path: root/json.h
diff options
authordec05eba <dec05eba@protonmail.com>2020-07-13 15:59:30 +0200
committerdec05eba <dec05eba@protonmail.com>2020-07-13 15:59:30 +0200
commitae0520e57267dbd866fc8cd25f66f4e6af2ac118 (patch)
tree22788688f1b588c3ad00c1ce3fe13da68b3a9382 /json.h
parenta1ca82847eb356c6b85ada2ac11f38d98f6e085e (diff)
Move c files into src directory
Diffstat (limited to 'json.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3077 deletions
diff --git a/json.h b/json.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ea755c..0000000
--- a/json.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3077 +0,0 @@
- The latest version of this library is available on GitHub;
- https://github.com/sheredom/json.h.
- This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
- Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
- distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
- binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
- means.
- In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
- of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
- software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
- of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
- successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
- relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
- software under copyright law.
- For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org/>.
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#pragma warning(push)
-/* disable 'bytes padding added after construct' warning */
-#pragma warning(disable : 4820)
-#include <stddef.h>
-#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
-#define json_weak __attribute__((weak))
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-#define json_weak __inline
-#error Non clang, non gcc, non MSVC compiler found!
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct json_value_s;
-struct json_parse_result_s;
-enum json_parse_flags_e {
- json_parse_flags_default = 0,
- /* allow trailing commas in objects and arrays. For example, both [true,] and
- {"a" : null,} would be allowed with this option on. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_trailing_comma = 0x1,
- /* allow unquoted keys for objects. For example, {a : null} would be allowed
- with this option on. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_unquoted_keys = 0x2,
- /* allow a global unbracketed object. For example, a : null, b : true, c : {}
- would be allowed with this option on. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_global_object = 0x4,
- /* allow objects to use '=' instead of ':' between key/value pairs. For
- example, a = null, b : true would be allowed with this option on. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_equals_in_object = 0x8,
- /* allow that objects don't have to have comma separators between key/value
- pairs. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_no_commas = 0x10,
- /* allow c-style comments (either variants) to be ignored in the input JSON
- file. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_c_style_comments = 0x20,
- /* deprecated flag, unused. */
- json_parse_flags_deprecated = 0x40,
- /* record location information for each value. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_location_information = 0x80,
- /* allow strings to be 'single quoted'. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_single_quoted_strings = 0x100,
- /* allow numbers to be hexadecimal. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_hexadecimal_numbers = 0x200,
- /* allow numbers like +123 to be parsed. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_leading_plus_sign = 0x400,
- /* allow numbers like .0123 or 123. to be parsed. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_leading_or_trailing_decimal_point = 0x800,
- /* allow Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, -NaN. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_inf_and_nan = 0x1000,
- /* allow multi line string values. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_multi_line_strings = 0x2000,
- /* allow simplified JSON to be parsed. Simplified JSON is an enabling of a set
- of other parsing options. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_simplified_json =
- (json_parse_flags_allow_trailing_comma |
- json_parse_flags_allow_unquoted_keys |
- json_parse_flags_allow_global_object |
- json_parse_flags_allow_equals_in_object |
- json_parse_flags_allow_no_commas),
- /* allow JSON5 to be parsed. JSON5 is an enabling of a set of other parsing
- options. */
- json_parse_flags_allow_json5 =
- (json_parse_flags_allow_trailing_comma |
- json_parse_flags_allow_unquoted_keys |
- json_parse_flags_allow_c_style_comments |
- json_parse_flags_allow_single_quoted_strings |
- json_parse_flags_allow_hexadecimal_numbers |
- json_parse_flags_allow_leading_plus_sign |
- json_parse_flags_allow_leading_or_trailing_decimal_point |
- json_parse_flags_allow_inf_and_nan |
- json_parse_flags_allow_multi_line_strings)
-/* Parse a JSON text file, returning a pointer to the root of the JSON
- * structure. json_parse performs 1 call to malloc for the entire encoding.
- * Returns 0 if an error occurred (malformed JSON input, or malloc failed). */
-json_weak struct json_value_s *json_parse(const void *src, size_t src_size);
-/* Parse a JSON text file, returning a pointer to the root of the JSON
- * structure. json_parse performs 1 call to malloc for the entire encoding.
- * Returns 0 if an error occurred (malformed JSON input, or malloc failed). If
- * an error occurred, the result struct (if not NULL) will explain the type of
- * error, and the location in the input it occurred. */
-json_weak struct json_value_s *
-json_parse_ex(const void *src, size_t src_size, size_t flags_bitset,
- void *(*alloc_func_ptr)(void *, size_t), void *user_data,
- struct json_parse_result_s *result);
-/* Write out a minified JSON utf-8 string. This string is an encoding of the
- * minimal string characters required to still encode the same data.
- * json_write_minified performs 1 call to malloc for the entire encoding. Return
- * 0 if an error occurred (malformed JSON input, or malloc failed). The out_size
- * parameter is optional as the utf-8 string is null terminated. */
-json_weak void *json_write_minified(const struct json_value_s *value,
- size_t *out_size);
-/* Write out a pretty JSON utf-8 string. This string is encoded such that the
- * resultant JSON is pretty in that it is easily human readable. The indent and
- * newline parameters allow a user to specify what kind of indentation and
- * newline they want (two spaces / three spaces / tabs? \r, \n, \r\n ?). Both
- * indent and newline can be NULL, indent defaults to two spaces (" "), and
- * newline defaults to linux newlines ('\n' as the newline character).
- * json_write_pretty performs 1 call to malloc for the entire encoding. Return 0
- * if an error occurred (malformed JSON input, or malloc failed). The out_size
- * parameter is optional as the utf-8 string is null terminated. */
-json_weak void *json_write_pretty(const struct json_value_s *value,
- const char *indent, const char *newline,
- size_t *out_size);
-/* Reinterpret a JSON value as a string. Returns null is the value was not a
- * string. */
-json_weak struct json_string_s *
-json_value_as_string(struct json_value_s *const value);
-/* Reinterpret a JSON value as a number. Returns null is the value was not a
- * number. */
-json_weak struct json_number_s *
-json_value_as_number(struct json_value_s *const value);
-/* Reinterpret a JSON value as an object. Returns null is the value was not an
- * object. */
-json_weak struct json_object_s *
-json_value_as_object(struct json_value_s *const value);
-/* Reinterpret a JSON value as an array. Returns null is the value was not an
- * array. */
-json_weak struct json_array_s *
-json_value_as_array(struct json_value_s *const value);
-/* Whether the value is true. */
-json_weak int json_value_is_true(const struct json_value_s *const value);
-/* Whether the value is false. */
-json_weak int json_value_is_false(const struct json_value_s *const value);
-/* Whether the value is null. */
-json_weak int json_value_is_null(const struct json_value_s *const value);
-/* The various types JSON values can be. Used to identify what a value is. */
-enum json_type_e {
- json_type_string,
- json_type_number,
- json_type_object,
- json_type_array,
- json_type_true,
- json_type_false,
- json_type_null
-/* A JSON string value. */
-struct json_string_s {
- /* utf-8 string */
- const char *string;
- /* The size (in bytes) of the string */
- size_t string_size;
-/* A JSON string value (extended). */
-struct json_string_ex_s {
- /* The JSON string this extends. */
- struct json_string_s string;
- /* The character offset for the value in the JSON input. */
- size_t offset;
- /* The line number for the value in the JSON input. */
- size_t line_no;
- /* The row number for the value in the JSON input, in bytes. */
- size_t row_no;
-/* A JSON number value. */
-struct json_number_s {
- /* ASCII string containing representation of the number. */
- const char *number;
- /* the size (in bytes) of the number. */
- size_t number_size;
-/* an element of a JSON object. */
-struct json_object_element_s {
- /* the name of this element. */
- struct json_string_s *name;
- /* the value of this element. */
- struct json_value_s *value;
- /* the next object element (can be NULL if the last element in the object). */
- struct json_object_element_s *next;
-/* a JSON object value. */
-struct json_object_s {
- /* a linked list of the elements in the object. */
- struct json_object_element_s *start;
- /* the number of elements in the object. */
- size_t length;
-/* an element of a JSON array. */
-struct json_array_element_s {
- /* the value of this element. */
- struct json_value_s *value;
- /* the next array element (can be NULL if the last element in the array). */
- struct json_array_element_s *next;
-/* a JSON array value. */
-struct json_array_s {
- /* a linked list of the elements in the array. */
- struct json_array_element_s *start;
- /* the number of elements in the array. */
- size_t length;
-/* a JSON value. */
-struct json_value_s {
- /* a pointer to either a json_string_s, json_number_s, json_object_s, or. */
- /* json_array_s. Should be cast to the appropriate struct type based on what.
- */
- /* the type of this value is. */
- void *payload;
- /* must be one of json_type_e. If type is json_type_true, json_type_false, or.
