path: root/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/terminfo/mkinfo.go
diff options
authorTulir Asokan <tulir@maunium.net>2018-04-22 21:25:06 +0300
committerTulir Asokan <tulir@maunium.net>2018-04-22 21:25:51 +0300
commit64fa922ec013079f8f0c90fc9e93c56db3611d30 (patch)
tree7bb9b40f57b8368ef0f5eeccea02d80e54796927 /vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/terminfo/mkinfo.go
parentbfb5f0dd457be326b1ae7638a64d2e79cbace371 (diff)
Switch to dep
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/terminfo/mkinfo.go')
1 files changed, 781 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/terminfo/mkinfo.go b/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/terminfo/mkinfo.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0040e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/terminfo/mkinfo.go
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+// +build ignore
+// Copyright 2017 The TCell Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the license at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// This command is used to generate suitable configuration files in either
+// go syntax or in JSON. It defaults to JSON output on stdout. If no
+// term values are specified on the command line, then $TERM is used.
+// Usage is like this:
+// mkinfo [-init] [-go file.go] [-json file.json] [-quiet] [-nofatal] [<term>...]
+// -gzip specifies output should be compressed (json only)
+// -go specifies Go output into the named file. Use - for stdout.
+// -json specifies JSON output in the named file. Use - for stdout
+// -nofatal indicates that errors loading definitions should not be fatal
+package main
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "compress/gzip"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "errors"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "maunium.net/go/tcell/terminfo"
+type termcap struct {
+ name string
+ desc string
+ aliases []string
+ bools map[string]bool
+ nums map[string]int
+ strs map[string]string
+func (tc *termcap) getnum(s string) int {
+ return (tc.nums[s])
+func (tc *termcap) getflag(s string) bool {
+ return (tc.bools[s])
+func (tc *termcap) getstr(s string) string {
+ return (tc.strs[s])
+const (
+ NONE = iota
+func unescape(s string) string {
+ // Various escapes are in \x format. Control codes are
+ // encoded as ^M (carat followed by ASCII equivalent).
+ // Escapes are: \e, \E - escape
+ // \0 NULL, \n \l \r \t \b \f \s for equivalent C escape.
+ buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ esc := NONE
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ c := s[i]
+ switch esc {
+ case NONE:
+ switch c {
+ case '\\':
+ esc = ESC
+ case '^':
+ esc = CTRL
+ default:
+ buf.WriteByte(c)
+ }
+ case CTRL:
+ buf.WriteByte(c - 0x40)
+ esc = NONE
+ case ESC:
+ switch c {
+ case 'E', 'e':
+ buf.WriteByte(0x1b)
+ case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
+ if i+2 < len(s) && s[i+1] >= '0' && s[i+1] <= '7' && s[i+2] >= '0' && s[i+2] <= '7' {
+ buf.WriteByte(((c - '0') * 64) + ((s[i+1] - '0') * 8) + (s[i+2] - '0'))
+ i = i + 2
+ } else if c == '0' {
+ buf.WriteByte(0)
+ }
+ case 'n':
+ buf.WriteByte('\n')
+ case 'r':
+ buf.WriteByte('\r')
+ case 't':
+ buf.WriteByte('\t')
+ case 'b':
+ buf.WriteByte('\b')
+ case 'f':
+ buf.WriteByte('\f')
+ case 's':
+ buf.WriteByte(' ')
+ case 'l':
+ panic("WTF: weird format: " + s)
+ default:
+ buf.WriteByte(c)
+ }
+ esc = NONE
+ }
+ }
+ return (buf.String())
+func (tc *termcap) setupterm(name string) error {
+ cmd := exec.Command("infocmp", "-1", name)
+ output := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ cmd.Stdout = output
+ tc.strs = make(map[string]string)
+ tc.bools = make(map[string]bool)
+ tc.nums = make(map[string]int)
+ err := cmd.Run()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Now parse the output.
+ // We get comment lines (starting with "#"), followed by
+ // a header line that looks like "<name>|<alias>|...|<desc>"
+ // then capabilities, one per line, starting with a tab and ending
+ // with a comma and newline.
