package tview import ( "math" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "unicode" "" runewidth "" ) // Text alignment within a box. const ( AlignLeft = iota AlignCenter AlignRight ) // Semigraphical runes. const ( GraphicsHoriBar = '\u2500' GraphicsVertBar = '\u2502' GraphicsTopLeftCorner = '\u250c' GraphicsTopRightCorner = '\u2510' GraphicsBottomLeftCorner = '\u2514' GraphicsBottomRightCorner = '\u2518' GraphicsLeftT = '\u251c' GraphicsRightT = '\u2524' GraphicsTopT = '\u252c' GraphicsBottomT = '\u2534' GraphicsCross = '\u253c' GraphicsDbVertBar = '\u2550' GraphicsDbHorBar = '\u2551' GraphicsDbTopLeftCorner = '\u2554' GraphicsDbTopRightCorner = '\u2557' GraphicsDbBottomRightCorner = '\u255d' GraphicsDbBottomLeftCorner = '\u255a' GraphicsEllipsis = '\u2026' ) // joints maps combinations of two graphical runes to the rune that results // when joining the two in the same screen cell. The keys of this map are // two-rune strings where the value of the first rune is lower than the value // of the second rune. Identical runes are not contained. var joints = map[string]rune{ "\u2500\u2502": GraphicsCross, "\u2500\u250c": GraphicsTopT, "\u2500\u2510": GraphicsTopT, "\u2500\u2514": GraphicsBottomT, "\u2500\u2518": GraphicsBottomT, "\u2500\u251c": GraphicsCross, "\u2500\u2524": GraphicsCross, "\u2500\u252c": GraphicsTopT, "\u2500\u2534": GraphicsBottomT, "\u2500\u253c": GraphicsCross, "\u2502\u250c": GraphicsLeftT, "\u2502\u2510": GraphicsRightT, "\u2502\u2514": GraphicsLeftT, "\u2502\u2518": GraphicsRightT, "\u2502\u251c": GraphicsLeftT, "\u2502\u2524": GraphicsRightT, "\u2502\u252c": GraphicsCross, "\u2502\u2534": GraphicsCross, "\u2502\u253c": GraphicsCross, "\u250c\u2510": GraphicsTopT, "\u250c\u2514": GraphicsLeftT, "\u250c\u2518": GraphicsCross, "\u250c\u251c": GraphicsLeftT, "\u250c\u2524": GraphicsCross, "\u250c\u252c": GraphicsTopT, "\u250c\u2534": GraphicsCross, "\u250c\u253c": GraphicsCross, "\u2510\u2514": GraphicsCross, "\u2510\u2518": GraphicsRightT, "\u2510\u251c": GraphicsCross, "\u2510\u2524": GraphicsRightT, "\u2510\u252c": GraphicsTopT, "\u2510\u2534": GraphicsCross, "\u2510\u253c": GraphicsCross, "\u2514\u2518": GraphicsBottomT, "\u2514\u251c": GraphicsLeftT, "\u2514\u2524": GraphicsCross, "\u2514\u252c": GraphicsCross, "\u2514\u2534": GraphicsBottomT, "\u2514\u253c": GraphicsCross, "\u2518\u251c": GraphicsCross, "\u2518\u2524": GraphicsRightT, "\u2518\u252c": GraphicsCross, "\u2518\u2534": GraphicsBottomT, "\u2518\u253c": GraphicsCross, "\u251c\u2524": GraphicsCross, "\u251c\u252c": GraphicsCross, "\u251c\u2534": GraphicsCross, "\u251c\u253c": GraphicsCross, "\u2524\u252c": GraphicsCross, "\u2524\u2534": GraphicsCross, "\u2524\u253c": GraphicsCross, "\u252c\u2534": GraphicsCross, "\u252c\u253c": GraphicsCross, "\u2534\u253c": GraphicsCross, } // Common regular expressions. var ( colorPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`\[([a-zA-Z]+|#[0-9a-zA-Z]{6})\]`) regionPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`\["([a-zA-Z0-9_,;: \-\.]*)"\]`) escapePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`\[("[a-zA-Z0-9_,;: \-\.]*"|[a-zA-Z]+|#[0-9a-zA-Z]{6})\[(\[*)\]`) boundaryPattern = regexp.MustCompile("([[:punct:]]\\s*|\\s+)") spacePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`) ) // Predefined InputField acceptance functions. var ( // InputFieldInteger accepts integers. InputFieldInteger func(text string, ch rune) bool // InputFieldFloat accepts floating-point numbers. InputFieldFloat func(text string, ch rune) bool // InputFieldMaxLength returns an input field accept handler which accepts // input strings up to a given length. Use it like this: // // inputField.SetAcceptanceFunc(InputFieldMaxLength(10)) // Accept up to 10 characters. InputFieldMaxLength func(maxLength int) func(text string, ch rune) bool ) // Package initialization. func init() { // Initialize the predefined input field handlers. InputFieldInteger = func(text string, ch rune) bool { if text == "-" { return true } _, err := strconv.Atoi(text) return err == nil } InputFieldFloat = func(text string, ch rune) bool { if text == "-" || text == "." || text == "-." { return true } _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(text, 64) return err == nil } InputFieldMaxLength = func(maxLength int) func(text string, ch rune) bool { return func(text string, ch rune) bool { return len([]rune(text)) <= maxLength } } } // Print prints text onto the screen into the given box at (x,y,maxWidth,1), // not exceeding that box. "align" is one of AlignLeft, AlignCenter, or // AlignRight. The screen's background color will not be changed. // // You can change the text color mid-text by inserting a color tag. See the // package description for details. // // Returns the number of actual runes printed (not including color tags) and the // actual width used for the printed runes. func Print(screen tcell.Screen, text string, x, y, maxWidth, align int, color tcell.Color) (int, int) { if maxWidth < 0 { return 0, 0 } // Get positions of color and escape tags. Remove them from original string. colorIndices := colorPattern.FindAllStringIndex(text, -1) colors := colorPattern.FindAllStringSubmatch(text, -1) escapeIndices := escapePattern.FindAllStringIndex(text, -1) strippedText := escapePattern.ReplaceAllString(colorPattern.ReplaceAllString(text, ""), "[$1$2]") // We deal with runes, not with bytes. runes := []rune(strippedText) // This helper function takes positions for a substring of "runes" and a start // color and returns the substring with the original tags and the new start // color. substring := func(from, to int, color tcell.Color) (string, tcell.Color) { var colorPos, escapePos, runePos, startPos int for pos := range text { // Handle color tags. if colorPos < len(colorIndices) && pos >= colorIndices[colorPos][0] && pos < colorIndices[colorPos][1] { if pos == colorIndices[colorPos][1]-1 { if runePos <= from { color = tcell.GetColor(colors[colorPos][1]) } colorPos++ } continue } // Handle escape tags. if escapePos < len(escapeIndices) && pos >= escapeIndices[escapePos][0] && pos < escapeIndices[escapePos][1] { if pos == escapeIndices[escapePos][1]-1 { escapePos++ } else if pos == escapeIndices[escapePos][1]-2 { continue } } // Check boundaries. if runePos == from { startPos = pos } else if runePos >= to { return text[startPos:pos], color } runePos++ } return text[startPos:], color } // We want to reduce everything to AlignLeft. if align == AlignRight { width := 0 start := len(runes) for index := start - 1; index >= 0; index-- { w := runewidth.RuneWidth(runes[index]) if width+w > maxWidth { break } width += w start = index } text, color = substring(start, len(runes), color) return Print(screen, text, x+maxWidth-width, y, width, AlignLeft, color) } else if align == AlignCenter { width := runewidth.StringWidth(strippedText) if width == maxWidth { // Use the exact space. return Print(screen, text, x, y, maxWidth, AlignLeft, color) } else if width < maxWidth { // We have more space than we need. half := (maxWidth - width) / 2 return Print(screen, text, x+half, y, maxWidth-half, AlignLeft, color) } else { // Chop off runes until we have a perfect fit. var choppedLeft, choppedRight, leftIndex, rightIndex int rightIndex = len(runes) - 1 for rightIndex > leftIndex && width-choppedLeft-choppedRight > maxWidth { leftWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(runes[leftIndex]) rightWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(runes[rightIndex]) if choppedLeft < choppedRight { choppedLeft += leftWidth leftIndex++ } else { choppedRight += rightWidth rightIndex-- } } text, color = substring(leftIndex, rightIndex, color) return Print(screen, text, x, y, maxWidth, AlignLeft, color) } } // Draw text. drawn := 0 drawnWidth := 0 var colorPos, escapePos int for pos, ch := range text { // Handle color tags. if colorPos < len(colorIndices) && pos >= colorIndices[colorPos][0] && pos < colorIndices[colorPos][1] { if pos == colorIndices[colorPos][1]-1 { color = tcell.GetColor(colors[colorPos][1]) colorPos++ } continue } // Handle escape tags. if escapePos < len(escapeIndices) && pos >= escapeIndices[escapePos][0] && pos < escapeIndices[escapePos][1] { if pos == escapeIndices[escapePos][1]-1 { escapePos++ } else if pos == escapeIndices[escapePos][1]-2 { continue } } // Check if we have enough space for this rune. chWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(ch) if drawnWidth+chWidth > maxWidth { break } finalX := x + drawnWidth // Print the rune. _, _, style, _ := screen.GetContent(finalX, y) style = style.Foreground(color) for offset := 0; offset < chWidth; offset++ { // To avoid undesired effects, we place the same character in all cells. screen.SetContent(finalX+offset, y, ch, nil, style) } drawn++ drawnWidth += chWidth } return drawn, drawnWidth } // PrintSimple prints white text to the screen at the given position. func PrintSimple(screen tcell.Screen, text string, x, y int) { Print(screen, text, x, y, math.MaxInt32, AlignLeft, Styles.PrimaryTextColor) } // StringWidth returns the width of the given string needed to print it on // screen. The text may contain color tags which are not counted. func StringWidth(text string) int { return runewidth.StringWidth(escapePattern.ReplaceAllString(colorPattern.ReplaceAllString(text, ""), "[$1$2]")) } // WordWrap splits a text such that each resulting line does not exceed the // given screen width. Possible split points are after any punctuation or // whitespace. Whitespace after split points will be dropped. // // This function considers color tags to have no width. // // Text is always split at newline characters ('\n'). func WordWrap(text string, width int) (lines []string) { // Strip color tags. strippedText := escapePattern.ReplaceAllString(colorPattern.ReplaceAllString(text, ""), "[$1$2]") // Keep track of color tags and escape patterns so we can restore the original // indices. colorTagIndices := colorPattern.FindAllStringIndex(text, -1) escapeIndices := escapePattern.FindAllStringIndex(text, -1) // Find candidate breakpoints. breakPoints := boundaryPattern.FindAllStringIndex(strippedText, -1) // This helper function adds a new line to the result slice. The provided // positions are in stripped index space. addLine := func(from, to int) { // Shift indices back to original index space. var colorTagIndex, escapeIndex int for colorTagIndex < len(colorTagIndices) && to >= colorTagIndices[colorTagIndex][0] || escapeIndex < len(escapeIndices) && to >= escapeIndices[escapeIndex][0] { past := 0 if colorTagIndex < len(colorTagIndices) { tagWidth := colorTagIndices[colorTagIndex][1] - colorTagIndices[colorTagIndex][0] if colorTagIndices[colorTagIndex][0] < from { from += tagWidth to += tagWidth colorTagIndex++ } else if colorTagIndices[colorTagIndex][0] < to { to += tagWidth colorTagIndex++ } else { past++ } } else { past++ } if escapeIndex < len(escapeIndices) { tagWidth := escapeIndices[escapeIndex][1] - escapeIndices[escapeIndex][0] if escapeIndices[escapeIndex][0] < from { from += tagWidth to += tagWidth escapeIndex++ } else if escapeIndices[escapeIndex][0] < to { to += tagWidth escapeIndex++ } else { past++ } } else { past++ } if past == 2 { break // All other indices are beyond the requested string. } } lines = append(lines, text[from:to]) } // Determine final breakpoints. var start, lastEnd, newStart, breakPoint int for { // What's our candidate string? var candidate string if breakPoint < len(breakPoints) { candidate = text[start:breakPoints[breakPoint][1]] } else { candidate = text[start:] } candidate = strings.TrimRightFunc(candidate, unicode.IsSpace) if runewidth.StringWidth(candidate) >= width { // We're past the available width. if lastEnd > start { // Use the previous candidate. addLine(start, lastEnd) start = newStart } else { // We have no previous candidate. Make a hard break. var lineWidth int for index, ch := range text { if index < start { continue } chWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(ch) if lineWidth > 0 && lineWidth+chWidth >= width { addLine(start, index) start = index break } lineWidth += chWidth } } } else { // We haven't hit the right border yet. if breakPoint >= len(breakPoints) { // It's the last line. We're done. if len(candidate) > 0 { addLine(start, len(strippedText)) } break } else { // We have a new candidate. lastEnd = start + len(candidate) newStart = breakPoints[breakPoint][1] breakPoint++ } } } return } // PrintJoinedBorder prints a border graphics rune into the screen at the given // position with the given color, joining it with any existing border graphics // rune. Background colors are preserved. At this point, only regular single // line borders are supported. func PrintJoinedBorder(screen tcell.Screen, x, y int, ch rune, color tcell.Color) { previous, _, style, _ := screen.GetContent(x, y) style = style.Foreground(color) // What's the resulting rune? var result rune if ch == previous { result = ch } else { if ch < previous { previous, ch = ch, previous } result = joints[string(previous)+string(ch)] } if result == 0 { result = ch } // We only print something if we have something. screen.SetContent(x, y, result, nil, style) }