// // OLMKitTests.m // OLMKitTests // // Created by Chris Ballinger on 4/8/16. // // #import #import @interface OLMKitTests : XCTestCase @end @implementation OLMKitTests - (void)setUp { [super setUp]; // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class. } - (void)tearDown { // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. [super tearDown]; } - (void)testAliceAndBob { NSError *error; OLMAccount *alice = [[OLMAccount alloc] initNewAccount]; OLMAccount *bob = [[OLMAccount alloc] initNewAccount]; [bob generateOneTimeKeys:5]; NSDictionary *bobIdKeys = bob.identityKeys; NSString *bobIdKey = bobIdKeys[@"curve25519"]; NSDictionary *bobOneTimeKeys = bob.oneTimeKeys; NSParameterAssert(bobIdKey != nil); NSParameterAssert(bobOneTimeKeys != nil); __block NSString *bobOneTimeKey = nil; NSDictionary *bobOtkCurve25519 = bobOneTimeKeys[@"curve25519"]; [bobOtkCurve25519 enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull key, id _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { bobOneTimeKey = obj; }]; XCTAssert([bobOneTimeKey isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]); OLMSession *aliceSession = [[OLMSession alloc] initOutboundSessionWithAccount:alice theirIdentityKey:bobIdKey theirOneTimeKey:bobOneTimeKey error:nil]; NSString *message = @"Hello!"; OLMMessage *aliceToBobMsg = [aliceSession encryptMessage:message error:&error]; XCTAssertNil(error); OLMSession *bobSession = [[OLMSession alloc] initInboundSessionWithAccount:bob oneTimeKeyMessage:aliceToBobMsg.ciphertext error:nil]; NSString *plaintext = [bobSession decryptMessage:aliceToBobMsg error:&error]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(message, plaintext); XCTAssertNil(error); BOOL success = [bob removeOneTimeKeysForSession:bobSession]; XCTAssertTrue(success); } - (void) testBackAndForth { OLMAccount *alice = [[OLMAccount alloc] initNewAccount]; OLMAccount *bob = [[OLMAccount alloc] initNewAccount]; [bob generateOneTimeKeys:1]; NSDictionary *bobIdKeys = bob.identityKeys; NSString *bobIdKey = bobIdKeys[@"curve25519"]; NSDictionary *bobOneTimeKeys = bob.oneTimeKeys; NSParameterAssert(bobIdKey != nil); NSParameterAssert(bobOneTimeKeys != nil); __block NSString *bobOneTimeKey = nil; NSDictionary *bobOtkCurve25519 = bobOneTimeKeys[@"curve25519"]; [bobOtkCurve25519 enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull key, id _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { bobOneTimeKey = obj; }]; XCTAssert([bobOneTimeKey isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]); OLMSession *aliceSession = [[OLMSession alloc] initOutboundSessionWithAccount:alice theirIdentityKey:bobIdKey theirOneTimeKey:bobOneTimeKey error:nil]; NSString *message = @"Hello I'm Alice!"; OLMMessage *aliceToBobMsg = [aliceSession encryptMessage:message error:nil]; OLMSession *bobSession = [[OLMSession alloc] initInboundSessionWithAccount:bob oneTimeKeyMessage:aliceToBobMsg.ciphertext error:nil]; NSString *plaintext = [bobSession decryptMessage:aliceToBobMsg error:nil]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(message, plaintext); BOOL success = [bob removeOneTimeKeysForSession:bobSession]; XCTAssertTrue(success); NSString *msg1 = @"Hello I'm Bob!"; NSString *msg2 = @"Isn't life grand?"; NSString *msg3 = @"Let's go to the opera."; OLMMessage *eMsg1 = [bobSession encryptMessage:msg1 error:nil]; OLMMessage *eMsg2 = [bobSession encryptMessage:msg2 error:nil]; OLMMessage *eMsg3 = [bobSession encryptMessage:msg3 error:nil]; NSString *dMsg1 = [aliceSession decryptMessage:eMsg1 error:nil]; NSString *dMsg2 = [aliceSession decryptMessage:eMsg2 