#include "../../include/mgl/window/window.h" #include "../../include/mgl/window/event.h" #include "../../include/mgl/mgl.h" #include "../../include/mgl/system/utf8.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* Should be in range [2,] */ #define MAX_STACKED_EVENTS 32 typedef struct { mgl_event stack[MAX_STACKED_EVENTS]; int start; int end; int size; } x11_events_circular_buffer; static void x11_events_circular_buffer_init(x11_events_circular_buffer *self) { self->start = 0; self->end = 0; self->size = 0; } static bool x11_events_circular_buffer_append(x11_events_circular_buffer *self, const mgl_event *event) { if(self->size == MAX_STACKED_EVENTS) return false; self->stack[self->end] = *event; self->end = (self->end + 1) % MAX_STACKED_EVENTS; ++self->size; return true; } static bool x11_events_circular_buffer_pop(x11_events_circular_buffer *self, mgl_event *event) { if(self->size == 0) return false; *event = self->stack[self->start]; self->start = (self->start + 1) % MAX_STACKED_EVENTS; --self->size; return true; } typedef struct { GLXContext glx_context; XIM xim; XIC xic; /* Used to stack text event on top of key press/release events and other text events. For example pressing a key should give the user both key press and text events and for IM with multiple characters entered (such as chinese), we want to trigger an event for all of them. */ x11_events_circular_buffer events; } x11_context; static bool x11_context_append_event(x11_context *self, const mgl_event *event) { return x11_events_circular_buffer_append(&self->events, event); } static bool x11_context_pop_event(x11_context *self, mgl_event *event) { return x11_events_circular_buffer_pop(&self->events, event); } /* TODO: Use gl OML present for other platforms than nvidia? nvidia doesn't support present yet */ /* TODO: check for glx swap control extension string (GLX_EXT_swap_control, etc) */ static void set_vertical_sync_enabled(Window window, int enabled) { int result = 0; mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); if(context->gl.glXSwapIntervalEXT) { context->gl.glXSwapIntervalEXT(context->connection, window, enabled ? 1 : 0); } else if(context->gl.glXSwapIntervalMESA) { result = context->gl.glXSwapIntervalMESA(enabled ? 1 : 0); } else if(context->gl.glXSwapIntervalSGI) { result = context->gl.glXSwapIntervalSGI(enabled ? 1 : 0); } else { static int warned = 0; if (!warned) { warned = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Warning: setting vertical sync not supported\n"); } } if(result != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: setting vertical sync failed\n"); } static void mgl_window_on_resize(mgl_window *self, int width, int height) { self->size.x = width; self->size.y = height; mgl_view view; view.position = (mgl_vec2i){ 0, 0 }; view.size = self->size; mgl_window_set_view(self, &view); } int mgl_window_create(mgl_window *self, const char *title, int width, int height) { return mgl_window_create_with_params(self, title, width, height, 0); } static int mgl_window_init(mgl_window *self, const char *title, int width, int height, mgl_window_handle parent_window, Window existing_window) { self->window = 0; self->context = NULL; self->open = false; self->context = malloc(sizeof(x11_context)); if(!self->context) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate x11 context\n"); return -1; } x11_context *x11_context = self->context; x11_context->glx_context = NULL, x11_context->xim = NULL, x11_context->xic = NULL; x11_events_circular_buffer_init(&x11_context->events); mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); if(parent_window == 0) parent_window = DefaultRootWindow(context->connection); x11_context->glx_context = context->gl.glXCreateContext(context->connection, context->visual_info, NULL, 1); if(!x11_context->glx_context) { fprintf(stderr, "glXCreateContext