{0.95047, 1.00000, 1.08883} // And another one. var D50 = [3]float64{0.96422, 1.00000, 0.82521} // Checks whether the color exists in RGB space, i.e. all values are in [0..1] func (c Color) IsValid() bool { return 0.0 <= c.R && c.R <= 1.0 && 0.0 <= c.G && c.G <= 1.0 && 0.0 <= c.B && c.B <= 1.0 } func clamp01(v float64) float64 { return math.Max(0.0, math.Min(v, 1.0)) } // Returns Clamps the color into valid range, clamping each value to [0..1] // If the color is valid already, this is a no-op. func (c Color) Clamped() Color { return Color{clamp01(c.R), clamp01(c.G), clamp01(c.B)} } func sq(v float64) float64 { return v * v } func cub(v float64) float64 { return v * v * v } // DistanceRgb computes the distance between two colors in RGB space. // This is not a good measure! Rather do it in Lab space. func (c1 Color) DistanceRgb(c2 Color) float64 { return math.Sqrt(sq(c1.R-c2.R) + sq(c1.G-c2.G) + sq(c1.B-c2.B)) } // Check for equality between colors within the tolerance Delta (1/255). func (c1 Color) AlmostEqualRgb(c2 Color) bool { return math.Abs(c1.R-c2.R)+ math.Abs(c1.G-c2.G)+ math.Abs(c1.B-c2.B) < 3.0*Delta } // You don't really want to use this, do you? Go for BlendLab, BlendLuv or BlendHcl. func (c1 Color) BlendRgb(c2 Color, t float64) Color { return Color{c1.R + t*(c2.R-c1.R), c1.G + t*(c2.G-c1.G), c1.B + t*(c2.B-c1.B)} } // Utility used by Hxx color-spaces for interpolating between two angles in [0,360]. func interp_angle(a0, a1, t float64) float64 { // Based on the answer here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14498790/2366315 // With potential proof that it works here: http://math.stackexchange.com/a/2144499 delta := math.Mod(math.Mod(a1-a0, 360.0)+540, 360.0) - 180.0 return math.Mod(a0+t*delta+360.0, 360.0) } /// HSV /// /////////// // From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV // Note that h is in [0..360] and s,v in [0..1] // Hsv returns the Hue [0..360], Saturation and Value [0..1] of the color. func (col Color) Hsv() (h, s, v float64) { min := math.Min(math.Min(col.R, col.G), col.B) v = math.Max(math.Max(col.R, col.G), col.B) C := v - min s = 0.0 if v != 0.0 { s = C / v } h = 0.0 // We use 0 instead of undefined as in wp. if min != v { if v == col.R { h = math.Mod((col.G-col.B)/C, 6.0) } if v == col.G { h = (col.B-col.R)/C + 2.0 } if v == col.B { h = (col.R-col.G)/C + 4.0 } h *= 60.0 if h < 0.0 { h += 360.0 } } return } // Hsv creates a new Color given a Hue in [0..360], a Saturation and a Value in [0..1] func Hsv(H, S, V float64) Color { Hp := H / 60.0 C := V * S X := C * (1.0 - math.Abs(math.Mod(Hp, 2.0)-1.0)) m := V - C r, g, b := 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 switch { case 0.0 <= Hp && Hp < 1.0: r = C g = X case 1.0 <= Hp && Hp < 2.0: r = X g = C case 2.0 <= Hp && Hp < 3.0: g = C b = X case 3.0 <= Hp && Hp < 4.0: g = X b = C case 4.0 <= Hp && Hp < 5.0: r = X b = C case 5.0 <= Hp && Hp < 6.0: r = C b = X } return Color{m + r, m + g, m + b} } // You don't really want to use this, do you? Go for BlendLab, BlendLuv or BlendHcl. func (c1 Color) BlendHsv(c2 Color, t float64) Color { h1, s1, v1 := c1.Hsv() h2, s2, v2 := c2.Hsv() // We know that h are both in [0..360] return Hsv(interp_angle(h1, h2, t), s1+t*(s2-s1), v1+t*(v2-v1)) } /// HSL /// /////////// // Hsl returns the Hue [0..360], Saturation [0..1], and Luminance (lightness) [0..1] of the color. func (col Color) Hsl() (h, s, l float64) { min := math.Min(math.Min(col.R, col.G), col.B) max := math.Max(math.Max(col.R, col.G), col.B) l = (max + min) / 2 if min == max { s = 0 h = 0 } else { if l < 0.5 { s = (max - min) / (max + min) } else { s = (max - min) / (2.0 - max - min) } if max == col.R { h = (col.G - col.B) / (max - min) } else if max == col.G { h = 2.0 + (col.B-col.R)/(max-min) } else { h = 4.0 + (col.R-col.G)/(max-min) } h *= 60 if h < 0 { h += 360 } } return } // Hsl creates a new Color given a Hue in [0..360], a Saturation [0..1], and a Luminance (lightness) in [0..1] func Hsl(h, s, l float64) Color { if s == 0 { return Color{l, l, l} } var r, g, b float64 var t1 float64 var t2 float64 var tr float64 var tg float64 var tb float64 if l < 0.5 { t1 = l * (1.0 + s) } else { t1 = l + s - l*s } t2 = 2*l - t1 h = h / 360 tr = h + 1.0/3.0 tg = h tb = h - 1.0/3.0 if tr < 0 { tr++ } if tr > 1 { tr-- } if tg < 0 { tg++ } if tg > 1 { tg-- } if tb < 0 { tb++ } if tb > 1 { tb-- } // Red if 6*tr < 1 { r = t2 + (t1-t2)*6*tr } else if 2*tr < 1 { r = t1 } else if 3*tr < 2 { r = t2 + (t1-t2)*(2.0/3.0-tr)*6 } else { r = t2 } // Green if 6*tg < 1 { g = t2 + (t1-t2)*6*tg } else if 2*tg < 1 { g = t1 } else if 3*tg < 2 { g = t2 + (t1-t2)*(2.0/3.0-tg)*6 } else { g = t2 } // Blue if 6*tb < 1 { b = t2 + (t1-t2)*6*tb } else if 2*tb < 1 { b = t1 } else if 3*tb < 2 { b = t2 + (t1-t2)*(2.0/3.0-tb)*6 } else { b = t2 } return Color{r, g, b} } /// Hex /// /////////// // Hex returns the hex "html" representation of the color, as in #ff0080. func (col Color) Hex() string { // Add 0.5 for rounding return fmt.Sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", uint8(col.R*255.0+0.5), uint8(col.G*255.0+0.5), uint8(col.B*255.0+0.5)) } // Hex parses a "html" hex color-string, either in the 3 "#f0c" or 6 "#ff1034" digits form. func Hex(scol string) (Color, error) { format := "#%02x%02x%02x" factor := 1.0 / 255.0 if len(scol) == 4 { format = "#%1x%1x%1x" factor = 1.0 / 15.0 } var r, g, b uint8 n, err := fmt.Sscanf(scol, format, &r, &g, &b) if err != nil { return Color{}, err } if n != 3 { return Color{}, fmt.Errorf("color: %v is not a hex-color", scol) } return Color{float64(r) * factor, float64(g) * factor, float64(b) * factor}, nil } /// Linear /// ////////////// // http://www.sjbrown.co.uk/2004/05/14/gamma-correct-rendering/ // http://www.brucelindbloom.com/Eqn_RGB_to_XYZ.html func linearize(v float64) float64 { if v <= 0.04045 { return v / 12.92 } return math.Pow((v+0.055)/1.055, 2.4) } // LinearRgb converts the color into the linear RGB space (see http://www.sjbrown.co.uk/2004/05/14/gamma-correct-rendering/). func (col Color) LinearRgb() (r, g, b float64) { r = linearize(col.R) g = linearize(col.G) b = linearize(col.B) return } // A much faster and still quite precise linearization using a 6th-order Taylor approximation. // See the accompanying Jupyter notebook for derivation of the constants. func linearize_fast(v float64) float64 { v1 := v - 0.5 v2 := v1 * v1 v3 := v2 * v1 v4 := v2 * v2 //v5 := v3*v2 return -0.248750514614486 + 0.925583310193438*v + 1.16740237321695*v2 + 0.280457026598666*v3 - 0.0757991963780179*v4 //+ 0.0437040411548932*v5 } // FastLinearRgb is much faster than and almost as accurate as LinearRgb. // BUT it is important to NOTE that they only produce good results for valid colors r,g,b in [0,1]. func (col Color) FastLinearRgb() (r, g, b float64) { r = linearize_fast(col.R) g = linearize_fast(col.G) b = linearize_fast(col.B) return } func