#include "../../include/mgl/graphics/text.h" #include "../../include/mgl/graphics/font.h" #include "../../include/mgl/mgl.h" /* TODO: Do syntax highlight in constructor/mgl_text_set_string for optimization. Syntax highlighting should the first text that is visible in the text editor and find the start and end, and start syntax highlight from there until the last visible text. In that case there should also be a function to rerun the syntax highlighting, to update it when an asynchronous process finishes that parses code, such as a lsp client parsing C++ code which takes a while. */ static bool default_syntax_highlight(void *userdata, const char *str, size_t size, mgl_color *color) { (void)userdata; (void)str; (void)size; (void)color; return false; } int mgl_text_init(mgl_text *self, mgl_font *font, const char *str, size_t str_size, mgl_text_options *options) { self->font = font; self->text = str; self->text_size = str_size; self->color = (mgl_color){ 255, 255, 255, 255 }; self->position = (mgl_vec2f){ 0.0f, 0.0f }; if(options) { self->options = *options; } else { self->options.userdata = NULL; self->options.before_syntax_highlight = NULL; } if(!options || !options->syntax_highlight) self->options.syntax_highlight = default_syntax_highlight; return 0; } void mgl_text_deinit(mgl_text *self) { (void)self; } void mgl_text_set_string(mgl_text *self, const char *str, size_t str_size) { self->text = str; self->text_size = str_size; } void mgl_text_set_font(mgl_text *self, mgl_font *font) { self->font = font; } void mgl_text_set_position(mgl_text *self, mgl_vec2f position) { self->position = position; } void mgl_text_set_color(mgl_text *self, mgl_color color) { self->color = color; } static void mgl_text_draw_glyph(mgl_context *context, mgl_font_glyph *glyph, mgl_vec2f position) { context->gl.glTexCoord2f(glyph->texture_position.x, glyph->texture_position.y); context->gl.glVertex3f(position.x + glyph->position.x, position.y + glyph->position.y, 0.0f); context->gl.glTexCoord2f(glyph->texture_position.x + glyph->texture_size.x, glyph->texture_position.y); context->gl.glVertex3f(position.x + glyph->position.x + glyph->size.x, position.y + glyph->position.y, 0.0f); context->gl.glTexCoord2f(glyph->texture_position.x + glyph->texture_size.x, glyph->texture_position.y + glyph->texture_size.y); context->gl.glVertex3f(position.x + glyph->position.x + glyph->size.x, position.y + glyph->position.y + glyph->size.y, 0.0f); context->gl.glTexCoord2f(glyph->texture_position.x, glyph->texture_position.y + glyph->texture_size.y); context->gl.glVertex3f(position.x + glyph->position.x, position.y + glyph->position.y + glyph->size.y, 0.0f); } static void mgl_text_run_syntax_highlight(mgl_context *context, mgl_text *text, const char *str, size_t size, mgl_color *color, bool *color_changed) { if(text->options.syntax_highlight(text->options.userdata, str, size, color)) { context->gl.glColor4ub(color->r, color->g, color->b, color->a); *color_changed = true; } else { if(*color_changed) { *color = text->color; context->gl.glColor4ub(color->r, color->g, color->b, color->a); *color_changed = false; } } } /* TODO: Use opengl buffer object instead */ /* TODO: Cache texture bind to not bind texture if its already bound and do not bind texture 0 */ void mgl_text_draw(mgl_context *context, mgl_text *text) { if(!text->text || text->text_size == 0 || !text->font) return; mgl_font_glyph glyph; mgl_vec2f position = text->position; position.y += text->font->character_size; mgl_color color = text->color; bool color_changed = false; if(text->options.before_syntax_highlight) text->options.before_syntax_highlight(text->options.userdata); context->gl.glColor4ub(text->color.r, text->color.g, text->color.b, text->color.a); context->gl.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, text->font->texture.id); context->gl.glBegin(GL_QUADS); for(size_t i = 0; i < text->text_size; ++i) { unsigned char c = *(unsigned char*)&text->text[i]; if((c >= 32 && c < 128)) { if(mgl_font_get_glyph(text->font, c, &glyph) == 0) { mgl_text_run_syntax_highlight(context, text, (const char*)&c, 1, &color, &color_changed); mgl_text_draw_glyph(context, &glyph, position); position.x += glyph.advance; } } else if(c == '\t') { if(mgl_font_get_glyph(text->font, ' ', &glyph) == 0) { const int tab_width = 4; for(int i = 0; i < tab_width; ++i) { mgl_text_draw_glyph(context, &glyph, position); position.x += glyph.advance; } } } else if(c == '\n') { position.x = text->position.x; position.y += text->font->character_size; } } context->gl.glEnd(); context->gl.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); }