#include "../include/GsrInfo.hpp" #include "../include/Overlay.hpp" #include "../include/GlobalHotkeysX11.hpp" #include "../include/GlobalHotkeysLinux.hpp" #include "../include/gui/Utils.hpp" #include "../include/Process.hpp" #include "../include/Rpc.hpp" #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <thread> #include <string.h> #include <X11/keysym.h> #include <mglpp/mglpp.hpp> #include <mglpp/system/Clock.hpp> // TODO: Make keyboard/controller controllable for steam deck (and other controllers). // TODO: Keep track of gpu screen recorder run by other programs to not allow recording at the same time, or something. // TODO: Add systray by using org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher/etc dbus directly. // TODO: Make sure the overlay always stays on top. Test with starting the overlay and then opening youtube in fullscreen. // This is done in Overlay::force_window_on_top, but it's not called right now. It cant be used because the overlay will be on top of // notifications. extern "C" { #include <mgl/mgl.h> } static sig_atomic_t running = 1; static void sigint_handler(int signal) { (void)signal; running = 0; } static void disable_prime_run() { unsetenv("__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD"); unsetenv("__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD_PROVIDER"); unsetenv("__GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME"); unsetenv("__VK_LAYER_NV_optimus"); unsetenv("DRI_PRIME"); } static std::unique_ptr<gsr::GlobalHotkeysX11> register_x11_hotkeys(gsr::Overlay *overlay) { auto global_hotkeys = std::make_unique<gsr::GlobalHotkeysX11>(); const bool show_hotkey_registered = global_hotkeys->bind_key_press({ XK_z, Mod1Mask }, "show_hide", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->toggle_show(); }); const bool record_hotkey_registered = global_hotkeys->bind_key_press({ XK_F9, Mod1Mask }, "record", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->toggle_record(); }); const bool pause_hotkey_registered = global_hotkeys->bind_key_press({ XK_F7, Mod1Mask }, "pause", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->toggle_pause(); }); const bool stream_hotkey_registered = global_hotkeys->bind_key_press({ XK_F8, Mod1Mask }, "stream", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->toggle_stream(); }); const bool replay_hotkey_registered = global_hotkeys->bind_key_press({ XK_F10, ShiftMask | Mod1Mask }, "replay_start", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->toggle_replay(); }); const bool replay_save_hotkey_registered = global_hotkeys->bind_key_press({ XK_F10, Mod1Mask }, "replay_save", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->save_replay(); }); if(!show_hotkey_registered) fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to register hotkey alt+z for showing the overlay because the hotkey is registered by another program\n"); if(!record_hotkey_registered) fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to register hotkey alt+f9 for recording because the hotkey is registered by another program\n"); if(!pause_hotkey_registered) fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to register hotkey alt+f7 for pausing because the hotkey is registered by another program\n"); if(!stream_hotkey_registered) fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to register hotkey alt+f8 for streaming because the hotkey is registered by another program\n"); if(!replay_hotkey_registered) fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to register hotkey alt+shift+f10 for starting replay because the hotkey is registered by another program\n"); if(!replay_save_hotkey_registered) fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to register hotkey alt+f10 for saving replay because the hotkey is registered by another program\n"); if(!show_hotkey_registered || !record_hotkey_registered || !pause_hotkey_registered || !stream_hotkey_registered || !replay_hotkey_registered || !replay_save_hotkey_registered) return nullptr; return global_hotkeys; } static std::unique_ptr<gsr::GlobalHotkeysLinux> register_linux_hotkeys(gsr::Overlay *overlay, gsr::GlobalHotkeysLinux::GrabType grab_type) { auto global_hotkeys = std::make_unique<gsr::GlobalHotkeysLinux>(grab_type); if(!global_hotkeys->start()) fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to start global