failed\n"); mgl_window_deinit(self); return -1; } Colormap color_map = XCreateColormap(context->connection, DefaultRootWindow(context->connection), ((XVisualInfo*)context->visual_info)->visual, AllocNone); if(!color_map) { fprintf(stderr, "XCreateColormap failed\n"); mgl_window_deinit(self); return -1; } XSetWindowAttributes window_attr; window_attr.colormap = color_map; window_attr.event_mask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | Button1MotionMask | Button2MotionMask | Button3MotionMask | Button4MotionMask | Button5MotionMask | ButtonMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask; window_attr.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity; if(existing_window) { if(!XChangeWindowAttributes(context->connection, existing_window, CWColormap | CWEventMask | CWBitGravity, &window_attr)) { fprintf(stderr, "XChangeWindowAttributes failed\n"); XFreeColormap(context->connection, color_map); mgl_window_deinit(self); return -1; } XFreeColormap(context->connection, color_map); self->window = existing_window; } else { self->window = XCreateWindow(context->connection, parent_window, 0, 0, width, height, 0, ((XVisualInfo*)context->visual_info)->depth, InputOutput, ((XVisualInfo*)context->visual_info)->visual, CWColormap | CWEventMask | CWBitGravity, &window_attr); XFreeColormap(context->connection, color_map); if(!self->window) { fprintf(stderr, "XCreateWindow failed\n"); mgl_window_deinit(self); return -1; } XStoreName(context->connection, self->window, title); XMapWindow(context->connection, self->window); } /* TODO: Call XGetWMProtocols and add wm_delete_window_atom on top, to not overwrite existing wm protocol atoms */ Atom wm_protocol_atoms[2] = { context->wm_delete_window_atom, context->net_wm_ping_atom }; XSetWMProtocols(context->connection, self->window, wm_protocol_atoms, 2); XFlush(context->connection); /* TODO: Check for failure? */ context->gl.glXMakeCurrent(context->connection, self->window, x11_context->glx_context); set_vertical_sync_enabled(self->window, 1); context->gl.glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); context->gl.glEnable(GL_BLEND); context->gl.glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); context->gl.glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); context->gl.glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); context->gl.glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); XWindowAttributes gwa; gwa.width = 0; gwa.height = 0; XGetWindowAttributes(context->connection, self->window, &gwa); Window dummy_w; int dummy_i; unsigned int dummy_u; XQueryPointer(context->connection, self->window, &dummy_w, &dummy_w, &dummy_i, &dummy_i, &self->cursor_position.x, &self->cursor_position.y, &dummy_u); mgl_window_on_resize(self, gwa.width, gwa.height); x11_context->xim = XOpenIM(context->connection, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(!x11_context->xim) { fprintf(stderr, "XOpenIM failed\n"); mgl_window_deinit(self); return -1; } x11_context->xic = XCreateIC(x11_context->xim, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing, XNClientWindow, self->window, NULL); if(!x11_context->xic) { fprintf(stderr, "XCreateIC failed\n"); mgl_window_deinit(self); return -1; } XSetICFocus(x11_context->xic); self->open = true; return 0; } int mgl_window_create_with_params(mgl_window *self, const char *title, int width, int height, mgl_window_handle parent_window) { return mgl_window_init(self, title, width, height, parent_window, None); } int mgl_window_init_from_existing_window(mgl_window *self, mgl_window_handle existing_window) { return mgl_window_init(self, "", 0, 0, 0, existing_window); } void mgl_window_deinit(mgl_window *self) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); x11_context *x11_context = self->context; if(x11_context) { if(x11_context->xic) { XDestroyIC(x11_context->xic); x11_context->xic = NULL; } if(x11_context->xim) { XCloseIM(x11_context->xim); x11_context->xim = NULL; } if(x11_context->glx_context) { context->gl.glXDestroyContext(context->connection, x11_context->glx_context); x11_context->glx_context = NULL; } free(x11_context); self->context = NULL; } if(self->window) { XDestroyWindow(context->connection, self->window); self->window = 0; } self->open = false; } static mgl_key x11_keysym_to_mgl_key(KeySym key_sym) { if(key_sym >= XK_A && key_sym <= XK_Z) return MGL_KEY_A + (key_sym - XK_A); /* TODO: Check if this ever happens */ if(key_sym >= XK_a && key_sym <= XK_z) return MGL_KEY_A + (key_sym - XK_a); if(key_sym >= XK_0 && key_sym <= XK_9) return MGL_KEY_NUM0 + (key_sym - XK_0); if(key_sym >= XK_KP_0 && key_sym <= XK_KP_9) return MGL_KEY_NUMPAD0 + (key_sym - XK_KP_0); /* TODO: Fill in the rest */ switch(key_sym) { case XK_space: return MGL_KEY_SPACE; case XK_BackSpace: return MGL_KEY_BACKSPACE; case XK_Tab: return MGL_KEY_TAB; case XK_Return: return MGL_KEY_ENTER; case XK_Escape: return MGL_KEY_ESCAPE; case XK_Delete: return MGL_KEY_DELETE; case XK_Home: return MGL_KEY_HOME; case XK_Left: return MGL_KEY_LEFT; case XK_Up: return MGL_KEY_UP; case XK_Right: return MGL_KEY_RIGHT; case XK_Down: return MGL_KEY_DOWN; case XK_Page_Up: return MGL_KEY_PAGEUP; case XK_Page_Down: return MGL_KEY_PAGEDOWN; case XK_End: return MGL_KEY_END; case XK_F1: return MGL_KEY_F1; case XK_F2: return MGL_KEY_F2; case XK_F3: return MGL_KEY_F3; case XK_F4: return MGL_KEY_F4; case XK_F5: return MGL_KEY_F5; case XK_F6: return MGL_KEY_F6; case XK_F7: return MGL_KEY_F7; case XK_F8: return MGL_KEY_F8; case XK_F9: return MGL_KEY_F9; case XK_F10: return MGL_KEY_F10; case XK_F11: return MGL_KEY_F11; case XK_F12: return MGL_KEY_F12; case XK_F13: return MGL_KEY_F13; case XK_F14: return MGL_KEY_F14; case XK_F15: return MGL_KEY_F15; } return MGL_KEY_UNKNOWN; } static mgl_mouse_button x11_button_to_mgl_button(unsigned int button) { switch(button) { case 1: return MGL_BUTTON_LEFT; case 2: return MGL_BUTTON_MIDDLE; case 3: return MGL_BUTTON_RIGHT; case 8: return MGL_BUTTON_XBUTTON1; case 9: return MGL_BUTTON_XBUTTON2; } return MGL_BUTTON_UNKNOWN; } static void mgl_window_handle_key_event(mgl_window *self, XKeyEvent *xkey, mgl_event *event, mgl_context *context) { event->key.code = x11_keysym_to_mgl_key(XKeycodeToKeysym(context->connection, xkey->keycode, 0)); event->key.alt = ((xkey->state & Mod1Mask) != 0); event->key.control = ((xkey->state & ControlMask) != 0); event->key.shift = ((xkey->state & ShiftMask) != 0); event->key.system = ((xkey->state & Mod5Mask) != 0); /* TODO: Fix, doesn't work */ } static void mgl_window_handle_text_event(mgl_window *self, XEvent *xev) { /* Ignore silent keys */ if(XFilterEvent(xev, None)) return; x11_context *x11_context = self->context; char buf[128]; Status status; KeySym ksym; const size_t input_str_len = Xutf8LookupString(x11_context->xic, &xev->xkey, buf, sizeof(buf), &ksym, &status); /* TODO: Handle XBufferOverflow */ if(status == XBufferOverflow || input_str_len == 0) return; /* TODO: Set XIC location on screen with XSetICValues */ if(!mgl_utf8_is_valid((const unsigned char*)buf, input_str_len)) return; for(size_t i = 0; i < input_str_len;) { uint32_t codepoint = 0; const size_t clen = mgl_utf8_decode((const unsigned char*)&buf[i], &codepoint); mgl_event text_event; text_event.type = MGL_EVENT_TEXT_ENTERED; text_event.text.codepoint = codepoint; text_event.text.size = clen; memcpy(text_event.text.str, (const unsigned char*)&buf[i], clen); text_event.text.str[clen] = '\0'; if(!x11_context_append_event(x11_context, &text_event)) break; i += clen; } } /* Returns true if processed */ static void mgl_window_on_receive_event(mgl_window *self, XEvent *xev, mgl_event *event, mgl_context *context) { /* TODO: Handle wm_delete_window event */ switch(xev->type) { case