+ lines := strings.Split(output.String(), "\n")
+ for len(lines) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(lines[0], "#") {
+ lines = lines[1:]
+ }
+ // Ditch trailing empty last line
+ if lines[len(lines)-1] == "" {
+ lines = lines[:len(lines)-1]
+ }
+ header := lines[0]
+ if strings.HasSuffix(header, ",") {
+ header = header[:len(header)-1]
+ }
+ names := strings.Split(header, "|")
+ tc.name = names[0]
+ names = names[1:]
+ if len(names) > 0 {
+ tc.desc = names[len(names)-1]
+ names = names[:len(names)-1]
+ }
+ tc.aliases = names
+ for _, val := range lines[1:] {
+ if (!strings.HasPrefix(val, "\t")) ||
+ (!strings.HasSuffix(val, ",")) {
+ return (errors.New("malformed infocmp: " + val))
+ }
+ val = val[1:]
+ val = val[:len(val)-1]
+ if k := strings.SplitN(val, "=", 2); len(k) == 2 {
+ tc.strs[k[0]] = unescape(k[1])
+ } else if k := strings.SplitN(val, "#", 2); len(k) == 2 {
+ if u, err := strconv.ParseUint(k[1], 10, 0); err != nil {
+ return (err)
+ } else {
+ tc.nums[k[0]] = int(u)
+ }
+ } else {
+ tc.bools[val] = true
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// This program is used to collect data from the system's terminfo library,
+// and write it into Go source code. That is, we maintain our terminfo
+// capabilities encoded in the program. It should never need to be run by
+// an end user, but developers can use this to add codes for additional
+// terminal types.
+// If a terminal name ending with -truecolor is given, and we cannot find
+// one, we will try to fabricate one from either the -256color (if present)
+// or the unadorned base name, adding the XTerm specific 24-bit color
+// escapes. We believe that all 24-bit capable terminals use the same
+// escape sequences, and terminfo has yet to evolve to support this.
+func getinfo(name string) (*terminfo.Terminfo, string, error) {
+ var tc termcap
+ addTrueColor := false
+ if err := tc.setupterm(name); err != nil {
+ if strings.HasSuffix(name, "-truecolor") {
+ base := name[:len(name)-len("-truecolor")]
+ // Probably -256color is closest to what we want
+ if err = tc.setupterm(base + "-256color"); err != nil {
+ err = tc.setupterm(base)
+ }
+ if err == nil {
+ addTrueColor = true
+ }
+ tc.name = name
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, "", err
+ }
+ }
+ t := &terminfo.Terminfo{}
+ // If this is an alias record, then just emit the alias
+ t.Name = tc.name
+ if t.Name != name {
+ return t, "", nil
+ }
+ t.Aliases = tc.aliases
+ t.Colors = tc.getnum("colors")
+ t.Columns = tc.getnum("cols")
+ t.Lines = tc.getnum("lines")
+ t.Bell = tc.getstr("bel")
+ t.Clear = tc.getstr("clear")
+ t.EnterCA = tc.getstr("smcup")
+ t.ExitCA = tc.getstr("rmcup")
+ t.ShowCursor = tc.getstr("cnorm")
+ t.HideCursor = tc.getstr("civis")
+ t.AttrOff = tc.getstr("sgr0")
+ t.Underline = tc.getstr("smul")
+ t.Bold = tc.getstr("bold")
+ t.Italic = tc.getstr("sitm")
+ if len(t.Italic) == 0 {
+ t.Italic = "\x1b[3m"
+ }
+ t.Strikethrough = "\x1b[9m"
+ t.Blink = tc.getstr("blink")
+ t.Dim = tc.getstr("dim")
+ t.Reverse = tc.getstr("rev")
+ t.EnterKeypad = tc.getstr("smkx")
+ t.ExitKeypad = tc.getstr("rmkx")
+ t.SetFg = tc.getstr("setaf")
