path: root/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/console_win.go
diff options
authorTulir Asokan <tulir@maunium.net>2019-01-11 23:28:47 +0200
committerTulir Asokan <tulir@maunium.net>2019-01-11 23:28:47 +0200
commit331597b9f8a7942cbcb233a328301e4d5bf94fb0 (patch)
tree5ec624585ebf66c63549a098acb6f7421f1193a7 /vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/console_win.go
parent2fc3378b717f40f37f3a188b68407887242d9c06 (diff)
Switch to Go modules and make other changes
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/console_win.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1036 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/console_win.go b/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/console_win.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a7507c2..0000000
--- a/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/console_win.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1036 +0,0 @@
-// +build windows
-// Copyright 2016 The TCell Authors
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the license at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package tcell
-import (
- "errors"
- "sync"
- "syscall"
- "unicode/utf16"
- "unsafe"
-type cScreen struct {
- in syscall.Handle
- out syscall.Handle
- cancelflag syscall.Handle
- scandone chan struct{}
- evch chan Event
- quit chan struct{}
- curx int
- cury int
- style Style
- clear bool
- fini bool
- w int
- h int
- oscreen consoleInfo
- ocursor cursorInfo
- oimode uint32
- oomode uint32
- cells CellBuffer
- colors map[Color]Color
- sync.Mutex
-var winLock sync.Mutex
-var winPalette = []Color{
- ColorBlack,
- ColorMaroon,
- ColorGreen,
- ColorNavy,
- ColorOlive,
- ColorPurple,
- ColorTeal,
- ColorSilver,
- ColorGray,
- ColorRed,
- ColorLime,
- ColorBlue,
- ColorYellow,
- ColorFuchsia,
- ColorAqua,
- ColorWhite,
-var winColors = map[Color]Color{
- ColorBlack: ColorBlack,
- ColorMaroon: ColorMaroon,
- ColorGreen: ColorGreen,
- ColorNavy: ColorNavy,
- ColorOlive: ColorOlive,
- ColorPurple: ColorPurple,
- ColorTeal: ColorTeal,
- ColorSilver: ColorSilver,
- ColorGray: ColorGray,
- ColorRed: ColorRed,
- ColorLime: ColorLime,
- ColorBlue: ColorBlue,
- ColorYellow: ColorYellow,
- ColorFuchsia: ColorFuchsia,
- ColorAqua: ColorAqua,
- ColorWhite: ColorWhite,
-var k32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll")
-// We have to bring in the kernel32.dll directly, so we can get access to some
-// system calls that the core Go API lacks.
-// Note that Windows appends some functions with W to indicate that wide
-// characters (Unicode) are in use. The documentation refers to them
-// without this suffix, as the resolution is made via preprocessor.
-var (
- procReadConsoleInput = k32.NewProc("ReadConsoleInputW")
- procWaitForMultipleObjects = k32.NewProc("WaitForMultipleObjects")
- procCreateEvent = k32.NewProc("CreateEventW")
- procSetEvent = k32.NewProc("SetEvent")
- procGetConsoleCursorInfo = k32.NewProc("GetConsoleCursorInfo")
- procSetConsoleCursorInfo = k32.NewProc("SetConsoleCursorInfo")
- procSetConsoleCursorPosition = k32.NewProc("SetConsoleCursorPosition")
- procSetConsoleMode = k32.NewProc("SetConsoleMode")
- procGetConsoleMode = k32.NewProc("GetConsoleMode")
- procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo = k32.NewProc("GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo")
- procFillConsoleOutputAttribute = k32.NewProc("FillConsoleOutputAttribute")
- procFillConsoleOutputCharacter = k32.NewProc("FillConsoleOutputCharacterW")
- procSetConsoleWindowInfo = k32.NewProc("SetConsoleWindowInfo")
- procSetConsoleScreenBufferSize = k32.NewProc("SetConsoleScreenBufferSize")
- procSetConsoleTextAttribute = k32.NewProc("SetConsoleTextAttribute")
- procSetConsoleTitle = k32.NewProc("SetConsoleTitleW")
-const (
- w32Infinite = ^uintptr(0)
- w32WaitObject0 = uintptr(0)
-// NewConsoleScreen returns a Screen for the Windows console associated
-// with the current process. The Screen makes use of the Windows Console
-// API to display content and read events.
