path: root/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/tscreen_posix.go
diff options
authorTulir Asokan <tulir@maunium.net>2019-01-11 23:28:47 +0200
committerTulir Asokan <tulir@maunium.net>2019-01-11 23:28:47 +0200
commit331597b9f8a7942cbcb233a328301e4d5bf94fb0 (patch)
tree5ec624585ebf66c63549a098acb6f7421f1193a7 /vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/tscreen_posix.go
parent2fc3378b717f40f37f3a188b68407887242d9c06 (diff)
Switch to Go modules and make other changes
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/tscreen_posix.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/tscreen_posix.go b/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/tscreen_posix.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ff93f00..0000000
--- a/vendor/maunium.net/go/tcell/tscreen_posix.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-// +build solaris
-// Copyright 2017 The TCell Authors
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the license at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package tcell
-import (
- "os"
- "os/signal"
- "syscall"
-// #include <termios.h>
-// #include <sys/ioctl.h>
-// int getwinsize(int fd, int *cols, int *rows) {
-// #if defined TIOCGWINSZ
-// struct winsize w;
-// if (ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &w) < 0) {
-// return (-1);
-// }
-// *cols = w.ws_col;
-// *rows = w.ws_row;
-// return (0);
-// #else
-// return (-1);
-// #endif
-// }
-// int getbaud(struct termios *tios) {
-// switch (cfgetospeed(tios)) {
-// #ifdef B0
-// case B0: return (0);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B50
-// case B50: return (50);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B75
-// case B75: return (75);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B110
-// case B110: return (110);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B134
-// case B134: return (134);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B150
-// case B150: return (150);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B200
-// case B200: return (200);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B300
-// case B300: return (300);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B600
-// case B600: return (600);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B1200
-// case B1200: return (1200);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B1800
-// case B1800: return (1800);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B2400
-// case B2400: return (2400);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B4800
-// case B4800: return (4800);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B9600
-// case B9600: return (9600);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B19200
-// case B19200: return (19200);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B38400
-// case B38400: return (38400);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B57600
-// case B57600: return (57600);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B76800
-// case B76800: return (76800);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B115200
-// case B115200: return (115200);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B153600
-// case B153600: return (153600);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B230400
-// case B230400: return (230400);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B307200
-// case B307200: return (307200);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B460800
-// case B460800: return (460800);
-// #endif
-// #ifdef B921600
-// case B921600: return (921600);
-// #endif
-// }
-// return (0);
-// }
-import "C"
-type termiosPrivate struct {
- tios C.struct_termios
-func (t *tScreen) termioInit() error {
- var e error
- var rv C.int
- var newtios C.struct_termios
- var fd C.int
- if t.in, e = os.OpenFile("/dev/tty", os.O_RDONLY, 0); e != nil {
- goto failed
- }
- if t.out, e = os.OpenFile("/dev/tty", os.O_WRONLY, 0); e != nil {
- goto failed
- }
- t.tiosp = &termiosPrivate{}
- fd = C.int(t.out.(*os.File).Fd())
- if rv, e = C.tcgetattr(fd, &t.tiosp.tios); rv != 0 {
- goto failed
- }
- t.baud = int(C.getbaud(&t.tiosp.tios))
- newtios = t.tiosp.tios
- newtios.c_iflag &^= C.IGNBRK | C.BRKINT | C.PARMRK |
- newtios.c_oflag &^= C.OPOST
- newtios.c_lflag &^= C.ECHO | C.ECHONL | C.ICANON |
- newtios.c_cflag &^= C.CSIZE | C.PARENB
- newtios.c_cflag |= C.CS8
- // This is setup for blocking reads. In the past we attempted to
- // use non-blocking reads, but now a separate input loop and timer
- // copes with the problems we had on some systems (BSD/Darwin)
- // where close hung forever.
- newtios.Cc[syscall.VMIN] = 1
- newtios.Cc[syscall.VTIME] = 0
- if rv, e = C.tcsetattr(fd, C.TCSANOW|C.TCSAFLUSH, &newtios); rv != 0 {
- goto failed
- }
- signal.Notify(t.sigwinch, syscall.SIGWINCH)
- if w, h, e := t.getWinSize(); e == nil && w != 0 && h != 0 {
- t.cells.Resize(w, h)
- }
- return nil
- if t.in != nil {
- t.in.Close()
- }
- if t.out != nil {
- t.out.(*os.File).Close()
- }
- return e
-func (t *tScreen) termioFini() {
- signal.Stop(t.sigwinch)
- <-t.indoneq
- if t.out != nil {
- fd := C.int(t.out.(*os.File).Fd())
- C.tcsetattr(fd, C.TCSANOW|C.TCSAFLUSH, &t.tiosp.tios)
- t.out.(*os.File).Close()
- }
- if t.in != nil {
- t.in.Close()
- }
-func (t *tScreen) getWinSize() (int, int, error) {
- var cx, cy C.int
- if r, e := C.getwinsize(C.int(t.out.(*os.File).Fd()), &cx, &cy); r != 0 {
- return 0, 0, e
- }
- return int(cx), int(cy), nil