path: root/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni
diff options
authorHubert Chathi <>2018-06-27 17:38:14 -0400
committerHubert Chathi <>2018-06-27 18:49:48 -0400
commit307309c69b99087489a5d2d2eccecee7751fead6 (patch)
tree21328bb745b6919bf16dc50e5e3ec779fafd66cd /android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni
parent552da6eafecc29f6900854ebe7c55fa8a96002e4 (diff)
add initial version of Android wrapper for public key API
Diffstat (limited to 'android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni')
6 files changed, 626 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/ b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/
index 44a2787..0d98f69 100644
--- a/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/
+++ b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/src/pickle.cpp \
$(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/src/ratchet.cpp \
$(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/src/session.cpp \
$(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/src/utility.cpp \
+$(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/src/pk.cpp \
$(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/src/ed25519.c \
$(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/src/error.c \
$(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/src/inbound_group_session.c \
@@ -55,7 +56,8 @@ olm_jni_helper.cpp \
olm_inbound_group_session.cpp \
olm_outbound_group_session.cpp \
olm_utility.cpp \
+olm_manager.cpp \
diff --git a/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni.h b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni.h
index 6a5eb1d..80c0a97 100644
--- a/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni.h
+++ b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni.h
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ struct OlmAccount* getAccountInstanceId(JNIEnv* aJniEnv, jobject aJavaObject);
struct OlmInboundGroupSession* getInboundGroupSessionInstanceId(JNIEnv* aJniEnv, jobject aJavaObject);
struct OlmOutboundGroupSession* getOutboundGroupSessionInstanceId(JNIEnv* aJniEnv, jobject aJavaObject);
struct OlmUtility* getUtilityInstanceId(JNIEnv* aJniEnv, jobject aJavaObject);
+struct OlmPkDecryption* getPkDecryptionInstanceId(JNIEnv* aJniEnv, jobject aJavaObject);
+struct OlmPkEncryption* getPkEncryptionInstanceId(JNIEnv* aJniEnv, jobject aJavaObject);
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni_helper.cpp b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni_helper.cpp
index a1f5c59..1997334 100644
--- a/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni_helper.cpp
+++ b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni_helper.cpp
@@ -212,3 +212,13 @@ struct OlmUtility* getUtilityInstanceId(JNIEnv* aJniEnv, jobject aJavaObject)
return (struct OlmUtility*)getInstanceId(aJniEnv, aJavaObject, CLASS_OLM_UTILITY);
+struct OlmPkDecryption* getPkDecryptionInstanceId(JNIEnv* aJniEnv, jobject aJavaObject)
+ return (struct OlmPkDecryption*)getInstanceId(aJniEnv, aJavaObject, CLASS_OLM_PK_DECRYPTION);
+struct OlmPkEncryption* getPkEncryptionInstanceId(JNIEnv* aJniEnv, jobject aJavaObject)
+ return (struct OlmPkEncryption*)getInstanceId(aJniEnv, aJavaObject, CLASS_OLM_PK_ENCRYPTION);
diff --git a/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni_helper.h b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni_helper.h
index a181b32..9a23532 100644
--- a/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni_helper.h
+++ b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_jni_helper.h
@@ -25,4 +25,6 @@ namespace AndroidOlmSdk
static const char *CLASS_OLM_SESSION = "org/matrix/olm/OlmSession";
static const char *CLASS_OLM_ACCOUNT = "org/matrix/olm/OlmAccount";
static const char *CLASS_OLM_UTILITY = "org/matrix/olm/OlmUtility";
+ static const char *CLASS_OLM_PK_ENCRYPTION = "org/matrix/olm/OlmPkEncryption";
+ static const char *CLASS_OLM_PK_DECRYPTION = "org/matrix/olm/OlmPkDecryption";
diff --git a/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_pk.cpp b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_pk.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e936c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_pk.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "olm_pk.h"