-func NewConsoleScreen() (Screen, error) {
- return &cScreen{}, nil
-func (s *cScreen) Init() error {
- s.evch = make(chan Event, 10)
- s.quit = make(chan struct{})
- s.scandone = make(chan struct{})
- in, e := syscall.Open("CONIN$", syscall.O_RDWR, 0)
- if e != nil {
- return e
- }
- s.in = in
- out, e := syscall.Open("CONOUT$", syscall.O_RDWR, 0)
- if e != nil {
- syscall.Close(s.in)
- return e
- }
- s.out = out
- cf, _, e := procCreateEvent.Call(
- uintptr(0),
- uintptr(1),
- uintptr(0),
- uintptr(0))
- if cf == uintptr(0) {
- return e
- }
- s.cancelflag = syscall.Handle(cf)
- s.Lock()
- s.curx = -1
- s.cury = -1
- s.style = StyleDefault
- s.getCursorInfo(&s.ocursor)
- s.getConsoleInfo(&s.oscreen)
- s.getOutMode(&s.oomode)
- s.getInMode(&s.oimode)
- s.resize()
- s.fini = false
- s.setInMode(modeResizeEn)
- s.setOutMode(0)
- s.clearScreen(s.style)
- s.hideCursor()
- s.Unlock()
- go s.scanInput()
- return nil
-func (s *cScreen) CharacterSet() string {
- // We are always UTF-16LE on Windows
- return "UTF-16LE"
-func (s *cScreen) EnableMouse() {
- s.setInMode(modeResizeEn | modeMouseEn | modeExtndFlg)
-func (s *cScreen) DisableMouse() {
- s.setInMode(modeResizeEn)
-func (s *cScreen) SetTitle(title string) {
- procSetConsoleTitle.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(title))))
-func (s *cScreen) Fini() {
- s.Lock()
- s.style = StyleDefault
- s.curx = -1
- s.cury = -1
- s.fini = true
- s.Unlock()
- s.setCursorInfo(&s.ocursor)
- s.setInMode(s.oimode)
- s.setOutMode(s.oomode)
- s.setBufferSize(int(s.oscreen.size.x), int(s.oscreen.size.y))
- s.clearScreen(StyleDefault)
- s.setCursorPos(0, 0)
- procSetConsoleTextAttribute.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- uintptr(s.mapStyle(StyleDefault)))
- close(s.quit)
- procSetEvent.Call(uintptr(s.cancelflag))
- // Block until scanInput returns; this prevents a race condition on Win 8+
- // which causes syscall.Close to block until another keypress is read.
