path: root/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/simulation.go
diff options
authorTulir Asokan <tulir@maunium.net>2019-01-11 23:28:47 +0200
committerTulir Asokan <tulir@maunium.net>2019-01-11 23:28:47 +0200
commit331597b9f8a7942cbcb233a328301e4d5bf94fb0 (patch)
tree5ec624585ebf66c63549a098acb6f7421f1193a7 /vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/simulation.go
parent2fc3378b717f40f37f3a188b68407887242d9c06 (diff)
Switch to Go modules and make other changes
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/simulation.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 510 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/simulation.go b/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/simulation.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 59f7e46..0000000
--- a/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/simulation.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The TCell Authors
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the license at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package tcell
-import (
- "sync"
- "unicode/utf8"
- "golang.org/x/text/transform"
-// NewSimulationScreen returns a SimulationScreen. Note that
-// SimulationScreen is also a Screen.
-func NewSimulationScreen(charset string) SimulationScreen {
- if charset == "" {
- charset = "UTF-8"
- }
- s := &simscreen{charset: charset}
- return s
-// SimulationScreen represents a screen simulation. This is intended to
-// be a superset of normal Screens, but also adds some important interfaces
-// for testing.
-type SimulationScreen interface {
- // InjectKeyBytes injects a stream of bytes corresponding to
- // the native encoding (see charset). It turns true if the entire
- // set of bytes were processed and delivered as KeyEvents, false
- // if any bytes were not fully understood. Any bytes that are not
- // fully converted are discarded.
- InjectKeyBytes(buf []byte) bool
- // InjectKey injects a key event. The rune is a UTF-8 rune, post
- // any translation.
- InjectKey(key Key, r rune, mod ModMask)
- // InjectMouse injects a mouse event.
- InjectMouse(x, y int, buttons ButtonMask, mod ModMask)
- // SetSize resizes the underlying physical screen. It also causes
- // a resize event to be injected during the next Show() or Sync().
- // A new physical contents array will be allocated (with data from
- // the old copied), so any prior value obtained with GetContents
- // won't be used anymore
- SetSize(width, height int)
- // GetContents returns screen contents as an array of
- // cells, along with the physical width & height. Note that the
- // physical contents will be used until the next time SetSize()
- // is called.
- GetContents() (cells []SimCell, width int, height int)
- // GetCursor returns the cursor details.
- GetCursor() (x int, y int, visible bool)
- Screen
-// SimCell represents a simulated screen cell. The purpose of this
-// is to track on screen content.
-type SimCell struct {
- // Bytes is the actual character bytes. Normally this is
- // rune data, but it could be be data in another encoding system.
- Bytes []byte
- // Style is the style used to display the data.
- Style Style
- // Runes is the list of runes, unadulterated, in UTF-8.
- Runes []rune
-type simscreen struct {
- physw int
- physh int
- fini bool
- style Style
- evch chan Event
- quit chan struct{}
- front []SimCell
- back CellBuffer
- clear bool
- cursorx int
- cursory int
- cursorvis bool
- mouse bool
- charset string
- encoder transform.Transformer
- decoder transform.Transformer
- fillchar rune
- fillstyle Style
- fallback map[rune]string
- sync.Mutex
-func (s *simscreen) Init() error {
- s.evch = make(chan Event, 10)
- s.quit = make(chan struct{})
- s.fillchar = 'X'
- s.fillstyle = StyleDefault
- s.mouse = false
- s.physw = 80