- */
- /* json_type_null, payload will be NULL. */
- size_t type;
-/* a JSON value (extended). */
-struct json_value_ex_s {
- /* the JSON value this extends. */
- struct json_value_s value;
- /* the character offset for the value in the JSON input. */
- size_t offset;
- /* the line number for the value in the JSON input. */
- size_t line_no;
- /* the row number for the value in the JSON input, in bytes. */
- size_t row_no;
-/* a parsing error code. */
-enum json_parse_error_e {
- /* no error occurred (huzzah!). */
- json_parse_error_none = 0,
- /* expected either a comma or a closing '}' or ']' to close an object or. */
- /* array! */
- json_parse_error_expected_comma_or_closing_bracket,
- /* colon separating name/value pair was missing! */
- json_parse_error_expected_colon,
- /* expected string to begin with '"'! */
- json_parse_error_expected_opening_quote,
- /* invalid escaped sequence in string! */
- json_parse_error_invalid_string_escape_sequence,
- /* invalid number format! */
- json_parse_error_invalid_number_format,
- /* invalid value! */
- json_parse_error_invalid_value,
- /* reached end of buffer before object/array was complete! */
- json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer,
- /* string was malformed! */
- json_parse_error_invalid_string,
- /* a call to malloc, or a user provider allocator, failed. */
- json_parse_error_allocator_failed,
- /* the JSON input had unexpected trailing characters that weren't part of the.
- */
- /* JSON value. */
- json_parse_error_unexpected_trailing_characters,
- /* catch-all error for everything else that exploded (real bad chi!). */
- json_parse_error_unknown
-/* error report from json_parse_ex(). */
-struct json_parse_result_s {
- /* the error code (one of json_parse_error_e). */
- size_t error;
- /* the character offset for the error in the JSON input. */
- size_t error_offset;
- /* the line number for the error in the JSON input. */
- size_t error_line_no;
- /* the row number for the error, in bytes. */
- size_t error_row_no;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C". */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#define json_strtoumax _strtoui64
-#define json_uintmax_t unsigned __int64
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#define json_strtoumax strtoumax
-#define json_uintmax_t uintmax_t
-#if defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
-#define json_null nullptr
-#define json_null 0
-#if defined(__clang__)
-#pragma clang diagnostic push
-/* we do one big allocation via malloc, then cast aligned slices of this for. */
-/* our structures - we don't have a way to tell the compiler we know what we. */
-/* are doing, so disable the warning instead! */
-#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align"
-/* We use C style casts everywhere. */
-#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
-/* We need long long for strtoull. */
-#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++11-long-long"
-/* Who cares if nullptr doesn't work with C++98, we don't use it there! */
-#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat"
-#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat-pedantic"
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-#pragma warning(push)
-/* disable 'function selected for inline expansion' warning. */
-#pragma warning(disable : 4711)
-/* disable '#pragma warning: there is no warning number' warning. */
-#pragma warning(disable : 4619)
-/* disable 'warning number not a valid compiler warning' warning. */
-#pragma warning(disable : 4616)
-/* disable 'Compiler will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load if
- * /Qspectre. */
-/* switch specified' warning. */
-#pragma warning(disable : 5045)
-struct json_parse_state_s {
- const char *src;
- size_t size;
- size_t offset;
- size_t flags_bitset;
- char *data;
- char *dom;
- size_t dom_size;
- size_t data_size;
- size_t line_no; /* line counter for error reporting. */
- size_t line_offset; /* (offset-line_offset) is the character number (in
- bytes). */
- size_t error;
-json_weak int json_hexadecimal_digit(const char c);
-int json_hexadecimal_digit(const char c) {
- if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
- return c - '0';
- }
- if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') {
- return c - 'a' + 10;
- }
- if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') {
- return c - 'A' + 10;
- }
- return -1;
-json_weak int json_hexadecimal_value(const char * c, const unsigned long size, unsigned long * result);
- int json_hexadecimal_value(const char * c, const unsigned long size, unsigned long * result) {
- const char * p;
- int digit;
- if (size > sizeof(unsigned long) * 2) {
- return 0;
- }
- *result = 0;
- for (p = c; (unsigned long)(p - c) < size; ++p) {
- *result <<= 4;
- digit = json_hexadecimal_digit(*p);
- if (digit < 0 || digit > 15) {
- return 0;
- }
- *result |= (unsigned char)digit;
- }
- return 1;
-json_weak int json_skip_whitespace(struct json_parse_state_s *state);
- int json_skip_whitespace(struct json_parse_state_s *state) {
- size_t offset = state->offset;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- const char *const src = state->src;
- /* the only valid whitespace according to ECMA-404 is ' ', '\n', '\r' and
- * '\t'. */
- switch (src[offset]) {
- default:
- return 0;
- case ' ':
- case '\r':
- case '\t':
- case '\n':
- break;
- }
- do {
- switch (src[offset]) {
- default:
- /* Update offset. */
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- case ' ':
- case '\r':
- case '\t':
- break;
- case '\n':
- state->line_no++;
- state->line_offset = offset;
- break;
- }
- offset++;
- } while (offset < size);
- /* Update offset. */
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
-json_weak int json_skip_c_style_comments(struct json_parse_state_s *state);
- int json_skip_c_style_comments(struct json_parse_state_s *state) {
- /* do we have a comment?. */
- if ('/' == state->src[state->offset]) {
- /* skip '/'. */
- state->offset++;
- if ('/' == state->src[state->offset]) {
- /* we had a comment of the form //. */
- /* skip second '/'. */
- state->offset++;
- while (state->offset < state->size) {
- switch (state->src[state->offset]) {
- default:
- /* skip the character in the comment. */
- state->offset++;
- break;
- case '\n':
- /* if we have a newline, our comment has ended! Skip the newline. */
- state->offset++;
- /* we entered a newline, so move our line info forward. */
- state->line_no++;
- state->line_offset = state->offset;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* we reached the end of the JSON file! */
- return 1;
- } else if ('*' == state->src[state->offset]) {
- /* we had a comment in the C-style long form. */
- /* skip '*'. */
- state->offset++;
- while (state->offset + 1 < state->size) {
- if (('*' == state->src[state->offset]) &&
- ('/' == state->src[state->offset + 1])) {
- /* we reached the end of our comment! */
- state->offset += 2;
- return 1;
- } else if ('\n' == state->src[state->offset]) {
- /* we entered a newline, so move our line info forward. */
- state->line_no++;
- state->line_offset = state->offset;
- }
- /* skip character within comment. */
- state->offset++;
- }
- /* Comment wasn't ended correctly which is a failure. */
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* we didn't have any comment, which is ok too! */
- return 0;
-json_weak int json_skip_all_skippables(struct json_parse_state_s *state);
- int json_skip_all_skippables(struct json_parse_state_s *state) {
- /* skip all whitespace and other skippables until there are none left. note
- * that the previous version suffered from read past errors should. the
- * stream end on json_skip_c_style_comments eg. '{"a" ' with comments flag.
- */
- int did_consume = 0;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_c_style_comments & state->flags_bitset) {
- do {
- if (state->offset == size) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
- }
- did_consume = json_skip_whitespace(state);
- /* This should really be checked on access, not in front of every call.
- */
- if (state->offset == size) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
- }
- did_consume |= json_skip_c_style_comments(state);
- } while (0 != did_consume);
- } else {
- do {
- if (state->offset == size) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
- }
- did_consume = json_skip_whitespace(state);
- } while (0 != did_consume);
- }
- if (state->offset == size) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-json_weak int json_get_value_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- int is_global_object);
-json_weak int json_get_string_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- size_t is_key);
-int json_get_string_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- size_t is_key) {
- size_t offset = state->offset;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- size_t data_size = 0;
- const char *const src = state->src;
- const int is_single_quote = '\'' == src[offset];
- const char quote_to_use = is_single_quote ? '\'' : '"';
- const size_t flags_bitset = state->flags_bitset;
- unsigned long codepoint;
- unsigned long high_surrogate = 0;
- if ((json_parse_flags_allow_location_information & flags_bitset) != 0 &&
- is_key != 0) {
- state->dom_size += sizeof(struct json_string_ex_s);
- } else {
- state->dom_size += sizeof(struct json_string_s);
- }
- if ('"' != src[offset]) {
- /* if we are allowed single quoted strings check for that too. */
- if (!((json_parse_flags_allow_single_quoted_strings & flags_bitset) &&
- is_single_quote)) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_expected_opening_quote;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* skip leading '"' or '\''. */
- offset++;
- while ((offset < size) && (quote_to_use != src[offset])) {
- /* add space for the character. */
- data_size++;
- if ('\\' == src[offset]) {
- /* skip reverse solidus character. */
- offset++;
- if (offset == size) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- }
- switch (src[offset]) {
- default:
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_string_escape_sequence;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- case '"':
- case '\\':
- case '/':
- case 'b':
- case 'f':
- case 'n':
- case 'r':
- case 't':
- /* all valid characters! */
- offset++;
- break;
- case 'u':
- if (!(offset + 5 < size)) {
- /* invalid escaped unicode sequence! */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_string_escape_sequence;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- }
- codepoint = 0;
- if (!json_hexadecimal_value(&src[offset + 1], 4, &codepoint)) {
- /* escaped unicode sequences must contain 4 hexadecimal digits! */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_string_escape_sequence;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- }
- /* Valid sequence!
- * see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Invalid_code_points.
- * 1 7 U + 0000 U + 007F 0xxxxxxx.
- * 2 11 U + 0080 U + 07FF 110xxxxx
- * 10xxxxxx.
- * 3 16 U + 0800 U + FFFF 1110xxxx
- * 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx.
- * 4 21 U + 10000 U + 10FFFF 11110xxx
- * 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx.
