#include #include #include #include #include #include "../include/FileUtil.hpp" #include "../include/Conf.hpp" #include "../include/Exec.hpp" #include "../include/CmakeModule.hpp" #include "../backend/BackendUtils.hpp" #include "../backend/ninja/Ninja.hpp" #include "../include/PkgConfig.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace sibs; using namespace std::chrono; // TODO: Use XDG (XDG_CACHE_HOME) for cache directory // TODO: Fail if multiple versions of the same dependency is used // as linking will fail because of multiple definitions of the same thing // TODO: Detect circular dependencies // TODO: Prevent infinite recursion in source file searching when there are symlinks. // Either do not follow the symlinks or use a hash map with every searched directory // to only go inside a directory once // TODO: Places that use PATH_MAX should be modified. A path CAN be longer than PATH_MAX... (does this include replacing tinydir.h?) // TODO: Remove install.sh when sibs supports installation of packages (so it can install itself) // TODO: Allow different platforms to have different dependencies. // This can be done by specifying dependencies under [dependencies.platform] instead of [dependencies], // for example for win32: [dependencies.win32] // TODO: When `package` command is added, the target executable and shared library dependencies should be put into // an archive to make the executable distributable (especially on windows). A GUI installer could then extract the archive. // On Linux we can use https://github.com/DEC05EBA/glibc_version_header to make the executable work on many distros // without compiling project from source on the end-users machine. // TODO: Add optional dependencies [optional_dependencies]. Optional dependencies should also support platform specific dependencies [dependencies.cmake]. // Might need to make it possible to define variables if a dependency exists (or doesn't exist) because the code might have // preprocessor like: USE_LIBSODIUM or NO_LIBSODIUM. // TODO: Check compiler flags generated by cmake and visual studio in debug and release mode and use the same ones when building sibs project. // There are certain compiler flags we do not currently have, for example _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL in debug mode which enables runtime checks. // You should be able to specify runtime checks as an option to `sibs build` and project specific config in .conf file. // Also add stack protection option. If it's enabled, shouldn't sibs prefer to compile dependencies from source? // and should this force static compilation so dependencies can also be built with protection and if dependencies dont exist // as static library/source, then fail build? // TODO: Add support for common package managers (in distros). If package with the dependency version exists in package manager, install and use it instead // TODO: Make dependency/project names case insensitive. This means we can't use pkgconfig // TODO: Fail build if dependency requires newer language version than dependant package. // To make it work properly, should language version be required in project.conf? // TODO: Remove duplicate compiler options (include flags, linker flags etc...) to improve compilation speed. // The compiler ignores duplicate symbols but it's faster to just remove duplicate options because we only have // to compare strings. Duplicate options can happen if for example a project has two dependencies and both dependencies // have dependency on the same package (would be common for example with boost libraries or libraries that dpepend on boost) // TODO: Implement link-time-optimization which should be used if building with a certain optimization level (sibs build) // TODO (bug): Fix issue where running sibs-build in a project that uses cmake wont build and run tests // TODO: Add 'license' in project.conf. License must be commonly known license or 'custom'. // This is to include lgpl dependencies as dynamic libraries and give error if you are using gpl dependencies in a non gpl project. // If the license type is custom, then the ways the library can be used should be defined in such a way that dependent projects can determinate // if the dependency can be used without breaking compatibility between licenses. // License notice has to be in a file called LICENSE or COPYING in the root directory of the project and these files will be combined automatically // for all dependencies when releasing your software, as including license with software is often required. // TODO: Dynamically link libgit2 (sibs dependency) since it's under lgpl license. Optionally implement git clone/pull with MIT license. // TODO: Auto export all symbols under windows (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/225432/export-all-symbols-when-creating-a-dll) // TODO: Fix issue where when you have a dependency on a cmake project with dynamic library, the dynamic library wont be found at runtime for whatever reason // TODO: Add program command for generating compile_commands.json without compiling code, without using Ninja // TODO: Make Process::exec safe to use. Currently you pass an argument and it's run as a command, but the string can be escaped to perform malicious acts. // Process::exec should be modified to take a list of arguments to execute command with. // TODO: Verify paths (test path, ignore dirs, include dirs, expose include dir, sibs test --file dir) are sub directory of the project // TODO: When creating a package with `sibs package` copy LICENSE files into archive. // TODO: Support packaging with musl to reduce number of libraries needed for the package and also to reduce package size. // TODO: Remove dependency on compdb tool, implement compile_commands.json generation inside sibs. // Also compile_commands.json shouldn't update if no files have changed. This is easier to do when ninja is replaced so we can track changes // in source/header files. // TODO: Create a script that downloads every library in the package list (packages.json) and build each project for every new release of sibs // to verify we don't break anything. // TODO: Generate compile_commands.json even if compilation fails. This is needed to properly show errors in IDE. #if OS_FAMILY == OS_FAMILY_POSIX #define fout std::cout #define ferr std::cerr #else #define fout std::wcout #define ferr std::wcerr #endif static string SIBS_GITIGNORE_HEADER = "# Compiled sibs files"; static string SIBS_GITIGNORE_FILES = "sibs-build/\n" "compile_commands.json\n" "tests/sibs-build/\n" "tests/compile_commands.json\n"; static void usage() { printf("Usage: sibs COMMAND\n\n"); printf("Simple Build System for Native Languages\n\n"); printf("Commands:\n"); printf(" build\t\tBuild a project that contains a project.conf file\n"); printf(" new\t\tCreate a new project\n"); printf(" init\t\tInitialize project in an existing directory\n"); printf(" test\t\tBuild and run tests for a sibs project\n"); printf(" package\t\tCreate a redistributable package from a sibs project. Note: Redistributable packages can't use system packages to build\n"); exit(1); } static void usageBuild() { printf("Usage: sibs build [project_path] [--debug|--release] [--sanitize] [--platform ]\n\n"); printf("Build a sibs project\n\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" project_path\t\tThe directory containing a project.conf file - Optional (default: current directory)\n"); printf(" --debug|--release\t\tOptimization level to build project and dependencies with (if not a system package) - Optional (default: --debug)\n"); printf(" --sanitize\t\tAdd runtime address/undefined behavior sanitization. Program can be up to 3 times slower and use 10 times as much RAM. Ignored if compiler doesn't support sanitization - Optional (default: disabled)\n"); printf(" --platform\t\tThe platform to build for - Optional (default: the running platform). Platform can be either linux32, linux64, win32 or win64\n"); printf("Examples:\n"); printf(" sibs build\n"); printf(" sibs build dirA/dirB\n"); printf(" sibs build --release\n"); printf(" sibs build dirA --release\n"); printf(" sibs build --sanitize\n"); printf(" sibs build --release --platform win64\n"); exit(1); } static void usageNew() { printf("Usage: sibs new <--exec|--static|--dynamic> [--lang c|c++|zig]\n\n"); printf("Create a new sibs project\n\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" project_name\t\tThe name of the project you want to create\n"); printf(" --exec\t\t\tProject compiles to an executable\n"); printf(" --static\t\t\tProject compiles to a static library\n"); printf(" --dynamic\t\t\tProject compiles to a dynamic library\n"); printf(" --lang\t\t\tProject template language - Optional (default: c++)\n"); printf("Examples:\n"); printf(" sibs new hello_world --exec\n"); exit(1); } static void usageTest() { printf("Usage: sibs test [project_path] [--no-sanitize] [--file ...|--all-files]\n\n"); printf("Build and run tests for a sibs project\n\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" project_path\t\tThe directory containing a project.conf file - Optional (default: current directory)\n"); printf(" --no-sanitize\t\tDisable runtime address/undefined behavior - Optional (default: enabled), Only applicable for C and C++\n"); printf(" --file\t\t\tSpecify file to test, path to test file should be defined after this. Can be defined multiple times to test multiple files - Optional (default: not used), Only applicable for Zig\n"); printf(" --all-files\t\t\tTest all files - Optional (default: not used), Only applicable for Zig\n"); printf("Examples:\n"); printf(" sibs test\n"); printf(" sibs test dirA/dirB\n"); printf(" sibs test --no-sanitize\n"); printf(" sibs test --all-files\n"); printf(" sibs test --file src/foo.zig --file src/bar.zig\n"); exit(1); } static void usageInit() { printf("Usage: sibs init [project_path] <--exec|--static|--dynamic> [--lang c|c++|zig]\n\n"); printf("Create sibs project structure in an existing directory\n\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" project_path\t\tThe directory where you want to initialize sibs project - Optional (default: current directory)\n"); printf(" --exec\t\t\tProject compiles to an executable\n"); printf(" --static\t\t\tProject compiles to a static library\n"); printf(" --dynamic\t\t\tProject compiles to a dynamic library\n"); printf(" --lang\t\t\tProject template language - Optional (default: c++)\n"); printf("Examples:\n"); printf(" sibs init . --exec\n"); printf(" sibs init dirA/dirB --dynamic\n"); exit(1); } static void usagePackage() { printf("Usage: sibs package [project_path] <--static|--bundle|--bundle-install>\n\n"); printf("Create a redistributable package from a sibs project. Note: Redistributable packages can't use system packages to build if packaging using --static\n\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" project_path\t\tThe directory containiung a project.conf file - Optional (default: current directory)\n"); printf(" --static\t\tPackage project by building everything statically. Note: can't use system packages when using this option (meaning no pkg-config support)\n\n"); printf(" --bundle\t\tPackage project by copying all dynamic libraries into one location and creating an archive of all files. The executable is patched to use the dynamic libraries in the same directory. Note: if your project loads dynamic libraries at runtime (for example using dlopen) then you need to manually copy those libraries to the archive\n\n"); printf(" --bundle-install\t\tPackage project by copying all dynamic libraries into one location, except libraries that can automatically be downloaded online by the user. Then create an archive of all files - Use this option if you want to reduce the size of the distributed package and also if user already has some of the libraries installed/downloaded on their system, then they are used." "Note: if your project loads dynamic libraries at runtime (for example using dlopen) then you need to manually copy those libraries to the archive"); printf("Examples:\n"); printf(" sibs package --static\n"); printf(" sibs package dirA/dirB --bundle\n"); exit(1); } static void validateDirectoryPath(const _tinydir_char_t *projectPath) { FileType projectPathFileType = getFileType(projectPath); if(projectPathFileType == FileType::FILE_NOT_FOUND) { string errMsg = "Invalid project path: "; errMsg += toUtf8(projectPath); perror(errMsg.c_str()); exit(2); } else if(projectPathFileType == FileType::REGULAR) { ferr <<"Expected project path (" << projectPath << ") to be a directory, was a file" << endl; exit(3); } } static void validateFilePath(const _tinydir_char_t *projectConfPath) { FileType projectConfFileType = getFileType(projectConfPath); if(projectConfFileType == FileType::FILE_NOT_FOUND) { string errMsg = "Invalid project.conf path: "; errMsg += toUtf8(projectConfPath); perror(errMsg.c_str()); exit(4); } else if(projectConfFileType == FileType::DIRECTORY) { ferr << "Expected project path (" << projectConfPath << ") to be a file, was a directory" << endl; exit(5); } } static bool isPathSubPathOf(const FileString &path, const FileString &subPathOf) { return _tinydir_strncmp(path.c_str(), subPathOf.c_str(), subPathOf.size()) == 0; } #if OS_FAMILY == OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS static char* join(const vector &strs, const char separator) { vector lengths; lengths.reserve(strs.size()); int totalLength = strs.size() - 1; for (const char *str : strs) { int length = strlen(str); totalLength += length; lengths.push_back(length); } char *result = new char[totalLength + 1]; result[totalLength] = '\0'; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < strs.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { result[offset] = separator; ++offset; } memcpy(result + offset, strs[i], lengths[i]); offset += lengths[i]; } return result; } struct MicrosoftBuildTool { // 0 if version not found int version; // empty if not found char binPath[_TINYDIR_PATH_MAX]; // empty if not found char vsLibPath[_TINYDIR_PATH_MAX]; // empty if not found char umLibPath[_TINYDIR_PATH_MAX]; // empty if not found char ucrtLibPath[_TINYDIR_PATH_MAX]; // empty if not found char vsIncludePath[_TINYDIR_PATH_MAX]; // empty if not found char umIncludePath[_TINYDIR_PATH_MAX]; // empty if not found char ucrtIncludePath[_TINYDIR_PATH_MAX]; bool found() { return version != 0; } }; static MicrosoftBuildTool locateLatestMicrosoftBuildTool() { MicrosoftBuildTool result = { 0 }; Result execResult = exec(TINYDIR_STRING("locate_windows_sdk x64")); if (execResult && execResult.unwrap().exitCode == 0) { auto &str = execResult.unwrap().execStdout; sscanf(execResult.unwrap().execStdout.c_str(), "%d %[^\r\n] %[^\r\n] %[^\r\n] %[^\r\n] %[^\r\n] %[^\r\n] %[^\r\n]", &result.version, result.binPath, result.vsLibPath, result.umLibPath, result.ucrtLibPath, result.vsIncludePath, result.umIncludePath, result.ucrtIncludePath); } return result; } // We do not free allocated data here because they needs to live as long as they're used as env (in _putenv) static void appendMicrosoftBuildToolToPathEnv() { MicrosoftBuildTool msBuildTool = locateLatestMicrosoftBuildTool(); if (msBuildTool.found()) { fprintf(stderr, "Located microsoft build tools at %s\n", msBuildTool.binPath); if (const char *pathEnv = getenv("PATH")) { if (_putenv_s("PATH", join({ pathEnv, msBuildTool.binPath }, ';')) != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Failed to add microsoft build tools to PATH env\n"); } if (_putenv_s("INCLUDE", join({ msBuildTool.vsIncludePath, msBuildTool.umIncludePath, msBuildTool.ucrtIncludePath }, ';')) != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Failed to add microsoft build libraries to INCLUDE env\n"); if (_putenv_s("LIB", join({ msBuildTool.vsLibPath, msBuildTool.umLibPath, msBuildTool.ucrtLibPath }, ';')) != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Failed to add microsoft build libraries to LIB env\n"); } } #endif static void appendBuildToolToPathEnv() { #if OS_FAMILY == OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS // TODO: We shouldn't do this if user wants to compile with clang/mingw? appendMicrosoftBuildToolToPathEnv(); #endif } static int buildProject(const FileString &projectPath, const FileString &projectConfFilePath, SibsConfig &sibsConfig) { FileString buildPath; readSibsConfig(projectPath, projectConfFilePath, sibsConfig, buildPath); // Test project has the main project as dependency, and therefore the main project can't be built as an executable if(sibsConfig.shouldBuildTests()) { // HACK: We can build a package that is defined as executable and contains main function by redefining `main` as something else. // TODO: Do not allow defining `main` in project.conf or as program argument to sibs. // It's ok if `define` fails. It could fail if `main` has already been replaced by other tests somehow. sibsConfig.define("main", "sibs_lib_ignore_main"); sibsConfig.define("wmain", "sibs_lib_ignore_wmain"); sibsConfig.define("WinMain", "sibs_lib_ignore_WinMain"); sibsConfig.setPackageType(PackageType::DYNAMIC); } auto startTime = high_resolution_clock::now(); if(sibsConfig.shouldUseCmake()) { auto dummyCallback = [](const string&){}; // TODO: Add test and sub projects CmakeModule cmakeModule; Result cmakeCompileResult = cmakeModule.compile(sibsConfig, buildPath, dummyCallback, dummyCallback, dummyCallback); if(!cmakeCompileResult) { ferr << "Failed to compile using cmake: " << toFileString(cmakeCompileResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(7); } } else { backend::Ninja ninja; // TODO: Do same for cmake switch (sibsConfig.getOptimizationLevel()) { case OPT_LEV_DEBUG: { // TODO: Check if this dependency is static or dynamic and decide which lib path to use from that for(const string &staticLib : sibsConfig.getDebugStaticLibs()) { string staticLibCmd = "\""; staticLibCmd += staticLib; staticLibCmd += "\""; ninja.addDependency(staticLibCmd); } break; } case OPT_LEV_RELEASE: { // TODO: Check if this dependency is static or dynamic and decide which lib path to use from that for (const string &staticLib : sibsConfig.getReleaseStaticLibs()) { string staticLibCmd = "\""; staticLibCmd += staticLib; staticLibCmd += "\""; ninja.addDependency(staticLibCmd); } break; } } if(sibsConfig.shouldBuildTests() && sibsConfig.getTestPath().empty() && !sibsConfig.zigTestAllFiles && sibsConfig.zigTestFiles.empty()) { printf("Project is missing tests subdirectory. No tests to build\n"); exit(50); } backend::BackendUtils::collectSourceFiles(projectPath.c_str(), &ninja, sibsConfig); sibsConfig.setMainProject(true); Result buildFileResult = ninja.build(sibsConfig, buildPath.c_str()); if(buildFileResult.isErr()) { ferr << "Failed to build ninja file: " << toFileString(buildFileResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(7); } } auto elapsedTime = duration_cast>(high_resolution_clock::now() - startTime); printf("Finished in %fs\n", elapsedTime.count()); return 0; } static int buildProject(int