- s.physh = 25
- s.cursorx = -1
- s.cursory = -1
- s.style = StyleDefault
- if enc := GetEncoding(s.charset); enc != nil {
- s.encoder = enc.NewEncoder()
- s.decoder = enc.NewDecoder()
- } else {
- return ErrNoCharset
- }
- s.front = make([]SimCell, s.physw*s.physh)
- s.back.Resize(80, 25)
- // default fallbacks
- s.fallback = make(map[rune]string)
- for k, v := range RuneFallbacks {
- s.fallback[k] = v
- }
- return nil
-func (s *simscreen) Fini() {
- s.Lock()
- s.fini = true
- s.back.Resize(0, 0)
- s.Unlock()
- if s.quit != nil {
- close(s.quit)
- }
- s.physw = 0
- s.physh = 0
- s.front = nil
-func (s *simscreen) SetStyle(style Style) {
- s.Lock()
- s.style = style
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *simscreen) Clear() {
- s.Fill(' ', s.style)
-func (s *simscreen) Fill(r rune, style Style) {
- s.Lock()
- s.back.Fill(r, style)
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *simscreen) SetCell(x, y int, style Style, ch ...rune) {
- if len(ch) > 0 {
- s.SetContent(x, y, ch[0], ch[1:], style)
- } else {
- s.SetContent(x, y, ' ', nil, style)
- }
-func (s *simscreen) SetContent(x, y int, mainc rune, combc []rune, st Style) {
- s.Lock()
- s.back.SetContent(x, y, mainc, combc, st)
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *simscreen) GetContent(x, y int) (rune, []rune, Style, int) {
- var mainc rune
- var combc []rune
- var style Style
- var width int
- s.Lock()
- mainc, combc, style, width = s.back.GetContent(x, y)
- s.Unlock()
- return mainc, combc, style, width
-func (s *simscreen) drawCell(x, y int) int {
- mainc, combc, style, width := s.back.GetContent(x, y)
- if !s.back.Dirty(x, y) {
- return width
- }
- if x >= s.physw || y >= s.physh || x < 0 || y < 0 {
- return width
- }
- simc := &s.front[(y*s.physw)+x]
- if style == StyleDefault {
- style = s.style
- }
- simc.Style = style
- simc.Runes = append([]rune{mainc}, combc...)
- // now emit runes - taking care to not overrun width with a
- // wide character, and to ensure that we emit exactly one regular
- // character followed up by any residual combing characters
- simc.Bytes = nil
- if x > s.physw-width {
- simc.Runes = []rune{' '}
- simc.Bytes = []byte{' '}
- return width
- }
- lbuf := make([]byte, 12)
- ubuf := make([]byte, 12)
- nout := 0
- for _, r := range simc.Runes {
- l := utf8.EncodeRune(ubuf, r)
- nout, _, _ = s.encoder.Transform(lbuf, ubuf[:l], true)
- if nout == 0 || lbuf[0] == '\x1a' {
- // skip combining
- if subst, ok := s.fallback[r]; ok {
- simc.Bytes = append(simc.Bytes,
- []byte(subst)...)
- } else if r >= ' ' && r <= '~' {
- simc.Bytes = append(simc.Bytes, byte(r))
- } else if simc.Bytes == nil {
- simc.Bytes = append(simc.Bytes, '?')
- }
- } else {
- simc.Bytes = append(simc.Bytes, lbuf[:nout]...)
- }
- }
- s.back.SetDirty(x, y, false)
- return width
-func (s *simscreen) ShowCursor(x, y int) {
- s.Lock()
- s.cursorx, s.cursory = x, y
- s.showCursor()
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *simscreen) HideCursor() {
- s.ShowCursor(-1, -1)
-func (s *simscreen) showCursor() {
- x, y := s.cursorx, s.cursory
- if x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= s.physw || y >= s.physh {
- s.cursorvis = false
- } else {
- s.cursorvis = true
- }
-func (s *simscreen) hideCursor() {
- // does not update cursor position
- s.cursorvis = false
-func (s *simscreen) Show() {
- s.Lock()
- s.resize()
- s.draw()
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *simscreen) clearScreen() {
- // We emulate a hardware clear by filling with a specific pattern
- for i := range s.front {
- s.front[i].Style = s.fillstyle
- s.front[i].Runes = []rune{s.fillchar}
- s.front[i].Bytes = []byte{byte(s.fillchar)}
- }
- s.clear = false
-func (s *simscreen) draw() {
- s.hideCursor()
- if s.clear {
- s.clearScreen()
- }
- w, h := s.back.Size()
- for y := 0; y < h; y++ {