+#include "olm/olm.h"
+using namespace AndroidOlmSdk;
+OlmPkEncryption * initializePkEncryptionMemory()
+ size_t encryptionSize = olm_pk_encryption_size();
+ OlmPkEncryption *encryptionPtr = (OlmPkEncryption *)malloc(encryptionSize);
+ if (encryptionPtr)
+ {
+ // init encryption object
+ encryptionPtr = olm_pk_encryption(encryptionPtr);
+ LOGD("## initializePkEncryptionMemory(): success - OLM encryption size=%lu",static_cast<long unsigned int>(encryptionSize));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOGE("## initializePkEncryptionMemory(): failure - OOM");
+ }
+ return encryptionPtr;
+JNIEXPORT jlong OLM_PK_ENCRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(createNewPkEncryptionJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
+ const char* errorMessage = NULL;
+ OlmPkEncryption *encryptionPtr = initializePkEncryptionMemory();
+ // init encryption memory allocation
+ if (!encryptionPtr)
+ {
+ LOGE("## createNewPkEncryptionJni(): failure - init encryption OOM");
+ errorMessage = "init encryption OOM";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOGD("## createNewPkEncryptionJni(): success - OLM encryption created");
+ LOGD("## createNewPkEncryptionJni(): encryptionPtr=%p (jlong)(intptr_t)encryptionPtr=%lld", encryptionPtr, (jlong)(intptr_t)encryptionPtr);
+ }
+ if (errorMessage)
+ {
+ // release the allocated data
+ if (encryptionPtr)
+ {
+ olm_clear_pk_encryption(encryptionPtr);
+ free(encryptionPtr);
+ }
+ env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
+ }
+ return (jlong)(intptr_t)encryptionPtr;
+JNIEXPORT void OLM_PK_ENCRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(releasePkEncryptionJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
+ LOGD("## releasePkEncryptionJni(): IN");
+ OlmPkEncryption* encryptionPtr = getPkEncryptionInstanceId(env, thiz);
+ if (!encryptionPtr)
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## releasePkEncryptionJni(): failure - invalid Encryption ptr=NULL");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOGD(" ## releasePkEncryptionJni(): encryptionPtr=%p", encryptionPtr);
+ olm_clear_pk_encryption(encryptionPtr);
+ LOGD(" ## releasePkEncryptionJni(): IN");
+ // even if free(NULL) does not crash, logs are performed for debug
+ // purpose
+ free(encryptionPtr);
+ LOGD(" ## releasePkEncryptionJni(): OUT");
+ }
+JNIEXPORT void OLM_PK_ENCRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(setRecipientKeyJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jbyteArray aKeyBuffer)
+ const char *errorMessage = NULL;
+ jbyte *keyPtr = NULL;
+ OlmPkEncryption *encryptionPtr = getPkEncryptionInstanceId(env, thiz);
+ if (!encryptionPtr)
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## pkSetRecipientKeyJni(): failure - invalid Encryption ptr=NULL");
+ }
+ else if (!aKeyBuffer)
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## pkSetRecipientKeyJni(): failure - invalid key");
+ errorMessage = "invalid key";
+ }
+ else if (!(keyPtr = env->GetByteArrayElements(aKeyBuffer, 0)))
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## pkSetRecipientKeyJni(): failure - key JNI allocation OOM");
+ errorMessage = "key JNI allocation OOM";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(olm_pk_encryption_set_recipient_key(encryptionPtr, keyPtr, (size_t)env->GetArrayLength(aKeyBuffer)) == olm_error())
+ {
+ errorMessage = olm_pk_encryption_last_error(encryptionPtr);
+ LOGE(" ## pkSetRecipientKeyJni(): failure - olm_pk_encryption_set_recipient_key Msg=%s", errorMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ if (keyPtr)
+ {
+ env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(aKeyBuffer, keyPtr, JNI_ABORT);
+ }
+ if (errorMessage)
+ {
+ env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
+ }
+JNIEXPORT jbyteArray OLM_PK_ENCRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(encryptJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jbyteArray aPlaintextBuffer, jobject aEncryptedMsg)
+ jbyteArray encryptedMsgRet = 0;
+ const char* errorMessage = NULL;