+ t.SetBg = tc.getstr("setab")
+ t.SetCursor = tc.getstr("cup")
+ t.CursorBack1 = tc.getstr("cub1")
+ t.CursorUp1 = tc.getstr("cuu1")
+ t.KeyF1 = tc.getstr("kf1")
+ t.KeyF2 = tc.getstr("kf2")
+ t.KeyF3 = tc.getstr("kf3")
+ t.KeyF4 = tc.getstr("kf4")
+ t.KeyF5 = tc.getstr("kf5")
+ t.KeyF6 = tc.getstr("kf6")
+ t.KeyF7 = tc.getstr("kf7")
+ t.KeyF8 = tc.getstr("kf8")
+ t.KeyF9 = tc.getstr("kf9")
+ t.KeyF10 = tc.getstr("kf10")
+ t.KeyF11 = tc.getstr("kf11")
+ t.KeyF12 = tc.getstr("kf12")
+ t.KeyF13 = tc.getstr("kf13")
+ t.KeyF14 = tc.getstr("kf14")
+ t.KeyF15 = tc.getstr("kf15")
+ t.KeyF16 = tc.getstr("kf16")
+ t.KeyF17 = tc.getstr("kf17")
+ t.KeyF18 = tc.getstr("kf18")
+ t.KeyF19 = tc.getstr("kf19")
+ t.KeyF20 = tc.getstr("kf20")
+ t.KeyF21 = tc.getstr("kf21")
+ t.KeyF22 = tc.getstr("kf22")
+ t.KeyF23 = tc.getstr("kf23")
+ t.KeyF24 = tc.getstr("kf24")
+ t.KeyF25 = tc.getstr("kf25")
+ t.KeyF26 = tc.getstr("kf26")
+ t.KeyF27 = tc.getstr("kf27")
+ t.KeyF28 = tc.getstr("kf28")
+ t.KeyF29 = tc.getstr("kf29")
+ t.KeyF30 = tc.getstr("kf30")
+ t.KeyF31 = tc.getstr("kf31")
+ t.KeyF32 = tc.getstr("kf32")
+ t.KeyF33 = tc.getstr("kf33")
+ t.KeyF34 = tc.getstr("kf34")
+ t.KeyF35 = tc.getstr("kf35")
+ t.KeyF36 = tc.getstr("kf36")
+ t.KeyF37 = tc.getstr("kf37")
+ t.KeyF38 = tc.getstr("kf38")
+ t.KeyF39 = tc.getstr("kf39")
+ t.KeyF40 = tc.getstr("kf40")
+ t.KeyF41 = tc.getstr("kf41")
+ t.KeyF42 = tc.getstr("kf42")
+ t.KeyF43 = tc.getstr("kf43")
+ t.KeyF44 = tc.getstr("kf44")
+ t.KeyF45 = tc.getstr("kf45")
+ t.KeyF46 = tc.getstr("kf46")
+ t.KeyF47 = tc.getstr("kf47")
+ t.KeyF48 = tc.getstr("kf48")
+ t.KeyF49 = tc.getstr("kf49")
+ t.KeyF50 = tc.getstr("kf50")
+ t.KeyF51 = tc.getstr("kf51")
+ t.KeyF52 = tc.getstr("kf52")
+ t.KeyF53 = tc.getstr("kf53")
+ t.KeyF54 = tc.getstr("kf54")
+ t.KeyF55 = tc.getstr("kf55")
+ t.KeyF56 = tc.getstr("kf56")
+ t.KeyF57 = tc.getstr("kf57")
+ t.KeyF58 = tc.getstr("kf58")
+ t.KeyF59 = tc.getstr("kf59")
+ t.KeyF60 = tc.getstr("kf60")
+ t.KeyF61 = tc.getstr("kf61")
+ t.KeyF62 = tc.getstr("kf62")
+ t.KeyF63 = tc.getstr("kf63")
+ t.KeyF64 = tc.getstr("kf64")
+ t.KeyInsert = tc.getstr("kich1")
+ t.KeyDelete = tc.getstr("kdch1")
+ t.KeyBackspace = tc.getstr("kbs")
+ t.KeyHome = tc.getstr("khome")
+ t.KeyEnd = tc.getstr("kend")
+ t.KeyUp = tc.getstr("kcuu1")
+ t.KeyDown = tc.getstr("kcud1")
+ t.KeyRight = tc.getstr("kcuf1")
+ t.KeyLeft = tc.getstr("kcub1")
+ t.KeyPgDn = tc.getstr("knp")
+ t.KeyPgUp = tc.getstr("kpp")
+ t.KeyBacktab = tc.getstr("kcbt")
+ t.KeyExit = tc.getstr("kext")
+ t.KeyCancel = tc.getstr("kcan")
+ t.KeyPrint = tc.getstr("kprt")
+ t.KeyHelp = tc.getstr("khlp")
+ t.KeyClear = tc.getstr("kclr")
+ t.AltChars = tc.getstr("acsc")
+ t.EnterAcs = tc.getstr("smacs")
+ t.ExitAcs = tc.getstr("rmacs")
+ t.EnableAcs = tc.getstr("enacs")
+ t.Mouse = tc.getstr("kmous")
+ t.KeyShfRight = tc.getstr("kRIT")
+ t.KeyShfLeft = tc.getstr("kLFT")
+ t.KeyShfHome = tc.getstr("kHOM")
+ t.KeyShfEnd = tc.getstr("kEND")
+ // Terminfo lacks descriptions for a bunch of modified keys,
+ // but modern XTerm and emulators often have them. Let's add them,
+ // if the shifted right and left arrows are defined.
