#include "../include/GsrInfo.hpp" #include "../include/Utils.hpp" #include #include namespace gsr { static std::optional parse_key_value(std::string_view line) { const size_t space_index = line.find('|'); if(space_index == std::string_view::npos) return std::nullopt; return KeyValue{line.substr(0, space_index), line.substr(space_index + 1)}; } static void parse_system_info_line(GsrInfo *gsr_info, std::string_view line) { const std::optional key_value = parse_key_value(line); if(!key_value) return; if(key_value->key == "display_server") { if(key_value->value == "x11") gsr_info->system_info.display_server = DisplayServer::X11; else if(key_value->value == "wayland") gsr_info->system_info.display_server = DisplayServer::WAYLAND; } else if(key_value->key == "supports_app_audio") { gsr_info->system_info.supports_app_audio = key_value->value == "yes"; } } static void parse_gpu_info_line(GsrInfo *gsr_info, std::string_view line) { const std::optional key_value = parse_key_value(line); if(!key_value) return; if(key_value->key == "vendor") { if(key_value->value == "amd") gsr_info->gpu_info.vendor = GpuVendor::AMD; else if(key_value->value == "intel") gsr_info->gpu_info.vendor = GpuVendor::INTEL; else if(key_value->value == "nvidia") gsr_info->gpu_info.vendor = GpuVendor::NVIDIA; } else if(key_value->key == "card_path") { gsr_info->gpu_info.card_path = key_value->value; } } static void parse_video_codecs_line(GsrInfo *gsr_info, std::string_view line) { if(line == "h264") gsr_info->supported_video_codecs.h264 = true; else if(line == "h264_software") gsr_info->supported_video_codecs.h264_software = true; else if(line == "hevc") gsr_info->supported_video_codecs.hevc = true; else if(line == "hevc_hdr") gsr_info->supported_video_codecs.hevc_hdr = true; else if(line == "hevc_10bit") gsr_info->supported_video_codecs.hevc_10bit = true; else if(line == "av1") gsr_info->supported_video_codecs.av1 = true; else if(line == "av1_hdr") gsr_info->supported_video_codecs.av1_hdr = true; else if(line == "av1_10bit") gsr_info->supported_video_codecs.av1_10bit = true; else if(line == "vp8") gsr_info->supported_video_codecs.vp8 = true; else if(line == "vp9") gsr_info->supported_video_codecs.vp9 = true; } enum class GsrInfoSection { UNKNOWN, SYSTEM_INFO, GPU_INFO, VIDEO_CODECS, CAPTURE_OPTIONS }; static bool starts_with(std::string_view str, const char *substr) { size_t len = strlen(substr); return str.size() >= len && memcmp(str.data(), substr, len) == 0; } GsrInfoExitStatus get_gpu_screen_recorder_info(GsrInfo *gsr_info) { *gsr_info = GsrInfo{}; FILE *f = popen("gpu-screen-recorder --info", "r"); if(!f) { fprintf(stderr, "error: 'gpu-screen-recorder --info' failed\n"); return GsrInfoExitStatus::FAILED_TO_RUN_COMMAND; } char output[8192]; ssize_t bytes_read = fread(output, 1, sizeof(output) - 1, f); if(bytes_read < 0 || ferror(f)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to read 'gpu-screen-recorder --info' output\n"); pclose(f); return GsrInfoExitStatus::FAILED_TO_RUN_COMMAND; } output[bytes_read] = '\0'; GsrInfoSection section = GsrInfoSection::UNKNOWN; string_split_char({output, (size_t)bytes_read}, '\n', [&](std::string_view line) { if(starts_with(line, "section=")) { const std::string_view section_name = line.substr(8); if(section_name == "system_info") section = GsrInfoSection::SYSTEM_INFO; else if(section_name == "gpu_info") section = GsrInfoSection::GPU_INFO; else if(section_name == "video_codecs") section = GsrInfoSection::VIDEO_CODECS; else if(section_name == "capture_options") section = GsrInfoSection::CAPTURE_OPTIONS; else section = GsrInfoSection::UNKNOWN; return true; } switch(section) { case GsrInfoSection::UNKNOWN: { break; } case GsrInfoSection::SYSTEM_INFO: { parse_system_info_line(gsr_info, line); break; } case GsrInfoSection::GPU_INFO: { parse_gpu_info_line(gsr_info, line); break; } case GsrInfoSection::VIDEO_CODECS: { parse_video_codecs_line(gsr_info, line); break; } case GsrInfoSection::CAPTURE_OPTIONS: { // Intentionally ignore, get capture options with get_supported_capture_options instead break; } } return true; }); int status = pclose(f); if(WIFEXITED(status)) { switch(WEXITSTATUS(status)) { case 0: return GsrInfoExitStatus::OK; case 14: return