+ jbyte *plaintextPtr = NULL;
+ OlmPkEncryption *encryptionPtr = getPkEncryptionInstanceId(env, thiz);
+ jclass encryptedMsgJClass = 0;
+ jfieldID macFieldId;
+ jfieldID ephemeralFieldId;
+ if (!encryptionPtr)
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## pkEncryptJni(): failure - invalid Encryption ptr=NULL");
+ }
+ else if (!aPlaintextBuffer)
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## pkEncryptJni(): failure - invalid clear message");
+ errorMessage = "invalid clear message";
+ }
+ else if (!(plaintextPtr = env->GetByteArrayElements(aPlaintextBuffer, 0)))
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## pkEncryptJni(): failure - plaintext JNI allocation OOM");
+ errorMessage = "plaintext JNI allocation OOM";
+ }
+ else if (!(encryptedMsgJClass = env->GetObjectClass(aEncryptedMsg)))
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## pkEncryptJni(): failure - unable to get crypted message class");
+ errorMessage = "unable to get crypted message class";
+ }
+ else if (!(macFieldId = env->GetFieldID(encryptedMsgJClass, "mMac", "Ljava/lang/String;")))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkEncryptJni(): failure - unable to get MAC field");
+ errorMessage = "unable to get MAC field";
+ }
+ else if (!(ephemeralFieldId = env->GetFieldID(encryptedMsgJClass, "mEphemeralKey", "Ljava/lang/String;")))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkEncryptJni(): failure - unable to get ephemeral key field");
+ errorMessage = "unable to get ephemeral key field";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t plaintextLength = (size_t)env->GetArrayLength(aPlaintextBuffer);
+ size_t ciphertextLength = olm_pk_ciphertext_length(encryptionPtr, plaintextLength);
+ size_t macLength = olm_pk_mac_length(encryptionPtr);
+ size_t ephemeralLength = olm_pk_key_length();
+ uint8_t *ciphertextPtr = NULL, *macPtr = NULL, *ephemeralPtr = NULL;
+ size_t randomLength = olm_pk_encrypt_random_length(encryptionPtr);
+ uint8_t *randomBuffPtr = NULL;
+ LOGD("## pkEncryptJni(): randomLength=%lu",static_cast<long unsigned int>(randomLength));
+ if (!(ciphertextPtr = (uint8_t*)malloc(ciphertextLength)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkEncryptJni(): failure - ciphertext JNI allocation OOM");
+ errorMessage = "ciphertext JNI allocation OOM";
+ }
+ else if (!(macPtr = (uint8_t*)malloc(macLength + 1)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkEncryptJni(): failure - MAC JNI allocation OOM");
+ errorMessage = "MAC JNI allocation OOM";
+ }
+ else if (!(ephemeralPtr = (uint8_t*)malloc(ephemeralLength + 1)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkEncryptJni(): failure: ephemeral key JNI allocation OOM");
+ errorMessage = "ephemeral JNI allocation OOM";
+ }
+ else if (!setRandomInBuffer(env, &randomBuffPtr, randomLength))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkEncryptJni(): failure - random buffer init");
+ errorMessage = "random buffer init";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ macPtr[macLength] = '\0';
+ ephemeralPtr[ephemeralLength] = '\0';
+ size_t returnValue = olm_pk_encrypt(
+ encryptionPtr,
+ plaintextPtr, plaintextLength,
+ ciphertextPtr, ciphertextLength,
+ macPtr, macLength,
+ ephemeralPtr, ephemeralLength,
+ randomBuffPtr, randomLength
+ );
+ if (returnValue == olm_error())
+ {
+ errorMessage = olm_pk_encryption_last_error(encryptionPtr);
+ LOGE("## pkEncryptJni(): failure - olm_pk_encrypt Msg=%s", errorMessage);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ encryptedMsgRet = env->NewByteArray(ciphertextLength);
+ env->SetByteArrayRegion(encryptedMsgRet, 0, ciphertextLength, (jbyte*)ciphertextPtr);
+ jstring macStr = env->NewStringUTF((char*)macPtr);
+ env->SetObjectField(aEncryptedMsg, macFieldId, macStr);
+ jstring ephemeralStr = env->NewStringUTF((char*)ephemeralPtr);
+ env->SetObjectField(aEncryptedMsg, ephemeralFieldId, ephemeralStr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (randomBuffPtr)
+ {
+ memset(randomBuffPtr, 0, randomLength);
+ free(randomBuffPtr);
+ }
+ if (ephemeralPtr)
+ {
+ free(ephemeralPtr);
+ }
+ if (macPtr)
+ {
+ free(macPtr);
+ }
+ if (ciphertextPtr)