+ if t.KeyShfRight == "\x1b[1;2C" && t.KeyShfLeft == "\x1b[1;2D" {
+ t.KeyShfUp = "\x1b[1;2A"
+ t.KeyShfDown = "\x1b[1;2B"
+ t.KeyMetaUp = "\x1b[1;9A"
+ t.KeyMetaDown = "\x1b[1;9B"
+ t.KeyMetaRight = "\x1b[1;9C"
+ t.KeyMetaLeft = "\x1b[1;9D"
+ t.KeyAltUp = "\x1b[1;3A"
+ t.KeyAltDown = "\x1b[1;3B"
+ t.KeyAltRight = "\x1b[1;3C"
+ t.KeyAltLeft = "\x1b[1;3D"
+ t.KeyCtrlUp = "\x1b[1;5A"
+ t.KeyCtrlDown = "\x1b[1;5B"
+ t.KeyCtrlRight = "\x1b[1;5C"
+ t.KeyCtrlLeft = "\x1b[1;5D"
+ t.KeyAltShfUp = "\x1b[1;4A"
+ t.KeyAltShfDown = "\x1b[1;4B"
+ t.KeyAltShfRight = "\x1b[1;4C"
+ t.KeyAltShfLeft = "\x1b[1;4D"
+ t.KeyMetaShfUp = "\x1b[1;10A"
+ t.KeyMetaShfDown = "\x1b[1;10B"
+ t.KeyMetaShfRight = "\x1b[1;10C"
+ t.KeyMetaShfLeft = "\x1b[1;10D"
+ t.KeyCtrlShfUp = "\x1b[1;6A"
+ t.KeyCtrlShfDown = "\x1b[1;6B"
+ t.KeyCtrlShfRight = "\x1b[1;6C"
+ t.KeyCtrlShfLeft = "\x1b[1;6D"
+ }
+ // And also for Home and End
+ if t.KeyShfHome == "\x1b[1;2H" && t.KeyShfEnd == "\x1b[1;2F" {
+ t.KeyCtrlHome = "\x1b[1;5H"
+ t.KeyCtrlEnd = "\x1b[1;5F"
+ t.KeyAltHome = "\x1b[1;9H"
+ t.KeyAltEnd = "\x1b[1;9F"
+ t.KeyCtrlShfHome = "\x1b[1;6H"
+ t.KeyCtrlShfEnd = "\x1b[1;6F"
+ t.KeyAltShfHome = "\x1b[1;4H"
+ t.KeyAltShfEnd = "\x1b[1;4F"
+ t.KeyMetaShfHome = "\x1b[1;10H"
+ t.KeyMetaShfEnd = "\x1b[1;10F"
+ }
+ // And the same thing for rxvt and workalikes (Eterm, aterm, etc.)
+ // It seems that urxvt at least send ESC as ALT prefix for these,
+ // although some places seem to indicate a separate ALT key sesquence.