hotkeys\n"); global_hotkeys->bind_action("show_hide", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->toggle_show(); }); global_hotkeys->bind_action("record", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->toggle_record(); }); global_hotkeys->bind_action("pause", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->toggle_pause(); }); global_hotkeys->bind_action("stream", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->toggle_stream(); }); global_hotkeys->bind_action("replay_start", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->toggle_replay(); }); global_hotkeys->bind_action("replay_save", [overlay](const std::string &id) { fprintf(stderr, "pressed %s\n", id.c_str()); overlay->save_replay(); }); return global_hotkeys; } static void rpc_add_commands(gsr::Rpc *rpc, gsr::Overlay *overlay) { rpc->add_handler("show_ui", [overlay](const std::string &name) { fprintf(stderr, "rpc command executed: %s\n", name.c_str()); overlay->show(); }); rpc->add_handler("toggle-show", [overlay](const std::string &name) { fprintf(stderr, "rpc command executed: %s\n", name.c_str()); overlay->toggle_show(); }); rpc->add_handler("toggle-record", [overlay](const std::string &name) { fprintf(stderr, "rpc command executed: %s\n", name.c_str()); overlay->toggle_record(); }); rpc->add_handler("toggle-pause", [overlay](const std::string &name) { fprintf(stderr, "rpc command executed: %s\n", name.c_str()); overlay->toggle_pause(); }); rpc->add_handler("toggle-stream", [overlay](const std::string &name) { fprintf(stderr, "rpc command executed: %s\n", name.c_str()); overlay->toggle_stream(); }); rpc->add_handler("toggle-replay", [overlay](const std::string &name) { fprintf(stderr, "rpc command executed: %s\n", name.c_str()); overlay->toggle_replay(); }); rpc->add_handler("replay-save", [overlay](const std::string &name) { fprintf(stderr, "rpc command executed: %s\n", name.c_str()); overlay->save_replay(); }); } static bool is_gsr_ui_virtual_keyboard_running() { FILE *f = fopen("/proc/bus/input/devices", "rb"); if(!f) return false; bool virtual_keyboard_running = false; char line[1024]; while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) { if(strstr(line, "gsr-ui virtual keyboard")) { virtual_keyboard_running = true; break; } } fclose(f); return virtual_keyboard_running; } static void usage() { printf("usage: gsr-ui [action]\n"); printf("OPTIONS:\n"); printf(" action The launch action. Should be either \"launch-show\" or \"launch-hide\". Optional, defaults to \"launch-hide\".\n"); printf(" If \"launch-show\" is used then the program starts and the UI is immediately opened and can be shown/hidden with Alt+Z.\n"); printf(" If \"launch-hide\" is used then the program starts but the UI is not opened until Alt+Z is pressed.\n"); exit(1); } enum class LaunchAction { LAUNCH_SHOW, LAUNCH_HIDE }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); // Sigh... stupid C if(geteuid() == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: don't run gsr-ui as the root user\n"); return 1; } LaunchAction launch_action = LaunchAction::LAUNCH_HIDE; if(argc == 1) { launch_action = LaunchAction::LAUNCH_HIDE; } else if(argc == 2) { const char *launch_action_opt = argv[1]; if(strcmp(launch_action_opt, "launch-show") == 0) { launch_action = LaunchAction::LAUNCH_SHOW; } else if(strcmp(launch_action_opt, "launch-hide") == 0) { launch_action = LaunchAction::LAUNCH_HIDE; } else { printf("error: invalid action \"%s\", expected \"launch-show\" or \"launch-hide\".\n", launch_action_opt); usage(); } } else { usage(); } // TODO: This is a shitty method to detect if multiple instances of gsr-ui is running but this will work properly even in flatpak // that uses pid sandboxing. Replace this with a better method once we no longer rely on linux global hotkeys on some platform. // TODO: This method doesn't work when disabling hotkeys and the method below with pidof gsr-ui doesn't work in flatpak. // What do? creating a pid file doesn't work in flatpak either. if(is_gsr_ui_virtual_keyboard_running() || gsr::pidof("gsr-ui", getpid()) != -1) { gsr::Rpc rpc; if(rpc.open("gsr-ui") && rpc.write("show_ui\n", 8)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: another instance of gsr-ui is already running, opening that one instead\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to send command to running gsr-ui instance, user will have to open the UI manually with Alt+Z\n"); const char *args[] = { "gsr-notify", "--text", "Another instance of GPU Screen Recorder UI is already running.