- * Note: the high and low surrogate halves used by UTF-16 (U+D800
- * through U+DFFF) and code points not encodable by UTF-16 (those after
- * U+10FFFF) are not legal Unicode values, and their UTF-8 encoding must
- * be treated as an invalid byte sequence. */
- if (high_surrogate != 0) {
- /* we previously read the high half of the \uxxxx\uxxxx pair, so now
- * we expect the low half. */
- if (codepoint >= 0xdc00 &&
- codepoint <= 0xdfff) { /* low surrogate range. */
- data_size += 3;
- high_surrogate = 0;
- } else {
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_string_escape_sequence;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- }
- } else if (codepoint <= 0x7f) {
- data_size += 0;
- } else if (codepoint <= 0x7ff) {
- data_size += 1;
- } else if (codepoint >= 0xd800 &&
- codepoint <= 0xdbff) { /* high surrogate range. */
- /* The codepoint is the first half of a "utf-16 surrogate pair". so we
- * need the other half for it to be valid: \uHHHH\uLLLL. */
- if (offset + 11 > size || '\\' != src[offset + 5] ||
- 'u' != src[offset + 6]) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_string_escape_sequence;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- }
- high_surrogate = codepoint;
- } else if (codepoint >= 0xd800 &&
- codepoint <= 0xdfff) { /* low surrogate range. */
- /* we did not read the other half before. */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_string_escape_sequence;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- } else {
- data_size += 2;
- }
- /* escaped codepoints after 0xffff are supported in json through utf-16
- * surrogate pairs: \uD83D\uDD25 for U+1F525. */
- offset += 5;
- break;
- }
- } else if (('\r' == src[offset]) || ('\n' == src[offset])) {
- if (!(json_parse_flags_allow_multi_line_strings & flags_bitset)) {
- /* invalid escaped unicode sequence! */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_string_escape_sequence;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- }
- offset++;
- } else {
- /* skip character (valid part of sequence). */
- offset++;
- }
- }
- /* skip trailing '"' or '\''. */
- offset++;
- /* add enough space to store the string. */
- state->data_size += data_size;
- /* one more byte for null terminator ending the string! */
- state->data_size++;
- /* update offset. */
- state->offset = offset;
- return 0;
-json_weak int is_valid_unquoted_key_char(const char c);
- int is_valid_unquoted_key_char(const char c) {
- return (('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
- ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('_' == c));
-json_weak int json_get_key_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state);
- int json_get_key_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state) {
- const size_t flags_bitset = state->flags_bitset;
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_unquoted_keys & flags_bitset) {
- size_t offset = state->offset;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- const char *const src = state->src;
- size_t data_size = state->data_size;
- /* if we are allowing unquoted keys, first grok for a quote... */
- if ('"' == src[offset]) {
- /* ... if we got a comma, just parse the key as a string as normal. */
- return json_get_string_size(state, 1);
- } else if ((json_parse_flags_allow_single_quoted_strings & flags_bitset) &&
- ('\'' == src[offset])) {
- /* ... if we got a comma, just parse the key as a string as normal. */
- return json_get_string_size(state, 1);
- } else {
- while ((offset < size) && is_valid_unquoted_key_char(src[offset])) {
- offset++;
- data_size++;
- }
- /* one more byte for null terminator ending the string! */
- data_size++;
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_location_information & flags_bitset) {
- state->dom_size += sizeof(struct json_string_ex_s);
- } else {
- state->dom_size += sizeof(struct json_string_s);
- }
- /* update offset. */
- state->offset = offset;
- /* update data_size. */
- state->data_size = data_size;
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- /* we are only allowed to have quoted keys, so just parse a string! */
- return json_get_string_size(state, 1);
- }
-json_weak int json_get_object_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- int is_global_object);
- int json_get_object_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- int is_global_object) {
- const size_t flags_bitset = state->flags_bitset;
- const char *const src = state->src;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- size_t elements = 0;
- int allow_comma = 0;
- if (is_global_object) {
- /* if we found an opening '{' of an object, we actually have a normal JSON
- * object at the root of the DOM... */
- if (!json_skip_all_skippables(state) && '{' == state->src[state->offset]) {
- /* . and we don't actually have a global object after all! */
- is_global_object = 0;
- }
- }
- if (!is_global_object) {
- if ('{' != src[state->offset]) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_unknown;
- return 1;
- }
- /* skip leading '{'. */
- state->offset++;
- }
- state->dom_size += sizeof(struct json_object_s);
- while (state->offset < size) {
- if (!is_global_object) {
- if (json_skip_all_skippables(state)) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
- }
- if ('}' == src[state->offset]) {
- /* skip trailing '}'. */
- state->offset++;
- /* finished the object! */
- break;
- }
- } else {
- /* we don't require brackets, so that means the object ends when the input
- * stream ends! */
- if (json_skip_all_skippables(state)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- /* if we parsed at least once element previously, grok for a comma. */
- if (allow_comma) {
- if (',' == src[state->offset]) {
- /* skip comma. */
- state->offset++;
- allow_comma = 0;
- } else if (json_parse_flags_allow_no_commas & flags_bitset) {
- /* we don't require a comma, and we didn't find one, which is ok! */
- allow_comma = 0;
- } else {
- /* otherwise we are required to have a comma, and we found none. */
- state->error = json_parse_error_expected_comma_or_closing_bracket;
- return 1;
- }
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_trailing_comma & flags_bitset) {
- continue;
- } else {
- if (json_skip_all_skippables(state)) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (json_get_key_size(state)) {
- /* key parsing failed! */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_string;
- return 1;
- }
- if (json_skip_all_skippables(state)) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
- }
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_equals_in_object & flags_bitset) {
- const char current = src[state->offset];
- if ((':' != current) && ('=' != current)) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_expected_colon;
- return 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (':' != src[state->offset]) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_expected_colon;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* skip colon. */
- state->offset++;
- if (json_skip_all_skippables(state)) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
- }
- if (json_get_value_size(state, /* is_global_object = */ 0)) {
- /* value parsing failed! */
- return 1;
- }
- /* successfully parsed a name/value pair! */
- elements++;
- allow_comma = 1;
- }
- state->dom_size += sizeof(struct json_object_element_s) * elements;
- return 0;
-json_weak int json_get_array_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state);
- int json_get_array_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state) {
- const size_t flags_bitset = state->flags_bitset;
- size_t elements = 0;
- int allow_comma = 0;
- const char *const src = state->src;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- if ('[' != src[state->offset]) {
- /* expected array to begin with leading '['. */
- state->error = json_parse_error_unknown;
- return 1;
- }
- /* skip leading '['. */
- state->offset++;
- state->dom_size += sizeof(struct json_array_s);
- while (state->offset < size) {
- if (json_skip_all_skippables(state)) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
- }
- if (']' == src[state->offset]) {
- /* skip trailing ']'. */
- state->offset++;
- state->dom_size += sizeof(struct json_array_element_s) * elements;
- /* finished the object! */
- return 0;
- }
- /* if we parsed at least once element previously, grok for a comma. */
- if (allow_comma) {
- if (',' == src[state->offset]) {
- /* skip comma. */
- state->offset++;
- allow_comma = 0;
- } else if (!(json_parse_flags_allow_no_commas & flags_bitset)) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_expected_comma_or_closing_bracket;
- return 1;
- }
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_trailing_comma & flags_bitset) {
- allow_comma = 0;
- continue;
- } else {
- if (json_skip_all_skippables(state)) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (json_get_value_size(state, /* is_global_object = */ 0)) {
- /* value parsing failed! */
- return 1;
- }
- /* successfully parsed an array element! */
- elements++;
- allow_comma = 1;
- }
- /* we consumed the entire input before finding the closing ']' of the array!
- */
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
-json_weak int json_get_number_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state);
- int json_get_number_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state) {
- const size_t flags_bitset = state->flags_bitset;
- size_t offset = state->offset;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- int had_leading_digits = 0;
- const char *const src = state->src;
- state->dom_size += sizeof(struct json_number_s);
- if ((json_parse_flags_allow_hexadecimal_numbers & flags_bitset) &&
- (offset + 1 < size) && ('0' == src[offset]) &&
- (('x' == src[offset + 1]) || ('X' == src[offset + 1]))) {
- /* skip the leading 0x that identifies a hexadecimal number. */
- offset += 2;
- /* consume hexadecimal digits. */
- while ((offset < size) && (('0' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= '9') ||
- ('a' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= 'f') ||
- ('A' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= 'F'))) {
- offset++;
- }
- } else {
- int found_sign = 0;
- int inf_or_nan = 0;
- if ((offset < size) &&
- (('-' == src[offset]) ||
- ((json_parse_flags_allow_leading_plus_sign & flags_bitset) &&
- ('+' == src[offset])))) {
- /* skip valid leading '-' or '+'. */
- offset++;
- found_sign = 1;
- }
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_inf_and_nan & flags_bitset) {
- const char inf[9] = "Infinity";
- const size_t inf_strlen = sizeof(inf) - 1;
- const char nan[4] = "NaN";
- const size_t nan_strlen = sizeof(nan) - 1;
- if (offset + inf_strlen < size) {
- int found = 1;
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < inf_strlen; i++) {
- if (inf[i] != src[offset + i]) {
- found = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (found) {
- /* We found our special 'Infinity' keyword! */
- offset += inf_strlen;
- inf_or_nan = 1;
- }
- }
- if (offset + nan_strlen < size) {
- int found = 1;
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < nan_strlen; i++) {
- if (nan[i] != src[offset + i]) {
- found = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (found) {
- /* We found our special 'NaN' keyword! */
- offset += nan_strlen;
- inf_or_nan = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (found_sign && !inf_or_nan && (offset < size) &&
- !('0' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= '9')) {
- /* check if we are allowing leading '.'. */
- if (!(json_parse_flags_allow_leading_or_trailing_decimal_point &
- flags_bitset) ||
- ('.' != src[offset])) {
- /* a leading '-' must be immediately followed by any digit! */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_number_format;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if ((offset < size) && ('0' == src[offset])) {
- /* skip valid '0'. */
- offset++;
- /* we need to record whether we had any leading digits for checks later.