+ if t.KeyShfRight == "\x1b[c" && t.KeyShfLeft == "\x1b[d" {
+ t.KeyShfUp = "\x1b[a"
+ t.KeyShfDown = "\x1b[b"
+ t.KeyCtrlUp = "\x1b[Oa"
+ t.KeyCtrlDown = "\x1b[Ob"
+ t.KeyCtrlRight = "\x1b[Oc"
+ t.KeyCtrlLeft = "\x1b[Od"
+ }
+ if t.KeyShfHome == "\x1b[7$" && t.KeyShfEnd == "\x1b[8$" {
+ t.KeyCtrlHome = "\x1b[7^"
+ t.KeyCtrlEnd = "\x1b[8^"
+ }
+ // If the kmous entry is present, then we need to record the
+ // the codes to enter and exit mouse mode. Sadly, this is not
+ // part of the terminfo databases anywhere that I've found, but
+ // is an extension. The escape codes are documented in the XTerm
+ // manual, and all terminals that have kmous are expected to
+ // use these same codes, unless explicitly configured otherwise
+ // vi XM. Note that in any event, we only known how to parse either
+ // x11 or SGR mouse events -- if your terminal doesn't support one
+ // of these two forms, you maybe out of luck.
+ t.MouseMode = tc.getstr("XM")
+ if t.Mouse != "" && t.MouseMode == "" {
+ // we anticipate that all xterm mouse tracking compatible
+ // terminals understand mouse tracking (1000), but we hope
+ // that those that don't understand any-event tracking (1003)
+ // will at least ignore it. Likewise we hope that terminals
+ // that don't understand SGR reporting (1006) just ignore it.
+ t.MouseMode = "%?%p1%{1}%=%t%'h'%Pa%e%'l'%Pa%;" +
+ "\x1b[?1000%ga%c\x1b[?1002%ga%c\x1b[?1003%ga%c\x1b[?1006%ga%c"
+ }
+ // We only support colors in ANSI 8 or 256 color mode.
+ if t.Colors < 8 || t.SetFg == "" {
+ t.Colors = 0
+ }
+ if t.SetCursor == "" {
+ return nil, "", errors.New("terminal not cursor addressable")
+ }
+ // For padding, we lookup the pad char. If that isn't present,
+ // and npc is *not* set, then we assume a null byte.
+ t.PadChar = tc.getstr("pad")
+ if t.PadChar == "" {
+ if !tc.getflag("npc") {
+ t.PadChar = "\u0000"
+ }
+ }
+ // For some terminals we fabricate a -truecolor entry, that may
+ // not exist in terminfo.
+ if addTrueColor {
+ t.SetFgRGB = "\x1b[38;2;%p1%d;%p2%d;%p3%dm"
+ t.SetBgRGB = "\x1b[48;2;%p1%d;%p2%d;%p3%dm"
+ t.SetFgBgRGB = "\x1b[38;2;%p1%d;%p2%d;%p3%d;" +
+ "48;2;%p4%d;%p5%d;%p6%dm"
+ }
+ // For terminals that use "standard" SGR sequences, lets combine the
+ // foreground and background together.
+ if strings.HasPrefix(t.SetFg, "\x1b[") &&
+ strings.HasPrefix(t.SetBg, "\x1b[") &&
+ strings.HasSuffix(t.SetFg, "m") &&
+ strings.HasSuffix(t.SetBg, "m") {
+ fg := t.SetFg[:len(t.SetFg)-1]
+ r := regexp.MustCompile("%p1")
+ bg := r.ReplaceAllString(t.SetBg[2:], "%p2")
+ t.SetFgBg = fg + ";" + bg
+ }
+ return t, tc.desc, nil
+func dotGoAddInt(w io.Writer, n string, i int) {
+ if i == 0 {
+ // initialized to 0, ignore
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t\t%-13s %d,\n", n+":", i)
+func dotGoAddStr(w io.Writer, n string, s string) {
+ if s == "" {
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t\t%-13s %q,\n", n+":", s)
+func dotGoAddArr(w io.Writer, n string, a []string) {
+ if len(a) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t\t%-13s []string{", n+":")
+ did := false
+ for _, b := range a {
+ if did {
+ fmt.Fprint(w, ", ")
+ }
+ did = true
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q", b)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "},")
+func dotGoHeader(w io.Writer, packname string) {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "// Generated automatically. DO NOT HAND-EDIT.")
