#include "../../include/mgl/graphics/shader.h" #include "../../include/mgl/graphics/texture.h" #include "../../include/mgl/system/fileutils.h" #include "../../include/mgl/mgl.h" #include #include typedef struct { unsigned int id; mgl_shader_type shader_type; } mgl_shader; static unsigned int mgl_shader_type_to_gl_shader_type(mgl_shader_type shader_type) { switch(shader_type) { case MGL_SHADER_VERTEX: return GL_VERTEX_SHADER; case MGL_SHADER_FRAGMENT: return GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER; case MGL_SHADER_GEOMETRY: return GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER; } return 0; } static void print_compile_log(mgl_context *context, unsigned int shader_id, const char *prefix) { int log_length = 0; context->gl.glGetShaderiv(shader_id, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_length); if(log_length > 0) { char *log_str = malloc(log_length + 1); if(!log_str) { fprintf(stderr, "mgl error: failed to allocate memory for shader compile log\n"); return; } log_str[0] = '\0'; log_str[log_length] = '\0'; context->gl.glGetShaderInfoLog(shader_id, log_length, NULL, log_str); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", prefix, log_str); free(log_str); } } static void mgl_shader_unload(mgl_shader *self); static int mgl_shader_load_from_memory(mgl_shader *self, const unsigned char *shader_data, int shader_size, mgl_shader_type shader_type) { self->id = 0; self->shader_type = shader_type; mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); self->id = context->gl.glCreateShader(mgl_shader_type_to_gl_shader_type(shader_type)); if(self->id == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "mgl error: failed to load shader, error: glCreateShader failed\n"); return -1; } context->gl.glShaderSource(self->id, 1, (const char* const*)&shader_data, &shader_size); context->gl.glCompileShader(self->id); int compiled_successfully = GL_FALSE; context->gl.glGetShaderiv(self->id, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled_successfully); if(compiled_successfully == GL_FALSE) { print_compile_log(context, self->id, "mgl error"); mgl_shader_unload(self); return -1; } print_compile_log(context, self->id, "mgl warning"); return 0; } static int mgl_shader_load_from_file(mgl_shader *self, const char *filepath, mgl_shader_type shader_type) { self->id = 0; self->shader_type = shader_type; mgl_filedata filedata; if(mgl_load_file(filepath, &filedata, NULL) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "mgl error: failed to load shader %s, error: mgl_load_file failed\n", filepath); return -1; } if(filedata.size > INT32_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "mgl error: failed to load shader %s, error: shader size is too large\n", filepath); return -1; } int res = mgl_shader_load_from_memory(self, filedata.data, filedata.size, shader_type); mgl_filedata_free(&filedata); return res; } void mgl_shader_unload(mgl_shader *self) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); if(self->id) { context->gl.glDeleteShader(self->id); self->id = 0; } } int mgl_shader_program_init(mgl_shader_program *self) { self->id = 0; mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); self->id = context->gl.glCreateProgram(); if(self->id == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "mgl error: failed to create shader program: error glCreateProgram failed\n"); return -1; } return 0; } void mgl_shader_program_deinit(mgl_shader_program *self){ mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); if(self->id) { context->gl.glDeleteProgram(self->id); self->id = 0; } } /* TODO: Check for attach shader error */ int mgl_shader_program_add_shader_from_file(mgl_shader_program *self, const char *filepath, mgl_shader_type shader_type){ mgl_shader shader; if(mgl_shader_load_from_file(&shader, filepath, shader_type) != 0) return -1; mgl_get_context()->gl.glAttachShader(self->id, shader.id); mgl_shader_unload(&shader); /* TODO: Verify if deleting the shader here is always ok now that we have attached it */ return 0; } int mgl_shader_program_add_shader_from_memory(mgl_shader_program *self, const unsigned char *shader_data, int shader_size, mgl_shader_type shader_type){ mgl_shader shader; if(mgl_shader_load_from_memory(&shader, shader_data, shader_size, shader_type) != 0) return -1; mgl_get_context()->gl.glAttachShader(self->id, shader.id); mgl_shader_unload(&shader); /* TODO: Verify if deleting the shader here is always ok now that we have attached it */ return 0; } static void print_link_log(mgl_context *context, unsigned int shader_id, const char *prefix) { int log_length = 0; context->gl.glGetProgramiv(shader_id, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_length); if(log_length > 0) { char *log_str = malloc(log_length + 1); if(!log_str) { fprintf(stderr, "mgl error: failed to allocate memory for shader link log\n"); return; } log_str[0] = '\0'; log_str[log_length] = '\0'; context->gl.glGetProgramInfoLog(shader_id, log_length, NULL, log_str); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", prefix, log_str); free(log_str); } } int mgl_shader_program_finalize(mgl_shader_program *self) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); context->gl.glLinkProgram(self->id); int is_linked = GL_TRUE; context->gl.glGetProgramiv(self->id, GL_LINK_STATUS, &is_linked); if(is_linked == GL_FALSE) { print_link_log(context, self->id, "mgl error"); return -1; } print_link_log(context, self->id, "mgl warning"); return 0; } /* TODO: Optimize glUseProgram */ /* TODO: Optimize glGetUniformLocation */ /* TODO: Check if the uniform type matches the type of the value we want to set it to */ int mgl_shader_program_set_uniform_float(mgl_shader_program *self, const char *uniform_name, float value) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); int uniform_location = context->gl.glGetUniformLocation(self->id, uniform_name); if(uniform_location == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "mgl error: no uniform by the name %s was found in the shader\n", uniform_name); return -1; } context->gl.glUseProgram(self->id); context->gl.glUniform1f(uniform_location, value); context->gl.glUseProgram(0); return 0; } int mgl_shader_program_set_uniform_vec2f(mgl_shader_program *self, const char *uniform_name, mgl_vec2f value) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); int uniform_location = context->gl.glGetUniformLocation(self->id, uniform_name); if(uniform_location == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "mgl error: no uniform by the name %s was found in the shader\n", uniform_name); return -1; } context->gl.glUseProgram(self->id); context->gl.glUniform2f(uniform_location, value.x, value.y); context->gl.glUseProgram(0); return 0; } int mgl_shader_program_set_uniform_vec3f(mgl_shader_program *self, const char *uniform_name, mgl_vec3f value) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); int uniform_location = context->gl.glGetUniformLocation(self->id, uniform_name); if(uniform_location == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "mgl error: no uniform by the name %s was found in the shader\n", uniform_name); return -1; } context->gl.glUseProgram(self->id); context->gl.glUniform3f(uniform_location, value.x, value.y, value.z); context->gl.glUseProgram(0); return 0; } int mgl_shader_program_set_uniform_vec4f(mgl_shader_program *self, const char *uniform_name, mgl_vec4f value) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); int uniform_location = context->gl.glGetUniformLocation(self->id, uniform_name); if(uniform_location == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "mgl error: no uniform by the name %s was found in the shader\n", uniform_name); return -1; } context->gl.glUseProgram(self->id); context->gl.glUniform4f(uniform_location, value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w); context->gl.glUseProgram(0); return 0; } int mgl_shader_program_set_uniform_color(mgl_shader_program *self, const char *uniform_name, mgl_color color) { return mgl_shader_program_set_uniform_vec4f(self, uniform_name, (mgl_vec4f){ color.r / 255.0f, color.g / 255.0f, color.b / 255.0f, color.a / 255.0f }); } /* TODO: Optimize glUseProgram */ void mgl_shader_program_use(mgl_shader_program *shader_program) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); context->gl.glUseProgram(shader_program ? shader_program->id : 0); }