#ifndef AXOLOTL_HH_ #define AXOLOTL_HH_ #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif static const size_t AXOLOTL_MESSAGE_TYPE_PRE_KEY = 0; static const size_t AXOLOTL_MESSAGE_TYPE_MESSAGE = 1; struct AxolotlAccount; struct AxolotlSession; size_t axolotl_account_size(); size_t axolotl_session_size(); AxolotlAccount * axolotl_account( void * memory ); AxolotlSession * axolotl_session( void * memory ); size_t axolotl_error(); const char * axolotl_account_last_error( AxolotlSession * account ); const char * axolotl_session_last_error( AxolotlSession * session ); size_t axolotl_pickle_account_length( AxolotlAccount * account ); size_t axolotl_pickle_session_length( AxolotlSession * session ); size_t axolotl_pickle_account( AxolotlAccount * account, void const * key, size_t key_length, void * pickled, size_t pickled_length ); size_t axolotl_pickle_session( AxolotlSession * session, void const * key, size_t key_length, void * pickled, size_t pickled_length ); size_t axolotl_unpickle_account( AxolotlAccount * account, void const * key, size_t key_length, void * pickled, size_t pickled_length ); size_t axolotl_unpickle_session( AxolotlSession * session, void const * key, size_t key_length, void * pickled, size_t pickled_length ); size_t axolotl_create_account_random_length( AxolotlAccount * account ); size_t axolotl_create_account( AxolotlAccount * account, void const * random, size_t random_length ); size_t axolotl_account_identity_keys_length( AxolotlAccount * account ); size_t axolotl_account_identity_keys( AxolotlAccount * account, void * identity_keys, size_t identity_key_length ); size_t axolotl_account_one_time_keys_length( AxolotlAccount * account ); size_t axolotl_account_one_time_keys( AxolotlAccount * account, void * identity_keys, size_t identity_key_length ); /* TODO: Add methods for marking keys as used, generating new keys, and * tracking which keys have been uploaded to the central servers */ size_t axolotl_create_outbound_session_random_length( AxolotlSession * session ); size_t axolotl_create_outbound_session( AxolotlSession * session, AxolotlAccount * account, void const * their_identity_key, size_t their_identity_key_length, unsigned their_one_time_key_id, void const * their_one_time_key, size_t their_one_time_key_length, void const * random, size_t random_length ); size_t axolotl_create_inbound_session( AxolotlSession * session, AxolotlAccount * account, void * one_time_key_message, size_t message_length ); size_t axolotl_matches_inbound_session( AxolotlSession * session, void * one_time_key_message, size_t message_length ); size_t axolotl_encrypt_message_type( AxolotlSession * session ); size_t axolotl_encrypt_random_length( AxolotlSession * session ); size_t axolotl_encrypt_message_length( AxolotlSession * session, size_t plaintext_length ); size_t axolotl_encrypt( AxolotlSession * session, void const * plaintext, size_t plaintext_length, void const * random, size_t random_length, void * message, size_t message_length ); size_t axolotl_decrypt_max_plaintext_length( AxolotlSession * session, size_t message_type, void * message, size_t message_length ); size_t axolotl_decrypt( AxolotlSession * session, size_t message_type, void * message, size_t message_length, void * plaintext, size_t max_plaintext_length ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* AXOLOTL_HH_ */