#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <pthread.h>

#include <spa/utils/hook.h>
#include <spa/param/video/format.h>


typedef struct gsr_egl gsr_egl;

typedef struct {
    int major;
    int minor;
    int micro;
} gsr_pipewire_video_data_version;

typedef struct {
    uint32_t fps_num;
    uint32_t fps_den;
} gsr_pipewire_video_video_info;

typedef struct {
    int fd;
    uint32_t offset;
    int32_t stride;
} gsr_pipewire_video_dmabuf_data;

typedef struct {
    int x, y;
    int width, height;
} gsr_pipewire_video_region;

typedef struct {
    enum spa_video_format format;
    size_t modifiers_index;
    size_t modifiers_size;
} gsr_video_format;

typedef struct {
    unsigned int texture_id;
    unsigned int external_texture_id;
    unsigned int cursor_texture_id;
} gsr_texture_map;

typedef struct {
    gsr_egl *egl;
    int fd;
    uint32_t node;
    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
    bool mutex_initialized;

    struct pw_thread_loop *thread_loop;
    struct pw_context *context;
    struct pw_core *core;
    struct spa_hook core_listener;
    struct pw_stream *stream;
    struct spa_hook stream_listener;
    struct spa_source *reneg;
    struct spa_video_info format;
    int server_version_sync;
    bool negotiated;
    bool damaged;

    struct {
        bool visible;
        bool valid;
        uint8_t *data;
        int x, y;
        int hotspot_x, hotspot_y;
        int width, height;
    } cursor;

    struct {
        bool valid;
        int x, y;
        uint32_t width, height;
    } crop;

    gsr_video_format supported_video_formats[GSR_PIPEWIRE_VIDEO_MAX_VIDEO_FORMATS];

    gsr_pipewire_video_data_version server_version;
    gsr_pipewire_video_video_info video_info;
    gsr_pipewire_video_dmabuf_data dmabuf_data[GSR_PIPEWIRE_VIDEO_DMABUF_MAX_PLANES];
    size_t dmabuf_num_planes;

    bool no_modifiers_fallback;
    bool external_texture_fallback;

    uint64_t modifiers[GSR_PIPEWIRE_VIDEO_MAX_MODIFIERS];
    size_t num_modifiers;
} gsr_pipewire_video;

    |capture_cursor| only applies to when capturing a window or region.
    In other cases |pipewire_node|'s setup will determine if the cursor is included.
    Note that the cursor is not guaranteed to be shown even if set to true, it depends on the wayland compositor.
bool gsr_pipewire_video_init(gsr_pipewire_video *self, int pipewire_fd, uint32_t pipewire_node, int fps, bool capture_cursor, gsr_egl *egl);
void gsr_pipewire_video_deinit(gsr_pipewire_video *self);

/* |dmabuf_data| should be at least GSR_PIPEWIRE_VIDEO_DMABUF_MAX_PLANES in size */
bool gsr_pipewire_video_map_texture(gsr_pipewire_video *self, gsr_texture_map texture_map, gsr_pipewire_video_region *region, gsr_pipewire_video_region *cursor_region, gsr_pipewire_video_dmabuf_data *dmabuf_data, int *num_dmabuf_data, uint32_t *fourcc, uint64_t *modifiers, bool *using_external_image);
bool gsr_pipewire_video_is_damaged(gsr_pipewire_video *self);
void gsr_pipewire_video_clear_damage(gsr_pipewire_video *self);