#ifndef GSR_PIPEWIRE_H #define GSR_PIPEWIRE_H #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <spa/utils/hook.h> #include <spa/param/video/format.h> #define GSR_PIPEWIRE_MAX_MODIFIERS 1024 #define GSR_PIPEWIRE_NUM_VIDEO_FORMATS 6 #define GSR_PIPEWIRE_DMABUF_MAX_PLANES 4 typedef struct gsr_egl gsr_egl; typedef struct { int major; int minor; int micro; } gsr_pipewire_data_version; typedef struct { uint32_t fps_num; uint32_t fps_den; } gsr_pipewire_video_info; typedef struct { int fd; uint32_t offset; int32_t stride; } gsr_pipewire_dmabuf_data; typedef struct { int x, y; int width, height; } gsr_pipewire_region; typedef struct { enum spa_video_format format; size_t modifiers_index; size_t modifiers_size; } gsr_video_format; typedef struct { gsr_egl *egl; int fd; uint32_t node; pthread_mutex_t mutex; bool mutex_initialized; struct pw_thread_loop *thread_loop; struct pw_context *context; struct pw_core *core; struct spa_hook core_listener; struct pw_stream *stream; struct spa_hook stream_listener; struct spa_source *reneg; struct spa_video_info format; int server_version_sync; bool negotiated; struct { bool visible; bool valid; uint8_t *data; int x, y; int hotspot_x, hotspot_y; int width, height; } cursor; struct { bool valid; int x, y; uint32_t width, height; } crop; gsr_video_format supported_video_formats[GSR_PIPEWIRE_NUM_VIDEO_FORMATS]; gsr_pipewire_data_version server_version; gsr_pipewire_video_info video_info; gsr_pipewire_dmabuf_data dmabuf_data[GSR_PIPEWIRE_DMABUF_MAX_PLANES]; size_t dmabuf_num_planes; bool started; bool stopped; bool no_modifiers_fallback; uint64_t modifiers[GSR_PIPEWIRE_MAX_MODIFIERS]; size_t num_modifiers; } gsr_pipewire; /* |capture_cursor| only applies to when capturing a window or region. In other cases |pipewire_node|'s setup will determine if the cursor is included. Note that the cursor is not guaranteed to be shown even if set to true, it depends on the wayland compositor. */ bool gsr_pipewire_init(gsr_pipewire *self, int pipewire_fd, uint32_t pipewire_node, int fps, bool capture_cursor, gsr_egl *egl); void gsr_pipewire_deinit(gsr_pipewire *self); /* |plane_fds| should be at GSR_PIPEWIRE_DMABUF_MAX_PLANES in size */ bool gsr_pipewire_map_texture(gsr_pipewire *self, unsigned int texture_id, unsigned int cursor_texture_id, gsr_pipewire_region *region, gsr_pipewire_region *cursor_region, int *plane_fds, int *num_plane_fds); bool gsr_pipewire_recording_stopped(gsr_pipewire *self); #endif /* GSR_PIPEWIRE_H */