- <-s.scandone
- syscall.Close(s.in)
- syscall.Close(s.out)
-func (s *cScreen) PostEventWait(ev Event) {
- s.evch <- ev
-func (s *cScreen) PostEvent(ev Event) error {
- select {
- case s.evch <- ev:
- return nil
- default:
- return ErrEventQFull
- }
-func (s *cScreen) PollEvent() Event {
- select {
- case <-s.quit:
- return nil
- case ev := <-s.evch:
- return ev
- }
-type cursorInfo struct {
- size uint32
- visible uint32
-type coord struct {
- x int16
- y int16
-func (c coord) uintptr() uintptr {
- // little endian, put x first
- return uintptr(c.x) | (uintptr(c.y) << 16)
-type rect struct {
- left int16
- top int16
- right int16
- bottom int16
-func (s *cScreen) showCursor() {
- s.setCursorInfo(&cursorInfo{size: 100, visible: 1})
-func (s *cScreen) hideCursor() {
- s.setCursorInfo(&cursorInfo{size: 1, visible: 0})
-func (s *cScreen) ShowCursor(x, y int) {
- s.Lock()
- if !s.fini {
- s.curx = x
- s.cury = y
- }
- s.doCursor()
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *cScreen) doCursor() {
- x, y := s.curx, s.cury
- if x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= s.w || y >= s.h {
- s.setCursorPos(0, 0)
- s.hideCursor()
- } else {
- s.setCursorPos(x, y)
- s.showCursor()
- }
-func (s *cScreen) HideCursor() {
- s.ShowCursor(-1, -1)
-type charInfo struct {
- ch uint16
- attr uint16
-type inputRecord struct {
- typ uint16
- _ uint16
- data [16]byte
-const (
- keyEvent uint16 = 1
- mouseEvent uint16 = 2
- resizeEvent uint16 = 4
- menuEvent uint16 = 8 // don't use
- focusEvent uint16 = 16 // don't use
-type mouseRecord struct {
- x int16
- y int16
- btns uint32
- mod uint32
- flags uint32
-const (
- mouseDoubleClick uint32 = 0x2
- mouseHWheeled uint32 = 0x8
- mouseVWheeled uint32 = 0x4
- mouseMoved uint32 = 0x1
-type resizeRecord struct {
- x int16
- y int16
-type keyRecord struct {
- isdown int32
- repeat uint16
- kcode uint16
- scode uint16
- ch uint16
- mod uint32
-const (
- // Constants per Microsoft. We don't put the modifiers
- // here.
- vkCancel = 0x03
- vkBack = 0x08 // Backspace
- vkTab = 0x09
- vkClear = 0x0c
- vkReturn = 0x0d
- vkPause = 0x13
- vkEscape = 0x1b
- vkSpace = 0x20
- vkPrior = 0x21 // PgUp
- vkNext = 0x22 // PgDn
- vkEnd = 0x23
- vkHome = 0x24
- vkLeft = 0x25
- vkUp = 0x26
- vkRight = 0x27
- vkDown = 0x28
- vkPrint = 0x2a
- vkPrtScr = 0x2c
- vkInsert = 0x2d
- vkDelete = 0x2e
- vkHelp = 0x2f
- vkF1 = 0x70
- vkF2 = 0x71
- vkF3 = 0x72
- vkF4 = 0x73
- vkF5 = 0x74
- vkF6 = 0x75
- vkF7 = 0x76
- vkF8 = 0x77
- vkF9 = 0x78
- vkF10 = 0x79
- vkF11 = 0x7a
- vkF12 = 0x7b
- vkF13 = 0x7c
- vkF14 = 0x7d
- vkF15 = 0x7e
- vkF16 = 0x7f
- vkF17 = 0x80
- vkF18 = 0x81
- vkF19 = 0x82
- vkF20 = 0x83
- vkF21 = 0x84
- vkF22 = 0x85
- vkF23 = 0x86
- vkF24 = 0x87
-var vkKeys = map[uint16]Key{
- vkCancel: KeyCancel,
- vkBack: KeyBackspace,
- vkTab: KeyTab,
- vkClear: KeyClear,
- vkPause: KeyPause,
- vkPrint: KeyPrint,
- vkPrtScr: KeyPrint,
- vkPrior: KeyPgUp,
- vkNext: KeyPgDn,
- vkReturn: KeyEnter,
- vkEnd: KeyEnd,
- vkHome: KeyHome,
- vkLeft: KeyLeft,
- vkUp: KeyUp,
- vkRight: KeyRight,
- vkDown: KeyDown,
- vkInsert: KeyInsert,
- vkDelete: KeyDelete,
- vkHelp: KeyHelp,
- vkF1: KeyF1,
- vkF2: KeyF2,
- vkF3: KeyF3,
- vkF4: KeyF4,
- vkF5: KeyF5,
- vkF6: KeyF6,
- vkF7: KeyF7,
- vkF8: KeyF8,
- vkF9: KeyF9,
- vkF10: KeyF10,
- vkF11: KeyF11,
- vkF12: KeyF12,
- vkF13: KeyF13,
- vkF14: KeyF14,
- vkF15: KeyF15,
- vkF16: KeyF16,
- vkF17: KeyF17,
- vkF18: KeyF18,
- vkF19: KeyF19,
- vkF20: KeyF20,
- vkF21: KeyF21,
- vkF22: KeyF22,
- vkF23: KeyF23,
- vkF24: KeyF24,
-// NB: All Windows platforms are little endian. We assume this
-// never, ever change. The following code is endian safe. and does
-// not use unsafe pointers.
