path: root/java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest
diff options
authorpedroGitt <>2016-10-13 09:36:43 +0200
committerpedroGitt <>2016-10-13 09:36:43 +0200
commit502de788f4ba77604de7354e9945ea9e199ebc75 (patch)
treedeb02fd5d2e5abc9cd49b232e7443b5bbd62a1f6 /java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest
parent6ea9fb450ec1ef10b32d65ceb00a6042b927a95c (diff)
parentf88ee7677ccee62ae2ddb1d0125ec673b0b39bd7 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pedroc/android_e2e' into pedroc/android_e2e_dev
Diffstat (limited to 'java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest')
2 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest/java/org/matrix/olm/ b/java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest/java/org/matrix/olm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05480fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest/java/org/matrix/olm/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+package org.matrix.olm;
+import android.text.TextUtils;
+import android.util.Log;
+import org.json.JSONException;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+public class OlmAccountTest {
+ private static final String LOG_TAG = "OlmAccountTest";
+ private static final int GENERATION_ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER = 50;
+ private static OlmAccount mOlmAccount;
+ private static OlmManager mOlmManager;
+ private boolean mIsAccountCreated;
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void setUpClass(){
+ // load native lib
+ mOlmManager = new OlmManager();
+ String version = mOlmManager.getOlmLibVersion();
+ assertNotNull(version);
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## setUpClass(): lib version="+version);
+ }
+ @AfterClass
+ public static void tearDownClass() {
+ // TBD
+ }
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() {
+ if(mIsAccountCreated) {
+ assertNotNull(mOlmAccount);
+ }
+ }
+ @After
+ public void tearDown() {
+ // TBD
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test01CreateReleaseAccount() {
+ mOlmAccount = new OlmAccount();
+ assertNotNull(mOlmAccount);
+ mOlmAccount.releaseAccount();
+ assertTrue(0 == mOlmAccount.getOlmAccountId());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test02CreateAccount() {
+ mOlmAccount = new OlmAccount();
+ assertNotNull(mOlmAccount);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test03InitNewAccount() {
+ assertTrue(mOlmAccount.initNewAccount());
+ mIsAccountCreated = true;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test04GetOlmAccountId() {
+ long olmNativeInstance = mOlmAccount.getOlmAccountId();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testGetOlmAccountId olmNativeInstance="+olmNativeInstance);
+ assertTrue(0!=olmNativeInstance);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test05IdentityKeys() {
+ JSONObject identityKeysJson = mOlmAccount.identityKeys();
+ assertNotNull(identityKeysJson);
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testIdentityKeys Keys="+identityKeysJson);
+ try {
+ String fingerPrintKey = identityKeysJson.getString(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_FINGER_PRINT_KEY);
+ assertTrue("fingerprint key missing",!TextUtils.isEmpty(fingerPrintKey));
+ } catch (JSONException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ assertTrue("Exception MSg="+e.getMessage(), false);
+ }
+ try {
+ String identityKey = identityKeysJson.getString(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_IDENTITY_KEY);
+ assertTrue("identity key missing",!TextUtils.isEmpty(identityKey));
+ } catch (JSONException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ assertTrue("Exception MSg="+e.getMessage(), false);
+ }
+ }
+ //****************************************************
+ //** ************** One time keys TESTS **************
+ //****************************************************
+ @Test
+ public void test06MaxOneTimeKeys() {
+ long maxOneTimeKeys = mOlmAccount.maxOneTimeKeys();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testMaxOneTimeKeys(): maxOneTimeKeys="+maxOneTimeKeys);
+ assertTrue(maxOneTimeKeys>0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test07GenerateOneTimeKeys() {
+ int retValue = mOlmAccount.generateOneTimeKeys(GENERATION_ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER);
