# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # libolm python bindings # Copyright © 2015-2017 OpenMarket Ltd # Copyright © 2018 Damir Jelić <poljar@termina.org.uk> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """libolm Group session module. This module contains the group session part of the Olm library. It contains two classes for creating inbound and outbound group sessions. Examples: >>> outbound = OutboundGroupSession() >>> InboundGroupSession(outbound.session_key) """ # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,unused-import from builtins import bytes, super from typing import AnyStr, Optional, Tuple, Type from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from _libolm import ffi, lib # type: ignore from ._compat import URANDOM, to_bytearray, to_bytes from ._finalize import track_for_finalization def _clear_inbound_group_session(session): # type: (ffi.cdata) -> None lib.olm_clear_inbound_group_session(session) def _clear_outbound_group_session(session): # type: (ffi.cdata) -> None lib.olm_clear_outbound_group_session(session) class OlmGroupSessionError(Exception): """libolm Group session error exception.""" class InboundGroupSession(object): """Inbound group session for encrypted multiuser communication.""" def __new__( cls, # type: Type[InboundGroupSession] session_key=None # type: Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> InboundGroupSession obj = super().__new__(cls) obj._buf = ffi.new("char[]", lib.olm_inbound_group_session_size()) obj._session = lib.olm_inbound_group_session(obj._buf) track_for_finalization(obj, obj._session, _clear_inbound_group_session) return obj def __init__(self, session_key): # type: (AnyStr) -> None """Create a new inbound group session. Start a new inbound group session, from a key exported from an outbound group session. Raises OlmGroupSessionError on failure. The error message of the exception will be "OLM_INVALID_BASE64" if the session key is not valid base64 and "OLM_BAD_SESSION_KEY" if the session key is invalid. """ if False: # pragma: no cover self._session = self._session # type: ffi.cdata byte_session_key = to_bytearray(session_key) try: ret = lib.olm_init_inbound_group_session( self._session, ffi.from_buffer(byte_session_key), len(byte_session_key) ) finally: if byte_session_key is not session_key: for i in range(0, len(byte_session_key)): byte_session_key[i] = 0 self._check_error(ret) def pickle(self, passphrase=""): # type: (Optional[str]) -> bytes """Store an inbound group session. Stores a group session as a base64 string. Encrypts the session using the supplied passphrase. Returns a byte object containing the base64 encoded string of the pickled session. Args: passphrase(str, optional): The passphrase to be used to encrypt the session. """ byte_passphrase = bytearray(passphrase, "utf-8") if passphrase else b"" pickle_length = lib.olm_pickle_inbound_group_session_length( self._session) pickle_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", pickle_length) try: ret = lib.olm_pickle_inbound_group_session( self._session, ffi.from_buffer(byte_passphrase), len(byte_passphrase), pickle_buffer, pickle_length ) self._check_error(ret) finally: # clear out copies of the passphrase for i in range(0, len(byte_passphrase)): byte_passphrase[i] = 0 return ffi.unpack(pickle_buffer, pickle_length) @classmethod def from_pickle(cls, pickle, passphrase=""): # type: (bytes, Optional[str]) -> InboundGroupSession """Load a previously stored inbound group session. Loads an inbound group session from a pickled base64 string and returns an InboundGroupSession object. Decrypts the session using the supplied passphrase. Raises OlmSessionError on failure. If the passphrase doesn't match the one used to encrypt the session then the error message for the exception will be "BAD_ACCOUNT_KEY". If the base64 couldn't be decoded then the error message will be "INVALID_BASE64". Args: pickle(bytes): Base64 encoded byte string containing the pickled session passphrase(str, optional): The passphrase used to encrypt the session """ if not pickle: raise ValueError("Pickle can't be empty") byte_passphrase = bytearray(passphrase, "utf-8") if passphrase else b"" # copy because unpickle will destroy the buffer pickle_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", pickle) obj = cls.