BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterWayland: only show ui after stupid fullscreen animation has stoppeddec05eba3 days
1.0.8commit 62d5daad90...dec05eba5 days
1.0.7commit e938241fe8...dec05eba5 days
1.0.6commit affa44e387...dec05eba2 weeks
1.0.5commit 0c6e2aff07...dec05eba2 weeks
1.0.4commit 2ddb9980e1...dec05eba3 weeks
1.0.3commit f526c175f6...dec05eba3 weeks
1.0.2commit 45e2da0ddc...dec05eba3 weeks
1.0.1commit 6dfa330997...dec05eba3 weeks
1.0.0commit a853a99c3d...dec05eba3 weeks
AgeCommit messageAuthor
3 daysWayland: only show ui after stupid fullscreen animation has stoppedHEADmasterdec05eba
3 daysMention minimum gpu-screen-recorder versiondec05eba
3 daysREADME flatpak issuedec05eba
3 daysFlatpak: fix xopendisplay not working for global hotkeydec05eba
5 days1.
5 daysX11: only grab mouse devices with xidec05eba
5 days1.
5 daysFix background not being transparent on sway when a wayland application is fo...dec05eba
5 daysInstall flatpak version of the systemd service if missing or remove it if not...dec05eba
6 daysMention flatpak and non-flatpak conflictdec05eba