var malloc = Module['_malloc']; var free = Module['_free']; var OLM_ERROR; /* allocate a number of bytes of storage on the stack. * * If size_or_array is a Number, allocates that number of zero-initialised bytes. */ function stack(size_or_array) { return allocate(size_or_array, 'i8', Module['ALLOC_STACK']); } function array_from_string(string) { return intArrayFromString(string, true); } function random_stack(size) { var ptr = stack(size); var array = new Uint8Array(Module['HEAPU8'].buffer, ptr, size); get_random_values(array); return ptr; } function restore_stack(wrapped) { return function() { var sp = stackSave(); try { return wrapped.apply(this, arguments); } finally { stackRestore(sp); } } } /* set a memory area to zero */ function bzero(ptr, n) { while(n-- > 0) { Module['HEAP8'][ptr++] = 0; } } function Account() { var size = Module['_olm_account_size'](); this.buf = malloc(size); this.ptr = Module['_olm_account'](this.buf); } function account_method(wrapped) { return function() { var result = wrapped.apply(this, arguments); if (result === OLM_ERROR) { var message = UTF8ToString( Module['_olm_account_last_error'](arguments[0]) ); throw new Error("OLM." + message); } return result; } } Account.prototype['free'] = function() { Module['_olm_clear_account'](this.ptr); free(this.ptr); } Account.prototype['create'] = restore_stack(function() { var random_length = account_method( Module['_olm_create_account_random_length'] )(this.ptr); var random = random_stack(random_length); account_method(Module['_olm_create_account'])( this.ptr, random, random_length ); }); Account.prototype['identity_keys'] = restore_stack(function() { var keys_length = account_method( Module['_olm_account_identity_keys_length'] )(this.ptr); var keys = stack(keys_length + NULL_BYTE_PADDING_LENGTH); account_method(Module['_olm_account_identity_keys'])( this.ptr, keys, keys_length ); return UTF8ToString(keys, keys_length); }); Account.prototype['sign'] = restore_stack(function(message) { var signature_length = account_method( Module['_olm_account_signature_length'] )(this.ptr); var message_array = array_from_string(message); var message_buffer = stack(message_array); var signature_buffer = stack(signature_length + NULL_BYTE_PADDING_LENGTH); try { account_method(Module['_olm_account_sign'])( this.ptr, message_buffer, message_array.length, signature_buffer, signature_length ); } finally { // clear out copies of the message, which may be plaintext bzero(message_buffer, message_array.length); for (var i = 0; i < message_array.length; i++) { message_array[i] = 0; } } return UTF8ToString(signature_buffer, signature_length); }); Account.prototype['one_time_keys'] = restore_stack(function() { var keys_length = account_method( Module['_olm_account_one_time_keys_length'] )(this.ptr); var keys = stack(keys_length + NULL_BYTE_PADDING_LENGTH); account_method(Module['_olm_account_one_time_keys'])( this.ptr, keys, keys_length ); return UTF8ToString(keys, keys_length); }); Account.prototype['mark_keys_as_published'] = restore_stack(function() { account_method(Module['_olm_account_mark_keys_as_published'])(this.ptr); }); Account.prototype['max_number_of_one_time_keys'] = restore_stack(function() { return account_method(Module['_olm_account_max_number_of_one_time_keys'])( this.ptr ); }); Account.prototype['generate_one_time_keys'] = restore_stack(function( number_of_keys ) { var random_length = account_method( Module['_olm_account_generate_one_time_keys_random_length'] )(this.ptr, number_of_keys); var random = random_stack(random_length); account_method(Module['_olm_account_generate_one_time_keys'])( this.ptr, number_of_keys, random, random_length ); }); Account.prototype['remove_one_time_keys'] = restore_stack(function(session) { account_method(Module['_olm_remove_one_time_keys'])( this.ptr, session.ptr ); }); Account.prototype['generate_fallback_key'] = restore_stack(function() { var random_length = account_method( Module['_olm_account_generate_fallback_key_random_length'] )(this.ptr); var