path: root/src/plugins/Youtube.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/Youtube.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/Youtube.cpp b/src/plugins/Youtube.cpp
index c82fdbe..3fd2a0f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/Youtube.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/Youtube.cpp
@@ -4,27 +4,6 @@
#include <string.h>
namespace QuickMedia {
- static bool begins_with(const char *str, const char *begin_with) {
- return strncmp(str, begin_with, strlen(begin_with)) == 0;
- }
- static bool contains(const char *str, const char *substr) {
- return strstr(str, substr);
- }
- static void iterate_suggestion_result(const Json::Value &value, BodyItems &result_items, int &iterate_count) {
- ++iterate_count;
- if(value.isArray()) {
- for(const Json::Value &child : value) {
- iterate_suggestion_result(child, result_items, iterate_count);
- }
- } else if(value.isString() && iterate_count > 2) {
- std::string title = value.asString();
- auto item = std::make_unique<BodyItem>(title);
- result_items.push_back(std::move(item));
- }
- }
static size_t find_end_of_json(const std::string &website_data, size_t data_start) {
int brace_count = 0;
char string_char = '\0';
@@ -58,105 +37,6 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
// TODO: Speed this up by using string.find instead of parsing html
SuggestionResult Youtube::update_search_suggestions(const std::string &text, BodyItems &result_items) {
- // Keep this for backup. This is using search suggestion the same way youtube does it, but the results
- // are not as good as doing an actual search.
- #if 0
- std::string url = "https://clients1.google.com/complete/search?client=youtube&hl=en&gs_rn=64&gs_ri=youtube&ds=yt&cp=7&gs_id=x&q=";
- url += url_param_encode(text);
- std::string server_response;
- if(download_to_string(url, server_response, {}, use_tor, true) != DownloadResult::OK)
- return SuggestionResult::NET_ERR;
- size_t json_start = server_response.find_first_of('(');
- if(json_start == std::string::npos)
- return SuggestionResult::ERR;
- ++json_start;
- size_t json_end = server_response.find_last_of(')');
- if(json_end == std::string::npos)
- return SuggestionResult::ERR;
- if(json_end == 0 || json_start >= json_end)
- return SuggestionResult::ERR;
- Json::Value json_root;
- Json::CharReaderBuilder json_builder;
- std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> json_reader(json_builder.newCharReader());
- std::string json_errors;
- if(!json_reader->parse(&server_response[json_start], &server_response[json_end], &json_root, &json_errors)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Youtube suggestions json error: %s\n", json_errors.c_str());
- return SuggestionResult::ERR;
- }
- int iterate_count = 0;
- iterate_suggestion_result(json_root, result_items, iterate_count);
- bool found_search_text = false;
- for(auto &item : result_items) {
- if(item->title == text) {
- found_search_text = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!found_search_text)
- result_items.insert(result_items.begin(), std::make_unique<BodyItem>(text));
- return SuggestionResult::OK;
- #elif 0
- std::string url = "https://youtube.com/results?search_query=";
- url += url_param_encode(text);
- std::string website_data;
- if(download_to_string(url, website_data, {}, use_tor, true) != DownloadResult::OK)
- return SuggestionResult::NET_ERR;
- struct ItemData {
- BodyItems *result_items;
- size_t index;
- };
- ItemData item_data = { &result_items, 0 };
- QuickMediaHtmlSearch html_search;
- int result = quickmedia_html_search_init(&html_search, website_data.c_str());
- if(result != 0)
- goto cleanup;
- result = quickmedia_html_find_nodes_xpath(&html_search, "//h3[class=\"yt-lockup-title\"]/a",
- [](QuickMediaHtmlNode *node, void *userdata) {
- auto *result_items = (BodyItems*)userdata;
- const char *href = quickmedia_html_node_get_attribute_value(node, "href");
- const char *title = quickmedia_html_node_get_attribute_value(node, "title");
- // Checking for watch?v helps skipping ads
- if(href && title && begins_with(href, "/watch?v=")) {
- auto item = std::make_unique<BodyItem>(strip(title));
- item->url = std::string("https://www.youtube.com") + href;
- result_items->push_back(std::move(item));
- }
- }, &result_items);
- if(result != 0)
- goto cleanup;
- result = quickmedia_html_find_nodes_xpath(&html_search, "//span[class=\"yt-thumb-simple\"]//img",
- [](QuickMediaHtmlNode *node, void *userdata) {
- ItemData *item_data = (ItemData*)userdata;
- if(item_data->index >= item_data->result_items->size())
- return;
- const char *src = quickmedia_html_node_get_attribute_value(node, "src");
- const char *data_thumb = quickmedia_html_node_get_attribute_value(node, "data-thumb");
- if(src && contains(src, "i.ytimg.com/")) {
- (*item_data->result_items)[item_data->index]->thumbnail_url = src;
- ++item_data->index;
- } else if(data_thumb && contains(data_thumb, "i.ytimg.com/")) {
- (*item_data->result_items)[item_data->index]->thumbnail_url = data_thumb;
- ++item_data->index;
- }
- }, &item_data);
- cleanup:
- quickmedia_html_search_deinit(&html_search);
- return result == 0 ? SuggestionResult::OK : SuggestionResult::ERR;
- #else
std::string url = "https://youtube.com/results?search_query=";
url += url_param_encode(text);
@@ -255,7 +135,6 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
return SuggestionResult::OK;
- #endif
static std::string get_playlist_id_from_url(const std::string &url) {
@@ -307,85 +186,6 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
// TODO: Make this faster by using string search instead of parsing html.