delinearize(v float64) float64 { if v <= 0.0031308 { return 12.92 * v } return 1.055*math.Pow(v, 1.0/2.4) - 0.055 } // LinearRgb creates an sRGB color out of the given linear RGB color (see http://www.sjbrown.co.uk/2004/05/14/gamma-correct-rendering/). func LinearRgb(r, g, b float64) Color { return Color{delinearize(r), delinearize(g), delinearize(b)} } func delinearize_fast(v float64) float64 { // This function (fractional root) is much harder to linearize, so we need to split. if v > 0.2 { v1 := v - 0.6 v2 := v1 * v1 v3 := v2 * v1 v4 := v2 * v2 v5 := v3 * v2 return 0.442430344268235 + 0.592178981271708*v - 0.287864782562636*v2 + 0.253214392068985*v3 - 0.272557158129811*v4 + 0.325554383321718*v5 } else if v > 0.03 { v1 := v - 0.115 v2 := v1 * v1 v3 := v2 * v1 v4 := v2 * v2 v5 := v3 * v2 return 0.194915592891669 + 1.55227076330229*v - 3.93691860257828*v2 + 18.0679839248761*v3 - 101.468750302746*v4 + 632.341487393927*v5 } else { v1 := v - 0.015 v2 := v1 * v1 v3 := v2 * v1 v4 := v2 * v2 v5 := v3 * v2 // You can clearly see from the involved constants that the low-end is highly nonlinear. return 0.0519565234928877 + 5.09316778537561*v - 99.0338180489702*v2 + 3484.52322764895*v3 - 150028.083412663*v4 + 7168008.42971613*v5 } } // FastLinearRgb is much faster than and almost as accurate as LinearRgb. // BUT it is important to NOTE that they only produce good results for valid inputs r,g,b in [0,1]. func FastLinearRgb(r, g, b float64) Color { return Color{delinearize_fast(r), delinearize_fast(g), delinearize_fast(b)} } // XyzToLinearRgb converts from CIE XYZ-space to Linear RGB space. func XyzToLinearRgb(x, y, z float64) (r, g, b float64) { r = 3.2404542*x - 1.5371385*y - 0.4985314*z g = -0.9692660*x + 1.8760108*y + 0.0415560*z b = 0.0556434*x - 0.2040259*y + 1.0572252*z return } func LinearRgbToXyz(r, g, b float64) (x, y, z float64) { x = 0.4124564*r + 0.3575761*g + 0.1804375*b y = 0.2126729*r + 0.7151522*g + 0.0721750*b z = 0.0193339*r + 0.1191920*g + 0.9503041*b return } /// XYZ /// /////////// // http://www.sjbrown.co.uk/2004/05/14/gamma-correct-rendering/ func (col Color) Xyz() (x, y, z float64) { return LinearRgbToXyz(col.LinearRgb()) } func Xyz(x, y, z float64) Color { return LinearRgb(XyzToLinearRgb(x, y, z)) } /// xyY /// /////////// // http://www.brucelindbloom.com/Eqn_XYZ_to_xyY.html // Well, the name is bad, since it's xyY but Golang needs me to start with a // capital letter to make the method public. func XyzToXyy(X, Y, Z float64) (x, y, Yout float64) { return XyzToXyyWhiteRef(X, Y, Z, D65) } func XyzToXyyWhiteRef(X, Y, Z float64, wref [3]float64) (x, y, Yout float64) { Yout = Y N := X + Y + Z if math.Abs(N) < 1e-14 { // When we have black, Bruce Lindbloom recommends to use // the reference white's chromacity for x and y. x = wref[0] / (wref[0] + wref[1] + wref[2]) y = wref[1] / (wref[0] + wref[1] + wref[2]) } else { x = X / N y = Y / N } return } func XyyToXyz(x, y, Y float64) (X, Yout, Z float64) { Yout = Y if -1e-14 < y && y < 1e-14 { X = 0.0 Z = 0.0 } else { X = Y / y * x Z = Y / y * (1.0 - x - y) } return } // Converts the given color to CIE xyY space using D65 as reference white. // (Note that the reference white is only used for black input.) // x, y and Y are in [0..1] func (col Color) Xyy() (x, y, Y float64) { return XyzToXyy(col.Xyz()) } // Converts the given color to CIE xyY space, taking into account // a given reference white. (i.e. the monitor's white) // (Note