+ assertTrue(0==retValue);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test08OneTimeKeysJsonFormat() {
+ int oneTimeKeysCount = 0;
+ JSONObject generatedKeysJsonObj;
+ JSONObject oneTimeKeysJson = mOlmAccount.oneTimeKeys();
+ assertNotNull(oneTimeKeysJson);
+ try {
+ generatedKeysJsonObj = oneTimeKeysJson.getJSONObject(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_ONE_TIME_KEY);
+ assertTrue(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_ONE_TIME_KEY +" object is missing", null!=generatedKeysJsonObj);
+ // test the count of the generated one time keys:
+ Iterator<String> generatedKeysIt = generatedKeysJsonObj.keys();
+ while(generatedKeysIt.hasNext()){
+ oneTimeKeysCount++;
+ }
+ assertTrue("Expected count="+GENERATION_ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER+" found="+oneTimeKeysCount,GENERATION_ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER==oneTimeKeysCount);
+ } catch (JSONException e) {
+ assertTrue("Exception MSg="+e.getMessage(), false);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test10RemoveOneTimeKeysForSession() {
+ OlmSession olmSession = new OlmSession();
+ olmSession.initNewSession();
+ long sessionId = olmSession.getOlmSessionId();
+ assertTrue(0 != sessionId);
+ int sessionRetCode = mOlmAccount.removeOneTimeKeysForSession(sessionId);
+ // no one time key has been use in the session, so removeOneTimeKeysForSession() returns an error
+ assertTrue(0 != sessionRetCode);
+ olmSession.releaseSession();
+ sessionId = olmSession.getOlmSessionId();
+ assertTrue("sessionRetCode="+sessionRetCode,0 == sessionId);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test11MarkOneTimeKeysAsPublished() {
+ int retCode = mOlmAccount.markOneTimeKeysAsPublished();
+ // if OK => retCode=0
+ assertTrue(0 == retCode);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test12SignMessage() {
+ String clearMsg = "String to be signed by olm";
+ String signedMsg = mOlmAccount.signMessage(clearMsg);
+ assertNotNull(signedMsg);
+ // TODO add test to unsign the signedMsg and compare it ot clearMsg
+ }
+ private void testJni(){
+ OlmManager mgr = new OlmManager();
+ String versionLib = mgr.getOlmLibVersion();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): lib version="+versionLib);
+ OlmAccount account = new OlmAccount();
+ boolean initStatus = account.initNewAccount();
+ long accountNativeId = account.getOlmAccountId();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): lib accountNativeId="+accountNativeId);
+ JSONObject identityKeys = account.identityKeys();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): identityKeysJson="+identityKeys.toString());
+ long maxOneTimeKeys = account.maxOneTimeKeys();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): lib maxOneTimeKeys="+maxOneTimeKeys);
+ int generateRetCode = account.generateOneTimeKeys(50);
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): generateRetCode="+generateRetCode);
+ JSONObject oneTimeKeysKeysJson = account.oneTimeKeys();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): oneTimeKeysKeysJson="+oneTimeKeysKeysJson.toString());
+ int asPublishedRetCode = account.markOneTimeKeysAsPublished();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): asPublishedRetCode="+asPublishedRetCode);
+ String clearMsg ="My clear message";
+ String signedMsg = account.signMessage(clearMsg);
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): signedMsg="+signedMsg);
+ account.releaseAccount();
+ }
diff --git a/java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest/java/org/matrix/olm/ b/java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest/java/org/matrix/olm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56048cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest/java/org/matrix/olm/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+package org.matrix.olm;
+import android.util.Log;
+import org.json.JSONException;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+public class OlmSessionTest {
+ private static final String LOG_TAG = "OlmSessionTest";
+ private static OlmManager mOlmManager;
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void setUpClass(){
+ // load native lib
+ mOlmManager = new OlmManager();
+ String version = mOlmManager.getOlmLibVersion();
+ assertNotNull(version);