+ {
+ free(ciphertextPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (plaintextPtr)
+ {
+ env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(aPlaintextBuffer, plaintextPtr, JNI_ABORT);
+ }
+ if (errorMessage)
+ {
+ env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
+ }
+ return encryptedMsgRet;
+OlmPkDecryption * initializePkDecryptionMemory()
+ size_t decryptionSize = olm_pk_decryption_size();
+ OlmPkDecryption *decryptionPtr = (OlmPkDecryption *)malloc(decryptionSize);
+ if (decryptionPtr)
+ {
+ // init decryption object
+ decryptionPtr = olm_pk_decryption(decryptionPtr);
+ LOGD("## initializePkDecryptionMemory(): success - OLM decryption size=%lu",static_cast<long unsigned int>(decryptionSize));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOGE("## initializePkDecryptionMemory(): failure - OOM");
+ }
+ return decryptionPtr;
+JNIEXPORT jlong OLM_PK_DECRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(createNewPkDecryptionJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
+ const char* errorMessage = NULL;
+ OlmPkDecryption *decryptionPtr = initializePkDecryptionMemory();
+ // init encryption memory allocation
+ if (!decryptionPtr)
+ {
+ LOGE("## createNewPkDecryptionJni(): failure - init decryption OOM");
+ errorMessage = "init decryption OOM";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOGD("## createNewPkDecryptionJni(): success - OLM decryption created");
+ LOGD("## createNewPkDecryptionJni(): decryptionPtr=%p (jlong)(intptr_t)decryptionPtr=%lld", decryptionPtr, (jlong)(intptr_t)decryptionPtr);
+ }
+ if (errorMessage)
+ {
+ // release the allocated data
+ if (decryptionPtr)
+ {
+ olm_clear_pk_decryption(decryptionPtr);
+ free(decryptionPtr);
+ }
+ env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
+ }
+ return (jlong)(intptr_t)decryptionPtr;
+JNIEXPORT void OLM_PK_DECRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(releasePkDecryptionJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
+ LOGD("## releasePkDecryptionJni(): IN");
+ OlmPkDecryption* decryptionPtr = getPkDecryptionInstanceId(env, thiz);
+ if (!decryptionPtr)
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## releasePkDecryptionJni(): failure - invalid Decryption ptr=NULL");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOGD(" ## releasePkDecryptionJni(): decryptionPtr=%p", encryptionPtr);
+ olm_clear_pk_decryption(decryptionPtr);
+ LOGD(" ## releasePkDecryptionJni(): IN");
+ // even if free(NULL) does not crash, logs are performed for debug
+ // purpose
+ free(decryptionPtr);
+ LOGD(" ## releasePkDecryptionJni(): OUT");
+ }
+JNIEXPORT jbyteArray OLM_PK_DECRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(generateKeyJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
+ size_t randomLength = olm_pk_generate_key_random_length();
+ uint8_t *randomBuffPtr = NULL;
+ jbyteArray publicKeyRet = 0;
+ uint8_t *publicKeyPtr = NULL;
+ size_t publicKeyLength = olm_pk_key_length();
+ const char* errorMessage = NULL;
+ OlmPkDecryption *decryptionPtr = getPkDecryptionInstanceId(env, thiz);
+ if (!decryptionPtr)
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## pkGenerateKeyJni(): failure - invalid Decryption ptr=NULL");
+ errorMessage = "invalid Decryption ptr=NULL";
+ }
+ else if (!setRandomInBuffer(env, &randomBuffPtr, randomLength))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkGenerateKeyJni(): failure - random buffer init");
+ errorMessage = "random buffer init";
+ }
+ else if (!(publicKeyPtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(publicKeyLength))))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkGenerateKeyJni(): failure - public key allocation OOM");
+ errorMessage = "public key allocation OOM";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (olm_pk_generate_key(decryptionPtr, publicKeyPtr, publicKeyLength, randomBuffPtr, randomLength) == olm_error())
+ {
+ errorMessage = olm_pk_decryption_last_error(decryptionPtr);
+ LOGE("## pkGenerateKeyJni(): failure - olm_pk_generate_key Msg=%s", errorMessage);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ publicKeyRet = env->NewByteArray(publicKeyLength);
