Olm === Note: before using any of the olm functions, you must call `Olm.init()`, and wait for the promise to resolve, otherwise you will get errors like: `Uncaught TypeError: Olm.Account is not a constructor` Example: var alice = new Olm.Account(); var bob = new Olm.Account(); alice.create(); bob.create(); bob.generate_one_time_keys(1); var bobs_id_keys = JSON.parse(bob.identity_keys()); var bobs_id_key = bobs_id_keys.curve25519; var bobs_ot_keys = JSON.parse(bob.one_time_keys()); for (key in bobs_ot_keys.curve25519) { var bobs_ot_key = bobs_ot_keys.curve25519[key]; } alice_session = new Olm.Session(); alice_session.create_outbound(alice, bobs_id_key, bobs_ot_key); alice_message = a_session.encrypt("Hello"); bob_session.create_inbound(bob, bob_message); var plaintext = bob_session.decrypt(message_1.type, bob_message); bob.remove_one_time_keys(bob_session); Group chat: var outbound_session = new Olm.OutboundGroupSession(); outbound_session.create(); // exchange these over a secure channel var session_id = group_session.session_id(); var session_key = group_session.session_key(); var message_index = group_session.message_index(); var inbound_session = new Olm.InboundGroupSession(); inbound_session.create(message_index, session_key); var ciphertext = outbound_session.encrypt("Hello"); var plaintext = inbound_session.decrypt(ciphertext);