Olm: A Crytographic Ratchet =========================== An implementation of the cryptographic ratchet described by https://github.com/trevp/axolotl/wiki. The Olm Algorithm ----------------- Initial setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The setup takes four Curve25519 inputs: Identity keys for Alice and Bob, :math:`I_A` and :math:`I_B`, and emphemeral keys for Alice and Bob, :math:`E_A` and :math:`E_B`. A shared secret, :math:`S`, is generated using Triple Diffie-Hellman. The initial 256 bit root key, :math:`R_0`, and 256 bit chain key, :math:`C_{0,0}`, are derived from the shared secret using an HMAC-based Key Derivation Function (HKDF) with default salt. .. math:: \begin{align} S&=ECDH\left(I_A,\,E_B\right)\;\parallel\;ECDH\left(E_A,\,I_B\right)\; \parallel\;ECDH\left(E_A,\,E_B\right)\\ R_0\;\parallel\;C_{0,0}&=HKDF\left(S,\,\text{"OLM\_ROOT"}\right) \end{align} Advancing the root key ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Advancing a root key takes the previous root key, :math:`R_{i-1}`, and two Curve25519 inputs: the previous ratchet key, :math:`T_{i-1}`, and the current ratchet key :math:`T_i`. The even ratchet keys are generated by Alice. The odd ratchet keys are generated by Bob. A shared secret is generated using Diffie-Hellman on the ratchet keys. The next root key, :math:`R_i`, and chain key, :math:`C_{i,0}`, are derived from the shared secret using an HMAC-based Key Derivation Function (HKDF) using :math:`R_{i-1}` as the salt. .. math:: \begin{align} R_i\;\parallel\;C_{i,0}&=HKDF\left( ECDH\left(T_{i-1},\,T_i\right),\, R_{i-1},\, \text{"OLM\_RATCHET"} \right) \end{align} Advancing the chain key ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Advancing a root key takes the previous chain key, :math:`C_{i,j-i}`. The next chain key, :math:`C_{i,j}`, is the HMAC of ``"\x02"`` using the previous chain key as the key. .. math:: \begin{align} C_{i,j}&=HMAC\left(C_{i,j-1},\,\text{"\textbackslash x02"}\right) \end{align} Creating a message key ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creating a message key takes the current chain key, :math:`C_{i,j}`. The message key, :math:`M_{i,j}`, is the HMAC of ``"\x01"`` using the current chain key as the key. The message keys where :math:`i` is even are used by Alice to encrypt messages. The message keys where :math:`i` is odd are used by Bob to encrypt messages. .. math:: \begin{align} M_{i,j}&=HMAC\left(C_{i,j},\,\text{"\textbackslash x01"}\right) \end{align} The Olm Protocol ---------------- Creating an outbound session ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bob publishes his identity key, :math:`I_B`, and some single-use one-time keys :math:`E_B`. Alice downloads Bob's identity key, :math:`I_B`, and a one-time key, :math:`E_B`. Alice takes her identity key, :math:`I_A`, and generates a new single-use key, :math:`E_A`. Alice computes a root key, :math:`R_0`, and a chain key :math:`C_{0,0}`. Alice generates a new ratchet key :math:`T_0`. Sending the first pre-key messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alice computes a message key, :math:`M_{0,j}`, using the current chain key, :math:`C_{0,j}`. Alice replaces the current chain key with :math:`C_{0,j+1}`. Alice encrypts her plain-text with the message key, :math:`M_{0,j}`, using an authenticated encryption scheme to get a cipher-text, :math:`X_{0,j}`. Alice sends her identity key, :math:`I_A`, her single-use key, :math:`E_A`, Bob's single-use key, :math:`E_B`, the current chain index, :math:`j`, her ratchet key, :math:`T_0`, and the cipher-text, :math:`X_{0,j}`, to Bob. Alice will continue to send pre-key messages until she receives a message from Bob. Creating an inbound session from a pre-key message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bob receives a pre-key message with Alice's identity key, :math:`I_A`, Alice's single-use key, :math:`E_A`, the public part of his single-use key, :math:`E_B`, the current chain index, :math:`j`, Alice's ratchet key, :math:`T_0`, and the cipher-text, :math:`X_{0,j}`. Bob looks up the private part of the single-use key, :math:`E_B`. Bob computes the root