- for x := 0; x < w; x++ {
- width := s.drawCell(x, y)
- x += width - 1
- }
- }
- s.showCursor()
-func (s *simscreen) EnableMouse() {
- s.mouse = true
-func (s *simscreen) DisableMouse() {
- s.mouse = false
-func (s *simscreen) Size() (int, int) {
- s.Lock()
- w, h := s.back.Size()
- s.Unlock()
- return w, h
-func (s *simscreen) resize() {
- w, h := s.physw, s.physh
- ow, oh := s.back.Size()
- if w != ow || h != oh {
- s.back.Resize(w, h)
- ev := NewEventResize(w, h)
- s.PostEvent(ev)
- }
-func (s *simscreen) Colors() int {
- return 256
-func (s *simscreen) PollEvent() Event {
- select {
- case <-s.quit:
- return nil
- case ev := <-s.evch:
- return ev
- }
-func (s *simscreen) PostEventWait(ev Event) {
- s.evch <- ev
-func (s *simscreen) PostEvent(ev Event) error {
- select {
- case s.evch <- ev:
- return nil
- default:
- return ErrEventQFull
- }
-func (s *simscreen) InjectMouse(x, y int, buttons ButtonMask, mod ModMask) {
- ev := NewEventMouse(x, y, buttons, mod, false)
- s.PostEvent(ev)
-func (s *simscreen) InjectKey(key Key, r rune, mod ModMask) {
- ev := NewEventKey(key, r, mod)
- s.PostEvent(ev)
-func (s *simscreen) InjectKeyBytes(b []byte) bool {
- failed := false
- for len(b) > 0 {
- if b[0] >= ' ' && b[0] <= 0x7F {
- // printable ASCII easy to deal with -- no encodings
- ev := NewEventKey(KeyRune, rune(b[0]), ModNone)
- s.PostEvent(ev)
- b = b[1:]
- continue
- }
- if b[0] < 0x80 {
- mod := ModNone
- // No encodings start with low numbered values
- if Key(b[0]) >= KeyCtrlA && Key(b[0]) <= KeyCtrlZ {
- mod = ModCtrl
- }
- ev := NewEventKey(Key(b[0]), 0, mod)
- s.PostEvent(ev)
- continue
- }
- utfb := make([]byte, len(b)*4) // worst case
- for l := 1; l < len(b); l++ {
- s.decoder.Reset()
- nout, nin, _ := s.decoder.Transform(utfb, b[:l], true)
- if nout != 0 {
- r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(utfb[:nout])
- if r != utf8.RuneError {
- ev := NewEventKey(KeyRune, r, ModNone)
- s.PostEvent(ev)
- }
- b = b[nin:]
- continue outer
- }
- }
- failed = true
- b = b[1:]
- continue
- }
- return !failed
-func (s *simscreen) Sync() {
- s.Lock()
- s.clear = true
- s.resize()
- s.back.Invalidate()
- s.draw()
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *simscreen) CharacterSet() string {
- return s.charset
-func (s *simscreen) SetSize(w, h int) {
- s.Lock()
- newc := make([]SimCell, w*h)
- for row := 0; row < h && row < s.physh; row++ {
- for col := 0; col < w && col < s.physw; col++ {
- newc[(row*w)+col] = s.front[(row*s.physw)+col]
- }
- }
- s.cursorx, s.cursory = -1, -1
- s.physw, s.physh = w, h
- s.front = newc
- s.back.Resize(w, h)
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *simscreen) GetContents() ([]SimCell, int, int) {
- s.Lock()
- cells, w, h := s.front, s.physw, s.physh
- s.Unlock()
- return cells, w, h
-func (s *simscreen) GetCursor() (int, int, bool) {
- s.Lock()
- x, y, vis := s.cursorx, s.cursory, s.cursorvis
- s.Unlock()
- return x, y, vis
-func (s *simscreen) RegisterRuneFallback(r rune, subst string) {
- s.Lock()
- s.fallback[r] = subst
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *simscreen) UnregisterRuneFallback(r rune) {
- s.Lock()
- delete(s.fallback, r)
- s.Unlock()
-func (s *simscreen) CanDisplay(r rune, checkFallbacks bool) bool {
- if enc := s.encoder; enc != nil {
- nb := make([]byte, 6)
- ob := make([]byte, 6)
- num := utf8.EncodeRune(ob, r)
- enc.Reset()
- dst, _, err := enc.Transform(nb, ob[:num], true)
- if dst != 0 && err == nil && nb[0] != '\x1A' {
- return true
- }
- }
- if !checkFallbacks {
- return false
- }
- if _, ok := s.fallback[r]; ok {
- return true
- }
- return false
-func (s *simscreen) HasMouse() bool {
- return false
-func (s *simscreen) Resize(int, int, int, int) {}
-func (s *simscreen) HasKey(Key) bool {
- return true
-func (s *simscreen) SetTitle(title string) {}