+ env->SetByteArrayRegion(publicKeyRet, 0, publicKeyLength, (jbyte*)publicKeyPtr);
+ LOGD("## pkGenerateKeyJni(): public key generated");
+ }
+ }
+ if (randomBuffPtr)
+ {
+ memset(randomBuffPtr, 0, randomLength);
+ free(randomBuffPtr);
+ }
+ if (errorMessage)
+ {
+ // release the allocated data
+ if (decryptionPtr)
+ {
+ olm_clear_pk_decryption(decryptionPtr);
+ free(decryptionPtr);
+ }
+ env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
+ }
+ return publicKeyRet;
+JNIEXPORT jbyteArray OLM_PK_DECRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(decryptJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jobject aEncryptedMsg)
+ const char* errorMessage = NULL;
+ OlmPkDecryption *decryptionPtr = getPkDecryptionInstanceId(env, thiz);
+ jclass encryptedMsgJClass = 0;
+ jstring ciphertextJstring = 0;
+ jstring macJstring = 0;
+ jstring ephemeralKeyJstring = 0;
+ jfieldID ciphertextFieldId;
+ jfieldID macFieldId;
+ jfieldID ephemeralKeyFieldId;
+ const char *ciphertextPtr = NULL;
+ const char *macPtr = NULL;
+ const char *ephemeralKeyPtr = NULL;
+ jbyteArray decryptedMsgRet = 0;
+ if (!decryptionPtr)
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## pkDecryptJni(): failure - invalid Decryption ptr=NULL");
+ errorMessage = "invalid Decryption ptr=NULL";
+ }
+ else if (!aEncryptedMsg)
+ {
+ LOGE(" ## pkDecryptJni(): failure - invalid encrypted message");
+ errorMessage = "invalid encrypted message";
+ }
+ else if (!(encryptedMsgJClass = env->GetObjectClass(aEncryptedMsg)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - unable to get encrypted message class");
+ errorMessage = "unable to get encrypted message class";
+ }
+ else if (!(ciphertextFieldId = env->GetFieldID(encryptedMsgJClass,"mCipherText","Ljava/lang/String;")))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - unable to get message field");
+ errorMessage = "unable to get message field";
+ }
+ else if (!(ciphertextJstring = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(aEncryptedMsg, ciphertextFieldId)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - no ciphertext");
+ errorMessage = "no ciphertext";
+ }
+ else if (!(ciphertextPtr = env->GetStringUTFChars(ciphertextJstring, 0)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - ciphertext JNI allocation OOM");
+ errorMessage = "ciphertext JNI allocation OOM";
+ }
+ else if (!(ciphertextJstring = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(aEncryptedMsg, ciphertextFieldId)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - no ciphertext");
+ errorMessage = "no ciphertext";
+ }
+ else if (!(ciphertextPtr = env->GetStringUTFChars(ciphertextJstring, 0)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## decryptMessageJni(): failure - ciphertext JNI allocation OOM");
+ errorMessage = "ciphertext JNI allocation OOM";
+ }
+ else if (!(macFieldId = env->GetFieldID(encryptedMsgJClass,"mMac","Ljava/lang/String;")))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - unable to get MAC field");
+ errorMessage = "unable to get MAC field";
+ }
+ else if (!(macJstring = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(aEncryptedMsg, macFieldId)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - no MAC");
+ errorMessage = "no MAC";
+ }
+ else if (!(macPtr = env->GetStringUTFChars(macJstring, 0)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - MAC JNI allocation OOM");
+ errorMessage = "ciphertext JNI allocation OOM";
+ }
+ else if (!(ephemeralKeyFieldId = env->GetFieldID(encryptedMsgJClass,"mEphemeralKey","Ljava/lang/String;")))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - unable to get ephemeral key field");
+ errorMessage = "unable to get ephemeral key field";
+ }
+ else if (!(ephemeralKeyJstring = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(aEncryptedMsg, ephemeralKeyFieldId)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - no ephemeral key");
+ errorMessage = "no ephemeral key";
+ }
+ else if (!(ephemeralKeyPtr = env->GetStringUTFChars(ephemeralKeyJstring, 0)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - ephemeral key JNI allocation OOM");