// TODO: If the result is a play
BodyItems Youtube::get_related_media(const std::string &url) {
- #if 0
- BodyItems result_items;
- struct ItemData {
- BodyItems &result_items;
- size_t index = 0;
- };
- ItemData item_data { result_items, 0 };
- std::string modified_url = remove_index_from_playlist_url(url);
- std::string playlist_id = get_playlist_id_from_url(modified_url);
- if(playlist_id == last_related_media_playlist_id) {
- result_items.reserve(last_playlist_data.size());
- for(auto &data : last_playlist_data) {
- result_items.push_back(std::make_unique<BodyItem>(*data));
- }
- return result_items;
- }
- std::string website_data;
- if(download_to_string(modified_url, website_data, {}, use_tor, false) != DownloadResult::OK)
- return result_items;
- QuickMediaHtmlSearch html_search;
- int result = quickmedia_html_search_init(&html_search, website_data.c_str());
- if(result != 0)
- goto cleanup;
- if(!playlist_id.empty()) {
- result = quickmedia_html_find_nodes_xpath(&html_search, "//a",
- [](QuickMediaHtmlNode *node, void *userdata) {
- auto *item_data = (ItemData*)userdata;
- const char *node_class = quickmedia_html_node_get_attribute_value(node, "class");
- const char *href = quickmedia_html_node_get_attribute_value(node, "href");
- if(node_class && href && contains(node_class, "playlist-video")) {
- auto item = std::make_unique<BodyItem>("");
- item->url = std::string("https://www.youtube.com") + remove_index_from_playlist_url(href);
- item_data->result_items.push_back(std::move(item));
- }
- }, &item_data);
- result = quickmedia_html_find_nodes_xpath(&html_search, "//li",
- [](QuickMediaHtmlNode *node, void *userdata) {
- auto *item_data = (ItemData*)userdata;
- if(item_data->index >= item_data->result_items.size())
- return;
- // TODO: Also add title for related media. This data is in @data-title
- const char *data_thumbnail_url = quickmedia_html_node_get_attribute_value(node, "data-thumbnail-url");
- if(data_thumbnail_url && contains(data_thumbnail_url, "ytimg.com")) {
- item_data->result_items[item_data->index]->thumbnail_url = data_thumbnail_url;
- ++item_data->index;
- }
- }, &item_data);
- }
- // We want non-playlist videos every when there is a playlist, since we want to play non-playlist videos after
- // playing all playlist videos
- result = quickmedia_html_find_nodes_xpath(&html_search, "//ul[class=\"video-list\"]//div[class=\"content-wrapper\"]/a",
- [](QuickMediaHtmlNode *node, void *userdata) {
- auto *item_data = (ItemData*)userdata;
- const char *href = quickmedia_html_node_get_attribute_value(node, "href");
- // TODO: Also add title for related media and thumbnail
- if(href && begins_with(href, "/watch?v=")) {
- auto item = std::make_unique<BodyItem>("");
- item->url = std::string("https://www.youtube.com") + href;
- item_data->result_items.push_back(std::move(item));
- }
- }, &item_data);
- cleanup:
- last_playlist_data.clear();
- last_playlist_data.reserve(result_items.size());
- for(auto &data : result_items) {
- last_playlist_data.push_back(std::make_unique<BodyItem>(*data));
- }
- last_related_media_playlist_id = playlist_id;
- quickmedia_html_search_deinit(&html_search);
- return result_items;
- #elif 1
BodyItems result_items;
std::string modified_url = remove_index_from_playlist_url(url);
@@ -471,6 +271,5 @@ namespace QuickMedia {
return result_items;
- #endif
} \ No newline at end of file