#include "../include/GlobalHotkeysJoystick.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace gsr { static constexpr int button_pressed = 1; static constexpr int playstation_button = 10; static constexpr int axis_up_down = 7; static constexpr int axis_left_right = 6; // Returns -1 on error static int get_js_dev_input_id_from_filepath(const char *dev_input_filepath) { if(strncmp(dev_input_filepath, "/dev/input/js", 13) != 0) return -1; int dev_input_id = -1; if(sscanf(dev_input_filepath + 13, "%d", &dev_input_id) == 1) return dev_input_id; return -1; } GlobalHotkeysJoystick::~GlobalHotkeysJoystick() { if(event_fd > 0) { const uint64_t exit = 1; write(event_fd, &exit, sizeof(exit)); } if(read_thread.joinable()) read_thread.join(); if(event_fd > 0) close(event_fd); for(int i = 0; i < num_poll_fd; ++i) { close(poll_fd[i].fd); } } bool GlobalHotkeysJoystick::start() { if(num_poll_fd > 0) return false; event_fd = eventfd(0, 0); if(event_fd <= 0) return false; event_index = num_poll_fd; poll_fd[num_poll_fd] = { event_fd, POLLIN, 0 }; extra_data[num_poll_fd] = { -1 }; ++num_poll_fd; if(!hotplug.start()) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: failed to setup hotplugging\n"); } else { hotplug_poll_index = num_poll_fd; poll_fd[num_poll_fd] = { hotplug.steal_fd(), POLLIN, 0 }; extra_data[num_poll_fd] = { -1 }; ++num_poll_fd; } char dev_input_path[128]; for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { snprintf(dev_input_path, sizeof(dev_input_path), "/dev/input/js%d", i); add_device(dev_input_path, false); } if(num_poll_fd == 0) fprintf(stderr, "Info: no joysticks found, assuming they might be connected later\n"); read_thread = std::thread(&GlobalHotkeysJoystick::read_events, this); return true; } bool GlobalHotkeysJoystick::bind_action(const std::string &id, GlobalHotkeyCallback callback) { if(num_poll_fd == 0) return false; return bound_actions_by_id.insert(std::make_pair(id, std::move(callback))).second; } void GlobalHotkeysJoystick::poll_events() { if(num_poll_fd == 0) return; if(save_replay) { save_replay = false; auto it = bound_actions_by_id.find("save_replay"); if(it != bound_actions_by_id.end()) it->second("save_replay"); } if(take_screenshot) { take_screenshot = false; auto it = bound_actions_by_id.find("take_screenshot"); if(it != bound_actions_by_id.end()) it->second("take_screenshot"); } if(toggle_record) { toggle_record = false; auto it = bound_actions_by_id.find("toggle_record"); if(it != bound_actions_by_id.end()) it->second("toggle_record"); } if(toggle_replay) { toggle_replay = false; auto it = bound_actions_by_id.find("toggle_replay"); if(it != bound_actions_by_id.end()) it->second("toggle_replay"); } } void GlobalHotkeysJoystick::read_events() { js_event event; while(poll(poll_fd, num_poll_fd, -1) > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < num_poll_fd; ++i) { if(poll_fd[i].revents & (POLLHUP|POLLERR|POLLNVAL)) { if(i == event_index) goto done; if(remove_poll_fd(i)) --i; // This item was removed so we want to repeat the same index to continue to the next item continue; } if(!(poll_fd[i].revents & POLLIN)) continue; if(i == event_index) { goto done; } else if(i == hotplug_poll_index) { hotplug.process_event_data(poll_fd[i].fd, [&](HotplugAction hotplug_action, const char *devname) { char dev_input_filepath[1024]; snprintf(dev_input_filepath, sizeof(dev_input_filepath), "/dev/%s", devname); switch(hotplug_action) { case HotplugAction::ADD: { // Cant open the /dev/input device immediately or it fails. // TODO: Remove this hack when a better solution is found. usleep(50 * 1000); add_device(dev_input_filepath); break; } case HotplugAction::REMOVE: { if(remove_device(dev_input_filepath)) --i; // This item was removed so we want to repeat the same index to continue to the next item break; } } }); } else { process_js_event(poll_fd[i].fd, event); } } } done: ; } void GlobalHotkeysJoystick::process_js_event(int fd, js_event &event) { if(read(fd, &event, sizeof(event)) != sizeof(event)) return; if((event.type & JS_EVENT_BUTTON) == JS_EVENT_BUTTON) { if(event.number == playstation_button) playstation_button_pressed = event.value == button_pressed; } else if((event.type & JS_EVENT_AXIS) == JS_EVENT_AXIS && playstation_button_pressed) { const int trigger_threshold = 16383; const bool prev_up_pressed = up_pressed; const bool prev_down_pressed = down_pressed; const bool prev_left_pressed = left_pressed; const bool prev_right_pressed = right_pressed; if(event.number == axis_up_down) { up_pressed = event.value <= -trigger_threshold; down_pressed = event.value >= trigger_threshold; } else if(event.number == axis_left_right) { left_pressed = event.value <= -trigger_threshold; right_pressed = event.value >= trigger_threshold; } if(up_pressed && !prev_up_pressed) take_screenshot = true; else if(down_pressed && !prev_down_pressed) save_replay = true; else if(left_pressed && !prev_left_pressed) toggle_record = true; else if(right_pressed && !prev_right_pressed) toggle_replay = true; } } bool GlobalHotkeysJoystick::add_device(const char *dev_input_filepath, bool print_error) { if(num_poll_fd >= max_js_poll_fd) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: failed to add joystick device %s, too many joysticks have been added\n", dev_input_filepath); return false; } const int dev_input_id = get_js_dev_input_id_from_filepath(dev_input_filepath); if(dev_input_id == -1) return false; const int fd = open(dev_input_filepath, O_RDONLY); if(fd <= 0) { if(print_error) fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to add joystick %s, error: %s\n", dev_input_filepath, strerror(errno)); return false; } poll_fd[num_poll_fd] = { fd, POLLIN, 0 }; extra_data[num_poll_fd] = { dev_input_id }; ++num_poll_fd; fprintf(stderr, "Info: added joystick: %s\n", dev_input_filepath); return true; } bool GlobalHotkeysJoystick::remove_device(const char *dev_input_filepath) { const int dev_input_id = get_js_dev_input_id_from_filepath(dev_input_filepath); if(dev_input_id == -1) return false; const int poll_fd_index = get_poll_fd_index_by_dev_input_id(dev_input_id); if(poll_fd_index == -1) return false; fprintf(stderr, "Info: removed joystick: %s\n", dev_input_filepath); return remove_poll_fd(poll_fd_index); } bool GlobalHotkeysJoystick::remove_poll_fd(int index) { if(index < 0 || index >= num_poll_fd) return false; close(poll_fd[index].fd); for(int i = index + 1; i < num_poll_fd; ++i) { poll_fd[i - 1] = poll_fd[i]; extra_data[i - 1] = extra_data[i]; } --num_poll_fd; return true; } int GlobalHotkeysJoystick::get_poll_fd_index_by_dev_input_id(int dev_input_id) const { for(int i = 0; i < num_poll_fd; ++i) { if(dev_input_id == extra_data[i].dev_input_id) return i; } return -1; } }