GsrInfoExitStatus::BROKEN_DRIVERS; case 22: return GsrInfoExitStatus::OPENGL_FAILED; case 23: return GsrInfoExitStatus::NO_DRM_CARD; default: return GsrInfoExitStatus::FAILED_TO_RUN_COMMAND; } } return GsrInfoExitStatus::FAILED_TO_RUN_COMMAND; } static std::optional parse_audio_device_line(std::string_view line) { std::optional audio_device; const std::optional key_value = parse_key_value(line); if(!key_value) return audio_device; audio_device = AudioDevice{std::string(key_value->key), std::string(key_value->value)}; return audio_device; } std::vector get_audio_devices() { std::vector audio_devices; FILE *f = popen("gpu-screen-recorder --list-audio-devices", "r"); if(!f) { fprintf(stderr, "error: 'gpu-screen-recorder --list-audio-devices' failed\n"); return audio_devices; } char output[16384]; ssize_t bytes_read = fread(output, 1, sizeof(output) - 1, f); if(bytes_read < 0 || ferror(f)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to read 'gpu-screen-recorder --list-audio-devices' output\n"); pclose(f); return audio_devices; } output[bytes_read] = '\0'; string_split_char({output, (size_t)bytes_read}, '\n', [&](std::string_view line) { std::optional audio_device = parse_audio_device_line(line); if(audio_device) audio_devices.push_back(std::move(audio_device.value())); return true; }); return audio_devices; } std::vector get_application_audio() { std::vector application_audio; FILE *f = popen("gpu-screen-recorder --list-application-audio", "r"); if(!f) { fprintf(stderr, "error: 'gpu-screen-recorder --list-application-audio' failed\n"); return application_audio; } char output[8192]; ssize_t bytes_read = fread(output, 1, sizeof(output) - 1, f); if(bytes_read < 0 || ferror(f)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to read 'gpu-screen-recorder --list-application-audio' output\n"); pclose(f); return application_audio; } output[bytes_read] = '\0'; string_split_char({output, (size_t)bytes_read}, '\n', [&](std::string_view line) { application_audio.emplace_back(line); return true; }); return application_audio; } static std::optional capture_option_line_to_monitor(std::string_view line) { std::optional monitor; const std::optional key_value = parse_key_value(line); if(!key_value) return monitor; char value_buffer[256]; snprintf(value_buffer, sizeof(value_buffer), "%.*s", (int)key_value->value.size(), key_value->value.data()); monitor = GsrMonitor{std::string(key_value->key), mgl::vec2i{0, 0}}; if(sscanf(value_buffer, "%dx%d", &monitor->size.x, &monitor->size.y) != 2) monitor->size = {0, 0}; return monitor; } static void parse_capture_options_line(SupportedCaptureOptions &capture_options, std::string_view line) { if(line == "window") capture_options.window = true; else if(line == "focused") capture_options.focused = true; else if(line == "screen") capture_options.screen = true; else if(line == "portal") capture_options.portal = true; else { std::optional monitor = capture_option_line_to_monitor(line); if(monitor) capture_options.monitors.push_back(std::move(monitor.value())); } } static const char* gpu_vendor_to_string(GpuVendor vendor) { switch(vendor) { case GpuVendor::UNKNOWN: return "unknown"; case GpuVendor::AMD: return "amd"; case GpuVendor::INTEL: return "intel"; case GpuVendor::NVIDIA: return "nvidia"; } return "unknown"; } SupportedCaptureOptions get_supported_capture_options(const GsrInfo &gsr_info) { SupportedCaptureOptions capture_options; char command[512]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "gpu-screen-recorder --list-capture-options %s %s", gsr_info.gpu_info.card_path.c_str(), gpu_vendor_to_string(gsr_info.gpu_info.vendor)); FILE *f = popen(command, "r"); if(!f) { fprintf(stderr, "error: 'gpu-screen-recorder --list-capture-options' failed\n"); return capture_options; } char output[8192]; ssize_t bytes_read = fread(output, 1, sizeof(output) - 1, f); if(bytes_read < 0 || ferror(f)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to read 'gpu-screen-recorder --list-capture-options' output\n"); pclose(f); return capture_options; } output[bytes_read] = '\0'; string_split_char({output, (size_t)bytes_read}, '\n', [&](std::string_view line) { parse_capture_options_line(capture_options, line); return true; }); return capture_options; } }