/* Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "axolotl/ratchet.hh" #include "axolotl/message.hh" #include "axolotl/memory.hh" #include "axolotl/cipher.hh" #include "axolotl/pickle.hh" #include namespace { std::uint8_t PROTOCOL_VERSION = 3; std::size_t KEY_LENGTH = axolotl::Curve25519PublicKey::LENGTH; std::uint8_t MESSAGE_KEY_SEED[1] = {0x01}; std::uint8_t CHAIN_KEY_SEED[1] = {0x02}; std::size_t MAX_MESSAGE_GAP = 2000; void create_chain_key( axolotl::SharedKey const & root_key, axolotl::Curve25519KeyPair const & our_key, axolotl::Curve25519PublicKey const & their_key, axolotl::KdfInfo const & info, axolotl::SharedKey & new_root_key, axolotl::ChainKey & new_chain_key ) { axolotl::SharedKey secret; axolotl::curve25519_shared_secret(our_key, their_key, secret); std::uint8_t derived_secrets[64]; axolotl::hkdf_sha256( secret, sizeof(secret), root_key, sizeof(root_key), info.ratchet_info, info.ratchet_info_length, derived_secrets, sizeof(derived_secrets) ); std::memcpy(new_root_key, derived_secrets, 32); std::memcpy(new_chain_key.key, derived_secrets + 32, 32); new_chain_key.index = 0; axolotl::unset(derived_secrets); axolotl::unset(secret); } void advance_chain_key( axolotl::ChainKey const & chain_key, axolotl::ChainKey & new_chain_key ) { axolotl::hmac_sha256( chain_key.key, sizeof(chain_key.key), CHAIN_KEY_SEED, sizeof(CHAIN_KEY_SEED), new_chain_key.key ); new_chain_key.index = chain_key.index + 1; } void create_message_keys( axolotl::ChainKey const & chain_key, axolotl::KdfInfo const & info, axolotl::MessageKey & message_key ) { axolotl::hmac_sha256( chain_key.key, sizeof(chain_key.key), MESSAGE_KEY_SEED, sizeof(MESSAGE_KEY_SEED), message_key.key ); message_key.index = chain_key.index; } std::size_t verify_mac_and_decrypt( axolotl::Cipher const & cipher, axolotl::MessageKey const & message_key, axolotl::MessageReader const & reader, std::uint8_t * plaintext, std::size_t max_plaintext_length ) { return cipher.decrypt( message_key.key, sizeof(message_key.key), reader.input, reader.input_length, reader.ciphertext, reader.ciphertext_length, plaintext, max_plaintext_length ); } std::size_t verify_mac_and_decrypt_for_existing_chain( axolotl::Ratchet const & session, axolotl::ChainKey const & chain, axolotl::MessageReader const & reader, std::uint8_t * plaintext, std::size_t max_plaintext_length ) { if (reader.counter < chain.index) { return std::size_t(-1); } /* Limit the number of hashes we're prepared to compute */ if (reader.counter - chain.index > MAX_MESSAGE_GAP) { return std::size_t(-1); } axolotl::ChainKey new_chain = chain; while (new_chain.index < reader.counter) { advance_chain_key(new_chain, new_chain); } axolotl::MessageKey message_key; create_message_keys(new_chain, session.kdf_info, message_key); std::size_t result = verify_mac_and_decrypt( session.ratchet_cipher, message_key, reader, plaintext, max_plaintext_length ); axolotl::unset(new_chain); return result; } std::size_t verify_mac_and_decrypt_for_new_chain( axolotl::Ratchet const & session, axolotl::MessageReader const & reader, std::uint8_t * plaintext, std::size_t max_plaintext_length ) { axolotl::SharedKey new_root_key; axolotl::ReceiverChain new_chain; /* They shouldn't move to a new chain until we've sent them a message * acknowledging the last one */ if (session.sender_chain.empty()) { return false; } /* Limit the number of hashes we're prepared to compute */ if (reader.counter > MAX_MESSAGE_GAP) { return false; } std::memcpy( new_chain.ratchet_key.public_key, reader.ratchet_key, KEY_LENGTH ); create_chain_key( session.root_key, session.sender_chain[0].ratchet_key, new_chain.ratchet_key, session.kdf_info, new_root_key, new_chain.chain_key ); std::size_t result = verify_mac_and_decrypt_for_existing_chain( session, new_chain.chain_key, reader, plaintext, max_plaintext_length ); axolotl::unset(new_root_key); axolotl::unset(new_chain); return result; } } // namespace axolotl::Ratchet::Ratchet( axolotl::KdfInfo const & kdf_info, Cipher const & ratchet_cipher ) : kdf_info(kdf_info), ratchet_cipher(ratchet_cipher), last_error(axolotl::ErrorCode::SUCCESS) { } void axolotl::Ratchet::initialise_as_bob( std::uint8_t const * shared_secret, std::size_t shared_secret_length, axolotl::Curve25519PublicKey const & their_ratchet_key ) { std::uint8_t derived_secrets[64]; axolotl::hkdf_sha256( shared_secret, shared_secret_length, nullptr, 0, kdf_info.root_info, kdf_info.root_info_length, derived_secrets, sizeof(derived_secrets) ); receiver_chains.insert(); std::memcpy(root_key, derived_secrets, 32); std::memcpy(receiver_chains[0].chain_key.key, derived_secrets + 32, 32); receiver_chains[0].ratchet_key = their_ratchet_key; axolotl::unset(derived_secrets); } void axolotl::Ratchet::initialise_as_alice( std::uint8_t const * shared_secret, std::size_t shared_secret_length, axolotl::Curve25519KeyPair const & our_ratchet_key ) { std::uint8_t derived_secrets[64]; axolotl::hkdf_sha256( shared_secret, shared_secret_length, nullptr, 0, kdf_info.root_info, kdf_info.root_info_length, derived_secrets, sizeof(derived_secrets) ); sender_chain.insert(); std::memcpy(root_key, derived_secrets, 32); std::memcpy(sender_chain[0].chain_key.key, derived_secrets + 32, 32); sender_chain[0].ratchet_key = our_ratchet_key; axolotl::unset(derived_secrets); } namespace axolotl { static std::size_t pickle_length( const axolotl::SharedKey & value ) { return KEY_LENGTH; } static std::uint8_t * pickle( std::uint8_t * pos, const axolotl::SharedKey & value ) { return axolotl::pickle_bytes(pos, value, KEY_LENGTH); } static std::uint8_t const * unpickle( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, axolotl::SharedKey & value ) { return axolotl::unpickle_bytes(pos, end, value, KEY_LENGTH); } static std::size_t pickle_length( const axolotl::SenderChain & value ) { std::size_t length = 0; length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.ratchet_key); length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.chain_key.key); length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.chain_key.index); return length; } static std::uint8_t * pickle( std::uint8_t * pos, const axolotl::SenderChain & value ) { pos = axolotl::pickle(pos, value.ratchet_key); pos = axolotl::pickle(pos, value.chain_key.key); pos = axolotl::pickle(pos, value.chain_key.index); return pos; } static std::uint8_t const * unpickle( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, axolotl::SenderChain & value ) { pos = axolotl::unpickle(pos, end, value.ratchet_key); pos = axolotl::unpickle(pos, end, value.chain_key.key); pos = axolotl::unpickle(pos, end, value.chain_key.index); return pos; } static std::size_t pickle_length( const axolotl::ReceiverChain & value ) { std::size_t length = 0; length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.ratchet_key); length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.chain_key.key); length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.chain_key.index); return length; } static std::uint8_t * pickle( std::uint8_t * pos, const axolotl::ReceiverChain & value ) { pos = axolotl::pickle(pos, value.ratchet_key); pos = axolotl::pickle(pos, value.chain_key.key); pos = axolotl::pickle(pos, value.chain_key.index); return pos; } static std::uint8_t const * unpickle( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, axolotl::ReceiverChain & value ) { pos = axolotl::unpickle(pos, end, value.ratchet_key); pos = axolotl::unpickle(pos, end, value.chain_key.key); pos = axolotl::unpickle(pos, end, value.chain_key.index); return pos; } static