-func getu32(v []byte) uint32 {
- return uint32(v[0]) + (uint32(v[1]) << 8) + (uint32(v[2]) << 16) + (uint32(v[3]) << 24)
-func geti32(v []byte) int32 {
- return int32(getu32(v))
-func getu16(v []byte) uint16 {
- return uint16(v[0]) + (uint16(v[1]) << 8)
-func geti16(v []byte) int16 {
- return int16(getu16(v))
-// Convert windows dwControlKeyState to modifier mask
-func mod2mask(cks uint32) ModMask {
- mm := ModNone
- // Left or right control
- if (cks & (0x0008 | 0x0004)) != 0 {
- mm |= ModCtrl
- }
- // Left or right alt
- if (cks & (0x0002 | 0x0001)) != 0 {
- mm |= ModAlt
- }
- // Any shift
- if (cks & 0x0010) != 0 {
- mm |= ModShift
- }
- return mm
-func mrec2btns(mbtns, flags uint32) ButtonMask {
- btns := ButtonNone
- if mbtns&0x1 != 0 {
- btns |= Button1
- }
- if mbtns&0x2 != 0 {
- btns |= Button2
- }
- if mbtns&0x4 != 0 {
- btns |= Button3
- }
- if mbtns&0x8 != 0 {
- btns |= Button4
- }
- if mbtns&0x10 != 0 {
- btns |= Button5
- }
- if mbtns&0x20 != 0 {
- btns |= Button6
- }
- if mbtns&0x40 != 0 {
- btns |= Button7
- }
- if mbtns&0x80 != 0 {
- btns |= Button8
- }
- if flags&mouseVWheeled != 0 {
- if mbtns&0x80000000 == 0 {
- btns |= WheelUp
- } else {
- btns |= WheelDown
- }
- }
- if flags&mouseHWheeled != 0 {
- if mbtns&0x80000000 == 0 {
- btns |= WheelRight
- } else {
- btns |= WheelLeft
- }
- }
- return btns
-func (s *cScreen) getConsoleInput() error {
- // cancelFlag comes first as WaitForMultipleObjects returns the lowest index
- // in the event that both events are signalled.
- waitObjects := []syscall.Handle{s.cancelflag, s.in}
- // As arrays are contiguous in memory, a pointer to the first object is the
- // same as a pointer to the array itself.
- pWaitObjects := unsafe.Pointer(&waitObjects[0])
- rv, _, er := procWaitForMultipleObjects.Call(
- uintptr(len(waitObjects)),
- uintptr(pWaitObjects),
- uintptr(0),
- w32Infinite)
- // WaitForMultipleObjects returns WAIT_OBJECT_0 + the index.
