/* Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * functions for encoding and decoding messages in the Olm protocol. * * Some of these functions have plain-C bindings, and are declared in * message.h; in time, all of the functions declared here should probably be * converted to plain C and moved to message.h. */ #include "message.h" #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> namespace olm { /** * The length of the buffer needed to hold a message. */ std::size_t encode_message_length( std::uint32_t counter, std::size_t ratchet_key_length, std::size_t ciphertext_length, std::size_t mac_length ); struct MessageWriter { std::uint8_t * ratchet_key; std::uint8_t * ciphertext; }; struct MessageReader { std::uint8_t version; bool has_counter; std::uint32_t counter; std::uint8_t const * input; std::size_t input_length; std::uint8_t const * ratchet_key; std::size_t ratchet_key_length; std::uint8_t const * ciphertext; std::size_t ciphertext_length; }; /** * Writes the message headers into the output buffer. * Populates the writer struct with pointers into the output buffer. */ void encode_message( MessageWriter & writer, std::uint8_t version, std::uint32_t counter, std::size_t ratchet_key_length, std::size_t ciphertext_length, std::uint8_t * output ); /** * Reads the message headers from the input buffer. * Populates the reader struct with pointers into the input buffer. */ void decode_message( MessageReader & reader, std::uint8_t const * input, std::size_t input_length, std::size_t mac_length ); struct PreKeyMessageWriter { std::uint8_t * identity_key; std::uint8_t * base_key; std::uint8_t * one_time_key; std::uint8_t * message; }; struct PreKeyMessageReader { std::uint8_t version; std::uint8_t const * identity_key; std::size_t identity_key_length; std::uint8_t const * base_key; std::size_t base_key_length; std::uint8_t const * one_time_key; std::size_t one_time_key_length; std::uint8_t const * message; std::size_t message_length; }; /** * The length of the buffer needed to hold a message. */ std::size_t encode_one_time_key_message_length( std::size_t identity_key_length, std::size_t base_key_length, std::size_t one_time_key_length, std::size_t message_length ); /** * Writes the message headers into the output buffer. * Populates the writer struct with pointers into the output buffer. */ void encode_one_time_key_message( PreKeyMessageWriter & writer, std::uint8_t version, std::size_t identity_key_length, std::size_t base_key_length, std::size_t one_time_key_length, std::size_t message_length, std::uint8_t * output ); /** * Reads the message headers from the input buffer. * Populates the reader struct with pointers into the input buffer. */ void decode_one_time_key_message( PreKeyMessageReader & reader, std::uint8_t const * input, std::size_t input_length ); } // namespace olm