key :math:`R_0`, and the chain key :math:`C_{0,0}`. Bob then advances the chain key to compute the chain key used by the message, :math:`C_{0,j}`. Bob then creates the message key, :math:`M_{0,j}`, and attempts to decrypt the ciphertext, :math:`X_{0,j}`. If the cipher-text's authentication is correct then Bob can discard private part of his single-use one-time key, :math:`E_B`. Sending messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To send a message the user checks if they have a sender chain key, :math:`C_{i,j}`. Alice use chain keys where :math:`i` is even. Bob uses chain keys where :math:`i` is odd. If the chain key doesn't exist then a new ratchet key :math:`T_i` is generated and a the chain key, :math:`C_{i,0}`, is computed using :math:`R_{i-1}`, :math:`T_{i-1}` and :math:`T_i`. A message key, :math:`M_{i,j}` is computed from the current chain key, :math:`C_{i,j}`, and the chain key is replaced with the next chain key, :math:`C_{i,j+1}`. The plain-text is encrypted with :math:`M_{i,j}`, using an authenticated encryption scheme to get a cipher-text, :math:`X_{i,j}`. Then user sends the current chain index, :math:`j`, the ratchet key, :math:`T_i`, and the cipher-text, :math:`X_{i,j}`, to the other user. Receiving messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The user receives a message with the current chain index, :math:`j`, the ratchet key, :math:`T_i`, and the cipher-text, :math:`X_{i,j}`, from the other user. The user checks if they have a receiver chain with the correct :math:`i` by comparing the ratchet key, :math:`T_i`. If the chain doesn't exist then they compute a new receiver chain, :math:`C_{i,0}`, using :math:`R_{i-1}`, :math:`T_{i-1}` and :math:`T_i`. If the :math:`j` of the message is less than the current chain index on the receiver then the message may only be decrypted if the receiver has stored a copy of the message key :math:`M_{i,j}`. Otherwise the receiver computes the chain key, :math:`C_{i,j}`. The receiver computes the message key, :math:`M_{i,j}`, from the chain key and attempts to decrypt the cipher-text, :math:`X_{i,j}`. If the decryption succeeds the reciever updates the chain key for :math:`T_i` with :math:`C_{i,j+1}` and stores the message keys that were skipped in the process so that they can decode out of order messages. If the receiver created a new receiver chain then they discard their current sender chain so that they will create a new chain when they next send a message. The Olm Message Format ---------------------- Normal Messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Olm messages start with a one byte version followed by a variable length payload followed by a fixed length message authentication code. .. code:: +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------+ | Version Byte | Payload Bytes | MAC Bytes | +--------------+------------------------------------+-----------+ The payload consists of key-value pairs where the keys are integers and the values are integers and strings. The keys are encoded as a variable length integer tag where the 3 lowest bits indicates the type of the value: 0 for integers, 2 for strings. If the value is an integer then the tag is followed by the value encoded as a variable length integer. If the value is a string then the tag is followed by the length of the string encoded as a variable length integer followed by the string itself. Olm uses a variable length encoding for integers. Each integer is encoded as a sequence of bytes with the high bit set followed by a byte with the high bit clear. The seven low bits of each byte store the bits of the integer. The least significant bits are stored in the first byte. =========== ===== ======== ================================================ Name Tag Type Meaning =========== ===== ======== ================================================ Chain-Index 0x0A Integer The chain index, :math:`j`, of the message Ratchet-Key 0x10 String The ratchet key, :math:`T_{i}`, of the message Cipher-Text 0x22 String The cipher-text, :math:`X_{i,j}`, of the message =========== ===== ======== ================================================