- switch rv {
- case w32WaitObject0: // s.cancelFlag
- return errors.New("cancelled")
- case w32WaitObject0 + 1: // s.in
- rec := &inputRecord{}
- var nrec int32
- rv, _, er := procReadConsoleInput.Call(
- uintptr(s.in),
- uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rec)),
- uintptr(1),
- uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&nrec)))
- if rv == 0 {
- return er
- }
- if nrec != 1 {
- return nil
- }
- switch rec.typ {
- case keyEvent:
- krec := &keyRecord{}
- krec.isdown = geti32(rec.data[0:])
- krec.repeat = getu16(rec.data[4:])
- krec.kcode = getu16(rec.data[6:])
- krec.scode = getu16(rec.data[8:])
- krec.ch = getu16(rec.data[10:])
- krec.mod = getu32(rec.data[12:])
- if krec.isdown == 0 || krec.repeat < 1 {
- // its a key release event, ignore it
- return nil
- }
- if krec.ch != 0 {
- // synthesized key code
- for krec.repeat > 0 {
- // convert shift+tab to backtab
- if mod2mask(krec.mod) == ModShift && krec.ch == vkTab {
- s.PostEvent(NewEventKey(KeyBacktab, 0,
- ModNone))
- } else {
- s.PostEvent(NewEventKey(KeyRune, rune(krec.ch),
- mod2mask(krec.mod)))
- }
- krec.repeat--
- }
- return nil
- }
- key := KeyNUL // impossible on Windows
- ok := false
- if key, ok = vkKeys[krec.kcode]; !ok {
- return nil
- }
- for krec.repeat > 0 {
- s.PostEvent(NewEventKey(key, rune(krec.ch),
- mod2mask(krec.mod)))
- krec.repeat--
- }
- case mouseEvent:
- var mrec mouseRecord
- mrec.x = geti16(rec.data[0:])
- mrec.y = geti16(rec.data[2:])
- mrec.btns = getu32(rec.data[4:])
- mrec.mod = getu32(rec.data[8:])
- mrec.flags = getu32(rec.data[12:])
- btns := mrec2btns(mrec.btns, mrec.flags)
- // we ignore double click, events are delivered normally
- s.PostEvent(NewEventMouse(int(mrec.x), int(mrec.y), btns,
- mod2mask(mrec.mod)))
- case resizeEvent:
- var rrec resizeRecord
- rrec.x = geti16(rec.data[0:])
- rrec.y = geti16(rec.data[2:])
- s.PostEvent(NewEventResize(int(rrec.x), int(rrec.y)))
- default:
- }
- default:
- return er
- }
- return nil
-func (s *cScreen) scanInput() {
- for {
- if e := s.getConsoleInput(); e != nil {
- close(s.scandone)
- return
- }
- }
-// Windows console can display 8 characters, in either low or high intensity
-func (s *cScreen) Colors() int {
- return 16
-var vgaColors = map[Color]uint16{
- ColorBlack: 0,
- ColorMaroon: 0x4,
- ColorGreen: 0x2,
- ColorNavy: 0x1,
- ColorOlive: 0x6,
- ColorPurple: 0x5,
- ColorTeal: 0x3,
- ColorSilver: 0x7,
- ColorGrey: 0x8,
- ColorRed: 0xc,
- ColorLime: 0xa,
- ColorBlue: 0x9,
- ColorYellow: 0xe,
- ColorFuchsia: 0xd,
- ColorAqua: 0xb,
- ColorWhite: 0xf,
-// Windows uses RGB signals
-func mapColor2RGB(c Color) uint16 {
- winLock.Lock()
- if v, ok := winColors[c]; ok {
- c = v
- } else {
- v = FindColor(c, winPalette)
- winColors[c] = v
- c = v
- }
- winLock.Unlock()
- if vc, ok := vgaColors[c]; ok {
- return vc
- }
- return 0
-// Map a tcell style to Windows attributes
-func (s *cScreen) mapStyle(style Style) uint16 {
- f, b, a := style.Decompose()
- fa := s.oscreen.attrs & 0xf
- ba := (s.oscreen.attrs) >> 4 & 0xf
- if f != ColorDefault {
- fa = mapColor2RGB(f)
- }
- if b != ColorDefault {
- ba = mapColor2RGB(b)
- }
- var attr uint16
- // We simulate reverse by doing the color swap ourselves.
- // Apparently windows cannot really do this except in DBCS
- // views.
- if a&AttrReverse != 0 {
- attr = ba
- attr |= (fa << 4)
- } else {
- attr = fa
- attr |= (ba << 4)
- }
- if a&AttrBold != 0 {
- attr |= 0x8
- }
- if a&AttrDim != 0 {
- attr &^= 0x8
- }
- if a&AttrUnderline != 0 {
- // Best effort -- doesn't seem to work though.