error:nil]; NSString *dMsg3 = [aliceSession decryptMessage:eMsg3 error:nil]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(msg1, dMsg1); XCTAssertEqualObjects(msg2, dMsg2); XCTAssertEqualObjects(msg3, dMsg3); } - (void) testAccountSerialization { OLMAccount *bob = [[OLMAccount alloc] initNewAccount]; [bob generateOneTimeKeys:5]; NSDictionary *bobIdKeys = bob.identityKeys; NSDictionary *bobOneTimeKeys = bob.oneTimeKeys; NSData *bobData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:bob]; OLMAccount *bob2 = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:bobData]; NSDictionary *bobIdKeys2 = bob2.identityKeys; NSDictionary *bobOneTimeKeys2 = bob2.oneTimeKeys; XCTAssertEqualObjects(bobIdKeys, bobIdKeys2); XCTAssertEqualObjects(bobOneTimeKeys, bobOneTimeKeys2); } - (void) testSessionSerialization { NSError *error; OLMAccount *alice = [[OLMAccount alloc] initNewAccount]; OLMAccount *bob = [[OLMAccount alloc] initNewAccount]; [bob generateOneTimeKeys:1]; NSDictionary *bobIdKeys = bob.identityKeys; NSString *bobIdKey = bobIdKeys[@"curve25519"]; NSDictionary *bobOneTimeKeys = bob.oneTimeKeys; NSParameterAssert(bobIdKey != nil); NSParameterAssert(bobOneTimeKeys != nil); __block NSString *bobOneTimeKey = nil; NSDictionary *bobOtkCurve25519 = bobOneTimeKeys[@"curve25519"]; [bobOtkCurve25519 enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull key, id _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { bobOneTimeKey = obj; }]; XCTAssert([bobOneTimeKey isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]); OLMSession *aliceSession = [[OLMSession alloc] initOutboundSessionWithAccount:alice theirIdentityKey:bobIdKey theirOneTimeKey:bobOneTimeKey error:nil]; NSString *message = @"Hello I'm Alice!"; OLMMessage *aliceToBobMsg = [aliceSession encryptMessage:message error:&error]; XCTAssertNil(error); OLMSession *bobSession = [[OLMSession alloc] initInboundSessionWithAccount:bob oneTimeKeyMessage:aliceToBobMsg.ciphertext error:nil]; NSString *plaintext = [bobSession decryptMessage:aliceToBobMsg error:nil]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(message, plaintext); BOOL success = [bob removeOneTimeKeysForSession:bobSession]; XCTAssertTrue(success); NSString *msg1 = @"Hello I'm Bob!"; NSString *msg2 = @"Isn't life grand?"; NSString *msg3 = @"Let's go to the opera."; OLMMessage *eMsg1 = [bobSession encryptMessage:msg1 error:nil]; OLMMessage *eMsg2 = [bobSession encryptMessage:msg2 error:nil]; OLMMessage *eMsg3 = [bobSession encryptMessage:msg3 error:nil]; NSData *aliceData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:aliceSession]; OLMSession *alice2 = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:aliceData]; NSString *dMsg1 = [alice2 decryptMessage:eMsg1 error:nil]; NSString *dMsg2 = [alice2 decryptMessage:eMsg2 error:nil]; NSString *dMsg3 = [alice2 decryptMessage:eMsg3 error:nil]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(msg1, dMsg1); XCTAssertEqualObjects(msg2, dMsg2); XCTAssertEqualObjects(msg3, dMsg3); } - (void)testEd25519Signing { OLMUtility *olmUtility = [[OLMUtility alloc] init]; OLMAccount *alice = [[OLMAccount alloc] initNewAccount]; NSDictionary *aJSON = @{ @"key1": @"value1", @"key2": @"value2" }; NSData *message = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:aJSON]; NSString *signature = [alice signMessage:message]; NSString *aliceEd25519Key = alice.identityKeys[@"ed25519"]; NSError *error; BOOL result = [olmUtility verifyEd25519Signature:signature key:aliceEd25519Key message:message error:&error]; XCTAssert(result); XCTAssertNil(error); } @end