- */
- had_leading_digits = 1;
- if ((offset < size) && ('0' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= '9')) {
- /* a leading '0' must not be immediately followed by any digit! */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_number_format;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* the main digits of our number next. */
- while ((offset < size) && ('0' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= '9')) {
- offset++;
- /* we need to record whether we had any leading digits for checks later.
- */
- had_leading_digits = 1;
- }
- if ((offset < size) && ('.' == src[offset])) {
- offset++;
- if (!('0' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= '9')) {
- if (!(json_parse_flags_allow_leading_or_trailing_decimal_point &
- flags_bitset) ||
- !had_leading_digits) {
- /* a decimal point must be followed by at least one digit. */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_number_format;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* a decimal point can be followed by more digits of course! */
- while ((offset < size) && ('0' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= '9')) {
- offset++;
- }
- }
- if ((offset < size) && ('e' == src[offset] || 'E' == src[offset])) {
- /* our number has an exponent! Wkip 'e' or 'E'. */
- offset++;
- if ((offset < size) && ('-' == src[offset] || '+' == src[offset])) {
- /* skip optional '-' or '+'. */
- offset++;
- }
- /* consume exponent digits. */
- while ((offset < size) && ('0' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= '9')) {
- offset++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (offset < size) {
- switch (src[offset]) {
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- case '\r':
- case '\n':
- case '}':
- case ',':
- case ']':
- /* all of the above are ok. */
- break;
- case '=':
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_equals_in_object & flags_bitset) {
- break;
- }
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_number_format;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- default:
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_number_format;
- state->offset = offset;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- state->data_size += offset - state->offset;
- /* one more byte for null terminator ending the number string! */
- state->data_size++;
- /* update offset. */
- state->offset = offset;
- return 0;
-json_weak int json_get_value_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- int is_global_object);
- int json_get_value_size(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- int is_global_object) {
- const size_t flags_bitset = state->flags_bitset;
- const char *const src = state->src;
- size_t offset;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_location_information & flags_bitset) {
- state->dom_size += sizeof(struct json_value_ex_s);
- } else {
- state->dom_size += sizeof(struct json_value_s);
- }
- if (is_global_object) {
- return json_get_object_size(state, /* is_global_object = */ 1);
- } else {
- if (json_skip_all_skippables(state)) {
- state->error = json_parse_error_premature_end_of_buffer;
- return 1;
- }
- /* can cache offset now. */
- offset = state->offset;
- switch (src[offset]) {
- case '"':
- return json_get_string_size(state, 0);
- case '\'':
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_single_quoted_strings & flags_bitset) {
- return json_get_string_size(state, 0);
- } else {
- /* invalid value! */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_value;
- return 1;
- }
- case '{':
- return json_get_object_size(state, /* is_global_object = */ 0);
- case '[':
- return json_get_array_size(state);
- case '-':
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- return json_get_number_size(state);
- case '+':
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_leading_plus_sign & flags_bitset) {
- return json_get_number_size(state);
- } else {
- /* invalid value! */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_number_format;
- return 1;
- }
- case '.':
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_leading_or_trailing_decimal_point &
- flags_bitset) {
- return json_get_number_size(state);
- } else {
- /* invalid value! */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_number_format;
- return 1;
- }
- default:
- if ((offset + 4) <= size && 't' == src[offset + 0] &&
- 'r' == src[offset + 1] && 'u' == src[offset + 2] &&
- 'e' == src[offset + 3]) {
- state->offset += 4;
- return 0;
- } else if ((offset + 5) <= size && 'f' == src[offset + 0] &&
- 'a' == src[offset + 1] && 'l' == src[offset + 2] &&
- 's' == src[offset + 3] && 'e' == src[offset + 4]) {
- state->offset += 5;
- return 0;
- } else if ((offset + 4) <= size && 'n' == state->src[offset + 0] &&
- 'u' == state->src[offset + 1] &&
- 'l' == state->src[offset + 2] &&
- 'l' == state->src[offset + 3]) {
- state->offset += 4;
- return 0;
- } else if ((json_parse_flags_allow_inf_and_nan & flags_bitset) &&
- (offset + 3) <= size && 'N' == src[offset + 0] &&
- 'a' == src[offset + 1] && 'N' == src[offset + 2]) {
- return json_get_number_size(state);
- } else if ((json_parse_flags_allow_inf_and_nan & flags_bitset) &&
- (offset + 8) <= size && 'I' == src[offset + 0] &&
- 'n' == src[offset + 1] && 'f' == src[offset + 2] &&
- 'i' == src[offset + 3] && 'n' == src[offset + 4] &&
- 'i' == src[offset + 5] && 't' == src[offset + 6] &&
- 'y' == src[offset + 7]) {
- return json_get_number_size(state);
- }
- /* invalid value! */
- state->error = json_parse_error_invalid_value;
- return 1;
- }
- }
-json_weak void json_parse_value(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- int is_global_object, struct json_value_s *value);
-json_weak void json_parse_string(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- struct json_string_s *string);
- void json_parse_string(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- struct json_string_s *string) {
- size_t offset = state->offset;
- size_t bytes_written = 0;
- const char *const src = state->src;
- const char quote_to_use = '\'' == src[offset] ? '\'' : '"';
- char *data = state->data;
- unsigned long high_surrogate = 0;
- unsigned long codepoint;
- string->string = data;
- /* skip leading '"' or '\''. */
- offset++;
- while (quote_to_use != src[offset]) {
- if ('\\' == src[offset]) {
- /* skip the reverse solidus. */
- offset++;
- switch (src[offset++]) {
- default:
- return; /* we cannot ever reach here. */
- case 'u': {
- codepoint = 0;
- if (!json_hexadecimal_value(&src[offset], 4, &codepoint)) {
- return; /* this shouldn't happen as the value was already validated.
- */
- }
- offset += 4;
- if (codepoint <= 0x7fu) {
- data[bytes_written++] = (char)codepoint; /* 0xxxxxxx. */
- } else if (codepoint <= 0x7ffu) {
- data[bytes_written++] =
- (char)(0xc0u | (codepoint >> 6)); /* 110xxxxx. */
- data[bytes_written++] =
- (char)(0x80u | (codepoint & 0x3fu)); /* 10xxxxxx. */
- } else if (codepoint >= 0xd800 &&
- codepoint <= 0xdbff) { /* high surrogate. */
- high_surrogate = codepoint;
- continue; /* we need the low half to form a complete codepoint. */
- } else if (codepoint >= 0xdc00 &&
- codepoint <= 0xdfff) { /* low surrogate. */
- /* combine with the previously read half to obtain the complete
- * codepoint. */
- const unsigned long surrogate_offset = 0x10000u - (0xD800u << 10) - 0xDC00u;
- codepoint = (high_surrogate << 10) + codepoint + surrogate_offset;
- high_surrogate = 0;
- data[bytes_written++] =
- (char)(0xF0u | (codepoint >> 18)); /* 11110xxx. */
- data[bytes_written++] =
- (char)(0x80u | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3fu)); /* 10xxxxxx. */
- data[bytes_written++] =
- (char)(0x80u | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3fu)); /* 10xxxxxx. */
- data[bytes_written++] =
- (char)(0x80u | (codepoint & 0x3fu)); /* 10xxxxxx. */
- } else {
- /* we assume the value was validated and thus is within the valid
- * range. */
- data[bytes_written++] =
- (char)(0xe0u | (codepoint >> 12)); /* 1110xxxx. */
- data[bytes_written++] =
- (char)(0x80u | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3fu)); /* 10xxxxxx. */
- data[bytes_written++] =
- (char)(0x80u | (codepoint & 0x3fu)); /* 10xxxxxx. */
- }
- } break;
- case '"':
- data[bytes_written++] = '"';
- break;
- case '\\':
- data[bytes_written++] = '\\';
- break;
- case '/':
- data[bytes_written++] = '/';
- break;
- case 'b':
- data[bytes_written++] = '\b';
- break;
- case 'f':
- data[bytes_written++] = '\f';
- break;
- case 'n':
- data[bytes_written++] = '\n';
- break;
- case 'r':
- data[bytes_written++] = '\r';
- break;
- case 't':
- data[bytes_written++] = '\t';
- break;
- case '\r':
- data[bytes_written++] = '\r';
- /* check if we have a "\r\n" sequence. */
- if ('\n' == src[offset]) {
- data[bytes_written++] = '\n';
- offset++;
- }
- break;
- case '\n':
- data[bytes_written++] = '\n';
- break;
- }
- } else {
- /* copy the character. */
- data[bytes_written++] = src[offset++];
- }
- }
- /* skip trailing '"' or '\''. */
- offset++;
- /* record the size of the string. */
- string->string_size = bytes_written;
- /* add null terminator to string. */
- data[bytes_written++] = '\0';
- /* move data along. */
- state->data += bytes_written;
- /* update offset. */
- state->offset = offset;
-json_weak void json_parse_key(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- struct json_string_s *string);
- void json_parse_key(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- struct json_string_s *string) {
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_unquoted_keys & state->flags_bitset) {
- const char *const src = state->src;
- char *const data = state->data;
- size_t offset = state->offset;
- /* if we are allowing unquoted keys, check for quoted anyway... */
- if (('"' == src[offset]) || ('\'' == src[offset])) {
- /* ... if we got a quote, just parse the key as a string as normal. */
- json_parse_string(state, string);
- } else {
- size_t size = 0;
- string->string = state->data;
- while (is_valid_unquoted_key_char(src[offset])) {
- data[size++] = src[offset++];
- }
- /* add null terminator to string. */
- data[size] = '\0';
- /* record the size of the string. */
- string->string_size = size++;
- /* move data along. */
- state->data += size;
- /* update offset. */
- state->offset = offset;
- }
- } else {
- /* we are only allowed to have quoted keys, so just parse a string! */
- json_parse_string(state, string);
- }
-json_weak void json_parse_object(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- int is_global_object,
- struct json_object_s *object);
- void json_parse_object(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- int is_global_object,
- struct json_object_s *object) {
- const size_t flags_bitset = state->flags_bitset;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- const char *const src = state->src;
- size_t elements = 0;
- int allow_comma = 0;
- struct json_object_element_s *previous = json_null;
- if (is_global_object) {
- /* if we skipped some whitespace, and then found an opening '{' of an. */
- /* object, we actually have a normal JSON object at the root of the DOM...