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## setUpClass(): lib version="+version);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Basic test:
+ * - alice creates an account
+ * - bob creates an account
+ * - alice creates an outbound session with bob (bobIdentityKey & bobOneTimeKey)
+ * - alice encrypts a message with its session
+ * - bob creates an inbound session based on alice's encrypted message
+ * - bob decrypts the encrypted message with its session
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void test01AliceToBob() {
+ final int ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER = 5;
+ String bobIdentityKey = null;
+ String bobOneTimeKey=null;
+ // creates alice & bob accounts
+ OlmAccount aliceAccount = new OlmAccount();
+ aliceAccount.initNewAccount();
+ OlmAccount bobAccount = new OlmAccount();
+ bobAccount.initNewAccount();
+ // test accounts creation
+ assertTrue(0!=bobAccount.getOlmAccountId());
+ assertTrue(0!=aliceAccount.getOlmAccountId());
+ // get bob identity key
+ JSONObject bobIdentityKeysJson = bobAccount.identityKeys();
+ assertNotNull(bobIdentityKeysJson);
+ try {
+ bobIdentityKey = bobIdentityKeysJson.getString(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_IDENTITY_KEY);
+ assertTrue(null!=bobIdentityKey);
+ } catch (JSONException e) {
+ assertTrue("Exception MSg="+e.getMessage(), false);
+ }
+ // get bob one time keys
+ assertTrue(0==bobAccount.generateOneTimeKeys(ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER));
+ JSONObject bobOneTimeKeysJsonObj = bobAccount.oneTimeKeys();
+ assertNotNull(bobOneTimeKeysJsonObj);
+ try {
+ JSONObject generatedKeys = bobOneTimeKeysJsonObj.getJSONObject(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_ONE_TIME_KEY);
+ assertNotNull(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_ONE_TIME_KEY +" object is missing", generatedKeys);
+ Iterator<String> generatedKeysIt = generatedKeys.keys();
+ if(generatedKeysIt.hasNext()) {
+ bobOneTimeKey = generatedKeys.getString(;
+ }
+ assertNotNull(bobOneTimeKey);
+ } catch (JSONException e) {
+ assertTrue("Exception MSg="+e.getMessage(), false);
+ }
+ OlmSession aliceSession = new OlmSession();
+ aliceSession.initNewSession();
+ assertTrue(0!=aliceSession.getOlmSessionId());
+ // CREATE ALICE OUTBOUND SESSION and encrypt message to bob
+ assertNotNull(aliceSession.initOutboundSessionWithAccount(aliceAccount, bobIdentityKey, bobOneTimeKey));
+ String clearMsg = "Heloo bob , this is alice!";
+ OlmMessage encryptedMsgToBob = aliceSession.encryptMessage(clearMsg);
+ assertNotNull(encryptedMsgToBob);
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## test01AliceToBob(): encryptedMsg="+encryptedMsgToBob.mCipherText);
+ // CREATE BOB INBOUND SESSION and decrypt message from alice
+ OlmSession bobSession = new OlmSession();
+ bobSession.initNewSession();
+ assertTrue(0!=bobSession.getOlmSessionId());
+ assertNotNull(bobSession.initInboundSessionWithAccount(bobAccount, encryptedMsgToBob.mCipherText));
+ String decryptedMsg = bobSession.decryptMessage(encryptedMsgToBob);
+ assertNotNull(decryptedMsg);
+ // MESSAGE COMPARISON: decrypted vs encrypted
+ assertTrue(clearMsg.equals(decryptedMsg));
+ // clean objects..
+ assertTrue(0==bobAccount.removeOneTimeKeysForSession(bobSession.getOlmSessionId()));
+ // release accounts
+ bobAccount.releaseAccount();
+ aliceAccount.releaseAccount();
+ // release sessions
+ bobSession.releaseSession();
+ aliceSession.releaseSession();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Same as test01AliceToBob but with bob who's encrypting messages
+ * to alice and alice decrypt them.<br>
+ * - alice creates an account
+ * - bob creates an account
+ * - alice creates an outbound session with bob (bobIdentityKey & bobOneTimeKey)
+ * - alice encrypts a message with its own session
+ * - bob creates an inbound session based on alice's encrypted message
+ * - bob decrypts the encrypted message with its own session
+ * - bob encrypts messages with its own session
+ * - alice decrypts bob's messages with its own message
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void test02AliceToBobBackAndForth() {
+ final int ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER = 1;
+ String bobIdentityKey = null;
+ String bobOneTimeKey=null;
+ // creates alice & bob accounts
+ OlmAccount aliceAccount = new OlmAccount();
+ aliceAccount.initNewAccount();
+ OlmAccount bobAccount = new OlmAccount();