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "")
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "package %s\n", packname)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "")
+func dotGoTrailer(w io.Writer) {
+func dotGoInfo(w io.Writer, t *terminfo.Terminfo, desc string) {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "")
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "func init() {")
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t// %s\n", desc)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "\tAddTerminfo(&Terminfo{")
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "Name", t.Name)
+ dotGoAddArr(w, "Aliases", t.Aliases)
+ dotGoAddInt(w, "Columns", t.Columns)
+ dotGoAddInt(w, "Lines", t.Lines)
+ dotGoAddInt(w, "Colors", t.Colors)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "Bell", t.Bell)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "Clear", t.Clear)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "EnterCA", t.EnterCA)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "ExitCA", t.ExitCA)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "ShowCursor", t.ShowCursor)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "HideCursor", t.HideCursor)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "AttrOff", t.AttrOff)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "Underline", t.Underline)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "Bold", t.Bold)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "Italic", t.Italic)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "Strikethrough", "\x1b[9m")
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "Dim", t.Dim)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "Blink", t.Blink)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "Reverse", t.Reverse)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "EnterKeypad", t.EnterKeypad)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "ExitKeypad", t.ExitKeypad)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "SetFg", t.SetFg)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "SetBg", t.SetBg)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "SetFgBg", t.SetFgBg)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "PadChar", t.PadChar)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "AltChars", t.AltChars)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "EnterAcs", t.EnterAcs)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "ExitAcs", t.ExitAcs)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "EnableAcs", t.EnableAcs)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "SetFgRGB", t.SetFgRGB)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "SetBgRGB", t.SetBgRGB)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "SetFgBgRGB", t.SetFgBgRGB)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "Mouse", t.Mouse)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "MouseMode", t.MouseMode)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "SetCursor", t.SetCursor)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "CursorBack1", t.CursorBack1)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "CursorUp1", t.CursorUp1)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyUp", t.KeyUp)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyDown", t.KeyDown)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyRight", t.KeyRight)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyLeft", t.KeyLeft)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyInsert", t.KeyInsert)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyDelete", t.KeyDelete)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyBackspace", t.KeyBackspace)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyHome", t.KeyHome)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyEnd", t.KeyEnd)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyPgUp", t.KeyPgUp)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyPgDn", t.KeyPgDn)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF1", t.KeyF1)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF2", t.KeyF2)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF3", t.KeyF3)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF4", t.KeyF4)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF5", t.KeyF5)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF6", t.KeyF6)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF7", t.KeyF7)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF8", t.KeyF8)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF9", t.KeyF9)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF10", t.KeyF10)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF11", t.KeyF11)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF12", t.KeyF12)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF13", t.KeyF13)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF14", t.KeyF14)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF15", t.KeyF15)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF16", t.KeyF16)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF17", t.KeyF17)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF18", t.KeyF18)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF19", t.KeyF19)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF20", t.KeyF20)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF21", t.KeyF21)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF22", t.KeyF22)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF23", t.KeyF23)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF24", t.KeyF24)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF25", t.KeyF25)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF26", t.KeyF26)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF27", t.KeyF27)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF28", t.KeyF28)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF29", t.KeyF29)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF30", t.KeyF30)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF31", t.KeyF31)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF32", t.KeyF32)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF33", t.KeyF33)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF34", t.KeyF34)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF35", t.KeyF35)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF36", t.KeyF36)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF37", t.KeyF37)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF38", t.KeyF38)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF39", t.KeyF39)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF40", t.KeyF40)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF41", t.KeyF41)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF42", t.KeyF42)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF43", t.KeyF43)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF44", t.KeyF44)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF45", t.KeyF45)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF46", t.KeyF46)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF47", t.KeyF47)