+ errorMessage = "ephemeral key JNI allocation OOM";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t maxPlaintextLength = olm_pk_max_plaintext_length(
+ decryptionPtr,
+ (size_t)env->GetStringUTFLength(ciphertextJstring)
+ );
+ uint8_t *plaintextPtr = NULL;
+ uint8_t *tempCiphertextPtr = NULL;
+ size_t ciphertextLength = (size_t)env->GetStringUTFLength(ciphertextJstring);
+ if (!(plaintextPtr = (uint8_t*)malloc(maxPlaintextLength)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - plaintext JNI allocation OOM");
+ errorMessage = "plaintext JNI allocation OOM";
+ }
+ else if (!(tempCiphertextPtr = (uint8_t*)malloc(ciphertextLength)))
+ {
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - temp ciphertext JNI allocation OOM");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy(tempCiphertextPtr, ciphertextPtr, ciphertextLength);
+ size_t plaintextLength = olm_pk_decrypt(
+ decryptionPtr,
+ ephemeralKeyPtr, (size_t)env->GetStringUTFLength(ephemeralKeyJstring),
+ macPtr, (size_t)env->GetStringUTFLength(macJstring),
+ tempCiphertextPtr, ciphertextLength,
+ plaintextPtr, maxPlaintextLength
+ );
+ if (plaintextLength == olm_error())
+ {
+ errorMessage = olm_pk_decryption_last_error(decryptionPtr);
+ LOGE("## pkDecryptJni(): failure - olm_pk_decrypt Msg=%s", errorMessage);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ decryptedMsgRet = env->NewByteArray(plaintextLength);
+ env->SetByteArrayRegion(decryptedMsgRet, 0, plaintextLength, (jbyte*)plaintextPtr);
+ LOGD("## pkDecryptJni(): success returnedLg=%lu OK", static_cast<long unsigned int>(plaintextLength));
+ }
+ }
+ if (tempCiphertextPtr)
+ {
+ free(tempCiphertextPtr);
+ }
+ if (plaintextPtr)
+ {
+ free(plaintextPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ciphertextPtr)
+ {
+ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ciphertextJstring, ciphertextPtr);
+ }
+ if (macPtr)
+ {
+ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(macJstring, macPtr);
+ }
+ if (ephemeralKeyPtr)
+ {
+ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ephemeralKeyJstring, ephemeralKeyPtr);
+ }
+ if (errorMessage)
+ {
+ env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
+ }
+ return decryptedMsgRet;
diff --git a/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_pk.h b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_pk.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..984c5f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/olm-sdk/src/main/jni/olm_pk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef _OMLPK_H
+#define _OMLPK_H
+#include "olm_jni.h"
+#include "olm/pk.h"
+#define OLM_PK_ENCRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(func_name) FUNC_DEF(OlmPkEncryption,func_name)
+#define OLM_PK_DECRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(func_name) FUNC_DEF(OlmPkDecryption,func_name)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+JNIEXPORT jlong OLM_PK_ENCRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(createNewPkEncryptionJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz);
+JNIEXPORT void OLM_PK_ENCRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(releasePkEncryptionJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz);
+JNIEXPORT void OLM_PK_ENCRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(setRecipientKeyJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jbyteArray aKeyBuffer);
+JNIEXPORT jbyteArray OLM_PK_ENCRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(encryptJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jbyteArray aPlaintextBuffer, jobject aEncryptedMsg);
+JNIEXPORT jlong OLM_PK_DECRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(createNewPkDecryptionJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz);
+JNIEXPORT void OLM_PK_DECRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(releasePkDecryptionJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz);
+JNIEXPORT jbyteArray OLM_PK_DECRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(generateKeyJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz);
+JNIEXPORT jbyteArray OLM_PK_DECRYPTION_FUNC_DEF(decryptJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jobject aEncryptedMsg);
+#ifdef __cplusplus