- attr |= 0x8000
- }
- // Blink is unsupported
- return attr
-func (s *cScreen) SetCell(x, y int, style Style, ch ...rune) {
- if len(ch) > 0 {
- s.SetContent(x, y, ch[0], ch[1:], style)
- } else {
- s.SetContent(x, y, ' ', nil, style)
- }
-func (s *cScreen) SetContent(x, y int, mainc rune, combc []rune, style Style) {
- s.Lock()
- if !s.fini {
- s.cells.SetContent(x, y, mainc, combc, style)
- }
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *cScreen) GetContent(x, y int) (rune, []rune, Style, int) {
- s.Lock()
- mainc, combc, style, width := s.cells.GetContent(x, y)
- s.Unlock()
- return mainc, combc, style, width
-func (s *cScreen) writeString(x, y int, style Style, ch []uint16) {
- // we assume the caller has hidden the cursor
- if len(ch) == 0 {
- return
- }
- nw := uint32(len(ch))
- procSetConsoleTextAttribute.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- uintptr(s.mapStyle(style)))
- s.setCursorPos(x, y)
- syscall.WriteConsole(s.out, &ch[0], nw, &nw, nil)
-func (s *cScreen) draw() {
- // allocate a scratch line bit enough for no combining chars.
- // if you have combining characters, you may pay for extra allocs.
- if s.clear {
- s.clearScreen(s.style)
- s.clear = false
- s.cells.Invalidate()
- }
- buf := make([]uint16, 0, s.w)
- wcs := buf[:]
- lstyle := Style(-1) // invalid attribute
- lx, ly := -1, -1
- ra := make([]rune, 1)
- for y := 0; y < int(s.h); y++ {
- for x := 0; x < int(s.w); x++ {
- mainc, combc, style, width := s.cells.GetContent(x, y)
- dirty := s.cells.Dirty(x, y)
- if style == StyleDefault {
- style = s.style
- }
- if !dirty || style != lstyle {
- // write out any data queued thus far
- // because we are going to skip over some
- // cells, or because we need to change styles
- s.writeString(lx, ly, lstyle, wcs)
- wcs = buf[0:0]
- lstyle = Style(-1)
- if !dirty {
- continue
- }
- }
- if x > s.w-width {
- mainc = ' '
- combc = nil
- width = 1
- }
- if len(wcs) == 0 {
- lstyle = style
- lx = x
- ly = y
- }
- ra[0] = mainc
- wcs = append(wcs, utf16.Encode(ra)...)
- if len(combc) != 0 {
- wcs = append(wcs, utf16.Encode(combc)...)
- }
- s.cells.SetDirty(x, y, false)
- x += width - 1
- }
- s.writeString(lx, ly, lstyle, wcs)
- wcs = buf[0:0]
- lstyle = Style(-1)
- }
-func (s *cScreen) Show() {
- s.Lock()
- if !s.fini {
- s.hideCursor()
- s.resize()
- s.draw()
- s.doCursor()
- }
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *cScreen) Sync() {
- s.Lock()
- if !s.fini {
- s.cells.Invalidate()
- s.hideCursor()
- s.resize()
- s.draw()
- s.doCursor()
- }
- s.Unlock()
-type consoleInfo struct {
- size coord
- pos coord
- attrs uint16
- win rect
- maxsz coord
-func (s *cScreen) getConsoleInfo(info *consoleInfo) {
- procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(info)))
-func (s *cScreen) getCursorInfo(info *cursorInfo) {
- procGetConsoleCursorInfo.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(info)))
-func (s *cScreen) setCursorInfo(info *cursorInfo) {
- procSetConsoleCursorInfo.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(info)))
-func (s *cScreen) setCursorPos(x, y int) {
- procSetConsoleCursorPosition.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- coord{int16(x), int16(y)}.uintptr())
-func (s *cScreen) setBufferSize(x, y int) {
- procSetConsoleScreenBufferSize.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- coord{int16(x), int16(y)}.uintptr())
-func (s *cScreen) Size() (int, int) {
- s.Lock()
- w, h := s.w, s.h
- s.Unlock()
- return w, h