KeyPress: { /* TODO: Fill with correct data */ event->type = MGL_EVENT_KEY_PRESSED; mgl_window_handle_key_event(self, &xev->xkey, event, context); mgl_window_handle_text_event(self, xev); return; } case KeyRelease: { /* TODO: Fill with correct data */ event->type = MGL_EVENT_KEY_RELEASED; mgl_window_handle_key_event(self, &xev->xkey, event, context); return; } case ButtonPress: { event->type = MGL_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED; event->mouse_button.button = x11_button_to_mgl_button(xev->xbutton.button); event->mouse_button.x = xev->xbutton.x; event->mouse_button.y = xev->xbutton.y; return; } case ButtonRelease: { event->type = MGL_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED; event->mouse_button.button = x11_button_to_mgl_button(xev->xbutton.button); event->mouse_button.x = xev->xbutton.x; event->mouse_button.y = xev->xbutton.y; return; } case ConfigureNotify: { while(XCheckTypedWindowEvent(context->connection, self->window, ConfigureNotify, xev)) {} if(xev->xconfigure.width != self->size.x || xev->xconfigure.height != self->size.x) { mgl_window_on_resize(self, xev->xconfigure.width, xev->xconfigure.height); event->type = MGL_EVENT_RESIZED; event->size.width = self->size.x; event->size.height = self->size.y; return; } event->type = MGL_EVENT_UNKNOWN; return; } case MotionNotify: { while(XCheckTypedWindowEvent(context->connection, self->window, MotionNotify, xev)) {} self->cursor_position.x = xev->xmotion.x; self->cursor_position.y = xev->xmotion.y; event->type = MGL_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVED; event->mouse_move.x = self->cursor_position.x; event->mouse_move.y = self->cursor_position.y; return; } case ClientMessage: { if(xev->xclient.format == 32 && (unsigned long)xev->xclient.data.l[0] == context->wm_delete_window_atom) { event->type = MGL_EVENT_CLOSED; self->open = false; return; } else if(xev->xclient.format == 32 && (unsigned long)xev->xclient.data.l[0] == context->net_wm_ping_atom) { xev->xclient.window = DefaultRootWindow(context->connection); XSendEvent(context->connection, DefaultRootWindow(context->connection), False, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, xev); } event->type = MGL_EVENT_UNKNOWN; return; } default: { event->type = MGL_EVENT_UNKNOWN; return; } } } void mgl_window_clear(mgl_window *self, mgl_color color) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); context->gl.glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); context->gl.glClearColor((float)color.r / 255.0f, (float)color.g / 255.0f, (float)color.b / 255.0f, (float)color.a / 255.0f); } bool mgl_window_poll_event(mgl_window *self, mgl_event *event) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); Display *display = context->connection; x11_context *x11_context = self->context; if(x11_context_pop_event(x11_context, event)) return true; if(XPending(display)) { XEvent xev; /* TODO: Move to window struct */ XNextEvent(display, &xev); mgl_window_on_receive_event(self, &xev, event, context); return true; } else { return false; } } void mgl_window_display(mgl_window *self) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); context->gl.glXSwapBuffers(context->connection, self->window); } void mgl_window_set_view(mgl_window *self, mgl_view *new_view) { mgl_context *context = mgl_get_context(); self->view = *new_view; context->gl.glViewport(new_view->position.x, self->size.y - new_view->size.y - new_view->position.y, new_view->size.x, new_view->size.y); context->gl.glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); context->gl.glLoadIdentity(); context->gl.glOrtho(0.0, new_view->size.x, new_view->size.y, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } void mgl_window_get_view(mgl_window *self, mgl_view *view) { *view = self->view; } bool mgl_window_is_open(const mgl_window *self) { return self->open; }