random = random_stack(random_length); account_method(Module['_olm_account_generate_fallback_key'])( this.ptr, random, random_length ); }); Account.prototype['fallback_key'] = restore_stack(function() { var keys_length = account_method( Module['_olm_account_fallback_key_length'] )(this.ptr); var keys = stack(keys_length + NULL_BYTE_PADDING_LENGTH); account_method(Module['_olm_account_fallback_key'])( this.ptr, keys, keys_length ); return UTF8ToString(keys, keys_length); }); Account.prototype['pickle'] = restore_stack(function(key) { var key_array = array_from_string(key); var pickle_length = account_method( Module['_olm_pickle_account_length'] )(this.ptr); var key_buffer = stack(key_array); var pickle_buffer = stack(pickle_length + NULL_BYTE_PADDING_LENGTH); try { account_method(Module['_olm_pickle_account'])( this.ptr, key_buffer, key_array.length, pickle_buffer, pickle_length ); } finally { // clear out copies of the pickle key bzero(key_buffer, key_array.length) for (var i = 0; i < key_array.length; i++) { key_array[i] = 0; } } return UTF8ToString(pickle_buffer, pickle_length); }); Account.prototype['unpickle'] = restore_stack(function(key, pickle) { var key_array = array_from_string(key); var key_buffer = stack(key_array); var pickle_array = array_from_string(pickle); var pickle_buffer = stack(pickle_array); try { account_method(Module['_olm_unpickle_account'])( this.ptr, key_buffer, key_array.length, pickle_buffer, pickle_array.length ); } finally { // clear out copies of the pickle key bzero(key_buffer, key_array.length) for (var i = 0; i < key_array.length; i++) { key_array[i] = 0; } } }); function Session() { var size = Module['_olm_session_size'](); this.buf = malloc(size); this.ptr = Module['_olm_session'](this.buf); } function session_method(wrapped) { return function() { var result = wrapped.apply(this, arguments); if (result === OLM_ERROR) { var message = UTF8ToString( Module['_olm_session_last_error'](arguments[0]) ); throw new Error("OLM." + message); } return result; } } Session.prototype['free'] = function() { Module['_olm_clear_session'](this.ptr); free(this.ptr); } Session.prototype['pickle'] = restore_stack(function(key) { var key_array = array_from_string(key); var pickle_length = session_method( Module['_olm_pickle_session_length'] )(this.ptr); var key_buffer = stack(key_array); var pickle_buffer = stack(pickle_length + NULL_BYTE_PADDING_LENGTH); try { session_method(Module['_olm_pickle_session'])( this.ptr, key_buffer, key_array.length, pickle_buffer, pickle_length ); } finally { // clear out copies of the pickle key bzero(key_buffer, key_array.length) for (var i = 0; i < key_array.length; i++) { key_array[i] = 0; } } return UTF8ToString(pickle_buffer, pickle_length); }); Session.prototype['unpickle'] = restore_stack(function(key, pickle) { var key_array = array_from_string(key); var key_buffer = stack(key_array); var pickle_array = array_from_string(pickle); var pickle_buffer = stack(pickle_array); try { session_method(Module['_olm_unpickle_session'])( this.ptr, key_buffer, key_array.length, pickle_buffer, pickle_array.length ); } finally { // clear out copies of the pickle key bzero(key_buffer, key_array.length) for (var i = 0; i < key_array.length; i++) { key_array[i] = 0; } } }); Session.prototype['create_outbound'] = restore_stack(function( account, their_identity_key, their_one_time_key ) { var random_length = session_method( Module['_olm_create_outbound_session_random_length'] )(this.ptr); var random = random_stack(random_length); var identity_key_array = array_from_string(their_identity_key); var one_time_key_array = array_from_string(their_one_time_key); var identity_key_buffer = stack(identity_key_array); var one_time_key_buffer = stack(one_time_key_array); try { session_method(Module['_olm_create_outbound_session'])( this.ptr, account.ptr, identity_key_buffer, identity_key_array.length, one_time_key_buffer, one_time_key_array.length, random, random_length ); } finally { // clear the random buffer, which is key data bzero(random, random_length); } }); Session.prototype['create_inbound'] = restore_stack(function( account, one_time_key_message ) { var message_array = array_from_string(one_time_key_message); var message_buffer = stack(message_array); try { session_method(Module['_olm_create_inbound_session'])( this.ptr, account.ptr, message_buffer, message_array.length ); } finally { // clear out copies of the key bzero(message_buffer, message_array.length); for (var i = 0; i < message_array.length; i++) { message_array[i] = 0; } } }); Session.prototype['create_inbound_from'] = restore_stack(function( account, identity_key, one_time_key_message ) { var identity_key_array = array_from_string(identity_key); var identity_key_buffer = stack(identity_key_array); var message_array = array_from_string(one_time_key_message); var message_buffer = stack(message_array); try { session_method(Module['_olm_create_inbound_session_from'])( this.ptr, account.ptr, identity_key_buffer, identity_key_array.length, message_buffer, message_array.length ); } finally { // clear out copies of the key bzero(message_buffer, message_array.length); for (var i = 0; i < message_array.length; i++) { message_array[i] = 0; } } }); Session.prototype['session_id'] = restore_stack(function() { var id_length = session_method(Module['_olm_session_id_length'])(this.ptr); var id_buffer = stack(id_length + NULL_BYTE_PADDING_LENGTH); session_method(Module['_olm_session_id'])( this.ptr, id_buffer, id_length ); return UTF8ToString(id_buffer, id_length); }); Session.prototype['has_received_message'] = function() { return session_method(Module['_olm_session_has_received_message'])( this.ptr ) ? true : false; }; Session.prototype['matches_inbound'] = restore_stack(function( one_time_key_message ) { var message_array = array_from_string(one_time_key_message); var message_buffer = stack(message_array); return session_method(Module['_olm_matches_inbound_session'])( this.ptr, message_buffer, message_array.length ) ? true : false; }); Session.prototype['matches_inbound_from'] = restore_stack(function( identity_key, one_time_key_message ) { var identity_key_array = array_from_string(identity_key); var identity_key_buffer = stack(identity_key_array); var message_array = array_from_string(one_time_key_message); var message_buffer = stack(message_array); return session_method(Module['_olm_matches_inbound_session_from'])( this.ptr, identity_key_buffer, identity_key_array.length, message_buffer, message_array.length ) ? true : false; }); Session.prototype['encrypt'] = restore_stack(function( plaintext ) { var plaintext_buffer, message_buffer, plaintext_length, random, random_length; try { random_length = session_method( Module['_olm_encrypt_random_length'] )(this.ptr); var message_type = session_method( Module['_olm_encrypt_message_type'] )(this.ptr); plaintext_length = lengthBytesUTF8(plaintext); var message_length = session_method( Module['_olm_encrypt_message_length'] )(this.ptr, plaintext_length); random = random_stack(random_length); // need to allow space for the terminator (which stringToUTF8 always // writes), hence + 1. plaintext_buffer = malloc(plaintext_length + 1); stringToUTF8(plaintext, plaintext_buffer, plaintext_length + 1); message_buffer = malloc(message_length + NULL_BYTE_PADDING_LENGTH); session_method(Module['_olm_encrypt'])( this.ptr, plaintext_buffer, plaintext_length, random, random_length, message_buffer, message_length ); // UTF8ToString requires a null-terminated argument, so add the // null terminator. setValue( message_buffer+message_length, 0, "i8" ); return { "type": message_type, "body": UTF8ToString(message_buffer, message_length), }; } finally { if (random !== undefined) { // clear out the random buffer, since it is the private key bzero(random, random_length); } if (plaintext_buffer !== undefined) { // don't leave a copy of the plaintext in the heap. bzero(plaintext_buffer, plaintext_length + 1); free(plaintext_buffer); } if (message_buffer !