-func (s *cScreen) resize() {
- info := consoleInfo{}
- s.getConsoleInfo(&info)
- w := int((info.win.right - info.win.left) + 1)
- h := int((info.win.bottom - info.win.top) + 1)
- if s.w == w && s.h == h {
- return
- }
- s.cells.Resize(w, h)
- s.w = w
- s.h = h
- r := rect{0, 0, int16(w - 1), int16(h - 1)}
- procSetConsoleWindowInfo.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- uintptr(1),
- uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&r)))
- s.setBufferSize(w, h)
- s.PostEvent(NewEventResize(w, h))
-func (s *cScreen) Clear() {
- s.Fill(' ', s.style)
-func (s *cScreen) Fill(r rune, style Style) {
- s.Lock()
- if !s.fini {
- s.cells.Fill(r, style)
- s.clear = true
- }
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *cScreen) clearScreen(style Style) {
- pos := coord{0, 0}
- attr := s.mapStyle(style)
- x, y := s.w, s.h
- scratch := uint32(0)
- count := uint32(x * y)
- procFillConsoleOutputAttribute.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- uintptr(attr),
- uintptr(count),
- pos.uintptr(),
- uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&scratch)))
- procFillConsoleOutputCharacter.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- uintptr(' '),
- uintptr(count),
- pos.uintptr(),
- uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&scratch)))
-const (
- modeExtndFlg uint32 = 0x0080
- modeMouseEn uint32 = 0x0010
- modeResizeEn uint32 = 0x0008
- modeWrapEOL uint32 = 0x0002
- modeCooked uint32 = 0x0001
-func (s *cScreen) setInMode(mode uint32) error {
- rv, _, err := procSetConsoleMode.Call(
- uintptr(s.in),
- uintptr(mode))
- if rv == 0 {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-func (s *cScreen) setOutMode(mode uint32) error {
- rv, _, err := procSetConsoleMode.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- uintptr(mode))
- if rv == 0 {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-func (s *cScreen) getInMode(v *uint32) {
- procGetConsoleMode.Call(
- uintptr(s.in),
- uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v)))
-func (s *cScreen) getOutMode(v *uint32) {
- procGetConsoleMode.Call(
- uintptr(s.out),
- uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v)))
-func (s *cScreen) SetStyle(style Style) {
- s.Lock()
- s.style = style
- s.Unlock()
-// No fallback rune support, since we have Unicode. Yay!
-func (s *cScreen) RegisterRuneFallback(r rune, subst string) {
-func (s *cScreen) UnregisterRuneFallback(r rune) {
-func (s *cScreen) CanDisplay(r rune, checkFallbacks bool) bool {
- // We presume we can display anything -- we're Unicode.
- // (Sadly this not precisely true. Combinings are especially
- // poorly supported under Windows.)
- return true
-func (s *cScreen) HasMouse() bool {
- return true
-func (s *cScreen) Resize(int, int, int, int) {}
-func (s *cScreen) HasKey(k Key) bool {
- // Microsoft has codes for some keys, but they are unusual,
- // so we don't include them. We include all the typical
- // 101, 105 key layout keys.
- valid := map[Key]bool{
- KeyBackspace: true,
- KeyTab: true,
- KeyEscape: true,
- KeyPause: true,
- KeyPrint: true,
- KeyPgUp: true,
- KeyPgDn: true,
- KeyEnter: true,
- KeyEnd: true,
- KeyHome: true,
- KeyLeft: true,
- KeyUp: true,
- KeyRight: true,
- KeyDown: true,
- KeyInsert: true,
- KeyDelete: true,
- KeyF1: true,
- KeyF2: true,
- KeyF3: true,
- KeyF4: true,
- KeyF5: true,
- KeyF6: true,
- KeyF7: true,
- KeyF8: true,
- KeyF9: true,
- KeyF10: true,
- KeyF11: true,
- KeyF12: true,
- KeyRune: true,
- }
- return valid[k]