BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterFix possible freeze in video player when closing it, or it moving to the next...dec05eba6 days
AgeCommit messageAuthor
6 daysFix possible freeze in video player when closing it, or it moving to the next...HEADmasterdec05eba
2024-04-03Sponsorblock: add api_endpoint optiondec05eba
2024-04-03Autoskip youtube sponsorsdec05eba
2024-04-03Youtube: fallback to yt-dlp, add support for sponsorblock (as chapters)dec05eba
2024-03-31Fix youtube comments/replies sometimes missing after youtube updatedec05eba
2024-03-14File manager remove newline at the enddec05eba
2024-03-05Matrix: ctrl+v only copy file if clipboard text contains absolute filepathdec05eba
2024-03-05Fucking standard library c++ exceptiondec05eba
2024-02-18Dramacool: fix search thumbnails, fix video playback (fallback to other sourc...dec05eba