that the reference white is only used for black input.) // x, y and Y are in [0..1] func (col Color) XyyWhiteRef(wref [3]float64) (x, y, Y float64) { X, Y2, Z := col.Xyz() return XyzToXyyWhiteRef(X, Y2, Z, wref) } // Generates a color by using data given in CIE xyY space. // x, y and Y are in [0..1] func Xyy(x, y, Y float64) Color { return Xyz(XyyToXyz(x, y, Y)) } /// L*a*b* /// ////////////// // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lab_color_space#CIELAB-CIEXYZ_conversions // For L*a*b*, we need to L*a*b*<->XYZ->RGB and the first one is device dependent. func lab_f(t float64) float64 { if t > 6.0/29.0*6.0/29.0*6.0/29.0 { return math.Cbrt(t) } return t/3.0*29.0/6.0*29.0/6.0 + 4.0/29.0 } func XyzToLab(x, y, z float64) (l, a, b float64) { // Use D65 white as reference point by default. // http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/1035332 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_illuminant return XyzToLabWhiteRef(x, y, z, D65) } func XyzToLabWhiteRef(x, y, z float64, wref [3]float64) (l, a, b float64) { fy := lab_f(y / wref[1]) l = 1.16*fy - 0.16 a = 5.0 * (lab_f(x/wref[0]) - fy) b = 2.0 * (fy - lab_f(z/wref[2])) return } func lab_finv(t float64) float64 { if t > 6.0/29.0 { return t * t * t } return 3.0 * 6.0 / 29.0 * 6.0 / 29.0 * (t - 4.0/29.0) } func LabToXyz(l, a, b float64) (x, y, z float64) { // D65 white (see above). return LabToXyzWhiteRef(l, a, b, D65) } func LabToXyzWhiteRef(l, a, b float64, wref [3]float64) (x, y, z float64) { l2 := (l + 0.16) / 1.16 x = wref[0] * lab_finv(l2+a/5.0) y = wref[1] * lab_finv(l2) z = wref[2] * lab_finv(l2-b/2.0) return } // Converts the given color to CIE L*a*b* space using D65 as reference white. func (col Color) Lab() (l, a, b float64) { return XyzToLab(col.Xyz()) } // Converts the given color to CIE L*a*b* space, taking into account // a given reference white. (i.e. the monitor's white) func (col Color) LabWhiteRef(wref [3]float64) (l, a, b float64) { x, y, z := col.Xyz() return XyzToLabWhiteRef(x, y, z, wref) } // Generates a color by using data given in CIE L*a*b* space using D65 as reference white. // WARNING: many combinations of `l`, `a`, and `b` values do not have corresponding // valid RGB values, check the FAQ in the README if you're unsure. func Lab(l, a, b float64) Color { return Xyz(LabToXyz(l, a, b)) } // Generates a color by using data given in CIE L*a*b* space, taking // into account a given reference white. (i.e. the monitor's white) func LabWhiteRef(l, a, b float64, wref [3]float64) Color { return Xyz(LabToXyzWhiteRef(l, a, b, wref)) } // DistanceLab is a good measure of visual similarity between two colors! // A result of 0 would mean identical colors, while a result of 1 or higher // means the colors differ a lot. func (c1 Color) DistanceLab(c2 Color) float64 { l1, a1, b1 := c1.Lab() l2, a2, b2 := c2.Lab() return math.Sqrt(sq(l1-l2) + sq(a1-a2) + sq(b1-b2)) } // That's actually the same, but I don't want to break code. func (c1 Color) DistanceCIE76(c2 Color) float64 { return c1.DistanceLab(c2) } // Uses the CIE94 formula to calculate color distance. More accurate than // DistanceLab, but also more work. func (cl Color) DistanceCIE94(cr Color) float64 { l1, a1, b1 := cl.Lab() l2, a2, b2 := cr.Lab() // NOTE: Since all those formulas expect L,a,b values 100x larger than we // have them in this library, we either need to adjust all constants // in the formula, or convert the