__new__(cls) try: ret = lib.olm_unpickle_inbound_group_session( obj._session, ffi.from_buffer(byte_passphrase), len(byte_passphrase), pickle_buffer, len(pickle) ) obj._check_error(ret) finally: # clear out copies of the passphrase for i in range(0, len(byte_passphrase)): byte_passphrase[i] = 0 return obj def _check_error(self, ret): # type: (int) -> None if ret != lib.olm_error(): return last_error = bytes_to_native_str(ffi.string( lib.olm_inbound_group_session_last_error(self._session))) raise OlmGroupSessionError(last_error) def decrypt(self, ciphertext): # type: (AnyStr) -> Tuple[str, int] """Decrypt a message Returns a tuple of the decrypted plain-text and the message index of the decrypted message or raises OlmGroupSessionError on failure. On failure the error message of the exception will be: * OLM_INVALID_BASE64 if the message is not valid base64 * OLM_BAD_MESSAGE_VERSION if the message was encrypted with an unsupported version of the protocol * OLM_BAD_MESSAGE_FORMAT if the message headers could not be decoded * OLM_BAD_MESSAGE_MAC if the message could not be verified * OLM_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_INDEX if we do not have a session key corresponding to the message's index (i.e., it was sent before the session key was shared with us) Args: ciphertext(str): Base64 encoded ciphertext containing the encrypted message """ if not ciphertext: raise ValueError("Ciphertext can't be empty.") byte_ciphertext = to_bytes(ciphertext) # copy because max_plaintext_length will destroy the buffer ciphertext_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", byte_ciphertext) max_plaintext_length = lib.olm_group_decrypt_max_plaintext_length( self._session, ciphertext_buffer, len(byte_ciphertext) ) self._check_error(max_plaintext_length) plaintext_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", max_plaintext_length) # copy because max_plaintext_length will destroy the buffer ciphertext_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", byte_ciphertext) message_index = ffi.new("uint32_t*") plaintext_length = lib.olm_group_decrypt( self._session, ciphertext_buffer, len(byte_ciphertext), plaintext_buffer, max_plaintext_length, message_index ) self._check_error(plaintext_length) plaintext = bytes_to_native_str(ffi.unpack( plaintext_buffer, plaintext_length )) # clear out copies of the plaintext lib.memset(plaintext_buffer, 0, max_plaintext_length) return plaintext, message_index[0] @property def id(self): # type: () -> str """str: A base64 encoded identifier for this session.""" id_length = lib.olm_inbound_group_session_id_length(self._session) id_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", id_length) ret = lib.olm_inbound_group_session_id( self._session, id_buffer, id_length ) self._check_error(ret) return bytes_to_native_str(ffi.unpack(id_buffer, id_length)) @property def first_known_index(self): # type: () -> int """int: The first message index we know how to decrypt.""" return lib.olm_inbound_group_session_first_known_index(self._session) def export_session(self, message_index): # type: (int) -> str """Export an inbound group session Export the base64-encoded ratchet key for this session, at the given index, in a format which can be used by import_session(). Raises OlmGroupSessionError on failure. The error message for the exception will be: * OLM_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_INDEX if we do not have a session key corresponding to the given index (ie, it was sent before the session key was shared with us) Args: message_index(int): The message index at which the session should be exported. """ export_length = lib.olm_export_inbound_group_session_length( self._session) export_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", export_length) ret = lib.olm_export_inbound_group_session( self._session, export_buffer, export_length, message_index ) self._check_error(ret) export_str = bytes_to_native_str(ffi.unpack(export_buffer, export_length)) # clear out copies of the key lib.memset(export_buffer, 0, export_length) return export_str @classmethod def import_session(cls, session_key): # type: (AnyStr) -> InboundGroupSession """Create an InboundGroupSession from an exported session key. Creates an InboundGroupSession with an previously exported session key, raises OlmGroupSessionError on failure. The error message for the exception will be: * OLM_INVALID_BASE64 if the session_key is not valid base64 * OLM_BAD_SESSION_KEY if the session_key is invalid Args: session_key(str): The exported session key with which the inbound group session will be created """ obj = cls.__new__(cls) byte_session_key = to_bytearray(session_key) try: ret = lib.olm_import_inbound_group_session( obj._session, ffi.from_buffer(byte_session_key), len(byte_session_key) ) obj._check_error(ret) finally: # clear out copies of the key if byte_session_key is not session_key: for i in range(0, len(byte_session_key)): byte_session_key[i] = 0 return obj class OutboundGroupSession(object): """Outbound group session for encrypted multiuser communication.""" def __new__(cls): # type: (Type[OutboundGroupSession]) -> OutboundGroupSession obj = super().