path: root/src/html.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
36 hoursAdd option to not show error notificationHEADmasterdec05eba
2024-07-16Add fallback urls for rss (right now, fallback nyaa.si to nyaa.land)dec05eba
2024-06-09Set notify urgency to lowdec05eba
2024-04-26Change notify-send timeout to 3 secondsdec05eba
2024-04-22Add script to remove episodes finished watching with quickmediadec05eba
2022-08-09Fix old mangakakalot links, such as evil heartdec05eba
2022-04-05No warning if download_finished.sh doesn't existdec05eba
2022-04-05Execute $HOME/.config/automedia/download_finished.sh on download finisheddec05eba
2022-04-05add appname parameter for notify-sendMidov
2021-10-26Disallow empty name, . and .. for html/rss names and html chaptersdec05eba
2021-09-03Fix add html broken for mangadexdec05eba
2021-07-03Fix add command when in a directory with a plugin directorydec05eba
2021-06-17Do not show start after items in the downloaded listdec05eba
2021-06-15Add all items starting at start-after to the download list in the data json f...dec05eba
2021-04-26misc, dont show notification for too longdec05eba
2021-03-03Use cJSON instead of the existing json librarydec05eba
2020-09-27Fix multiple items using the same timestamp if updated at the same timedec05eba
2020-07-31Fix add html/rss not working if previous add failed and .in_progress still ex...dec05eba
2020-07-27Time of html items in json file should be the time of download finished, not ...dec05eba
2020-07-15Add download dir to html plugin download...dec05eba
2020-07-15Add torrent complete notificationdec05eba
2020-07-15Implement html sync, fix rss syncdec05eba
2020-07-15Implement rss syncdec05eba
2020-07-14Implement add_htmldec05eba