argc, const _tinydir_char_t **argv) { OptimizationLevel optimizationLevel = OPT_LEV_NONE; FileString projectPath; bool sanitize = false; const _tinydir_char_t *platformName = nullptr; for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { const _tinydir_char_t *arg = argv[i]; if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--debug")) == 0) { if(optimizationLevel != OPT_LEV_NONE) { ferr << "Error: Optimization level defined more than once. First defined as " << asString(optimizationLevel) << " then as debug" << endl; usageBuild(); } optimizationLevel = OPT_LEV_DEBUG; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--release")) == 0) { if(optimizationLevel != OPT_LEV_NONE) { ferr << "Error: Optimization level defined more than once. First defined as " << asString(optimizationLevel) << " then as release" << endl; usageBuild(); } optimizationLevel = OPT_LEV_RELEASE; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--sanitize")) == 0) { sanitize = true; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--platform")) == 0) { if(i == argc - 1) { ferr << "Error: Expected platform to target after --platform" << endl; usageBuild(); } ++i; arg = argv[i]; if(platformName) { ferr << "Error: Platform defined twice. First as " << platformName << " then as " << arg << endl; usageBuild(); } platformName = arg; } else if(_tinydir_strncmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--"), 2) == 0) { ferr << "Error: Invalid argument " << arg << endl; usageBuild(); } else { if(!projectPath.empty()) { ferr << "Error: Project path was defined more than once. First defined as " << projectPath << " then as " << arg << endl; usageBuild(); } projectPath = arg; } } if(optimizationLevel == OPT_LEV_NONE) optimizationLevel = OPT_LEV_DEBUG; if(!platformName) platformName = asString(SYSTEM_PLATFORM); string platformUtf8 = toUtf8(platformName); Platform platform = getPlatformByName(StringView(platformUtf8.data(), platformUtf8.size())); if(platform == PLATFORM_INVALID) { ferr << "Invalid platform " << platformName << endl; usageBuild(); } bool crossCompileLinux64ToWin64 = (SYSTEM_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_LINUX64 && platform == PLATFORM_WIN64); if(platform != SYSTEM_PLATFORM && !crossCompileLinux64ToWin64) { ferr << "Cross compilation is currently only supported from linux64 to win64" << endl; exit(33); } // TODO: If projectPath is not defined and working directory does not contain project.conf, then search every parent directory until one is found if(projectPath.empty()) projectPath = TINYDIR_STRING("."); validateDirectoryPath(projectPath.c_str()); if(projectPath.back() != '/') projectPath += TINYDIR_STRING("/"); Result projectRealPathResult = getRealPath(projectPath.c_str()); if(!projectRealPathResult) { ferr << "Failed to get real path for: '" << projectPath.c_str() << "': " << toFileString(projectRealPathResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(40); } projectPath = projectRealPathResult.unwrap(); FileString projectConfFilePath = projectPath; projectConfFilePath += TINYDIR_STRING("/project.conf"); validateFilePath(projectConfFilePath.c_str()); // TODO: Detect compiler to use at runtime. Should also be configurable // by passing argument to `sibs build` #if OS_FAMILY == OS_FAMILY_POSIX Compiler compiler = Compiler::GCC; if(crossCompileLinux64ToWin64) { compiler = Compiler::MINGW_W64; PkgConfig::setPkgConfigPath(TINYDIR_STRING("x86_64-w64-mingw32-pkg-config")); } #else Compiler compiler = Compiler::MSVC; #endif SibsConfig sibsConfig(compiler, projectPath, optimizationLevel, false); sibsConfig.showWarnings = true; sibsConfig.platform = platform; sibsConfig.setSanitize(sanitize); return buildProject(projectPath, projectConfFilePath, sibsConfig); } static int testProject(int argc, const _tinydir_char_t **argv) { if(argc > 2) usageTest(); FileString projectPath; vector filesToTest; bool testAllFiles = false; bool sanitize = true; for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { const _tinydir_char_t *arg = argv[i]; if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--no-sanitize")) == 0) { sanitize = false; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--file")) == 0) { if(i == argc - 1) { ferr << "Error: Expected path to file to test after --file " << endl; usageTest(); } ++i; arg = argv[i]; filesToTest.push_back(arg); if(testAllFiles) { ferr << "Error: --file can't be used together with --all-files " << endl; usageTest(); } } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--all-files")) == 0) { if(testAllFiles) { ferr << "Error: --all-files defined twice " << endl; usageTest(); } testAllFiles = true; if(!filesToTest.empty()) { ferr << "Error: --all-files can't be used together with --file " << endl; usageTest(); } } else if(_tinydir_strncmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--"), 2) == 0) { ferr << "Error: Invalid argument " << arg << endl; usageTest(); } else { if(!projectPath.empty()) { ferr << "Error: Project path was defined more than once. First defined as " << projectPath << " then as " << arg << endl; usageTest(); } projectPath = arg; } } // TODO: If projectPath is not defined and working directory does not contain project.conf, then search every parent directory until one is found if(projectPath.empty()) projectPath = TINYDIR_STRING("."); validateDirectoryPath(projectPath.c_str()); if(projectPath.back() != '/') projectPath += TINYDIR_STRING("/"); Result projectRealPathResult = getRealPath(projectPath.c_str()); if(!projectRealPathResult) { ferr << "Failed to get real path for: '" << projectPath.c_str() << "': " << toFileString(projectRealPathResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(40); } projectPath = projectRealPathResult.unwrap(); for(const FileString &testFile : filesToTest) { if(testFile.empty()) { ferr << "Error: Test filepath can't be empty" << endl; exit(20); } FileType fileType = getFileType(testFile.c_str()); switch(fileType) { case FileType::FILE_NOT_FOUND: { ferr << "Error: Test file not found: " << testFile << endl; exit(20); break; } case FileType::DIRECTORY: { ferr << "Error: Test file " << testFile << " is a directory, expected to be a file" << endl; exit(20); break; } case FileType::REGULAR: { // TODO: This can be optimized, there is no need to create a copy to check file extension FileString fileExtension = backend::BackendUtils::getFileExtension(testFile); sibs::Language fileLanguage = backend::BackendUtils::getFileLanguage(fileExtension.c_str()); if(fileLanguage != sibs::Language::ZIG) { ferr << "Error: file specific testing can only be done on zig files. " << testFile << " is not a zig file" << endl; exit(42); } break; } } } FileString projectConfFilePath = projectPath; projectConfFilePath += TINYDIR_STRING("/project.conf"); validateFilePath(projectConfFilePath.c_str()); // TODO: Detect compiler to use at runtime. Should also be configurable // by passing argument to `sibs build` #if OS_FAMILY == OS_FAMILY_POSIX Compiler compiler = Compiler::GCC; #else Compiler compiler = Compiler::MSVC; #endif SibsConfig sibsConfig(compiler, projectPath, OPT_LEV_DEBUG, true); sibsConfig.showWarnings = true; sibsConfig.setSanitize(sanitize); sibsConfig.zigTestFiles = move(filesToTest); sibsConfig.zigTestAllFiles = testAllFiles; return buildProject(projectPath, projectConfFilePath, sibsConfig); } // Returns nullptr if @charToFind is not found static const _tinydir_char_t* findLastOf(const _tinydir_char_t *str, const int strSize, const char charToFind) { for(int i = strSize; i >= 0; --i) { if(str[i] == charToFind) return str + i; } return nullptr; } static Result newProjectCreateConf(const string &projectName, const string &projectType, const FileString &projectPath) { string projectConfStr = "[package]\n"; projectConfStr += "name = \"" + projectName + "\"\n"; projectConfStr += "type = \"" + projectType + "\"\n"; projectConfStr += "version = \"0.1.0\"\n"; projectConfStr += "platforms = [\"" + string(asString(getPlatformGenericType(SYSTEM_PLATFORM))) + "\"]\n\n"; projectConfStr += "[dependencies]\n"; FileString projectConfPath = projectPath; projectConfPath += TINYDIR_STRING("/project.conf"); return fileWrite(projectConfPath.c_str(), projectConfStr.c_str()); } static Result createDirectoryRecursive(const FileString &dir) { return createDirectoryRecursive(dir.c_str()); } static void createProjectFile(const FileString &projectFilePath, const string &fileContent) { Result fileOverwriteResult = fileOverwrite(projectFilePath.c_str(), fileContent.c_str()); if(fileOverwriteResult.isErr()) { ferr << "Failed to create project file: " << toFileString(fileOverwriteResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(20); } } // This can be replaced with createDirectory and fileOverwrite, but it's not important // so there is no reason to do it (right now) static Result gitInitProject(const FileString &projectPath) { FileString cmd = TINYDIR_STRING("git init \""); cmd += projectPath; cmd += TINYDIR_STRING("\""); return exec(cmd.c_str()); } static bool gitIgnoreContainsSibs(const FileString &gitIgnoreFilePath) { Result fileContentResult = getFileContent(gitIgnoreFilePath.c_str()); if(!fileContentResult) return false; StringView fileContent = fileContentResult.unwrap(); const char *fileContentEnd = fileContent.data + fileContent.size; auto it = std::search(fileContent.data, fileContentEnd, SIBS_GITIGNORE_HEADER.begin(), SIBS_GITIGNORE_HEADER.end()); bool containsSibs = it != fileContentEnd; free((void*)fileContent.data); return containsSibs; } static void gitIgnoreAppendSibs(const FileString &gitIgnoreFilePath) { Result fileContentResult = getFileContent(gitIgnoreFilePath.c_str()); string fileContentNew; if(fileContentResult) { StringView fileContent = fileContentResult.unwrap(); fileContentNew.append(fileContent.data, fileContent.data + fileContent.size); fileContentNew += "\n\n"; free((void*)fileContent.data); } fileContentNew += SIBS_GITIGNORE_HEADER; fileContentNew += "\n"; fileContentNew += SIBS_GITIGNORE_FILES; Result result = fileOverwrite(gitIgnoreFilePath.c_str(), { fileContentNew.data(), fileContentNew.size() }); if(!result) ferr << "Failed to add sibs to .gitignore, reason: " << toFileString(result.getErrMsg()) << endl; } static int initProject(int argc, const _tinydir_char_t **argv) { FileString projectPath; const _tinydir_char_t *projectType = nullptr; const _tinydir_char_t *lang = nullptr; for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { const _tinydir_char_t *arg = argv[i]; if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--exec")) == 0) { if(projectType) { ferr << "Error: Project type was defined more than once. First as " << projectType << " then as " << arg << endl; usageInit(); } projectType = arg; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--static")) == 0) { if(projectType) { ferr << "Error: Project type was defined more than once. First as " << projectType << " then as " << arg << endl; usageInit(); } projectType = arg; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--dynamic")) == 0) { if(projectType) { ferr << "Error: Project type was defined more than once. First as " << projectType << " then as " << arg << endl; usageInit(); } projectType = arg; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--lang")) == 0) { if(i == argc - 1) { ferr << "Error: Expected language argument after --lang" << endl; usageInit(); } ++i; arg = argv[i]; if(lang) { ferr << "Error: Project language was defined more than once. First as " << lang << " then as " << arg << endl; usageInit(); } lang = arg; if(_tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("c")) != 0 && _tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("c++")) != 0 && _tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("zig")) != 0) { ferr << "Expected project language to be either c, c++ or zig; was: " << lang << endl << endl; usageInit(); } } else if(_tinydir_strncmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--"), 2) == 0) { ferr << "Error: Invalid argument " << arg << endl; usageInit(); } else { if(!projectPath.empty()) { ferr << "Error: Project path was defined more than once. First defined as " << projectPath << " then as " << arg << endl; usageInit(); } projectPath = arg; } } if(!projectType) { ferr << "Error: Project type not defined, expected to be either --exec, --static or --dynamic" << endl; usageInit(); } if(!lang) lang = TINYDIR_STRING("c++"); string projectTypeConf; if(_tinydir_strcmp(projectType, TINYDIR_STRING("--exec")) == 0) projectTypeConf = "executable"; else if(_tinydir_strcmp(projectType, TINYDIR_STRING("--static")) == 0) projectTypeConf = "static"; else if(_tinydir_strcmp(projectType, TINYDIR_STRING("--dynamic")) == 0) projectTypeConf = "dynamic"; else { ferr << "Expected project type to be either --exec, --static or --dynamic; was: " << projectType << endl << endl; usageInit(); } // TODO: If projectPath is not defined and working directory does not contain project.conf, then search every parent directory until one is found if(projectPath.empty()) { ferr << "Error: Project path not defined" << endl; usageInit(); } validateDirectoryPath(projectPath.c_str()); if(projectPath.back() != '/') projectPath += TINYDIR_STRING("/"); Result projectRealPathResult = getRealPath(projectPath.c_str()); if(!projectRealPathResult) { ferr << "Failed to get real path for: '" << projectPath.c_str() << "': " << toFileString(projectRealPathResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(40); } projectPath = projectRealPathResult.unwrap(); FileType projectFileType = getFileType(projectPath.c_str()); if(projectFileType == FileType::FILE_NOT_FOUND) { ferr << "Directory not found: '" << projectPath << "', unable to initialize project" << endl; exit(20); } else if(projectFileType == FileType::REGULAR) { ferr << "Expected project path : '" << projectPath << "' to be a directory, was a file. Unable to initialize project" << endl; exit(21); } const _tinydir_char_t *projectNameForwardSlash = findLastOf(projectPath.c_str(), projectPath.size(), '/'); const _tinydir_char_t *projectNameBackwardSlash = findLastOf(projectPath.c_str(), projectPath.size(), '\\'); string projectName; if(projectNameForwardSlash && projectNameBackwardSlash) { if(projectNameForwardSlash > projectNameBackwardSlash) projectName = toUtf8(projectNameForwardSlash + 1); else projectName = toUtf8(projectNameBackwardSlash + 1); } else if(!projectNameForwardSlash && projectNameBackwardSlash) projectName = toUtf8(projectNameBackwardSlash + 1); else if(!projectNameBackwardSlash && projectNameForwardSlash) projectName = toUtf8(projectNameForwardSlash + 1); else projectName = toUtf8(projectPath); if(!isProjectNameValid(projectName)) { ferr << "Project name can only contain alphanumerical characters, dash (-) or underscore (_) and has to be longer than 0 characters" << endl; exit(20); } auto createProjectConfResult = newProjectCreateConf(projectName, projectTypeConf, projectPath); if(!createProjectConfResult) { ferr << "A project already exists in the directory " << projectPath << ". Error: failed to create project.conf, reason: " << toFileString(createProjectConfResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(20); } createDirectoryRecursive(projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/src")); if(_tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("c")) == 0 || _tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("c++")) == 0) { createDirectoryRecursive(projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/tests")); createDirectoryRecursive(projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/include")); FileString mainFileName; if(_tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("c")) == 0) mainFileName = TINYDIR_STRING("main.c"); else mainFileName = TINYDIR_STRING("main.cpp"); if(projectTypeConf == "executable") { auto mainFilePath = projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/src/") + mainFileName; Result fileOverwriteResult = fileWrite(mainFilePath.c_str(), "#include \n\nint main(int argc, char **argv)\n{\n printf(\"hello, world!\\n\");\n return 0;\n}\n"); if(!fileOverwriteResult) fout << "Warning: Failed to create project file: " << toFileString(fileOverwriteResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; } auto testFilePath = projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/tests/") + mainFileName; Result fileOverwriteResult = fileWrite(testFilePath.c_str(), "#include \n\nint main(int argc, char **argv)\n{\n printf(\"hello, world!\\n\");\n return 0;\n}\n"); if(!fileOverwriteResult) fout << "Warning: Failed to create project file: " << toFileString(fileOverwriteResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("zig")) == 0 && projectTypeConf == "executable") { auto mainFilePath = projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/src/main.zig"); Result fileOverwriteResult = fileWrite(mainFilePath.c_str(), "const warn = @import(\"std\").debug.warn;\n\npub fn main() void {\n warn(\"Hello, world!\\n\");\n}\n"); if(!fileOverwriteResult) fout << "Warning: Failed to create project file: " << toFileString(fileOverwriteResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; } auto gitProjDir = projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/.git"); if(getFileType(gitProjDir.c_str()) == FileType::FILE_NOT_FOUND) gitInitProject(projectPath); auto gitIgnoreFilePath = projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/.gitignore"); if(!gitIgnoreContainsSibs(gitIgnoreFilePath)) gitIgnoreAppendSibs(gitIgnoreFilePath); return 0; } enum class PackagingType { NONE, STATIC, BUNDLE, BUNDLE_INSTALL }; static const char* asString(PackagingType packagingType) { switch(packagingType) { case PackagingType::STATIC: return "--static"; case PackagingType::BUNDLE: return "--bundle"; default: return "none"; } } static void validateSibsScriptDir(const FileString &sibsScriptDir) { FileType projectPathFileType = getFileType(sibsScriptDir.c_str()); if(projectPathFileType == FileType::FILE_NOT_FOUND) { string errMsg = "Error: invalid SIBS_SCRIPT_DIR: "; errMsg += toUtf8(sibsScriptDir); perror(errMsg.c_str()); exit(2); } else if(projectPathFileType == FileType::REGULAR) { ferr <<"Error: Expected SIBS_SCRIPT_DIR path (" << sibsScriptDir << ") to be a directory, was a file" << endl; exit(3); } } static void validateSibsScriptPath(const FileString &sibsScriptFilepath) { FileType projectPathFileType = getFileType(sibsScriptFilepath.c_str()); if(projectPathFileType == FileType::FILE_NOT_FOUND) { string errMsg = "Error: invalid sibs script: "; errMsg += toUtf8(sibsScriptFilepath); perror(errMsg.c_str()); exit(2); } else if(projectPathFileType == FileType::DIRECTORY) { ferr <<"Error: Expected sibs script at location (" << sibsScriptFilepath << ") to be a file, was a directory" << endl; exit(3); } } static int packageProject(int argc, const _tinydir_char_t **argv) { #if OS_TYPE != OS_TYPE_LINUX fprintf(stderr, "Error: sibs package command is currently only available on linux\n"); exit(66); #endif char *sibsScriptDirRaw = getenv("SIBS_SCRIPT_DIR"); if(!sibsScriptDirRaw) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: SIBS_SCRIPT_DIR needs to be defined. SIBS_SCRIPT_DIR should be the location to sibs scripts\n"); exit(67); } FileString sibsScriptDir = toFileString(string(sibsScriptDirRaw)); validateSibsScriptDir(sibsScriptDir); FileString packageScriptPath = sibsScriptDir + TINYDIR_STRING("/package.py"); validateSibsScriptPath(packageScriptPath); FileString projectPath; PackagingType packagingType = PackagingType::NONE; for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { const _tinydir_char_t *arg = argv[i]; if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--static")) == 0) { if(packagingType != PackagingType::NONE) { ferr << "Error: Project packaging type was defined more than once. First as " << asString(packagingType) << " then as " << "static" << endl; usagePackage(); } packagingType = PackagingType::STATIC; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--bundle")) == 0) { if(packagingType != PackagingType::NONE) { ferr << "Error: Project packaging type was defined more than once. First as " << asString(packagingType) << " then as " << "bundle" << endl; usagePackage(); } packagingType = PackagingType::BUNDLE; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--bundle-install")) == 0) { if(packagingType != PackagingType::NONE) { ferr << "Error: Project packaging type was defined more than once. First as " << asString(packagingType) << " then as " << "bundle-install" << endl; usagePackage(); } packagingType = PackagingType::BUNDLE_INSTALL; } else { if(!projectPath.empty()) { ferr << "Error: Project path was defined more than once. First defined as " << projectPath << " then as " << arg << endl; usagePackage(); } projectPath = arg; } } if(packagingType == PackagingType::NONE) { ferr << "Error: Project packaging type is not defined, expected to be either --static or --bundle" << endl; usagePackage(); } // TODO: If projectPath is not defined and working directory does not contain project.conf, then search every parent directory until one is found if(projectPath.empty()) projectPath = TINYDIR_STRING("."); validateDirectoryPath(projectPath.c_str()); if(projectPath.back() != '/') projectPath += TINYDIR_STRING("/"); Result projectRealPathResult = getRealPath(projectPath.c_str()); if(!projectRealPathResult) { ferr << "Failed to get real path for: '" << projectPath.c_str() << "': " << toFileString(projectRealPathResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(40); } projectPath = projectRealPathResult.unwrap(); FileString projectConfFilePath = projectPath; projectConfFilePath += TINYDIR_STRING("/project.conf"); validateFilePath(projectConfFilePath.c_str()); // TODO: Detect compiler to use at runtime. Should also be configurable // by passing argument to `sibs package` #if OS_FAMILY == OS_FAMILY_POSIX Compiler compiler = Compiler::GCC; #else Compiler compiler = Compiler::MSVC; #endif SibsConfig sibsConfig(compiler, projectPath, OPT_LEV_RELEASE, false); sibsConfig.showWarnings = true; sibsConfig.packaging = packagingType == PackagingType::STATIC; sibsConfig.bundling = (packagingType == PackagingType::BUNDLE) || (packagingType == PackagingType::BUNDLE_INSTALL); int result = buildProject(projectPath, projectConfFilePath, sibsConfig); if(result != 0) return result; switch(packagingType) { case PackagingType::STATIC: { string packagePath = toUtf8(projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/sibs-build/package")); printf("Project %s was successfully packaged and can be found at %s\n", sibsConfig.getPackageName().c_str(), packagePath.c_str()); break; } case PackagingType::BUNDLE: case PackagingType::BUNDLE_INSTALL: { const _tinydir_char_t *bundleType = nullptr; switch(packagingType) { case PackagingType::BUNDLE: bundleType = TINYDIR_STRING("--bundle"); break; case PackagingType::BUNDLE_INSTALL: bundleType = TINYDIR_STRING("--bundle-install"); break; } FileString packagePath = projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/sibs-build/package"); FileString executablePath = projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/sibs-build/release/") + toFileString(sibsConfig.getPackageName()); printf("Creating a package from project and dependencies...\n"); // args: executable_path program_version destination_path <--bundle|--bundle-install> FileString cmd = TINYDIR_STRING("python3 \"") + packageScriptPath + TINYDIR_STRING("\" \"") + executablePath + TINYDIR_STRING("\" \"") + toFileString(sibsConfig.version) + TINYDIR_STRING("\" \"") + packagePath + TINYDIR_STRING("\" ") + bundleType; Result bundleResult = exec(cmd.c_str(), true); if(!bundleResult) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to package project as a bundle, reason: %s\n", bundleResult.getErrMsg().c_str()); exit(77); } break; } } return 0; } static void newProjectCreateMainDir(const FileString &projectPath) { Result createProjectDirResult = createDirectoryRecursive(projectPath.c_str()); if(createProjectDirResult.isErr()) { ferr << "Failed to create project main directory: " << toFileString(createProjectDirResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(20); } } static void checkFailCreateSubDir(Result createSubDirResult) { if(!createSubDirResult) { ferr << "Failed to create directory in project: " << toFileString(createSubDirResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(20); } } static int newProject(int argc, const _tinydir_char_t **argv) { string projectName; const _tinydir_char_t *projectType = nullptr; const _tinydir_char_t *lang = nullptr; for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { const _tinydir_char_t *arg = argv[i]; if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--exec")) == 0) { if(projectType) { ferr << "Error: Project type was defined more than once. First as " << projectType << " then as " << arg << endl; usageNew(); } projectType = arg; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--static")) == 0) { if(projectType) { ferr << "Error: Project type was defined more than once. First as " << projectType << " then as " << arg << endl; usageNew(); } projectType = arg; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--dynamic")) == 0) { if(projectType) { ferr << "Error: Project type was defined more than once. First as " << projectType << " then as " << arg << endl; usageNew(); } projectType = arg; } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--lang")) == 0) { if(i == argc - 1) { ferr << "Error: Expected language argument after --lang" << endl; usageNew(); } ++i; arg = argv[i]; if(lang) { ferr << "Error: Project language was defined more than once. First as " << lang << " then as " << arg << endl; usageNew(); } lang = arg; if(_tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("c")) != 0 && _tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("c++")) != 0 && _tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("zig")) != 0) { ferr << "Expected project language to be either c, c++ or zig; was: " << lang << endl << endl; usageNew(); } } else if(_tinydir_strncmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("--"), 2) == 0) { ferr << "Error: Invalid argument " << arg << endl; usageNew(); } else { if(!projectName.empty()) { ferr << "Error: Project name was defined more than once. First defined as " << toFileString(projectName) << " then as " << arg << endl; usageNew(); } projectName = toUtf8(arg); } } if(!projectType) { ferr << "Error: Project type not defined, expected to be either --exec, --static or --dynamic" << endl; usageNew(); } if(!lang) lang = TINYDIR_STRING("c++"); string projectTypeConf; if(_tinydir_strcmp(projectType, TINYDIR_STRING("--exec")) == 0) projectTypeConf = "executable"; else if(_tinydir_strcmp(projectType, TINYDIR_STRING("--static")) == 0) projectTypeConf = "static"; else if(_tinydir_strcmp(projectType, TINYDIR_STRING("--dynamic")) == 0) projectTypeConf = "dynamic"; else { ferr << "Expected project type to be either --exec, --static or --dynamic; was: " << projectType << endl << endl; usageNew(); } Result cwdResult = getCwd(); if(cwdResult.isErr()) { ferr << "Failed to get current working directory: " << toFileString(cwdResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(20); } if(!isProjectNameValid(projectName)) { ferr << "Project name can only contain alphanumerical characters, dash (-) or underscore (_)" << endl; exit(20); } FileString projectPath = cwdResult.unwrap(); projectPath += TINYDIR_STRING("/"); projectPath += toFileString(projectName); bool projectPathExists = getFileType(projectPath.c_str()) != FileType::FILE_NOT_FOUND; if(projectPathExists) { ferr << "Unable to create a new project at path '" << projectPath << "'. A file or directory already exists in the same location" << endl; exit(20); } newProjectCreateMainDir(projectPath); auto createProjectConfResult = newProjectCreateConf(projectName, projectTypeConf, projectPath); if(!createProjectConfResult) { ferr << "Failed to create project.conf: " << toFileString(createProjectConfResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(20); } createDirectoryRecursive(projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/src")); if(_tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("c")) == 0 || _tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("c++")) == 0) { createDirectoryRecursive(projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/tests")); createDirectoryRecursive(projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/include")); FileString mainFileName; if(_tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("c")) == 0) mainFileName = TINYDIR_STRING("main.c"); else mainFileName = TINYDIR_STRING("main.cpp"); if(projectTypeConf == "executable") { auto mainFilePath = projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/src/") + mainFileName; Result fileOverwriteResult = fileWrite(mainFilePath.c_str(), "#include \n\nint main(int argc, char **argv)\n{\n printf(\"hello, world!\\n\");\n return 0;\n}\n"); if(!fileOverwriteResult) { ferr << "Failed to create project file: " << toFileString(fileOverwriteResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(20); } } auto testFilePath = projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/tests/") + mainFileName; Result fileOverwriteResult = fileWrite(testFilePath.c_str(), "#include \n\nint main(int argc, char **argv)\n{\n printf(\"hello, world!\\n\");\n return 0;\n}\n"); if(!fileOverwriteResult) { ferr << "Failed to create project file: " << toFileString(fileOverwriteResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(20); } } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(lang, TINYDIR_STRING("zig")) == 0 && projectTypeConf == "executable") { auto mainFilePath = projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/src/main.zig"); Result fileOverwriteResult = fileWrite(mainFilePath.c_str(), "const warn = @import(\"std\").debug.warn;\n\npub fn main() void {\n warn(\"Hello, world!\\n\");\n}\n"); if(!fileOverwriteResult) { ferr << " Failed to create project file: " << toFileString(fileOverwriteResult.getErrMsg()) << endl; exit(20); } } // We are ignoring git init result on purpose. If it fails, just ignore it; not important gitInitProject(projectPath); auto gitIgnoreFilePath = projectPath + TINYDIR_STRING("/.gitignore"); gitIgnoreAppendSibs(gitIgnoreFilePath); return 0; } #if OS_FAMILY == OS_FAMILY_POSIX int main(int argc, const _tinydir_char_t **argv) #else int wmain(int argc, const _tinydir_char_t **argv) #endif { unordered_map param; unordered_set flags; for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { const _tinydir_char_t *arg = argv[i]; int subCommandArgCount = argc - i - 1; const _tinydir_char_t **subCommandArgPtr = argv + i + 1; if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("build")) == 0) { appendBuildToolToPathEnv(); return buildProject(subCommandArgCount, subCommandArgPtr); } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("new")) == 0) { return newProject(subCommandArgCount, subCommandArgPtr); } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("test")) == 0) { appendBuildToolToPathEnv(); return testProject(subCommandArgCount, subCommandArgPtr); } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("init")) == 0) { return initProject(subCommandArgCount, subCommandArgPtr); } else if(_tinydir_strcmp(arg, TINYDIR_STRING("package")) == 0) { return packageProject(subCommandArgCount, subCommandArgPtr); } else { ferr << "Expected command to be either 'build', 'new' or 'test', was: " << arg << endl << endl; usage(); } } usage(); return 0; } // Mingw needs this #if OS_FAMILY == OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { return wmain(__argc, (const _tinydir_char_t**)__wargv); } #endif