std::size_t pickle_length( const axolotl::SkippedMessageKey & value ) { std::size_t length = 0; length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.ratchet_key); length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.message_key.key); length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.message_key.index); return length; } static std::uint8_t * pickle( std::uint8_t * pos, const axolotl::SkippedMessageKey & value ) { pos = axolotl::pickle(pos, value.ratchet_key); pos = axolotl::pickle(pos, value.message_key.key); pos = axolotl::pickle(pos, value.message_key.index); return pos; } static std::uint8_t const * unpickle( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, axolotl::SkippedMessageKey & value ) { pos = axolotl::unpickle(pos, end, value.ratchet_key); pos = axolotl::unpickle(pos, end, value.message_key.key); pos = axolotl::unpickle(pos, end, value.message_key.index); return pos; } } // namespace axolotl std::size_t axolotl::pickle_length( axolotl::Ratchet const & value ) { std::size_t length = 0; length += KEY_LENGTH; length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.sender_chain); length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.receiver_chains); length += axolotl::pickle_length(value.skipped_message_keys); return length; } std::uint8_t * axolotl::pickle( std::uint8_t * pos, axolotl::Ratchet const & value ) { pos = pickle(pos, value.root_key); pos = pickle(pos, value.sender_chain); pos = pickle(pos, value.receiver_chains); pos = pickle(pos, value.skipped_message_keys); return pos; } std::uint8_t const * axolotl::unpickle( std::uint8_t const * pos, std::uint8_t const * end, axolotl::Ratchet & value ) { pos = unpickle(pos, end, value.root_key); pos = unpickle(pos, end, value.sender_chain); pos = unpickle(pos, end, value.receiver_chains); pos = unpickle(pos, end, value.skipped_message_keys); return pos; } std::size_t axolotl::Ratchet::encrypt_output_length( std::size_t plaintext_length ) { std::size_t counter = 0; if (!sender_chain.empty()) { counter = sender_chain[0].chain_key.index; } std::size_t padded = ratchet_cipher.encrypt_ciphertext_length( plaintext_length ); return axolotl::encode_message_length( counter, KEY_LENGTH, padded, ratchet_cipher.mac_length() ); } std::size_t axolotl::Ratchet::encrypt_random_length() { return sender_chain.empty() ? KEY_LENGTH : 0; } std::size_t axolotl::Ratchet::encrypt( std::uint8_t const * plaintext, std::size_t plaintext_length, std::uint8_t const * random, std::size_t random_length, std::uint8_t * output, std::size_t max_output_length ) { std::size_t output_length = encrypt_output_length(plaintext_length); if (random_length < encrypt_random_length()) { last_error = axolotl::ErrorCode::NOT_ENOUGH_RANDOM; return std::size_t(-1); } if (max_output_length < output_length) { last_error = axolotl::ErrorCode::OUTPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; return std::size_t(-1); } if (sender_chain.empty()) { sender_chain.insert(); axolotl::generate_key(random, sender_chain[0].ratchet_key); create_chain_key( root_key, sender_chain[0].ratchet_key, receiver_chains[0].ratchet_key, kdf_info, root_key, sender_chain[0].chain_key ); } MessageKey keys; create_message_keys(sender_chain[0].chain_key, kdf_info, keys); advance_chain_key(sender_chain[0].chain_key, sender_chain[0].chain_key); std::size_t ciphertext_length = ratchet_cipher.encrypt_ciphertext_length( plaintext_length ); std::uint32_t counter = keys.index; Curve25519PublicKey const & ratchet_key = sender_chain[0].ratchet_key; axolotl::MessageWriter writer; axolotl::encode_message( writer, PROTOCOL_VERSION, counter, KEY_LENGTH, ciphertext_length, output ); std::memcpy(writer.ratchet_key, ratchet_key.public_key, KEY_LENGTH); ratchet_cipher.encrypt( keys.key, sizeof(keys.key), plaintext, plaintext_length, writer.ciphertext, ciphertext_length, output, output_length ); axolotl::unset(keys); return output_length; } std::size_t axolotl::Ratchet::decrypt_max_plaintext_length( std::uint8_t const * input, std::size_t input_length ) { axolotl::MessageReader reader; axolotl::decode_message( reader, input, input_length, ratchet_cipher.mac_length() ); if (!reader.ciphertext) { last_error = axolotl::ErrorCode::BAD_MESSAGE_FORMAT; return std::size_t(-1); } return ratchet_cipher.decrypt_max_plaintext_length(reader.ciphertext_length); } std::size_t axolotl::Ratchet::decrypt( std::uint8_t const * input, std::size_t input_length, std::uint8_t * plaintext, std::size_t max_plaintext_length ) { axolotl::MessageReader reader; axolotl::decode_message( reader, input, input_length, ratchet_cipher.mac_length() ); if (reader.version != PROTOCOL_VERSION) { last_error = axolotl::ErrorCode::BAD_MESSAGE_VERSION; return std::size_t(-1); } if (!reader.has_counter || !reader.ratchet_key || !reader.ciphertext) { last_error = axolotl::ErrorCode::BAD_MESSAGE_FORMAT; return std::size_t(-1); } std::size_t max_length = ratchet_cipher.decrypt_max_plaintext_length( reader.ciphertext_length ); if (max_plaintext_length < max_length) { last_error = axolotl::ErrorCode::OUTPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; return std::size_t(-1); } if (reader.ratchet_key_length != KEY_LENGTH) { last_error = axolotl::ErrorCode::BAD_MESSAGE_FORMAT; return std::size_t(-1); } ReceiverChain * chain = nullptr; for (axolotl::ReceiverChain & receiver_chain : receiver_chains) { if (0 == std::memcmp( receiver_chain.ratchet_key.public_key, reader.ratchet_key, KEY_LENGTH )) { chain = &receiver_chain; break; } } std::size_t result = std::size_t(-1); if (!chain) { result = verify_mac_and_decrypt_for_new_chain( *this, reader, plaintext, max_plaintext_length ); } else if (chain->chain_key.index > reader.counter) { /* Chain already advanced beyond the key for this message * Check if the message keys are in the skipped key list. */ for (axolotl::SkippedMessageKey & skipped : skipped_message_keys) { if (reader.counter == skipped.message_key.index && 0 == std::memcmp( skipped.ratchet_key.public_key, reader.ratchet_key, KEY_LENGTH ) ) { /* Found the key for this message. Check the MAC. */ result = verify_mac_and_decrypt( ratchet_cipher, skipped.message_key, reader, plaintext, max_plaintext_length ); if (result != std::size_t(-1)) { /* Remove the key from the skipped keys now that we've * decoded the message it corresponds to. */ axolotl::unset(skipped); skipped_message_keys.erase(&skipped); return result; } } } } else { result = verify_mac_and_decrypt_for_existing_chain( *this, chain->chain_key, reader, plaintext, max_plaintext_length ); } if (result == std::size_t(-1)) { last_error = axolotl::ErrorCode::BAD_MESSAGE_MAC; return std::size_t(-1); } if (!chain) { /* They have started using a new empheral ratchet key. * We need to derive a new set of chain keys. * We can discard our previous empheral ratchet key. * We will generate a new key when we send the next message. */ chain = receiver_chains.insert(); std::memcpy( chain->ratchet_key.public_key, reader.ratchet_key, KEY_LENGTH ); create_chain_key( root_key, sender_chain[0].ratchet_key, chain->ratchet_key, kdf_info, root_key, chain->chain_key ); axolotl::unset(sender_chain[0]); sender_chain.erase(sender_chain.begin()); } while (chain->chain_key.index < reader.counter) { axolotl::SkippedMessageKey & key = *skipped_message_keys.insert(); create_message_keys(chain->chain_key, kdf_info, key.message_key); key.ratchet_key = chain->ratchet_key; advance_chain_key(chain->chain_key, chain->chain_key); } advance_chain_key(chain->chain_key, chain->chain_key); return result; }