path: root/examples
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-07-06Add cross compilation (mingw-w64 x86_64)dec05eba
Currently only cross compiling from linux64 to win64 works. Need to test cross compilation more, currently the cross compilation uses same profile as GCC, is that correct?
2020-07-06Remove project.tests, always use tests subdirdec05eba
2020-07-06Fix various things, add generated zig header files to global includedec05eba
Fix compile_commands.json missing build steps. Fix c includes -> zig includes flags. Fix crash when running sibs new/init without defining lang. Add generated zig header files to global include so they can be used from c/c++. Add zig and zig/c (using zig and c in the same project) examples.
2020-07-06Add examplesdec05eba