path: root/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/key.go
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authorTulir Asokan <tulir@maunium.net>2018-04-22 21:25:06 +0300
committerTulir Asokan <tulir@maunium.net>2018-04-22 21:25:51 +0300
commit64fa922ec013079f8f0c90fc9e93c56db3611d30 (patch)
tree7bb9b40f57b8368ef0f5eeccea02d80e54796927 /vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/key.go
parentbfb5f0dd457be326b1ae7638a64d2e79cbace371 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/key.go')
1 files changed, 508 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/key.go b/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/key.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e343dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/key.go
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The TCell Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the license at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package tcell
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+// EventKey represents a key press. Usually this is a key press followed
+// by a key release, but since terminal programs don't have a way to report
+// key release events, we usually get just one event. If a key is held down
+// then the terminal may synthesize repeated key presses at some predefined
+// rate. We have no control over that, nor visibility into it.
+// In some cases, we can have a modifier key, such as ModAlt, that can be
+// generated with a key press. (This usually is represented by having the
+// high bit set, or in some cases, by sending an ESC prior to the rune.)
+// If the value of Key() is KeyRune, then the actual key value will be
+// available with the Rune() method. This will be the case for most keys.
+// In most situations, the modifiers will not be set. For example, if the
+// rune is 'A', this will be reported without the ModShift bit set, since
+// really can't tell if the Shift key was pressed (it might have been CAPSLOCK,
+// or a terminal that only can send capitals, or keyboard with separate
+// capital letters from lower case letters).
+// Generally, terminal applications have far less visibility into keyboard
+// activity than graphical applications. Hence, they should avoid depending
+// overly much on availability of modifiers, or the availability of any
+// specific keys.
+type EventKey struct {
+ t time.Time
+ mod ModMask
+ key Key
+ ch rune
+// When returns the time when this Event was created, which should closely
+// match the time when the key was pressed.
+func (ev *EventKey) When() time.Time {
+ return ev.t
+// Rune returns the rune corresponding to the key press, if it makes sense.
+// The result is only defined if the value of Key() is KeyRune.
+func (ev *EventKey) Rune() rune {
+ return ev.ch
+// Key returns a virtual key code. We use this to identify specific key
+// codes, such as KeyEnter, etc. Most control and function keys are reported
+// with unique Key values. Normal alphanumeric and punctuation keys will
+// generally return KeyRune here; the specific key can be further decoded
+// using the Rune() function.
+func (ev *EventKey) Key() Key {
+ return ev.key
+// Modifiers returns the modifiers that were present with the key press. Note
+// that not all platforms and terminals support this equally well, and some
