/* Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "olm/pickle.hh" #include "olm/pickle.h" std::uint8_t * olm::pickle( std::uint8_t * pos, std::uint32_t value ) { pos += 4; for (unsigned i = 4; i--;) { *(--pos) = value; value >>= 8; } return pos + 4; } std::uint8_t const * olm::unpickle( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, std::uint32_t & value ) { value = 0; if (end < pos + 4) return end; for (unsigned i = 4; i--;) { value <<= 8; value |= *(pos++); } return pos; } std::uint8_t * olm::pickle( std::uint8_t * pos, bool value ) { *(pos++) = value ? 1 : 0; return pos; } std::uint8_t const * olm::unpickle( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, bool & value ) { if (pos == end) return end; value = *(pos++); return pos; } std::uint8_t * olm::pickle_bytes( std::uint8_t * pos, std::uint8_t const * bytes, std::size_t bytes_length ) { std::memcpy(pos, bytes, bytes_length); return pos + bytes_length; } std::uint8_t const * olm::unpickle_bytes( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, std::uint8_t * bytes, std::size_t bytes_length ) { if (end < pos + bytes_length) return end; std::memcpy(bytes, pos, bytes_length); return pos + bytes_length; } std::size_t olm::pickle_length( const olm::Curve25519PublicKey & value ) { return sizeof(value.public_key); } std::uint8_t * olm::pickle( std::uint8_t * pos, const olm::Curve25519PublicKey & value ) { pos = olm::pickle_bytes( pos, value.public_key, sizeof(value.public_key) ); return pos; } std::uint8_t const * olm::unpickle( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, olm::Curve25519PublicKey & value ) { pos = olm::unpickle_bytes( pos, end, value.public_key, sizeof(value.public_key) ); return pos; } std::size_t olm::pickle_length( const olm::Curve25519KeyPair & value ) { return sizeof(value.public_key) + sizeof(value.private_key); } std::uint8_t * olm::pickle( std::uint8_t * pos, const olm::Curve25519KeyPair & value ) { pos = olm::pickle_bytes( pos, value.public_key, sizeof(value.public_key) ); pos = olm::pickle_bytes( pos, value.private_key, sizeof(value.private_key) ); return pos; } std::uint8_t const * olm::unpickle( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, olm::Curve25519KeyPair & value ) { pos = olm::unpickle_bytes( pos, end, value.public_key, sizeof(value.public_key) ); pos = olm::unpickle_bytes( pos, end, value.private_key, sizeof(value.private_key) ); return pos; } std::size_t olm::pickle_length( const olm::Ed25519PublicKey & value ) { return sizeof(value.public_key); } std::uint8_t * olm::pickle( std::uint8_t * pos, const olm::Ed25519PublicKey & value ) { pos = olm::pickle_bytes( pos, value.public_key, sizeof(value.public_key) ); return pos; } std::uint8_t const * olm::unpickle( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, olm::Ed25519PublicKey & value ) { pos = olm::unpickle_bytes( pos, end, value.public_key, sizeof(value.public_key) ); return pos; } std::size_t olm::pickle_length( const olm::Ed25519KeyPair & value ) { return sizeof(value.public_key) + sizeof(value.private_key); } std::uint8_t * olm::pickle( std::uint8_t * pos, const olm::Ed25519KeyPair & value ) { pos = olm::pickle_bytes( pos, value.public_key, sizeof(value.public_key) ); pos = olm::pickle_bytes( pos, value.private_key, sizeof(value.private_key) ); return pos; } std::uint8_t const * olm::unpickle( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, olm::Ed25519KeyPair & value ) { pos = olm::unpickle_bytes( pos, end, value.public_key, sizeof(value.public_key) ); pos = olm::unpickle_bytes( pos, end, value.private_key, sizeof(value.private_key) ); return pos; } ////// pickle.h implementations uint8_t * _olm_pickle_uint32(uint8_t * pos, uint32_t value) { return olm::pickle(pos, value); } uint8_t const * _olm_unpickle_uint32( uint8_t const * pos, uint8_t const * end, uint32_t *value ) { return olm::unpickle(pos, end, *value); } uint8_t * _olm_pickle_bool(uint8_t * pos, int value) { return olm::pickle(pos, (bool)value); } uint8_t const * _olm_unpickle_bool( uint8_t const * pos, uint8_t const * end, int *value ) { return olm::unpickle(pos, end, *reinterpret_cast<bool *>(value)); } uint8_t * _olm_pickle_bytes(uint8_t * pos, uint8_t const * bytes, size_t bytes_length) { return olm::pickle_bytes(pos, bytes, bytes_length); } uint8_t const * _olm_unpickle_bytes(uint8_t const * pos, uint8_t const * end, uint8_t * bytes, size_t bytes_length) { return olm::unpickle_bytes(pos, end, bytes, bytes_length); }