#ifndef MGL_WINDOW_H #define MGL_WINDOW_H #include "../graphics/color.h" #include "../system/vec.h" #include "../system/clock.h" #include "key.h" #include "mouse_button.h" #include #include /* Vsync is automatically set for created windows, if supported by the system */ typedef struct mgl_event mgl_event; /* x11 window handle. TODO: Add others when wayland, etc is added */ typedef unsigned long mgl_window_handle; typedef struct mgl_window mgl_window; typedef struct { mgl_vec2i position; mgl_vec2i size; } mgl_view; typedef struct { mgl_vec2i position; mgl_vec2i size; } mgl_scissor; struct mgl_window { mgl_window_handle window; void *context; mgl_vec2i size; /* relative to the top left of the window. only updates when the cursor is inside the window */ mgl_vec2i cursor_position; mgl_view view; mgl_scissor scissor; bool open; bool focused; bool key_repeat_enabled; bool vsync_enabled; double frame_time_limit; mgl_clock frame_timer; char *clipboard_string; size_t clipboard_size; }; typedef struct { mgl_vec2i position; mgl_vec2i size; mgl_vec2i min_size; /* (0, 0) = no limit */ mgl_vec2i max_size; /* (0, 0) = no limit */ mgl_window_handle parent_window; /* 0 = root window */ bool hidden; /* false by default */ bool override_redirect; /* false by default */ bool support_alpha; /* support alpha for the window, false by default */ } mgl_window_create_params; typedef enum { MGL_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_STRING = 1 << 0, MGL_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_IMAGE_PNG = 1 << 1, MGL_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_IMAGE_JPG = 1 << 2, MGL_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_IMAGE_GIF = 1 << 3, } mgl_clipboard_type; #define MGL_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_ALL 0xFFFFFFFF #define MGL_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_IMAGE (MGL_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_IMAGE_PNG | MGL_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_IMAGE_JPG | MGL_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_IMAGE_GIF) /* Return true to continue. |mgl_window_get_clipboard| returns false if this returns false. Note: |size| is the size of the current data, not the total data (if the callback only contains a part of the data). */ typedef bool (*mgl_clipboard_callback)(const unsigned char *data, size_t size, mgl_clipboard_type clipboard_type, void *userdata); /* |params| can be NULL. Note: vsync is enabled by default */ int mgl_window_create(mgl_window *self, const char *title, const mgl_window_create_params *params); int mgl_window_init_from_existing_window(mgl_window *self, mgl_window_handle existing_window); void mgl_window_deinit(mgl_window *self); void mgl_window_clear(mgl_window *self, mgl_color color); bool mgl_window_poll_event(mgl_window *self, mgl_event *event); void mgl_window_display(mgl_window *self); /* This should be called every frame to retain the view. Make sure to set the view back to the previous view after rendering items by saving the previous view with |mgl_window_get_view| and then call |mgl_window_set_view| with that saved view. The view is set to the window size when the window is resized (window resize event). */ void mgl_window_set_view(mgl_window *self, mgl_view *new_view); void mgl_window_get_view(mgl_window *self, mgl_view *view); /* This should be called every frame to retain the scissor. Make sure to set the scissor back to the previous view after rendering items by saving the previous scissor with |mgl_window_get_scissor| and then call |mgl_window_set_scissor| with that saved scissor. The scissor is set to the window size when the window is resized (window resize event). */ void mgl_window_set_scissor(mgl_window *self, mgl_scissor *new_scissor); void mgl_window_get_scissor(mgl_window *self, mgl_scissor *scissor); void mgl_window_set_visible(mgl_window *self, bool visible); bool mgl_window_is_open(const mgl_window *self); bool mgl_window_has_focus(const mgl_window *self); bool mgl_window_is_key_pressed(const mgl_window *self, mgl_key key); bool mgl_window_is_mouse_button_pressed(const mgl_window *self, mgl_mouse_button button); void mgl_window_close(mgl_window *self); void mgl_window_set_title(mgl_window *self, const char *title); void mgl_window_set_cursor_visible(mgl_window *self, bool visible); /* 0 = no fps limit, or limit fps to vsync if vsync is enabled */ void mgl_window_set_framerate_limit(mgl_window *self, int fps); void mgl_window_set_vsync_enabled(mgl_window *self, bool enabled); bool mgl_window_is_vsync_enabled(mgl_window *self); void mgl_window_set_fullscreen(mgl_window *self, bool fullscreen); bool mgl_window_is_fullscreen(mgl_window *self); void mgl_window_set_position(mgl_window *self, mgl_vec2i position); void mgl_window_set_size(mgl_window *self, mgl_vec2i size); /* if |minimum| is (0, 0) then there is no minimum limit, if |maximum| is (0, 0) then there is no maximum limit */ void mgl_window_set_size_limits(mgl_window *self, mgl_vec2i minimum, mgl_vec2i maximum); void mgl_window_set_clipboard(mgl_window *self, const char *str, size_t size); /* clipboard_types should be a bit-or of mgl_clipboard_type */ bool mgl_window_get_clipboard(mgl_window *self, mgl_clipboard_callback callback, void *userdata, uint32_t clipboard_types); /* A new string is allocated and the pointer is copied to |str| with the size returned in |size|. |str| should be deallocated with |free| by the user. This function returns false if there is nothing to copy, or if the clipboard contains clipboard data that is not a string or if it fails to copy the data for any other reason. Note: The string is not null terminated. */ bool mgl_window_get_clipboard_string(mgl_window *self, char **str, size_t *size); void mgl_window_set_key_repeat_enabled(mgl_window *self, bool enabled); #endif /* MGL_WINDOW_H */