#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import sys import os import shutil import re import stat import tarfile import requests import hashlib run_script_linux = """#!/bin/bash set -e script_path=`readlink -f $0` script_dir=`dirname $script_path` program_full_name="$PROGRAM_FULL_NAME" $DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES_COMMAND "$script_dir/$SO_LOADER" --library-path "$script_dir/libs":$HOME/.local/lib/sibs/"$program_full_name":/usr/lib/sibs/"$program_full_name" "$script_dir/$PROGRAM_NAME" "$@" """ blacklisted_libs = [ re.compile("libGL\\.so.*"), re.compile("libGLX.*"), re.compile("libGLdispatch.*") ] def get_executable_dynamic_libraries(filepath): libs = [] process = subprocess.Popen(["ldd", filepath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed to execute ldd on executable %s, error:\n%s" % (filepath, stderr)) lines = stdout.splitlines() for line in lines: s = line.split() if len(s) >= 3 and b"=>" in s: lib_path = " ".join(x.decode("UTF-8") for x in s[2:-1]) if os.path.exists(lib_path): libs.append([os.path.realpath(lib_path), os.path.basename(lib_path)]) return libs def make_executable(filepath): mode = os.stat(filepath).st_mode os.chmod(filepath, mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH) def get_libnss_files(): libnss_pattern = re.compile("libnss.*\\.so.*") files = [] dupl = {} for filepath in os.listdir("/usr/lib"): path = os.path.join("/usr/lib", filepath) real = os.path.realpath(path) if not dupl.get(real) and libnss_pattern.match(filepath) and not os.path.islink(path): files.append(real) dupl[real] = True return files def file_get_sha1(filepath): with open(filepath, "rb") as f: sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update(f.read()) return sha1.hexdigest() raise RuntimeError("No such file: %s" % filepath) def usage(): print("usage: package.py executable_path program_version destination_path <--bundle|--bundle-install>") exit(1) def fetch_checksums(url): checksums = {} r = requests.get(url) if not r.ok: raise RuntimeError("Failed to fetch checksums from url %s" % url) lines = r.text.splitlines() for line in lines: split_index = line.find(" ") checksum = line[0:split_index] libfile = line[split_index + 1:] checksums[libfile] = checksum return checksums def remove_blacklisted_libs(libs): new_libs = [] for lib in libs: is_blacklisted = False for blacklisted_lib in blacklisted_libs: if blacklisted_lib.match(os.path.basename(lib[0])): is_blacklisted = True break if not is_blacklisted: new_libs.append(lib) return new_libs def main(): if len(sys.argv) <= 4: usage() script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) executable_path = sys.argv[1] program_version = sys.argv[2] destination_path = sys.argv[3] package_type = sys.argv[4] if package_type != "--bundle" and package_type != "--bundle-install": usage() os.makedirs(destination_path, exist_ok=True) libs = get_executable_dynamic_libraries(executable_path) # Some libraries can't be distributed because different hardware. Since we are operating on a specific architecture, the types of libraries # that can't be distributed are commonly gpu driver libraries libs = remove_blacklisted_libs(libs) so_loader_pattern = re.compile("ld-linux-x86-64\\.so.*") so_loader = None for lib in libs: if so_loader_pattern.match(lib[1]): if so_loader != None: print("Unexpected error: found multiple so loaders, unable to recover") exit(2) so_loader = lib[1] if not so_loader: print("Unexpected error: no so loader found, unable to recover") exit(5) print("So loader: %s" % so_loader) libnss_files = get_libnss_files() for libnss_file in libnss_files: libs.append([ libnss_file, os.path.basename(libnss_file) ]) mapped_libs = [] dependencies = [] if package_type == "--bundle-install": new_libs = [] # TODO: Cache the checksum file at this url checksums = fetch_checksums("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DEC05EBA/libraries/master/linux/x86_64/checksums") # Remove libraries from the package that can be downloaded remotely (and which user most likely has if they have another program that uses sibs on their computer) for lib in libs: lib_name = os.path.basename(lib[0]) # TODO: Remove this check, we can use so loader in sibs downloaded lib directory lib_checksum = checksums.get(lib_name) if lib_checksum and lib[1] != so_loader: external_checksum = lib_checksum file_checksum = file_get_sha1(lib[0]) if external_checksum == file_checksum: mapped_libs.append([ lib_name, lib[1] ]) dependencies.append([ lib_name, external_checksum ]) else: new_libs.append(lib) print("Checksum for file %s: %s, equals? %s" % (lib_name, external_checksum, "yes" if external_checksum == file_checksum else "no")) else: new_libs.append(lib) libs = new_libs so_loader = os.path.join("libs", so_loader) executable_filename = os.path.basename(executable_path) new_executable_path = os.path.join(destination_path, executable_filename) shutil.copyfile(executable_path, new_executable_path) make_executable(new_executable_path) run_script_path = os.path.join(destination_path, "run.sh") with open(run_script_path, "wb") as run_script: run_script.write(run_script_linux.replace("$SO_LOADER", so_loader)\ .replace("$PROGRAM_NAME", "program")\ .replace("$PROGRAM_FULL_NAME", executable_filename + "." + program_version)\ .replace("$DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES_COMMAND", "\"$script_dir/download_dependencies.sh\" \"$program_full_name\"" if package_type == "--bundle-install" else "")\ .encode("UTF-8")) make_executable(run_script_path) urls_filepath = os.path.join(destination_path, "urls.conf") with open(urls_filepath, "wb") as urls_file: urls_file.write("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DEC05EBA/libraries/master/linux/x86_64/\n".encode("UTF-8")) library_mapping_filepath = os.path.join(destination_path, "libmap.conf") with open(library_mapping_filepath, "wb") as library_mapping_file: for mapped_lib in mapped_libs: library_mapping_file.write((mapped_lib[0] + "\n" + mapped_lib[1] + "\n").encode("UTF-8")) dependencies_filepath = os.path.join(destination_path, "dependencies.conf") with open(dependencies_filepath, "wb") as dependencies_file: for dependency in dependencies: dependencies_file.write((dependency[0] + "\n" + dependency[1] + "\n").encode("UTF-8")) package_name = new_executable_path + ".tar.gz" print("Creating archive %s" % os.path.basename(package_name)) with tarfile.open(package_name, "w:gz") as tar: for lib in libs: print("Adding shared library %s to package" % lib[0]) tar.add(lib[0], arcname=os.path.join("libs", lib[1])) print("Adding executable %s to package" % executable_path) tar.add(new_executable_path, arcname="program") print("Adding run script %s to package" % run_script_path) tar.add(run_script_path, arcname=executable_filename) if package_type == "--bundle-install": print("Adding urls file %s to package" % urls_filepath) tar.add(urls_filepath, arcname="urls.conf") print("Adding library mapping file %s to package" % library_mapping_filepath) tar.add(library_mapping_filepath, arcname="libmap.conf") print("Adding dependencies file %s to package" % dependencies_filepath) tar.add(dependencies_filepath, arcname="dependencies.conf") download_dependencies_script_filepath = os.path.join(script_dir, "download_dependencies.sh") print("Adding download dependencies script file %s to package" % download_dependencies_script_filepath) tar.add(download_dependencies_script_filepath, arcname="download_dependencies.sh") print("Removing temporary files") os.remove(new_executable_path) os.remove(run_script_path) os.remove(urls_filepath) os.remove(library_mapping_filepath) os.remove(dependencies_filepath) print("Package has been created at %s" % package_name) if __name__ == "__main__": main()