+ bobAccount.initNewAccount();
+ // test accounts creation
+ assertTrue(0!=bobAccount.getOlmAccountId());
+ assertTrue(0!=aliceAccount.getOlmAccountId());
+ // get bob identity key
+ JSONObject bobIdentityKeysJson = bobAccount.identityKeys();
+ assertNotNull(bobIdentityKeysJson);
+ try {
+ bobIdentityKey = bobIdentityKeysJson.getString(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_IDENTITY_KEY);
+ assertTrue(null!=bobIdentityKey);
+ } catch (JSONException e) {
+ assertTrue("Exception MSg="+e.getMessage(), false);
+ }
+ // get bob one time keys
+ assertTrue(0==bobAccount.generateOneTimeKeys(ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER));
+ JSONObject bobOneTimeKeysJsonObj = bobAccount.oneTimeKeys();
+ assertNotNull(bobOneTimeKeysJsonObj);
+ try {
+ JSONObject generatedKeys = bobOneTimeKeysJsonObj.getJSONObject(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_ONE_TIME_KEY);
+ assertNotNull(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_ONE_TIME_KEY +" object is missing", generatedKeys);
+ Iterator<String> generatedKeysIt = generatedKeys.keys();
+ if(generatedKeysIt.hasNext()) {
+ bobOneTimeKey = generatedKeys.getString(;
+ }
+ assertNotNull(bobOneTimeKey);
+ } catch (JSONException e) {
+ assertTrue("Exception MSg="+e.getMessage(), false);
+ }
+ OlmSession aliceSession = new OlmSession();
+ aliceSession.initNewSession();
+ assertTrue(0!=aliceSession.getOlmSessionId());
+ // CREATE ALICE OUTBOUND SESSION and encrypt message to bob
+ assertNotNull(aliceSession.initOutboundSessionWithAccount(aliceAccount, bobIdentityKey, bobOneTimeKey));
+ String helloClearMsg = "Hello I'm Alice!";
+ OlmMessage encryptedAliceToBobMsg1 = aliceSession.encryptMessage(helloClearMsg);
+ assertNotNull(encryptedAliceToBobMsg1);
+ // CREATE BOB INBOUND SESSION and decrypt message from alice
+ OlmSession bobSession = new OlmSession();
+ bobSession.initNewSession();
+ assertTrue(0!=bobSession.getOlmSessionId());
+ assertNotNull(bobSession.initInboundSessionWithAccount(bobAccount, encryptedAliceToBobMsg1.mCipherText));
+ String decryptedMsg01 = bobSession.decryptMessage(encryptedAliceToBobMsg1);
+ assertNotNull(decryptedMsg01);
+ // MESSAGE COMPARISON: decrypted vs encrypted
+ assertTrue(helloClearMsg.equals(decryptedMsg01));
+ assertTrue(0==bobAccount.removeOneTimeKeysForSession(bobSession.getOlmSessionId()));
+ String clearMsg1 = "Hello I'm Bob!";
+ String clearMsg2 = "Isn't life grand?";
+ String clearMsg3 = "Let's go to the opera.";
+ OlmMessage encryptedMsg1 = bobSession.encryptMessage(clearMsg1);
+ assertNotNull(encryptedMsg1);
+ OlmMessage encryptedMsg2 = bobSession.encryptMessage(clearMsg2);
+ assertNotNull(encryptedMsg2);
+ OlmMessage encryptedMsg3 = bobSession.encryptMessage(clearMsg3);
+ assertNotNull(encryptedMsg3);
+ String decryptedMsg1 = aliceSession.decryptMessage(encryptedMsg1);
+ assertNotNull(decryptedMsg1);
+ String decryptedMsg2 = aliceSession.decryptMessage(encryptedMsg2);
+ assertNotNull(decryptedMsg2);
+ String decryptedMsg3 = aliceSession.decryptMessage(encryptedMsg3);
+ assertNotNull(decryptedMsg3);
+ assertTrue(clearMsg1.equals(decryptedMsg1));
+ assertTrue(clearMsg2.equals(decryptedMsg2));
+ assertTrue(clearMsg3.equals(decryptedMsg3));
+ // clean objects..
+ bobAccount.releaseAccount();
+ aliceAccount.releaseAccount();
+ bobSession.releaseSession();
+ aliceSession.releaseSession();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test03AliceBobSessionId() {
+ // creates alice & bob accounts
+ OlmAccount aliceAccount = new OlmAccount();
+ aliceAccount.initNewAccount();
+ OlmAccount bobAccount = new OlmAccount();
+ bobAccount.initNewAccount();
+ // test accounts creation
+ assertTrue(0!=bobAccount.getOlmAccountId());
+ assertTrue(0!=aliceAccount.getOlmAccountId());
+ OlmSession aliceSession = new OlmSession();
+ aliceSession.initNewSession();
+ assertTrue(0!=aliceSession.getOlmSessionId());
+ // CREATE BOB INBOUND SESSION and decrypt message from alice
+ OlmSession bobSession = new OlmSession();
+ bobSession.initNewSession();
+ assertTrue(0!=bobSession.getOlmSessionId());
+ String aliceSessionId = aliceSession.sessionIdentifier();
+ assertNotNull(aliceSessionId);
+ String bobSessionId = bobSession.sessionIdentifier();
+ assertNotNull(bobSessionId);
+ // must be the same for both ends of the conversation
+ assertTrue(aliceSessionId.equals(bobSessionId));
+ }