Check for reparent.
Quickly changing workspace and back while recording under i3 breaks the screen recorder. i3 probably unmaps windows in other workspaces.
See for optimizing streaming.
Look at VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf.
Allow setting a different output resolution than the input resolution.
Use mov+faststart.
Allow recording all monitors/selected monitor without nvfbc by recording the compositor proxy window and only recording the part that matches the monitor(s).
Allow recording a region by recording the compositor proxy window / nvfbc window and copying part of it.
Use nvenc directly, which allows removing the use of cuda.
Handle xrandr monitor change in nvfbc.
Add option for yuv 4:4:4 chroma sampling for the output video.
Implement follow focused in drm.
Support fullscreen capture on amd/intel using external kms process.
Support amf and qsv.
Disable flipping on nvidia? this might fix some stuttering issues on some setups. See NvCtrlGetAttribute/NvCtrlSetAttributeAndGetStatus NV_CTRL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK
Replays seem to have some issues with audio/video. Why?