- */
- if ('{' == src[state->offset]) {
- /* . and we don't actually have a global object after all! */
- is_global_object = 0;
- }
- }
- if (!is_global_object) {
- /* skip leading '{'. */
- state->offset++;
- }
- (void)json_skip_all_skippables(state);
- /* reset elements. */
- elements = 0;
- while (state->offset < size) {
- struct json_object_element_s *element = json_null;
- struct json_string_s *string = json_null;
- struct json_value_s *value = json_null;
- if (!is_global_object) {
- (void)json_skip_all_skippables(state);
- if ('}' == src[state->offset]) {
- /* skip trailing '}'. */
- state->offset++;
- /* finished the object! */
- break;
- }
- } else {
- if (json_skip_all_skippables(state)) {
- /* global object ends when the file ends! */
- break;
- }
- }
- /* if we parsed at least one element previously, grok for a comma. */
- if (allow_comma) {
- if (',' == src[state->offset]) {
- /* skip comma. */
- state->offset++;
- allow_comma = 0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- element = (struct json_object_element_s *)state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_object_element_s);
- if (json_null == previous) {
- /* this is our first element, so record it in our object. */
- object->start = element;
- } else {
- previous->next = element;
- }
- previous = element;
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_location_information & flags_bitset) {
- struct json_string_ex_s *string_ex =
- (struct json_string_ex_s *)state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_string_ex_s);
- string_ex->offset = state->offset;
- string_ex->line_no = state->line_no;
- string_ex->row_no = state->offset - state->line_offset;
- string = &(string_ex->string);
- } else {
- string = (struct json_string_s *)state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_string_s);
- }
- element->name = string;
- (void)json_parse_key(state, string);
- (void)json_skip_all_skippables(state);
- /* skip colon or equals. */
- state->offset++;
- (void)json_skip_all_skippables(state);
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_location_information & flags_bitset) {
- struct json_value_ex_s *value_ex = (struct json_value_ex_s *)state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_value_ex_s);
- value_ex->offset = state->offset;
- value_ex->line_no = state->line_no;
- value_ex->row_no = state->offset - state->line_offset;
- value = &(value_ex->value);
- } else {
- value = (struct json_value_s *)state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_value_s);
- }
- element->value = value;
- json_parse_value(state, /* is_global_object = */ 0, value);
- /* successfully parsed a name/value pair! */
- elements++;
- allow_comma = 1;
- }
- /* if we had at least one element, end the linked list. */
- if (previous) {
- previous->next = json_null;
- }
- if (0 == elements) {
- object->start = json_null;
- }
- object->length = elements;
-json_weak void json_parse_array(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- struct json_array_s *array);
- void json_parse_array(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- struct json_array_s *array) {
- const char *const src = state->src;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- size_t elements = 0;
- int allow_comma = 0;
- struct json_array_element_s *previous = json_null;
- /* skip leading '['. */
- state->offset++;
- (void)json_skip_all_skippables(state);
- /* reset elements. */
- elements = 0;
- do {
- struct json_array_element_s *element = json_null;
- struct json_value_s *value = json_null;
- (void)json_skip_all_skippables(state);
- if (']' == src[state->offset]) {
- /* skip trailing ']'. */
- state->offset++;
- /* finished the array! */
- break;
- }
- /* if we parsed at least one element previously, grok for a comma. */
- if (allow_comma) {
- if (',' == src[state->offset]) {
- /* skip comma. */
- state->offset++;
- allow_comma = 0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- element = (struct json_array_element_s *)state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_array_element_s);
- if (json_null == previous) {
- /* this is our first element, so record it in our array. */
- array->start = element;
- } else {
- previous->next = element;
- }
- previous = element;
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_location_information & state->flags_bitset) {
- struct json_value_ex_s *value_ex = (struct json_value_ex_s *)state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_value_ex_s);
- value_ex->offset = state->offset;
- value_ex->line_no = state->line_no;
- value_ex->row_no = state->offset - state->line_offset;
- value = &(value_ex->value);
- } else {
- value = (struct json_value_s *)state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_value_s);
- }
- element->value = value;
- json_parse_value(state, /* is_global_object = */ 0, value);
- /* successfully parsed an array element! */
- elements++;
- allow_comma = 1;
- } while (state->offset < size);
- /* end the linked list. */
- if (previous) {
- previous->next = json_null;
- }
- if (0 == elements) {
- array->start = json_null;
- }
- array->length = elements;
-json_weak void json_parse_number(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- struct json_number_s *number);
- void json_parse_number(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- struct json_number_s *number) {
- const size_t flags_bitset = state->flags_bitset;
- size_t offset = state->offset;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- size_t bytes_written = 0;
- const char *const src = state->src;
- char *data = state->data;
- number->number = data;
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_hexadecimal_numbers & flags_bitset) {
- if (('0' == src[offset]) &&
- (('x' == src[offset + 1]) || ('X' == src[offset + 1]))) {
- /* consume hexadecimal digits. */
- while ((offset < size) &&
- (('0' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= '9') ||
- ('a' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= 'f') ||
- ('A' <= src[offset] && src[offset] <= 'F') ||
- ('x' == src[offset]) || ('X' == src[offset]))) {
- data[bytes_written++] = src[offset++];
- }
- }
- }
- while (offset < size) {
- int end = 0;
- switch (src[offset]) {
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- case '.':
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- case '+':
- case '-':
- data[bytes_written++] = src[offset++];
- break;
- default:
- end = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (0 != end) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_inf_and_nan & flags_bitset) {
- const size_t inf_strlen = 8; /* = strlen("Infinity");. */
- const size_t nan_strlen = 3; /* = strlen("NaN");. */
- if (offset + inf_strlen < size) {
- if ('I' == src[offset]) {
- size_t i;
- /* We found our special 'Infinity' keyword! */
- for (i = 0; i < inf_strlen; i++) {
- data[bytes_written++] = src[offset++];
- }
- }
- }
- if (offset + nan_strlen < size) {
- if ('N' == src[offset]) {
- size_t i;
- /* We found our special 'NaN' keyword! */
- for (i = 0; i < nan_strlen; i++) {
- data[bytes_written++] = src[offset++];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* record the size of the number. */
- number->number_size = bytes_written;
- /* add null terminator to number string. */
- data[bytes_written++] = '\0';
- /* move data along. */
- state->data += bytes_written;
- /* update offset. */
- state->offset = offset;
-json_weak void json_parse_value(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- int is_global_object, struct json_value_s *value);
- void json_parse_value(struct json_parse_state_s *state,
- int is_global_object, struct json_value_s *value) {
- const size_t flags_bitset = state->flags_bitset;
- const char *const src = state->src;
- const size_t size = state->size;
- size_t offset;
- (void)json_skip_all_skippables(state);
- /* cache offset now. */
- offset = state->offset;
- if (is_global_object) {
- value->type = json_type_object;
- value->payload = state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_object_s);
- json_parse_object(state, /* is_global_object = */ 1,
- (struct json_object_s *)value->payload);
- } else {
- switch (src[offset]) {
- case '"':
- case '\'':
- value->type = json_type_string;
- value->payload = state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_string_s);
- json_parse_string(state, (struct json_string_s *)value->payload);
- break;
- case '{':
- value->type = json_type_object;
- value->payload = state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_object_s);
- json_parse_object(state, /* is_global_object = */ 0,
- (struct json_object_s *)value->payload);
- break;
- case '[':
- value->type = json_type_array;
- value->payload = state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_array_s);
- json_parse_array(state, (struct json_array_s *)value->payload);
- break;
- case '-':
- case '+':
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- case '.':
- value->type = json_type_number;
- value->payload = state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_number_s);
- json_parse_number(state, (struct json_number_s *)value->payload);
- break;
- default:
- if ((offset + 4) <= size && 't' == src[offset + 0] &&
- 'r' == src[offset + 1] && 'u' == src[offset + 2] &&
- 'e' == src[offset + 3]) {
- value->type = json_type_true;
- value->payload = json_null;
- state->offset += 4;
- } else if ((offset + 5) <= size && 'f' == src[offset + 0] &&
- 'a' == src[offset + 1] && 'l' == src[offset + 2] &&
- 's' == src[offset + 3] && 'e' == src[offset + 4]) {
- value->type = json_type_false;
- value->payload = json_null;
- state->offset += 5;
- } else if ((offset + 4) <= size && 'n' == src[offset + 0] &&
- 'u' == src[offset + 1] && 'l' == src[offset + 2] &&
- 'l' == src[offset + 3]) {
- value->type = json_type_null;
- value->payload = json_null;
- state->offset += 4;
- } else if ((json_parse_flags_allow_inf_and_nan & flags_bitset) &&
- (offset + 3) <= size && 'N' == src[offset + 0] &&
- 'a' == src[offset + 1] && 'N' == src[offset + 2]) {
- value->type = json_type_number;
- value->payload = state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_number_s);