== undefined) { free(message_buffer); } } }); Session.prototype['decrypt'] = restore_stack(function( message_type, message ) { var message_buffer, plaintext_buffer, max_plaintext_length; try { message_buffer = malloc(message.length); writeAsciiToMemory(message, message_buffer, true); max_plaintext_length = session_method( Module['_olm_decrypt_max_plaintext_length'] )(this.ptr, message_type, message_buffer, message.length); // caculating the length destroys the input buffer, so we need to re-copy it. writeAsciiToMemory(message, message_buffer, true); plaintext_buffer = malloc(max_plaintext_length + NULL_BYTE_PADDING_LENGTH); var plaintext_length = session_method(Module["_olm_decrypt"])( this.ptr, message_type, message_buffer, message.length, plaintext_buffer, max_plaintext_length ); // UTF8ToString requires a null-terminated argument, so add the // null terminator. setValue( plaintext_buffer+plaintext_length, 0, "i8" ); return UTF8ToString(plaintext_buffer, plaintext_length); } finally { if (message_buffer !== undefined) { free(message_buffer); } if (plaintext_buffer !== undefined) { // don't leave a copy of the plaintext in the heap. bzero(plaintext_buffer, max_plaintext_length); free(plaintext_buffer); } } }); Session.prototype['describe'] = restore_stack(function() { var description_buf; try { description_buf = malloc(256); session_method(Module['_olm_session_describe'])( this.ptr, description_buf, 256 ); return UTF8ToString(description_buf); } finally { if (description_buf !== undefined) free(description_buf); } }); function Utility() { var size = Module['_olm_utility_size'](); this.buf = malloc(size); this.ptr = Module['_olm_utility'](this.buf); } function utility_method(wrapped) { return function() { var result = wrapped.apply(this, arguments); if (result === OLM_ERROR) { var message = UTF8ToString( Module['_olm_utility_last_error'](arguments[0]) ); throw new Error("OLM." + message); } return result; } } Utility.prototype['free'] = function() { Module['_olm_clear_utility'](this.ptr); free(this.ptr); } Utility.prototype['sha256'] = restore_stack(function(input) { var output_length = utility_method(Module['_olm_sha256_length'])(this.ptr); var input_array = array_from_string(input); var input_buffer = stack(input_array); var output_buffer = stack(output_length + NULL_BYTE_PADDING_LENGTH); try { utility_method(Module['_olm_sha256'])( this.ptr, input_buffer, input_array.length, output_buffer, output_length ); } finally { // clear out copies of the input buffer, which may be plaintext bzero(input_buffer, input_array.length); for (var i = 0; i < input_array.length; i++) { input_array[i] = 0; } } return UTF8ToString(output_buffer, output_length); }); Utility.prototype['ed25519_verify'] = restore_stack(function( key, message, signature ) { var key_array = array_from_string(key); var key_buffer = stack(key_array); var message_array = array_from_string(message); var message_buffer = stack(message_array); var signature_array = array_from_string(signature); var signature_buffer = stack(signature_array); try { utility_method(Module['_olm_ed25519_verify'])( this.ptr, key_buffer, key_array.length, message_buffer, message_array.length, signature_buffer, signature_array.length ); } finally { // clear out copies of the input buffer, which may be plaintext bzero(message_buffer, message_array.length); for (var i = 0; i < message_array.length; i++) { message_array[i] = 0; } } }); olm_exports["Account"] = Account; olm_exports["Session"] = Session; olm_exports["Utility"] = Utility; olm_exports["PkEncryption"] = PkEncryption; olm_exports["PkDecryption"] = PkDecryption; olm_exports["PkSigning"] = PkSigning; olm_exports["SAS"] = SAS; olm_exports["get_library_version"] = restore_stack(function() { var buf = stack(3); Module['_olm_get_library_version'](buf, buf+1, buf+2); return [ getValue(buf, 'i8'), getValue(buf+1, 'i8'), getValue(buf+2, 'i8'), ]; });