+// cases we will not not know for sure. Hence, applications should avoid
+// using this in most circumstances.
+func (ev *EventKey) Modifiers() ModMask {
+ return ev.mod
+// KeyNames holds the written names of special keys. Useful to echo back a key
+// name, or to look up a key from a string value.
+var KeyNames = map[Key]string{
+ KeyEnter: "Enter",
+ KeyBackspace: "Backspace",
+ KeyTab: "Tab",
+ KeyBacktab: "Backtab",
+ KeyEsc: "Esc",
+ KeyBackspace2: "Backspace2",
+ KeyDelete: "Delete",
+ KeyInsert: "Insert",
+ KeyUp: "Up",
+ KeyDown: "Down",
+ KeyLeft: "Left",
+ KeyRight: "Right",
+ KeyAltUp: "AltUp",
+ KeyAltDown: "AltDown",
+ KeyAltLeft: "AltLeft",
+ KeyAltRight: "AltRight",
+ KeyCtrlUp: "CtrlUp",
+ KeyCtrlDown: "CtrlDown",
+ KeyCtrlLeft: "CtrlLeft",
+ KeyCtrlRight: "CtrlRight",
+ KeyShiftUp: "ShiftUp",
+ KeyShiftDown: "ShiftDown",
+ KeyShiftLeft: "ShiftLeft",
+ KeyShiftRight: "ShiftRight",
+ KeyAltShiftUp: "AltShiftUp",
+ KeyAltShiftDown: "AltShiftDown",
+ KeyAltShiftLeft: "AltShiftLeft",
+ KeyAltShiftRight: "AltShiftRight",
+ KeyCtrlShiftUp: "CtrlShiftUp",
+ KeyCtrlShiftDown: "CtrlShiftDown",
+ KeyCtrlShiftLeft: "CtrlShiftLeft",
+ KeyCtrlShiftRight: "CtrlShiftRight",
+ KeyHome: "Home",
+ KeyEnd: "End",
+ KeyUpLeft: "UpLeft",
+ KeyUpRight: "UpRight",
+ KeyDownLeft: "DownLeft",
+ KeyDownRight: "DownRight",
+ KeyCenter: "Center",
+ KeyPgDn: "PgDn",
+ KeyPgUp: "PgUp",
+ KeyCtrlPgUp: "CtrlPgUp",
+ KeyCtrlPgDn: "CtrlPgDn",
+ KeyClear: "Clear",
+ KeyExit: "Exit",
+ KeyCancel: "Cancel",
+ KeyPause: "Pause",
+ KeyPrint: "Print",
+ KeyF1: "F1",
+ KeyF2: "F2",
+ KeyF3: "F3",
+ KeyF4: "F4",
+ KeyF5: "F5",
+ KeyF6: "F6",
+ KeyF7: "F7",
+ KeyF8: "F8",
+ KeyF9: "F9",
+ KeyF10: "F10",
+ KeyF11: "F11",
+ KeyF12: "F12",
+ KeyF13: "F13",
+ KeyF14: "F14",
+ KeyF15: "F15",
+ KeyF16: "F16",
+ KeyF17: "F17",
+ KeyF18: "F18",
+ KeyF19: "F19",
+ KeyF20: "F20",
+ KeyF21: "F21",
+ KeyF22: "F22",
+ KeyF23: "F23",
+ KeyF24: "F24",
+ KeyF25: "F25",
+ KeyF26: "F26",
+ KeyF27: "F27",
+ KeyF28: "F28",
+ KeyF29: "F29",
+ KeyF30: "F30",
+ KeyF31: "F31",
+ KeyF32: "F32",
+ KeyF33: "F33",
+ KeyF34: "F34",
+ KeyF35: "F35",
+ KeyF36: "F36",
+ KeyF37: "F37",
+ KeyF38: "F38",
+ KeyF39: "F39",
+ KeyF40: "F40",
+ KeyF41: "F41",
+ KeyF42: "F42",
+ KeyF43: "F43",
+ KeyF44: "F44",
+ KeyF45: "F45",
+ KeyF46: "F46",
+ KeyF47: "F47",
+ KeyF48: "F48",
+ KeyF49: "F49",
+ KeyF50: "F50",
+ KeyF51: "F51",
+ KeyF52: "F52",
+ KeyF53: "F53",
+ KeyF54: "F54",
+ KeyF55: "F55",
+ KeyF56: "F56",
+ KeyF57: "F57",
+ KeyF58: "F58",
+ KeyF59: "F59",
+ KeyF60: "F60",
+ KeyF61: "F61",
+ KeyF62: "F62",
+ KeyF63: "F63",
+ KeyF64: "F64",
+ KeyCtrlA: "Ctrl-A",
+ KeyCtrlB: "Ctrl-B",
+ KeyCtrlC: "Ctrl-C",
+ KeyCtrlD: "Ctrl-D",
+ KeyCtrlE: "Ctrl-E",
+ KeyCtrlF: "Ctrl-F",
+ KeyCtrlG: "Ctrl-G",
+ KeyCtrlJ: "Ctrl-J",
+ KeyCtrlK: "Ctrl-K",
+ KeyCtrlL: "Ctrl-L",
+ KeyCtrlN: "Ctrl-N",
+ KeyCtrlO: "Ctrl-O",
+ KeyCtrlP: "Ctrl-P",
+ KeyCtrlQ: "Ctrl-Q",
+ KeyCtrlR: "Ctrl-R",
+ KeyCtrlS: "Ctrl-S",
+ KeyCtrlT: "Ctrl-T",
+ KeyCtrlU: "Ctrl-U",
+ KeyCtrlV: "Ctrl-V",
+ KeyCtrlW: "Ctrl-W",
+ KeyCtrlX: "Ctrl-X",
+ KeyCtrlY: "Ctrl-Y",
+ KeyCtrlZ: "Ctrl-Z",
+ KeyCtrlSpace: "Ctrl-Space",
+ KeyCtrlUnderscore: "Ctrl-_",
+ KeyCtrlRightSq: "Ctrl-]",
+ KeyCtrlBackslash: "Ctrl-\\",
+ KeyCtrlCarat: "Ctrl-^",
+// Name returns a printable value or the key stroke. This can be used
+// when printing the event, for example.