- json_parse_number(state, (struct json_number_s *)value->payload);
- } else if ((json_parse_flags_allow_inf_and_nan & flags_bitset) &&
- (offset + 8) <= size && 'I' == src[offset + 0] &&
- 'n' == src[offset + 1] && 'f' == src[offset + 2] &&
- 'i' == src[offset + 3] && 'n' == src[offset + 4] &&
- 'i' == src[offset + 5] && 't' == src[offset + 6] &&
- 'y' == src[offset + 7]) {
- value->type = json_type_number;
- value->payload = state->dom;
- state->dom += sizeof(struct json_number_s);
- json_parse_number(state, (struct json_number_s *)value->payload);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-struct json_value_s *
-json_parse_ex(const void *src, size_t src_size, size_t flags_bitset,
- void *(*alloc_func_ptr)(void *user_data, size_t size),
- void *user_data, struct json_parse_result_s *result) {
- struct json_parse_state_s state;
- void *allocation;
- struct json_value_s *value;
- size_t total_size;
- int input_error;
- if (result) {
- result->error = json_parse_error_none;
- result->error_offset = 0;
- result->error_line_no = 0;
- result->error_row_no = 0;
- }
- if (json_null == src) {
- /* invalid src pointer was null! */
- return json_null;
- }
- state.src = (const char *)src;
- state.size = src_size;
- state.offset = 0;
- state.line_no = 1;
- state.line_offset = 0;
- state.error = json_parse_error_none;
- state.dom_size = 0;
- state.data_size = 0;
- state.flags_bitset = flags_bitset;
- input_error = json_get_value_size(
- &state, (int)(json_parse_flags_allow_global_object & state.flags_bitset));
- if (0 == input_error) {
- json_skip_all_skippables(&state);
- if (state.offset != state.size) {
- /* our parsing didn't have an error, but there are characters remaining in
- * the input that weren't part of the JSON! */
- state.error = json_parse_error_unexpected_trailing_characters;
- input_error = 1;
- }
- }
- if (input_error) {
- /* parsing value's size failed (most likely an invalid JSON DOM!). */
- if (result) {
- result->error = state.error;
- result->error_offset = state.offset;
- result->error_line_no = state.line_no;
- result->error_row_no = state.offset - state.line_offset;
- }
- return json_null;
- }
- /* our total allocation is the combination of the dom and data sizes (we. */
- /* first encode the structure of the JSON, and then the data referenced by. */
- /* the JSON values). */
- total_size = state.dom_size + state.data_size;
- if (json_null == alloc_func_ptr) {
- allocation = malloc(total_size);
- } else {
- allocation = alloc_func_ptr(user_data, total_size);
- }
- if (json_null == allocation) {
- /* malloc failed! */
- if (result) {
- result->error = json_parse_error_allocator_failed;
- result->error_offset = 0;
- result->error_line_no = 0;
- result->error_row_no = 0;
- }
- return json_null;
- }
- /* reset offset so we can reuse it. */
- state.offset = 0;
- /* reset the line information so we can reuse it. */
- state.line_no = 1;
- state.line_offset = 0;
- state.dom = (char *)allocation;
- state.data = state.dom + state.dom_size;
- if (json_parse_flags_allow_location_information & state.flags_bitset) {
- struct json_value_ex_s *value_ex = (struct json_value_ex_s *)state.dom;
- state.dom += sizeof(struct json_value_ex_s);
- value_ex->offset = state.offset;
- value_ex->line_no = state.line_no;
- value_ex->row_no = state.offset - state.line_offset;
- value = &(value_ex->value);
- } else {
- value = (struct json_value_s *)state.dom;
- state.dom += sizeof(struct json_value_s);
- }
- json_parse_value(
- &state, (int)(json_parse_flags_allow_global_object & state.flags_bitset),
- value);
- return (struct json_value_s *)allocation;
-struct json_value_s *json_parse(const void *src, size_t src_size) {
- return json_parse_ex(src, src_size, json_parse_flags_default, json_null,
- json_null, json_null);
-struct json_string_s *json_value_as_string(struct json_value_s *const value) {
- if (value->type != json_type_string) {
- return json_null;
- }
- return (struct json_string_s *)value->payload;
-struct json_number_s *json_value_as_number(struct json_value_s *const value) {
- if (value->type != json_type_number) {
- return json_null;
- }
- return (struct json_number_s *)value->payload;
-struct json_object_s *json_value_as_object(struct json_value_s *const value) {
- if (value->type != json_type_object) {
- return json_null;
- }
- return (struct json_object_s *)value->payload;
-struct json_array_s *json_value_as_array(struct json_value_s *const value) {
- if (value->type != json_type_array) {
- return json_null;
- }
- return (struct json_array_s *)value->payload;
-int json_value_is_true(const struct json_value_s *const value) {
- return value->type == json_type_true;
-int json_value_is_false(const struct json_value_s *const value) {
- return value->type == json_type_false;
-int json_value_is_null(const struct json_value_s *const value) {
- return value->type == json_type_null;
-json_weak int json_write_minified_get_value_size(const struct json_value_s *value,
- size_t *size);
-json_weak int json_write_get_number_size(const struct json_number_s *number,
- size_t *size);
- int json_write_get_number_size(const struct json_number_s *number,
- size_t *size) {
- json_uintmax_t parsed_number;
- size_t i;
- if (number->number_size >= 2) {
- switch (number->number[1]) {
- default:
- break;
- case 'x':
- case 'X':
- /* the number is a json_parse_flags_allow_hexadecimal_numbers hexadecimal
- * so we have to do extra work to convert it to a non-hexadecimal for JSON
- * output. */
- parsed_number = json_strtoumax(number->number, json_null, 0);
- i = 0;
- while (0 != parsed_number) {
- parsed_number /= 10;
- i++;
- }
- *size += i;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* check to see if the number has leading/trailing decimal point. */
- i = 0;
- /* skip any leading '+' or '-'. */
- if ((i < number->number_size) &&
- (('+' == number->number[i]) || ('-' == number->number[i]))) {
- i++;
- }
- /* check if we have infinity. */
- if ((i < number->number_size) && ('I' == number->number[i])) {
- const char *inf = "Infinity";
- size_t k;
- for (k = i; k < number->number_size; k++) {
- const char c = *inf++;
- /* Check if we found the Infinity string! */
- if ('\0' == c) {
- break;
- } else if (c != number->number[k]) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if ('\0' == *inf) {
- /* Inf becomes 1.7976931348623158e308 because JSON can't support it. */
- *size += 22;
- /* if we had a leading '-' we need to record it in the JSON output. */
- if ('-' == number->number[0]) {
- *size += 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* check if we have nan. */
- if ((i < number->number_size) && ('N' == number->number[i])) {
- const char *nan = "NaN";
- size_t k;
- for (k = i; k < number->number_size; k++) {
- const char c = *nan++;
- /* Check if we found the NaN string! */
- if ('\0' == c) {
- break;
- } else if (c != number->number[k]) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if ('\0' == *nan) {
- /* NaN becomes 1 because JSON can't support it. */
- *size += 1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* if we had a leading decimal point. */
- if ((i < number->number_size) && ('.' == number->number[i])) {
- /* 1 + because we had a leading decimal point. */
- *size += 1;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- for (; i < number->number_size; i++) {
- const char c = number->number[i];
- if (!('0' <= c && c <= '9')) {
- break;
- }
- }
- /* if we had a trailing decimal point. */
- if ((i + 1 == number->number_size) && ('.' == number->number[i])) {
- /* 1 + because we had a trailing decimal point. */
- *size += 1;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- *size += number->number_size; /* the actual string of the number. */
- /* if we had a leading '+' we don't record it in the JSON output. */
- if ('+' == number->number[0]) {
- *size -= 1;
- }
- return 0;
-json_weak int json_write_get_string_size(const struct json_string_s *string,
- size_t *size);
- int json_write_get_string_size(const struct json_string_s *string,
- size_t *size) {
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < string->string_size; i++) {
- switch (string->string[i]) {
- case '"':
- case '\\':
- case '\b':
- case '\f':
- case '\n':
- case '\r':
- case '\t':
- *size += 2;
- break;
- default:
- *size += 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- *size += 2; /* need to encode the surrounding '"' characters. */
- return 0;
-json_weak int json_write_minified_get_array_size(const struct json_array_s *array,
- size_t *size);
- int json_write_minified_get_array_size(const struct json_array_s *array,
- size_t *size) {
- struct json_array_element_s *element;
- *size += 2; /* '[' and ']'. */
- if (1 < array->length) {
- *size += array->length - 1; /* ','s seperate each element. */
- }
- for (element = array->start; json_null != element; element = element->next) {
- if (json_write_minified_get_value_size(element->value, size)) {
- /* value was malformed! */
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-json_weak int
-json_write_minified_get_object_size(const struct json_object_s *object,
- size_t *size);
- int
-json_write_minified_get_object_size(const struct json_object_s *object,
- size_t *size) {
- struct json_object_element_s *element;
- *size += 2; /* '{' and '}'. */
- *size += object->length; /* ':'s seperate each name/value pair. */
- if (1 < object->length) {
- *size += object->length - 1; /* ','s seperate each element. */
- }
- for (element = object->start; json_null != element; element = element->next) {
- if (json_write_get_string_size(element->name, size)) {
- /* string was malformed! */
- return 1;
- }
- if (json_write_minified_get_value_size(element->value, size)) {
- /* value was malformed! */
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-json_weak int json_write_minified_get_value_size(const struct json_value_s *value,
- size_t *size);
- int json_write_minified_get_value_size(const struct json_value_s *value,
- size_t *size) {
- switch (value->type) {
- default:
- /* unknown value type found! */
- return 1;
- case json_type_number:
- return json_write_get_number_size((struct json_number_s *)value->payload,
- size);
- case json_type_string:
- return json_write_get_string_size((struct json_string_s *)value->payload,
- size);
- case json_type_array:
- return json_write_minified_get_array_size(
- (struct json_array_s *)value->payload, size);
- case json_type_object:
- return json_write_minified_get_object_size(
- (struct json_object_s *)value->payload, size);
- case json_type_true:
- *size += 4; /* the string "true". */
- return 0;
- case json_type_false:
- *size += 5; /* the string "false". */
- return 0;
- case json_type_null:
- *size += 4; /* the string "null". */
- return 0;
- }
-json_weak char *json_write_minified_value(const struct json_value_s *value,
- char *data);
-json_weak char *json_write_number(const struct json_number_s *number, char *data);
- char *json_write_number(const struct json_number_s *number, char *data) {
- json_uintmax_t parsed_number, backup;
- size_t i;
- if (number->number_size >= 2) {
- switch (number->number[1]) {
- default:
- break;
- case 'x':
- case 'X':
- /* The number is a json_parse_flags_allow_hexadecimal_numbers hexadecimal
- * so we have to do extra work to convert it to a non-hexadecimal for JSON
- * output. */
- parsed_number = json_strtoumax(number->number, json_null, 0);
- /* We need a copy of parsed number twice, so take a backup of it. */
- backup = parsed_number;
- i = 0;
- while (0 != parsed_number) {
- parsed_number /= 10;
- i++;
- }
- /* Restore parsed_number to its original value stored in the backup. */
- parsed_number = backup;
- /* Now use backup to take a copy of i, or the length of the string. */
- backup = i;
- do {
- *(data + i - 1) = '0' + (char)(parsed_number % 10);
- parsed_number /= 10;
- i--;
- } while (0 != parsed_number);
- data += backup;
- return data;
- }
- }
- /* check to see if the number has leading/trailing decimal point. */
- i = 0;
- /* skip any leading '-'. */
- if ((i < number->number_size) &&
- (('+' == number->number[i]) || ('-' == number->number[i]))) {
- i++;
- }
- /* check if we have infinity. */
- if ((i < number->number_size) && ('I' == number->number[i])) {
- const char *inf = "Infinity";
- size_t k;
- for (k = i; k < number->number_size; k++) {
- const char c = *inf++;
- /* Check if we found the Infinity string! */
- if ('\0' == c) {
- break;
- } else if (c != number->number[k]) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if ('\0' == *inf++) {
- const char *dbl_max;
- /* if we had a leading '-' we need to record it in the JSON output. */
- if ('-' == number->number[0]) {
- *data++ = '-';
- }
- /* Inf becomes 1.7976931348623158e308 because JSON can't support it. */
- for (dbl_max = "1.7976931348623158e308"; '\0' != *dbl_max; dbl_max++) {
- *data++ = *dbl_max;
- }
- return data;
- }
- }
- /* check if we have nan. */
- if ((i < number->number_size) && ('N' == number->number[i])) {
- const char *nan = "NaN";
- size_t k;
- for (k = i; k < number->number_size; k++) {
- const char c = *nan++;
- /* Check if we found the NaN string! */
- if ('\0' == c) {
- break;
- } else if (c != number->number[k]) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if ('\0' == *nan++) {
- /* NaN becomes 0 because JSON can't support it. */
- *data++ = '0';
- return data;
- }
- }
- /* if we had a leading decimal point. */
- if ((i < number->number_size) && ('.' == number->number[i])) {
- i = 0;
- /* skip any leading '+'. */
- if ('+' == number->number[i]) {
- i++;
- }
- /* output the leading '-' if we had one. */
- if ('-' == number->number[i]) {
- *data++ = '-';
- i++;
- }
- /* insert a '0' to fix the leading decimal point for JSON output. */
- *data++ = '0';
- /* and output the rest of the number as normal. */
- for (; i < number->number_size; i++) {
- *data++ = number->number[i];
- }
- return data;
- }
- for (; i < number->number_size; i++) {
- const char c = number->number[i];
- if (!('0' <= c && c <= '9')) {
- break;
- }
- }
- /* if we had a trailing decimal point. */
- if ((i + 1 == number->number_size) && ('.' == number->number[i])) {
- i = 0;
- /* skip any leading '+'. */
- if ('+' == number->number[i]) {
- i++;
- }
- /* output the leading '-' if we had one. */
- if ('-' == number->number[i]) {
- *data++ = '-';
- i++;
- }
- /* and output the rest of the number as normal. */
- for (; i < number->number_size; i++) {
- *data++ = number->number[i];
- }
- /* insert a '0' to fix the trailing decimal point for JSON output. */
- *data++ = '0';
- return data;
- }
- i = 0;
- /* skip any leading '+'. */
- if ('+' == number->number[i]) {
- i++;
- }
- for (; i < number->number_size; i++) {
- *data++ = number->number[i];
- }
- return data;
-json_weak char *json_write_string(const struct json_string_s *string, char *data);
- char *json_write_string(const struct json_string_s *string, char *data) {
- size_t i;
- *data++ = '"'; /* open the string. */
- for (i = 0; i < string->string_size; i++) {
- switch (string->string[i]) {
- case '"':
- *data++ = '\\'; /* escape the control character. */
- *data++ = '"';
- break;
- case '\\':
- *data++ = '\\'; /* escape the control character. */
- *data++ = '\\';
- break;
- case '\b':
- *data++ = '\\'; /* escape the control character. */
- *data++ = 'b';
- break;
- case '\f':
- *data++ = '\\'; /* escape the control character. */
- *data++ = 'f';
- break;
- case '\n':
- *data++ = '\\'; /* escape the control character. */
- *data++ = 'n';
- break;
- case '\r':
- *data++ = '\\'; /* escape the control character. */
- *data++ = 'r';
- break;
- case '\t':
- *data++ = '\\'; /* escape the control character. */
- *data++ = 't';
- break;
- default:
- *data++ = string->string[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- *data++ = '"'; /* close the string. */
- return data;
-json_weak char *json_write_minified_array(const struct json_array_s *array,
- char *data);
-char *json_write_minified_array(const struct json_array_s *array,
- char *data) {
- struct json_array_element_s *element = json_null;
- *data++ = '['; /* open the array. */
- for (element = array->start; json_null != element; element = element->next) {
- if (element != array->start) {
- *data++ = ','; /* ','s seperate each element. */
- }
- data = json_write_minified_value(element->value, data);
- if (json_null == data) {
- /* value was malformed! */
- return json_null;
- }
- }
- *data++ = ']'; /* close the array. */
- return data;
-json_weak char *json_write_minified_object(const struct json_object_s *object,
- char *data);
- char *json_write_minified_object(const struct json_object_s *object,
- char *data) {
- struct json_object_element_s *element = json_null;
- *data++ = '{'; /* open the object. */
- for (element = object->start; json_null != element;
- element = element->next) {
- if (element != object->start) {
- *data++ = ','; /* ','s seperate each element. */
- }
- data = json_write_string(element->name, data);
- if (json_null == data) {
- /* string was malformed! */
- return json_null;
- }
- *data++ = ':'; /* ':'s seperate each name/value pair. */
- data = json_write_minified_value(element->value, data);
- if (json_null == data) {
- /* value was malformed! */
- return json_null;
- }
- }
- *data++ = '}'; /* close the object. */
- return data;
-json_weak char *json_write_minified_value(const struct json_value_s *value,
- char *data);
- char *json_write_minified_value(const struct json_value_s *value,
- char *data) {
- switch (value->type) {
- default:
- /* unknown value type found! */
- return json_null;
- case json_type_number:
- return json_write_number((struct json_number_s *)value->payload, data);
- case json_type_string:
- return json_write_string((struct json_string_s *)value->payload, data);
- case json_type_array:
- return json_write_minified_array((struct json_array_s *)value->payload,
- data);
- case json_type_object:
- return json_write_minified_object((struct json_object_s *)value->payload,
- data);
- case json_type_true:
- data[0] = 't';
- data[1] = 'r';
- data[2] = 'u';
- data[3] = 'e';
- return data + 4;
- case json_type_false:
- data[0] = 'f';
- data[1] = 'a';
- data[2] = 'l';
- data[3] = 's';
- data[4] = 'e';
- return data + 5;
- case json_type_null:
- data[0] = 'n';
- data[1] = 'u';
- data[2] = 'l';
- data[3] = 'l';
- return data + 4;
- }
-void *json_write_minified(const struct json_value_s *value, size_t *out_size) {
- size_t size = 0;
- char *data = json_null;
- char *data_end = json_null;
- if (json_null == value) {
- return json_null;
- }
- if (json_write_minified_get_value_size(value, &size)) {
- /* value was malformed! */
- return json_null;
- }
- size += 1; /* for the '\0' null terminating character. */
- data = (char *)malloc(size);
- if (json_null == data) {
- /* malloc failed! */
- return json_null;
- }
- data_end = json_write_minified_value(value, data);
- if (json_null == data_end) {
- /* bad chi occurred! */
- free(data);
- return json_null;
- }
- /* null terminated the string. */
- *data_end = '\0';
- if (json_null != out_size) {
- *out_size = size;
- }
- return data;
-json_weak int json_write_pretty_get_value_size(const struct json_value_s *value,
- size_t depth, size_t indent_size,
- size_t newline_size, size_t *size);
-json_weak int json_write_pretty_get_array_size(const struct json_array_s *array,
- size_t depth, size_t indent_size,
- size_t newline_size, size_t *size);
- int json_write_pretty_get_array_size(const struct json_array_s *array,
- size_t depth, size_t indent_size,
- size_t newline_size, size_t *size) {
- struct json_array_element_s *element;
- *size += 1; /* '['. */
- if (0 < array->length) {
- /* if we have any elements we need to add a newline after our '['. */
- *size += newline_size;
- *size += array->length - 1; /* ','s seperate each element. */
- for (element = array->start; json_null != element;
- element = element->next) {
- /* each element gets an indent. */
- *size += (depth + 1) * indent_size;
- if (json_write_pretty_get_value_size(element->value, depth + 1,
- indent_size, newline_size, size)) {
- /* value was malformed! */
- return 1;
- }
- /* each element gets a newline too. */
- *size += newline_size;
- }
- /* since we wrote out some elements, need to add a newline and indentation.