ranges of L,a,b before, and then // scale the distances down again. The latter is less error-prone. l1, a1, b1 = l1*100.0, a1*100.0, b1*100.0 l2, a2, b2 = l2*100.0, a2*100.0, b2*100.0 kl := 1.0 // 2.0 for textiles kc := 1.0 kh := 1.0 k1 := 0.045 // 0.048 for textiles k2 := 0.015 // 0.014 for textiles. deltaL := l1 - l2 c1 := math.Sqrt(sq(a1) + sq(b1)) c2 := math.Sqrt(sq(a2) + sq(b2)) deltaCab := c1 - c2 // Not taking Sqrt here for stability, and it's unnecessary. deltaHab2 := sq(a1-a2) + sq(b1-b2) - sq(deltaCab) sl := 1.0 sc := 1.0 + k1*c1 sh := 1.0 + k2*c1 vL2 := sq(deltaL / (kl * sl)) vC2 := sq(deltaCab / (kc * sc)) vH2 := deltaHab2 / sq(kh*sh) return math.Sqrt(vL2+vC2+vH2) * 0.01 // See above. } // BlendLab blends two colors in the L*a*b* color-space, which should result in a smoother blend. // t == 0 results in c1, t == 1 results in c2 func (c1 Color) BlendLab(c2 Color, t float64) Color { l1, a1, b1 := c1.Lab() l2, a2, b2 := c2.Lab() return Lab(l1+t*(l2-l1), a1+t*(a2-a1), b1+t*(b2-b1)) } /// L*u*v* /// ////////////// // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELUV#XYZ_.E2.86.92_CIELUV_and_CIELUV_.E2.86.92_XYZ_conversions // For L*u*v*, we need to L*u*v*<->XYZ<->RGB and the first one is device dependent. func XyzToLuv(x, y, z float64) (l, a, b float64) { // Use D65 white as reference point by default. // http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/1035332 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_illuminant return XyzToLuvWhiteRef(x, y, z, D65) } func XyzToLuvWhiteRef(x, y, z float64, wref [3]float64) (l, u, v float64) { if y/wref[1] <= 6.0/29.0*6.0/29.0*6.0/29.0 { l = y / wref[1] * 29.0 / 3.0 * 29.0 / 3.0 * 29.0 / 3.0 } else { l = 1.16*math.Cbrt(y/wref[1]) - 0.16 } ubis, vbis := xyz_to_uv(x, y, z) un, vn := xyz_to_uv(wref[0], wref[1], wref[2]) u = 13.0 * l * (ubis - un) v = 13.0 * l * (vbis - vn) return } // For this part, we do as R's graphics.hcl does, not as wikipedia does. // Or is it the same? func xyz_to_uv(x, y, z float64) (u, v float64) { denom := x + 15.0*y + 3.0*z if denom == 0.0 { u, v = 0.0, 0.0 } else { u = 4.0 * x / denom v = 9.0 * y / denom } return } func LuvToXyz(l, u, v float64) (x, y, z float64) { // D65 white (see above). return LuvToXyzWhiteRef(l, u, v, D65) } func LuvToXyzWhiteRef(l, u, v float64, wref [3]float64) (x, y, z float64) { //y = wref[1] * lab_finv((l + 0.16) / 1.16) if l <= 0.08 { y = wref[1] * l * 100.0 * 3.0 / 29.0 * 3.0 / 29.0 * 3.0 / 29.0 } else { y = wref[1] * cub((l+0.16)/1.16) } un, vn := xyz_to_uv(wref[0], wref[1], wref[2]) if l != 0.0 { ubis := u/(13.0*l) + un vbis := v/(13.0*l) + vn x = y * 9.0 * ubis / (4.0 * vbis) z = y * (12.0 - 3.0*ubis - 20.0*vbis) / (4.0 * vbis) } else { x, y = 0.0, 0.0 } return } // Converts the given color to CIE L*u*v* space using D65 as reference white. // L* is in [0..1] and both u* and v* are in about [-1..1] func (col Color) Luv() (l, u, v float64) { return XyzToLuv(col.Xyz()) } // Converts the given color to CIE L*u*v* space, taking into account // a given reference white. (i.e. the monitor's white) // L* is in [0..1] and both u* and v* are in about [-1..1] func (col Color) LuvWhiteRef(wref [3]float64) (l, u, v float64) { x, y, z := col.Xyz() return XyzToLuvWhiteRef(x, y, z, wref) } // Generates a color by using data given in CIE L*u*v* space using D65 as reference white. // L* is in [0..1] and both u* and v* are in about [-1..1] // WARNING: many combinations of `l`, `a`, and `b` values do not have corresponding // valid RGB values, check the FAQ in the README if you're unsure. func Luv(l, u, v float64) Color { return Xyz(LuvToXyz(l, u, v)) } // Generates a color by using data given in CIE L*u*v* space, taking // into account a given reference white. (i.e. the monitor's white) // L* is in [0..1] and both u* and v* are in about [-1..1] func LuvWhiteRef(l, u, v float64, wref [3]float64) Color { return Xyz(LuvToXyzWhiteRef(l, u, v, wref)) } // DistanceLuv is a good measure of visual similarity between two colors! // A result of 0 would mean identical colors, while a result of 1 or higher // means the colors differ a lot. func (c1 Color) DistanceLuv(c2 Color) float64 { l1, u1, v1 := c1.Luv() l2, u2, v2 := c2.Luv() return math.Sqrt(sq(l1-l2) + sq(u1-u2) + sq(v1-v2)) } // BlendLuv blends two colors in the CIE-L*u*v* color-space, which should result in a smoother blend. // t == 0 results in c1, t == 1 results in c2 func (c1 Color) BlendLuv(c2 Color, t float64) Color { l1, u1, v1 := c1.Luv() l2, u2, v2 := c2.Luv() return Luv(l1+t*(l2-l1), u1+t*(u2-u1), v1+t*(v2-v1)) } /// HCL /// /////////// // HCL is nothing else than L*a*b* in cylindrical coordinates! // (this was wrong on English wikipedia, I fixed it, let's hope the fix stays.) // But it is widely popular since it is a "correct HSV" // http://www.hunterlab.com/appnotes/an09_96a.pdf // Converts the given color to HCL space using D65 as reference white. // H values are in [0..360], C and L values are in [0..1] although C can overshoot 1.0 func (col Color) Hcl() (h, c, l float64) { return col.HclWhiteRef(D65) } func LabToHcl(L, a, b float64) (h, c, l float64) { // Oops, floating point workaround necessary if a ~= b and both are very small (i.e. almost zero). if math.Abs(b-a) > 1e-4 && math.Abs(a) > 1e-4 { h = math.Mod(57.29577951308232087721*math.Atan2(b, a)+360.0, 360.0) // Rad2Deg } else { h = 0.0 } c = math.Sqrt(sq(a) + sq(b)) l = L return } // Converts the given color to HCL space, taking into account // a given reference white. (i.e. the monitor's white) // H values are in [0..360], C and L values are in [0..1] func (col Color) HclWhiteRef(wref [3]float64) (h, c, l float64) { L, a, b := col.LabWhiteRef(wref) return LabToHcl(L, a, b) } // Generates a color by using data given in HCL space using D65 as reference white. // H values are in [0..360], C and L values are in [0..1] // WARNING: many combinations of `l`, `a`, and `b` values do not have corresponding // valid RGB values, check the FAQ in the README if you're unsure. func Hcl(h, c, l float64) Color { return HclWhiteRef(h, c, l, D65) } func HclToLab(h, c, l float64) (L, a, b float64) { H := 0.01745329251994329576 * h // Deg2Rad a = c * math.Cos(H) b = c * math.Sin(H) L = l return } // Generates a color by using data given in HCL space, taking // into account a given reference white. (i.e. the monitor's white) // H values are in [0..360], C and L values are in [0..1] func HclWhiteRef(h, c, l float64, wref [3]float64) Color { L, a, b := HclToLab(h, c, l) return LabWhiteRef(L, a, b, wref) } // BlendHcl blends two colors in the CIE-L*C*h° color-space, which should result in a smoother blend. // t == 0 results in c1, t == 1 results in c2 func (col1 Color) BlendHcl(col2 Color, t float64) Color { h1, c1, l1 := col1.Hcl() h2, c2, l2 := col2.Hcl() // We know that h are both in [0..360] return Hcl(interp_angle(h1, h2, t), c1+t*(c2-c1), l1+t*(l2-l1)) }