path: root/java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest/java/org/matrix/olm/ b/java/android/OlmLibSdk/olm-sdk/src/androidTest/java/org/matrix/olm/
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+package org.matrix.olm;
+import android.text.TextUtils;
+import android.util.Log;
+import org.json.JSONException;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+public class OlmAccountTest {
+ private static final String LOG_TAG = "OlmAccountTest";
+ private static final int GENERATION_ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER = 50;
+ private static OlmAccount mOlmAccount;
+ private static OlmManager mOlmManager;
+ private boolean mIsAccountCreated;
+ public static final String TEST_STRING = "This is a string";
+ public static final long TEST_LONG = 12345678L;
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void setUpClass(){
+ // load native lib
+ mOlmManager = new OlmManager();
+ String version = mOlmManager.getOlmLibVersion();
+ assertNotNull(version);
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## setUpClass(): lib version="+version);
+ }
+ @AfterClass
+ public static void tearDownClass() {
+ // TBD
+ }
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() {
+ if(mIsAccountCreated) {
+ assertNotNull(mOlmAccount);
+ }
+ }
+ @After
+ public void tearDown() {
+ // TBD
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test1CreateAccount() {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testInitNewAccount");
+ mOlmAccount = new OlmAccount();
+ assertNotNull(mOlmAccount);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test2InitNewAccount() {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testInitNewAccount");
+ assertTrue(mOlmAccount.initNewAccount());
+ mIsAccountCreated = true;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test3GetOlmAccountId() {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testGetOlmAccountId");
+ long olmNativeInstance = mOlmAccount.getOlmAccountId();
+ assertTrue(0!=olmNativeInstance);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test4IdentityKeys() {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testIdentityKeys");
+ JSONObject identityKeysJson = mOlmAccount.identityKeys();
+ assertNotNull(identityKeysJson);
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testIdentityKeys Keys="+identityKeysJson);
+ try {
+ String fingerPrintKey = identityKeysJson.getString(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_FINGER_PRINT_KEY);
+ assertFalse("fingerprint key missing",TextUtils.isEmpty(fingerPrintKey));
+ } catch (JSONException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ assertTrue("Exception MSg="+e.getMessage(), false);
+ }
+ try {
+ String identityKey = identityKeysJson.getString(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_IDENTITY_KEY);
+ assertFalse("identity key missing",TextUtils.isEmpty(identityKey));
+ } catch (JSONException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ assertTrue("Exception MSg="+e.getMessage(), false);
+ }
+ }
+ //****************************************************
+ //** ************** One time keys TESTS **************
+ //****************************************************
+ @Test
+ public void test5MaxOneTimeKeys() {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testMaxOneTimeKeys");
+ long maxOneTimeKeys = mOlmAccount.maxOneTimeKeys();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testMaxOneTimeKeys(): maxOneTimeKeys="+maxOneTimeKeys);
+ assertTrue(maxOneTimeKeys>0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test6GenerateOneTimeKeys() {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testGenerateOneTimeKeys");
+ int retValue = mOlmAccount.generateOneTimeKeys(GENERATION_ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER);
+ assertTrue(0==retValue);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test7OneTimeKeysJsonFormat() {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testIdentityKeys");
+ JSONObject generatedKeysJsonObj;
+ JSONObject oneTimeKeysJson = mOlmAccount.oneTimeKeys();
+ assertNotNull(oneTimeKeysJson);
+ try {
+ generatedKeysJsonObj = oneTimeKeysJson.getJSONObject(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_ONE_TIME_KEY);
+ assertFalse(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_ONE_TIME_KEY +" object is missing", null==generatedKeysJsonObj);
+ /*String oneTimeKeyA = generatedKeysJsonObj.getString(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_ONE_TIME_KEY_GENERATED_A);
+ assertFalse(" one time KeyA object is missing", TextUtils.isEmpty(oneTimeKeyA));
+ String oneTimeKeyB = generatedKeysJsonObj.getString(OlmAccount.JSON_KEY_ONE_TIME_KEY_GENERATED_B);
+ assertFalse(" one time KeyA object is missing", TextUtils.isEmpty(oneTimeKeyA));*/
+ } catch (JSONException e) {
+ assertTrue("Exception MSg="+e.getMessage(), false);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO testRemoveOneTimeKeysForSession when session is available
+ /*@Test
+ public void testRemoveOneTimeKeysForSession() {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testRemoveOneTimeKeysForSession");
+ OLMSession olmSession = new OLMSession();
+ JSONArray keysJsonArray = mOlmAccount.removeOneTimeKeysForSession(olmSession);
+ assertNotNull(keysJsonArray);
+ // TODO add extra test to test the JSON content format..
+ }*/
+ @Test
+ public void test8MarkOneTimeKeysAsPublished() {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testMarkOneTimeKeysAsPublished");
+ int retCode = mOlmAccount.markOneTimeKeysAsPublished();
+ // if OK => retCode=0
+ assertTrue(0 == retCode);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test9SignMessage() {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"## testMarkOneTimeKeysAsPublished");
+ String clearMsg = "String to be signed by olm";
+ String signedMsg = mOlmAccount.signMessage(clearMsg);
+ assertNotNull(signedMsg);
+ // TODO add test to unsign the signedMsg and compare it ot clearMsg
+ }
+ private void testJni(){
+ OlmManager mgr = new OlmManager();
+ String versionLib = mgr.getOlmLibVersion();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): lib version="+versionLib);
+ OlmAccount account = new OlmAccount();
+ boolean initStatus = account.initNewAccount();
+ long accountNativeId = account.getOlmAccountId();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): lib accountNativeId="+accountNativeId);
+ JSONObject identityKeys = account.identityKeys();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): identityKeysJson="+identityKeys.toString());
+ long maxOneTimeKeys = account.maxOneTimeKeys();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): lib maxOneTimeKeys="+maxOneTimeKeys);
+ int generateRetCode = account.generateOneTimeKeys(50);
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): generateRetCode="+generateRetCode);
+ JSONObject onteTimeKeysKeysJson = account.oneTimeKeys();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): onteTimeKeysKeysJson="+onteTimeKeysKeysJson.toString());
+ // TODO removeOneTimeKeysForSession(session);
+ int asPublishedRetCode = account.markOneTimeKeysAsPublished();
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): asPublishedRetCode="+asPublishedRetCode);
+ String clearMsg ="My clear message";
+ String signedMsg = account.signMessage(clearMsg);
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, "## testJni(): signedMsg="+signedMsg);
+ account.releaseAccount();
+ }