# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # libolm python bindings # Copyright © 2018 Damir Jelić <poljar@termina.org.uk> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """libolm PK module. This module contains bindings to the PK part of the Olm library. It contains two classes PkDecryption and PkEncryption that are used to establish an encrypted communication channel using public key encryption, as well as a class PkSigning that is used to sign a message. Examples: >>> decryption = PkDecryption() >>> encryption = PkEncryption(decryption.public_key) >>> plaintext = "It's a secret to everybody." >>> message = encryption.encrypt(plaintext) >>> decrypted_plaintext = decryption.decrypt(message) >>> seed = PkSigning.generate_seed() >>> signing = PkSigning(seed) >>> signature = signing.sign(plaintext) >>> ed25519_verify(signing.public_key, plaintext, signature) """ from builtins import super from typing import AnyStr, Type from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str from _libolm import ffi, lib # type: ignore from ._compat import URANDOM, to_bytearray from ._finalize import track_for_finalization class PkEncryptionError(Exception): """libolm Pk encryption exception.""" class PkDecryptionError(Exception): """libolm Pk decryption exception.""" class PkSigningError(Exception): """libolm Pk signing exception.""" def _clear_pk_encryption(pk_struct): lib.olm_clear_pk_encryption(pk_struct) class PkMessage(object): """A PK encrypted message.""" def __init__(self, ephemeral_key, mac, ciphertext): # type: (str, str, str) -> None """Create a new PK encrypted message. Args: ephemeral_key(str): the public part of the ephemeral key used (together with the recipient's key) to generate a symmetric encryption key. mac(str): Message Authentication Code of the encrypted message ciphertext(str): The cipher text of the encrypted message """ self.ephemeral_key = ephemeral_key self.mac = mac self.ciphertext = ciphertext class PkEncryption(object): """PkEncryption class. Represents the decryption part of a PK encrypted channel. """ def __init__(self, recipient_key): # type: (AnyStr) -> None """Create a new PK encryption object. Args: recipient_key(str): a public key that will be used for encryption """ if not recipient_key: raise ValueError("Recipient key can't be empty") self._buf = ffi.new("char[]", lib.olm_pk_encryption_size()) self._pk_encryption = lib.olm_pk_encryption(self._buf) track_for_finalization(self, self._pk_encryption, _clear_pk_encryption) byte_key = to_bytearray(recipient_key) lib.olm_pk_encryption_set_recipient_key( self._pk_encryption, ffi.from_buffer(byte_key), len(byte_key) ) # clear out copies of the key if byte_key is not recipient_key: # pragma: no cover for i in range(0, len(byte_key)): byte_key[i] = 0 def _check_error(self, ret): # pragma: no cover # type: (int) -> None if ret != lib.olm_error(): return last_error = bytes_to_native_str( ffi.string(lib.olm_pk_encryption_last_error(self._pk_encryption))) raise PkEncryptionError(last_error) def encrypt(self, plaintext): # type: (AnyStr) -> PkMessage """Encrypt a message. Returns the encrypted PkMessage. Args: plaintext(str): A string that will be encrypted using the PkEncryption object. """ byte_plaintext = to_bytearray(plaintext) r_length = lib.olm_pk_encrypt_random_length(self._pk_encryption) random = URANDOM(r_length) random_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", random) ciphertext_length = lib.olm_pk_ciphertext_length( self._pk_encryption, len(byte_plaintext) ) ciphertext = ffi.new("char[]", ciphertext_length) mac_length = lib.olm_pk_mac_length(self._pk_encryption) mac = ffi.new("char[]", mac_length) ephemeral_key_size = lib.olm_pk_key_length() ephemeral_key = ffi.new("char[]", ephemeral_key_size) ret = lib.olm_pk_encrypt( self._pk_encryption, ffi.from_buffer(byte_plaintext), len(byte_plaintext), ciphertext, ciphertext_length, mac, mac_length, ephemeral_key, ephemeral_key_size, random_buffer, r_length ) try: self._check_error(ret) finally: # pragma: no cover # clear out copies of plaintext if byte_plaintext is not plaintext: for i in range(0, len(byte_plaintext)): byte_plaintext[i] = 0 message = PkMessage( bytes_to_native_str( ffi.unpack(ephemeral_key, ephemeral_key_size)), bytes_to_native_str( ffi.unpack(mac, mac_length)), bytes_to_native_str( ffi.unpack(ciphertext, ciphertext_length)) ) return message def _clear_pk_decryption(pk_struct): lib.olm_clear_pk_decryption(pk_struct) class PkDecryption(object): """PkDecryption class. Represents the decryption part of a PK encrypted channel. Attributes: public_key (str): The public key of the PkDecryption object, can be shared and used to create a PkEncryption object. """ def __new__(cls): # type: (Type[PkDecryption]) -> PkDecryption obj = super().