+func (ev *EventKey) Name() string {
+ s := ""
+ m := []string{}
+ if ev.mod&ModShift != 0 {
+ m = append(m, "Shift")
+ }
+ if ev.mod&ModAlt != 0 {
+ m = append(m, "Alt")
+ }
+ if ev.mod&ModMeta != 0 {
+ m = append(m, "Meta")
+ }
+ if ev.mod&ModCtrl != 0 {
+ m = append(m, "Ctrl")
+ }
+ ok := false
+ if s, ok = KeyNames[ev.key]; !ok {
+ if ev.key == KeyRune {
+ s = "Rune[" + string(ev.ch) + "]"
+ } else {
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("Key[%d,%d]", ev.key, int(ev.ch))
+ }
+ }
+ if len(m) != 0 {
+ if ev.mod&ModCtrl != 0 && strings.HasPrefix(s, "Ctrl-") {
+ s = s[5:]
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s+%s", strings.Join(m, "+"), s)
+ }
+ return s
+// NewEventKey attempts to create a suitable event. It parses the various
+// ASCII control sequences if KeyRune is passed for Key, but if the caller
+// has more precise information it should set that specifically. Callers
+// that aren't sure about modifier state (most) should just pass ModNone.
+func NewEventKey(k Key, ch rune, mod ModMask) *EventKey {
+ if k == KeyRune && (ch < ' ' || ch == 0x7f) {
+ // Turn specials into proper key codes. This is for
+ // control characters and the DEL.
+ k = Key(ch)
+ if mod == ModNone && ch < ' ' {
+ switch Key(ch) {
+ case KeyBackspace, KeyTab, KeyEsc, KeyEnter:
+ // these keys are directly typeable without CTRL
+ default:
+ // most likely entered with a CTRL keypress
+ mod = ModCtrl
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return &EventKey{t: time.Now(), key: k, ch: ch, mod: mod}
+// ModMask is a mask of modifier keys. Note that it will not always be
+// possible to report modifier keys.
+type ModMask int16
+// These are the modifiers keys that can be sent either with a key press,
+// or a mouse event. Note that as of now, due to the confusion associated
+// with Meta, and the lack of support for it on many/most platforms, the
+// current implementations never use it. Instead, they use ModAlt, even for
+// events that could possibly have been distinguished from ModAlt.
+const (
+ ModShift ModMask = 1 << iota
+ ModCtrl
+ ModAlt
+ ModMeta
+ ModNone ModMask = 0
+// Key is a generic value for representing keys, and especially special
+// keys (function keys, cursor movement keys, etc.) For normal keys, like
+// ASCII letters, we use KeyRune, and then expect the application to
+// inspect the Rune() member of the EventKey.
+type Key int16
+// This is the list of named keys. KeyRune is special however, in that it is
+// a place holder key indicating that a printable character was sent. The
+// actual value of the rune will be transported in the Rune of the associated
+// EventKey.