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF48", t.KeyF48)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF49", t.KeyF49)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF50", t.KeyF50)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF51", t.KeyF51)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF52", t.KeyF52)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF53", t.KeyF53)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF54", t.KeyF54)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF55", t.KeyF55)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF56", t.KeyF56)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF57", t.KeyF57)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF58", t.KeyF58)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF59", t.KeyF59)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF60", t.KeyF60)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF61", t.KeyF61)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF62", t.KeyF62)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF63", t.KeyF63)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyF64", t.KeyF64)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCancel", t.KeyCancel)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyPrint", t.KeyPrint)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyExit", t.KeyExit)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyHelp", t.KeyHelp)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyClear", t.KeyClear)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyBacktab", t.KeyBacktab)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyShfLeft", t.KeyShfLeft)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyShfRight", t.KeyShfRight)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyShfUp", t.KeyShfUp)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyShfDown", t.KeyShfDown)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlLeft", t.KeyCtrlLeft)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlRight", t.KeyCtrlRight)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlUp", t.KeyCtrlUp)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlDown", t.KeyCtrlDown)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaLeft", t.KeyMetaLeft)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaRight", t.KeyMetaRight)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaUp", t.KeyMetaUp)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaDown", t.KeyMetaDown)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltLeft", t.KeyAltLeft)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltRight", t.KeyAltRight)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltUp", t.KeyAltUp)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltDown", t.KeyAltDown)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltShfLeft", t.KeyAltShfLeft)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltShfRight", t.KeyAltShfRight)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltShfUp", t.KeyAltShfUp)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltShfDown", t.KeyAltShfDown)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaShfLeft", t.KeyMetaShfLeft)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaShfRight", t.KeyMetaShfRight)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaShfUp", t.KeyMetaShfUp)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaShfDown", t.KeyMetaShfDown)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlShfLeft", t.KeyCtrlShfLeft)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlShfRight", t.KeyCtrlShfRight)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlShfUp", t.KeyCtrlShfUp)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlShfDown", t.KeyCtrlShfDown)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyShfHome", t.KeyShfHome)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyShfEnd", t.KeyShfEnd)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlHome", t.KeyCtrlHome)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlEnd", t.KeyCtrlEnd)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaHome", t.KeyMetaHome)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaEnd", t.KeyMetaEnd)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltHome", t.KeyAltHome)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltEnd", t.KeyAltEnd)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlShfHome", t.KeyCtrlShfHome)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyCtrlShfEnd", t.KeyCtrlShfEnd)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaShfHome", t.KeyMetaShfHome)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyMetaShfEnd", t.KeyMetaShfEnd)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltShfHome", t.KeyAltShfHome)
+ dotGoAddStr(w, "KeyAltShfEnd", t.KeyAltShfEnd)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "\t})")
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "}")
+func main() {
+ gofile := ""
+ jsonfile := ""
+ packname := "terminfo"
+ nofatal := false
+ quiet := false
+ dogzip := false
+ flag.StringVar(&gofile, "go", "", "generate go source in named file")
+ flag.StringVar(&jsonfile, "json", "", "generate json in named file")
+ flag.StringVar(&packname, "P", packname, "package name (go source)")
+ flag.BoolVar(&nofatal, "nofatal", false, "errors are not fatal")
+ flag.BoolVar(&quiet, "quiet", false, "suppress error messages")
+ flag.BoolVar(&dogzip, "gzip", false, "compress json output")
+ flag.Parse()
+ var e error
+ js := []byte{}
+ args := flag.Args()
+ if len(args) == 0 {
+ args = []string{os.Getenv("TERM")}
+ }
+ tdata := make(map[string]*terminfo.Terminfo)
+ descs := make(map[string]string)
+ for _, term := range args {
+ if t, desc, e := getinfo(term); e != nil {
+ if !quiet {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,
+ "Failed loading %s: %v\n", term, e)
+ }
+ if !nofatal {
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ } else {
+ tdata[term] = t
+ descs[term] = desc
+ }
+ }
+ if len(tdata) == 0 {
+ // No data.
+ os.Exit(0)
+ }
+ if gofile != "" {
+ w := os.Stdout
+ if gofile != "-" {
+ if w, e = os.Create(gofile); e != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed: %v", e)
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ }
+ dotGoHeader(w, packname)
+ for term, t := range tdata {
+ if t.Name == term {
+ dotGoInfo(w, t, descs[term])
+ }
+ }
+ dotGoTrailer(w)
+ if w != os.Stdout {
+ w.Close()
+ }
+ } else {
+ o := os.Stdout
+ if jsonfile != "-" && jsonfile != "" {
+ if o, e = os.Create(jsonfile); e != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed: %v", e)
+ }
+ }
+ var w io.WriteCloser
+ w = o
+ if dogzip {
+ w = gzip.NewWriter(o)
+ }
+ for _, term := range args {
+ if t := tdata[term]; t != nil {
+ js, e = json.Marshal(t)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, string(js))
+ }
+ // arguably if there is more than one term, this
+ // should be a javascript array, but that's not how
+ // we load it. We marshal objects one at a time from
+ // the file.
+ }
+ if e != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed: %v", e)
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ w.Close()
+ if w != o {
+ o.Close()
+ }
+ }