__new__(cls) obj._buf = ffi.new("char[]", lib.olm_outbound_group_session_size()) obj._session = lib.olm_outbound_group_session(obj._buf) track_for_finalization( obj, obj._session, _clear_outbound_group_session ) return obj def __init__(self): # type: () -> None """Create a new outbound group session. Start a new outbound group session. Raises OlmGroupSessionError on failure. """ if False: # pragma: no cover self._session = self._session # type: ffi.cdata random_length = lib.olm_init_outbound_group_session_random_length( self._session ) random = URANDOM(random_length) ret = lib.olm_init_outbound_group_session( self._session, ffi.from_buffer(random), random_length ) self._check_error(ret) def _check_error(self, ret): # type: (int) -> None if ret != lib.olm_error(): return last_error = bytes_to_native_str(ffi.string( lib.olm_outbound_group_session_last_error(self._session) )) raise OlmGroupSessionError(last_error) def pickle(self, passphrase=""): # type: (Optional[str]) -> bytes """Store an outbound group session. Stores a group session as a base64 string. Encrypts the session using the supplied passphrase. Returns a byte object containing the base64 encoded string of the pickled session. Args: passphrase(str, optional): The passphrase to be used to encrypt the session. """ byte_passphrase = bytearray(passphrase, "utf-8") if passphrase else b"" pickle_length = lib.olm_pickle_outbound_group_session_length( self._session) pickle_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", pickle_length) try: ret = lib.olm_pickle_outbound_group_session( self._session, ffi.from_buffer(byte_passphrase), len(byte_passphrase), pickle_buffer, pickle_length ) self._check_error(ret) finally: # clear out copies of the passphrase for i in range(0, len(byte_passphrase)): byte_passphrase[i] = 0 return ffi.unpack(pickle_buffer, pickle_length) @classmethod def from_pickle(cls, pickle, passphrase=""): # type: (bytes, Optional[str]) -> OutboundGroupSession """Load a previously stored outbound group session. Loads an outbound group session from a pickled base64 string and returns an OutboundGroupSession object. Decrypts the session using the supplied passphrase. Raises OlmSessionError on failure. If the passphrase doesn't match the one used to encrypt the session then the error message for the exception will be "BAD_ACCOUNT_KEY". If the base64 couldn't be decoded then the error message will be "INVALID_BASE64". Args: pickle(bytes): Base64 encoded byte string containing the pickled session passphrase(str, optional): The passphrase used to encrypt the """ if not pickle: raise ValueError("Pickle can't be empty") byte_passphrase = bytearray(passphrase, "utf-8") if passphrase else b"" # copy because unpickle will destroy the buffer pickle_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", pickle) obj = cls.__new__(cls) try: ret = lib.olm_unpickle_outbound_group_session( obj._session, ffi.from_buffer(byte_passphrase), len(byte_passphrase), pickle_buffer, len(pickle) ) obj._check_error(ret) finally: # clear out copies of the passphrase for i in range(0, len(byte_passphrase)): byte_passphrase[i] = 0 return obj def encrypt(self, plaintext): # type: (AnyStr) -> str """Encrypt a message. Returns the encrypted ciphertext. Args: plaintext(str): A string that will be encrypted using the group session. """ byte_plaintext = to_bytearray(plaintext) message_length = lib.olm_group_encrypt_message_length( self._session, len(byte_plaintext) ) message_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", message_length) try: ret = lib.olm_group_encrypt( self._session, ffi.from_buffer(byte_plaintext), len(byte_plaintext), message_buffer, message_length, ) self._check_error(ret) finally: # clear out copies of plaintext if byte_plaintext is not plaintext: for i in range(0, len(byte_plaintext)): byte_plaintext[i] = 0 return bytes_to_native_str(ffi.unpack(message_buffer, message_length)) @property def id(self): # type: () -> str """str: A base64 encoded identifier for this session.""" id_length = lib.olm_outbound_group_session_id_length(self._session) id_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", id_length) ret = lib.olm_outbound_group_session_id( self._session, id_buffer, id_length ) self._check_error(ret) return bytes_to_native_str(ffi.unpack(id_buffer, id_length)) @property def message_index(self): # type: () -> int """int: The current message index of the session. Each message is encrypted with an increasing index. This is the index for the next message. """ return lib.olm_outbound_group_session_message_index(self._session) @property def session_key(self): # type: () -> str """The base64-encoded current ratchet key for this session. Each message is encrypted with a different ratchet key. This function returns the ratchet key that will be used for the next message. """ key_length = lib.olm_outbound_group_session_key_length(self._session) key_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", key_length) ret = lib.olm_outbound_group_session_key( self._session, key_buffer, key_length ) self._check_error(ret) return bytes_to_native_str(ffi.unpack(key_buffer, key_length))