+const (
+ KeyRune Key = iota + 256
+ KeyUp
+ KeyDown
+ KeyRight
+ KeyLeft
+ KeyUpLeft
+ KeyUpRight
+ KeyDownLeft
+ KeyDownRight
+ KeyAltUp
+ KeyAltDown
+ KeyAltLeft
+ KeyAltRight
+ KeyCtrlUp
+ KeyCtrlDown
+ KeyCtrlLeft
+ KeyCtrlRight
+ KeyShiftUp
+ KeyShiftDown
+ KeyShiftLeft
+ KeyShiftRight
+ KeyAltShiftUp
+ KeyAltShiftDown
+ KeyAltShiftLeft
+ KeyAltShiftRight
+ KeyCtrlShiftUp
+ KeyCtrlShiftDown
+ KeyCtrlShiftLeft
+ KeyCtrlShiftRight
+ KeyCenter
+ KeyPgUp
+ KeyPgDn
+ KeyCtrlPgUp
+ KeyCtrlPgDn
+ KeyHome
+ KeyEnd
+ KeyInsert
+ KeyDelete
+ KeyHelp
+ KeyExit
+ KeyClear
+ KeyCancel
+ KeyPrint
+ KeyPause
+ KeyBacktab
+ KeyF1
+ KeyF2
+ KeyF3
+ KeyF4
+ KeyF5
+ KeyF6
+ KeyF7
+ KeyF8
+ KeyF9
+ KeyF10
+ KeyF11
+ KeyF12
+ KeyF13
+ KeyF14
+ KeyF15
+ KeyF16
+ KeyF17
+ KeyF18
+ KeyF19
+ KeyF20
+ KeyF21
+ KeyF22
+ KeyF23
+ KeyF24
+ KeyF25
+ KeyF26
+ KeyF27
+ KeyF28
+ KeyF29
+ KeyF30
+ KeyF31
+ KeyF32
+ KeyF33
+ KeyF34
+ KeyF35
+ KeyF36
+ KeyF37
+ KeyF38
+ KeyF39
+ KeyF40
+ KeyF41
+ KeyF42
+ KeyF43
+ KeyF44
+ KeyF45
+ KeyF46
+ KeyF47
+ KeyF48
+ KeyF49
+ KeyF50
+ KeyF51
+ KeyF52
+ KeyF53
+ KeyF54
+ KeyF55
+ KeyF56
+ KeyF57
+ KeyF58
+ KeyF59
+ KeyF60
+ KeyF61
+ KeyF62
+ KeyF63
+ KeyF64
+// These are the control keys. Note that they overlap with other keys,
+// perhaps. For example, KeyCtrlH is the same as KeyBackspace.
+const (
+ KeyCtrlSpace Key = iota
+ KeyCtrlA
+ KeyCtrlB
+ KeyCtrlC
+ KeyCtrlD
+ KeyCtrlE
+ KeyCtrlF
+ KeyCtrlG
+ KeyCtrlH
+ KeyCtrlI
+ KeyCtrlJ
+ KeyCtrlK
+ KeyCtrlL
+ KeyCtrlM
+ KeyCtrlN
+ KeyCtrlO
+ KeyCtrlP
+ KeyCtrlQ
+ KeyCtrlR
+ KeyCtrlS
+ KeyCtrlT
+ KeyCtrlU
+ KeyCtrlV
+ KeyCtrlW
+ KeyCtrlX
+ KeyCtrlY
+ KeyCtrlZ
+ KeyCtrlLeftSq // Escape
+ KeyCtrlBackslash
+ KeyCtrlRightSq
+ KeyCtrlCarat
+ KeyCtrlUnderscore
+// Special values - these are fixed in an attempt to make it more likely
+// that aliases will encode the same way.
+// These are the defined ASCII values for key codes. They generally match
+// with KeyCtrl values.
+const (
+ KeyNUL Key = iota
+ KeySOH
+ KeySTX
+ KeyETX
+ KeyEOT
+ KeyENQ
+ KeyACK
+ KeyBEL
+ KeyBS
+ KeyTAB
+ KeyLF
+ KeyVT
+ KeyFF
+ KeyCR
+ KeySO
+ KeySI
+ KeyDLE
+ KeyDC1
+ KeyDC2
+ KeyDC3
+ KeyDC4
+ KeyNAK
+ KeySYN
+ KeyETB
+ KeyCAN
+ KeyEM
+ KeySUB
+ KeyESC
+ KeyFS
+ KeyGS
+ KeyRS
+ KeyUS
+ KeyDEL Key = 0x7F
+// These keys are aliases for other names.
+const (
+ KeyBackspace = KeyBS
+ KeyTab = KeyTAB
+ KeyEsc = KeyESC
+ KeyEscape = KeyESC
+ KeyEnter = KeyCR
+ KeyBackspace2 = KeyDEL