- */
- /* to the trailing ']'. */
- *size += depth * indent_size;
- }
- *size += 1; /* ']'. */
- return 0;
-json_weak int json_write_pretty_get_object_size(const struct json_object_s *object,
- size_t depth, size_t indent_size,
- size_t newline_size,
- size_t *size);
- int json_write_pretty_get_object_size(const struct json_object_s *object,
- size_t depth, size_t indent_size,
- size_t newline_size,
- size_t *size) {
- struct json_object_element_s *element;
- *size += 1; /* '{'. */
- if (0 < object->length) {
- *size += newline_size; /* need a newline next. */
- *size += object->length - 1; /* ','s seperate each element. */
- for (element = object->start; json_null != element;
- element = element->next) {
- /* each element gets an indent and newline. */
- *size += (depth + 1) * indent_size;
- *size += newline_size;
- if (json_write_get_string_size(element->name, size)) {
- /* string was malformed! */
- return 1;
- }
- *size += 3; /* seperate each name/value pair with " : ". */
- if (json_write_pretty_get_value_size(element->value, depth + 1,
- indent_size, newline_size, size)) {
- /* value was malformed! */
- return 1;
- }
- }
- *size += depth * indent_size;
- }
- *size += 1; /* '}'. */
- return 0;
-json_weak int json_write_pretty_get_value_size(const struct json_value_s *value,
- size_t depth, size_t indent_size,
- size_t newline_size, size_t *size);
- int json_write_pretty_get_value_size(const struct json_value_s *value,
- size_t depth, size_t indent_size,
- size_t newline_size, size_t *size) {
- switch (value->type) {
- default:
- /* unknown value type found! */
- return 1;
- case json_type_number:
- return json_write_get_number_size((struct json_number_s *)value->payload,
- size);
- case json_type_string:
- return json_write_get_string_size((struct json_string_s *)value->payload,
- size);
- case json_type_array:
- return json_write_pretty_get_array_size(
- (struct json_array_s *)value->payload, depth, indent_size, newline_size,
- size);
- case json_type_object:
- return json_write_pretty_get_object_size(
- (struct json_object_s *)value->payload, depth, indent_size,
- newline_size, size);
- case json_type_true:
- *size += 4; /* the string "true". */
- return 0;
- case json_type_false:
- *size += 5; /* the string "false". */
- return 0;
- case json_type_null:
- *size += 4; /* the string "null". */
- return 0;
- }
-json_weak char *json_write_pretty_value(const struct json_value_s *value,
- size_t depth, const char *indent,
- const char *newline, char *data);
-json_weak char *json_write_pretty_array(const struct json_array_s *array,
- size_t depth, const char *indent,
- const char *newline, char *data);
- char *json_write_pretty_array(const struct json_array_s *array,
- size_t depth, const char *indent,
- const char *newline, char *data) {
- size_t k, m;
- struct json_array_element_s *element;
- *data++ = '['; /* open the array. */
- if (0 < array->length) {
- for (k = 0; '\0' != newline[k]; k++) {
- *data++ = newline[k];
- }
- for (element = array->start; json_null != element;
- element = element->next) {
- if (element != array->start) {
- *data++ = ','; /* ','s seperate each element. */
- for (k = 0; '\0' != newline[k]; k++) {
- *data++ = newline[k];
- }
- }
- for (k = 0; k < depth + 1; k++) {
- for (m = 0; '\0' != indent[m]; m++) {
- *data++ = indent[m];
- }
- }
- data = json_write_pretty_value(element->value, depth + 1, indent, newline,
- data);
- if (json_null == data) {
- /* value was malformed! */
- return json_null;
- }
- }
- for (k = 0; '\0' != newline[k]; k++) {
- *data++ = newline[k];
- }
- for (k = 0; k < depth; k++) {
- for (m = 0; '\0' != indent[m]; m++) {
- *data++ = indent[m];
- }
- }
- }
- *data++ = ']'; /* close the array. */
- return data;
-json_weak char *json_write_pretty_object(const struct json_object_s *object,
- size_t depth, const char *indent,
- const char *newline, char *data);
- char *json_write_pretty_object(const struct json_object_s *object,
- size_t depth, const char *indent,
- const char *newline, char *data) {
- size_t k, m;
- struct json_object_element_s *element;
- *data++ = '{'; /* open the object. */
- if (0 < object->length) {
- for (k = 0; '\0' != newline[k]; k++) {
- *data++ = newline[k];
- }
- for (element = object->start; json_null != element;
- element = element->next) {
- if (element != object->start) {
- *data++ = ','; /* ','s seperate each element. */
- for (k = 0; '\0' != newline[k]; k++) {
- *data++ = newline[k];
- }
- }
- for (k = 0; k < depth + 1; k++) {
- for (m = 0; '\0' != indent[m]; m++) {
- *data++ = indent[m];
- }
- }
- data = json_write_string(element->name, data);
- if (json_null == data) {
- /* string was malformed! */
- return json_null;
- }
- /* " : "s seperate each name/value pair. */
- *data++ = ' ';
- *data++ = ':';
- *data++ = ' ';
- data = json_write_pretty_value(element->value, depth + 1, indent, newline,
- data);
- if (json_null == data) {
- /* value was malformed! */
- return json_null;
- }
- }
- for (k = 0; '\0' != newline[k]; k++) {
- *data++ = newline[k];
- }
- for (k = 0; k < depth; k++) {
- for (m = 0; '\0' != indent[m]; m++) {
- *data++ = indent[m];
- }
- }
- }
- *data++ = '}'; /* close the object. */
- return data;
-json_weak char *json_write_pretty_value(const struct json_value_s *value,
- size_t depth, const char *indent,
- const char *newline, char *data);
- char *json_write_pretty_value(const struct json_value_s *value,
- size_t depth, const char *indent,
- const char *newline, char *data) {
- switch (value->type) {
- default:
- /* unknown value type found! */
- return json_null;
- case json_type_number:
- return json_write_number((struct json_number_s *)value->payload, data);
- case json_type_string:
- return json_write_string((struct json_string_s *)value->payload, data);
- case json_type_array:
- return json_write_pretty_array((struct json_array_s *)value->payload, depth,
- indent, newline, data);
- case json_type_object:
- return json_write_pretty_object((struct json_object_s *)value->payload,
- depth, indent, newline, data);
- case json_type_true:
- data[0] = 't';
- data[1] = 'r';
- data[2] = 'u';
- data[3] = 'e';
- return data + 4;
- case json_type_false:
- data[0] = 'f';
- data[1] = 'a';
- data[2] = 'l';
- data[3] = 's';
- data[4] = 'e';
- return data + 5;
- case json_type_null:
- data[0] = 'n';
- data[1] = 'u';
- data[2] = 'l';
- data[3] = 'l';
- return data + 4;
- }
-void *json_write_pretty(const struct json_value_s *value, const char *indent,
- const char *newline, size_t *out_size) {
- size_t size = 0;
- size_t indent_size = 0;
- size_t newline_size = 0;
- char *data = json_null;
- char *data_end = json_null;
- if (json_null == value) {
- return json_null;
- }
- if (json_null == indent) {
- indent = " "; /* default to two spaces. */
- }
- if (json_null == newline) {
- newline = "\n"; /* default to linux newlines. */
- }
- while ('\0' != indent[indent_size]) {
- ++indent_size; /* skip non-null terminating characters. */
- }
- while ('\0' != newline[newline_size]) {
- ++newline_size; /* skip non-null terminating characters. */
- }
- if (json_write_pretty_get_value_size(value, 0, indent_size, newline_size,
- &size)) {
- /* value was malformed! */
- return json_null;
- }
- size += 1; /* for the '\0' null terminating character. */
- data = (char *)malloc(size);
- if (json_null == data) {
- /* malloc failed! */
- return json_null;
- }
- data_end = json_write_pretty_value(value, 0, indent, newline, data);
- if (json_null == data_end) {
- /* bad chi occurred! */
- free(data);
- return json_null;
- }
- /* null terminated the string. */
- *data_end = '\0';
- if (json_null != out_size) {
- *out_size = size;
- }
- return data;
-#if defined(__clang__)
-#pragma clang diagnostic pop
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-#pragma warning(pop)