\nPress Alt+Z to open the UI.", "--timeout", "5.0", "--icon-color", "ff0000", "--bg-color", "ff0000", nullptr }; gsr::exec_program_daemonized(args); } return 1; } // Cant get window texture when prime-run is used disable_prime_run(); // Stop nvidia driver from buffering frames setenv("__GL_MaxFramesAllowed", "1", true); // If this is set to 1 then cuGraphicsGLRegisterImage will fail for egl context with error: invalid OpenGL or DirectX context, // so we overwrite it setenv("__GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS", "0", true); // Some people set this to force all applications to vsync on nvidia, but this makes eglSwapBuffers never return. unsetenv("__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK"); // Same as above, but for amd/intel unsetenv("vblank_mode"); signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); if(mgl_init() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to initialize mgl. Failed to either connect to the X11 server or setup opengl\n"); exit(1); } gsr::GsrInfo gsr_info; // TODO: Show the error in ui gsr::GsrInfoExitStatus gsr_info_exit_status = gsr::get_gpu_screen_recorder_info(&gsr_info); if(gsr_info_exit_status != gsr::GsrInfoExitStatus::OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to get gpu-screen-recorder info, error: %d\n", (int)gsr_info_exit_status); exit(1); } const gsr::DisplayServer display_server = gsr_info.system_info.display_server; if(display_server == gsr::DisplayServer::WAYLAND) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Wayland support is experimental and requires XWayland. Things may not work as expected.\n"); gsr::SupportedCaptureOptions capture_options = gsr::get_supported_capture_options(gsr_info); std::string resources_path; if(access("sibs-build/linux_x86_64/debug/gsr-ui", F_OK) == 0) { resources_path = "./"; } else { #ifdef GSR_UI_RESOURCES_PATH resources_path = GSR_UI_RESOURCES_PATH "/"; #else resources_path = "/usr/share/gsr-ui/"; #endif } mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); egl_functions egl_funcs; egl_funcs.eglGetError = (decltype(egl_funcs.eglGetError))context->gl.eglGetProcAddress("eglGetError"); egl_funcs.eglCreateImage = (decltype(egl_funcs.eglCreateImage))context->gl.eglGetProcAddress("eglCreateImage"); egl_funcs.eglDestroyImage = (decltype(egl_funcs.eglDestroyImage))context->gl.eglGetProcAddress("eglDestroyImage"); egl_funcs.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES = (decltype(egl_funcs.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES))context->gl.eglGetProcAddress("glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES"); if(!egl_funcs.eglGetError || !egl_funcs.eglCreateImage || !egl_funcs.eglDestroyImage || !egl_funcs.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: required opengl functions not available on your system\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "Info: gsr ui is now ready, waiting for inputs. Press alt+z to show/hide the overlay\n"); auto overlay = std::make_unique<gsr::Overlay>(resources_path, std::move(gsr_info), std::move(capture_options), egl_funcs); if(launch_action == LaunchAction::LAUNCH_SHOW) overlay->show(); auto rpc = std::make_unique<gsr::Rpc>(); if(!rpc->create("gsr-ui")) fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to create rpc, commands won't be received\n"); rpc_add_commands(rpc.get(), overlay.get()); std::unique_ptr<gsr::GlobalHotkeys> global_hotkeys = nullptr; if(overlay->get_config().main_config.hotkeys_enable_option == "enable_hotkeys") global_hotkeys = register_linux_hotkeys(overlay.get(), gsr::GlobalHotkeysLinux::GrabType::ALL); else if(overlay->get_config().main_config.hotkeys_enable_option == "enable_hotkeys_virtual_devices") global_hotkeys = register_linux_hotkeys(overlay.get(), gsr::GlobalHotkeysLinux::GrabType::VIRTUAL); // TODO: Add hotkeys in Overlay when using x11 global hotkeys. The hotkeys in Overlay should duplicate each key that is used for x11 global hotkeys. std::string exit_reason; mgl::Clock frame_delta_clock; while(running && mgl_is_connected_to_display_server() && !overlay->should_exit(exit_reason)) { const double frame_delta_seconds = frame_delta_clock.restart(); gsr::set_frame_delta_seconds(frame_delta_seconds); rpc->poll(); if(global_hotkeys) global_hotkeys->poll_events(); overlay->handle_events(global_hotkeys.get()); if(!overlay->draw()) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); mgl_ping_display_server(); } } fprintf(stderr, "Info: shutting down!\n"); rpc.reset(); if(global_hotkeys) global_hotkeys.reset(); overlay.reset(); mgl_deinit(); if(exit_reason == "back-to-old-ui") { const char *args[] = { "gpu-screen-recorder-gtk", "use-old-ui", nullptr }; execvp(args[0], (char* const*)args); } else if(exit_reason == "restart") { const char *args[] = { "gsr-ui", "launch-show", nullptr }; execvp(args[0], (char* const*)args); } return 0; }