__new__(cls) obj._buf = ffi.new("char[]", lib.olm_pk_decryption_size()) obj._pk_decryption = lib.olm_pk_decryption(obj._buf) obj.public_key = None track_for_finalization(obj, obj._pk_decryption, _clear_pk_decryption) return obj def __init__(self): if False: # pragma: no cover self._pk_decryption = self._pk_decryption # type: ffi.cdata random_length = lib.olm_pk_private_key_length() random = URANDOM(random_length) random_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", random) key_length = lib.olm_pk_key_length() key_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", key_length) ret = lib.olm_pk_key_from_private( self._pk_decryption, key_buffer, key_length, random_buffer, random_length ) self._check_error(ret) self.public_key = bytes_to_native_str(ffi.unpack( key_buffer, key_length )) def _check_error(self, ret): # type: (int) -> None if ret != lib.olm_error(): return last_error = bytes_to_native_str( ffi.string(lib.olm_pk_decryption_last_error(self._pk_decryption))) raise PkDecryptionError(last_error) def pickle(self, passphrase=""): # type: (str) -> bytes """Store a PkDecryption object. Stores a PkDecryption object as a base64 string. Encrypts the object using the supplied passphrase. Returns a byte object containing the base64 encoded string of the pickled session. Args: passphrase(str, optional): The passphrase to be used to encrypt the object. """ byte_key = to_bytearray(passphrase) pickle_length = lib.olm_pickle_pk_decryption_length( self._pk_decryption ) pickle_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", pickle_length) ret = lib.olm_pickle_pk_decryption( self._pk_decryption, ffi.from_buffer(byte_key), len(byte_key), pickle_buffer, pickle_length ) try: self._check_error(ret) finally: # zero out copies of the passphrase for i in range(0, len(byte_key)): byte_key[i] = 0 return ffi.unpack(pickle_buffer, pickle_length) @classmethod def from_pickle(cls, pickle, passphrase=""): # types: (bytes, str) -> PkDecryption """Restore a previously stored PkDecryption object. Creates a PkDecryption object from a pickled base64 string. Decrypts the pickled object using the supplied passphrase. Raises PkDecryptionError on failure. If the passphrase doesn't match the one used to encrypt the session then the error message for the exception will be "BAD_ACCOUNT_KEY". If the base64 couldn't be decoded then the error message will be "INVALID_BASE64". Args: pickle(bytes): Base64 encoded byte string containing the pickled PkDecryption object passphrase(str, optional): The passphrase used to encrypt the object """ if not pickle: raise ValueError("Pickle can't be empty") byte_key = to_bytearray(passphrase) pickle_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", pickle) pubkey_length = lib.olm_pk_key_length() pubkey_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", pubkey_length) obj = cls.__new__(cls) ret = lib.olm_unpickle_pk_decryption( obj._pk_decryption, ffi.from_buffer(byte_key), len(byte_key), pickle_buffer, len(pickle), pubkey_buffer, pubkey_length) try: obj._check_error(ret) finally: for i in range(0, len(byte_key)): byte_key[i] = 0 obj.public_key = bytes_to_native_str(ffi.unpack( pubkey_buffer, pubkey_length )) return obj def decrypt(self, message): # type (PkMessage) -> str """Decrypt a previously encrypted Pk message. Returns the decrypted plaintext. Raises PkDecryptionError on failure. Args: message(PkMessage): the pk message to decrypt. """ ephemeral_key = to_bytearray(message.ephemeral_key) ephemeral_key_size = len(ephemeral_key) mac = to_bytearray(message.mac) mac_length = len(mac) ciphertext = to_bytearray(message.ciphertext) ciphertext_length = len(ciphertext) max_plaintext_length = lib.olm_pk_max_plaintext_length( self._pk_decryption, ciphertext_length ) plaintext_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", max_plaintext_length) ret = lib.olm_pk_decrypt( self._pk_decryption, ffi.from_buffer(ephemeral_key), ephemeral_key_size, ffi.from_buffer(mac), mac_length, ffi.from_buffer(ciphertext), ciphertext_length, plaintext_buffer, max_plaintext_length) self._check_error(ret) plaintext = (ffi.unpack( plaintext_buffer, ret )) # clear out copies of the plaintext lib.memset(plaintext_buffer, 0, max_plaintext_length) return bytes_to_native_str(plaintext) def _clear_pk_signing(pk_struct): lib.olm_clear_pk_signing(pk_struct) class PkSigning(object): """PkSigning class. Signs messages using public key cryptography. Attributes: public_key (str): The public key of the PkSigning object, can be shared and used to verify using Utility.ed25519_verify. """ def __init__(self, seed): # type: (bytes) -> None """Create a new signing object. Args: seed(bytes): the seed to use as the private key for signing. The seed must have the same length as the seeds generated by PkSigning.generate_seed(). """ if not seed: raise ValueError("seed can't be empty") self._buf = ffi.new("char[]", lib.olm_pk_signing_size()) self._pk_signing = lib.olm_pk_signing(self._buf) track_for_finalization(self, self._pk_signing, _clear_pk_signing) seed_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", seed) pubkey_length = lib.olm_pk_signing_public_key_length() pubkey_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", pubkey_length) ret = lib.olm_pk_signing_key_from_seed( self._pk_signing, pubkey_buffer, pubkey_length, seed_buffer, len(seed) ) # zero out copies of the seed lib.memset(seed_buffer, 0, len(seed)) self._check_error(ret) self.public_key = bytes_to_native_str( ffi.unpack(pubkey_buffer, pubkey_length) ) def _check_error(self, ret): # type: (int) -> None if ret != lib.olm_error(): return last_error = bytes_to_native_str( ffi.string(lib.olm_pk_signing_last_error(self._pk_signing))) raise PkSigningError(last_error) @classmethod def generate_seed(cls): # type: () -> bytes """Generate a random seed. """ random_length = lib.olm_pk_signing_seed_length() random = URANDOM(random_length) return random def sign(self, message): # type: (AnyStr) -> str """Sign a message Returns the signature. Raises PkSigningError on failure. Args: message(str): the message to sign. """ bytes_message = to_bytearray(message) signature_length = lib.olm_pk_signature_length() signature_buffer = ffi.new("char[]", signature_length) ret = lib.olm_pk_sign( self._pk_signing, ffi.from_buffer(bytes_message), len(bytes_message), signature_buffer, signature_length) self._check_error(ret) return bytes_to_native_str( ffi.unpack(signature_buffer, signature_length) )